Chapter 15: Helping hand

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P.O.V. Third

King sighed as he looked at Weiss looking at the bed in front of her. She then reached down picking up the sheet that was on her bed and looked at it. "Why are my sheets wet?" Weiss questioned as she held them up to investigate them. 

King smirked hearing this and looked at the female. "You don't remember last night?" King asked looking at the female. Weiss tensed up hearing this and looked at the male flustered her face now a much deeper shade of red. 

"D-did I, I-I mean d-did we-" Weiss began only for King to smile and cut her off. 

"No, I just spilled some water," King said smiling at the female. When he said this the female seemed angry and looked at him. King became nervous seeing this and looked at the female in front of him. 

"W-Weiss, I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean-" King began only for him to stop when he heard a ringing. Weiss then reached into her pocket and took out her scroll. When she did King saw Winter's name on the screen. 

Weiss then answered the call and held the device to her ear. "Hello," Weiss said as she looked at King. "I see . . . okay I'll be there to greet you as soon as I can," Weiss said as she ended the call and looked at King. 

"Winter's almost here," Weiss said looking at King. When she said this King sighed and looked at her. 

"Okay," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"What are you going to do while I'm gone?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"I planned on trying to help Ace," King said as he looked at Weiss. 

"I see," Weiss said as she looked at King. When she said this the white haired male nodded and watched as she walked out of the room. King waited a few minutes after she had left and then stood up from the bed he was on. 

King then walked over to the door that lead out of their dorm and opened it. When he did he saw Weiss standing in front of the door slightly flustered while trying not to look it. "Don't tell anyone I did this," Weiss said as leaned forwards and quickly kissed King's cheek. "Good luck," Weiss whispered into his ear as she began to walk away her face now several shades darker. 

King raised his hand to touch the place Weiss had kissed and smiled as he began to walk down the halls. King then walked up to Ace's dorm and was about to knock on the door however before he could the door opened and King saw Ace on the other side. 

"Oh you're here," Ace said a little surprised as he looked at King. "Good, I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up," Ace said looking at the male in front of him. 

"Of course I was, I made a promise and I always keep my promises," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ace nodded hearing this and Ace began to walk down the halls. 

"Please follow me," Ace said looking at the male. King nodded hearing this and began to follow Ace. "The reason I asked for your help is because I've heard that my sister has been spotted around a certain building on the north side of Vale," Ace said looking at the male in front of him. 

"Okay, and you need my help because . . ." King began a little confused as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"This building has a large number of White Fang members leaving and entering the base on a daily basis. I'm worried that she's gotten mixed in with them or that she might possibly be in trouble," Ace said as he looked at King. When he did the male nodded in understanding and the two continued down the hall. 

The two then walked out of Beacon and towards the direction that Ace had been told the building was in. Ace then stopped seeing a certain building and reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture. When he did he smiled seeing the that the two were the same building and turned towards King. 

"Get ready, there's probably some White Fang inside," Ace said as he readied his two miniature scythes. King nodded hearing this and readied his large scythe and the two walked towards the building and when they opened the door several figures all wearing White Fang masks turned to look at them however there was no sign of Emerald. 

The figures then began to run towards the two and they began to fight off the figures in front of them. As they did Ace and King both looked around for a figure that had green hair or red eyes. Either one of these features would have got the two to slow done and even stop if they had both.

However not seeing any of the features on any of them the two didn't slow down on their attacks. After the room had been completely clear King looked at Ace. "Sorry that she wasn't here," King said as he looked at the male. 

"It's fine, it was just a rumor anyway," Ace said as he stood up and reached into his pocket and began to call the police. "Hello Vale police? Yes we have several White Fang Members here that are ready to be apprehended," Ace said as King reached into his pocket and pulled out a long strand of wire and began to tie the members up. 

"You had that on you?" Ace asked looking at the male in front of him. As soon as he said this a voice on the other side of his scroll. "No, no, no, no, not you. I was talking to someone else," Ace said trying to sound convincing. However as soon as he did King noticed something and hit Ace lightly to gain his attention. 

When he did Ace looked at him and King pointed towards the wall. When he did Ace saw a large dresser and looked back at King. "What about it?" Ace asked looking at the male in front of him. 

"You saw me fight when I was little right?" King asked as he stood up and made his way towards the large dresser. Before Ace could answer King took his scythe and cut the dresser in half revealing a large staircase. 

"How'd you know?" Ace asked looking at King. 

"After almost losing someone you care about you tend to pick up on things quickly," King said as he looked at Ace. Knowing what he meant Ace nodded and the two began to walk down the stairs in front of them. 

When they reached the bottom they once again saw several figures in front of him and King sighed. "Can you hold them off for a few minutes? I need to make a call," King said as he reached into his pocket. When he did Ace nodded and stepped forward with his scythes in hand.

P.O.V. Weiss

I sighed as I looked at my sister, it had been a while since I had last seen her. "So you are coming to the upcoming tournament right?" I asked looking at her. When I asked this she sighed and looked at me.

"I can try but I can't make any promises. I can however assure you I will be here for the dances petals event," She said looking at me. I was admittedly disappointed to hear this but didn't want to worry her so I smiled. I then heard my scroll ring and looked at it to see King's face on the screen. 

I then looked up at Winter seeing this and she sighed. "Speaking of King how's your relationship? Did you get over that silly crush of your or are you still hopelessly lost without him?" Winter asked looking at me. I felt my face heat up slightly hearing this and looked at her a little upset. 

When I did she smiled and looked at me. "Calm down Weiss I'm only teasing you," Winter said as she looked at me. "But in all seriousness how is your relationship with him?" Winter asked looking at me. I realized that she wasn't going to let the issue go and reached for my scroll. 

"Nothing worth talking about," I said as I answered the scroll and held it up to my ear. "Hello King," I said awaiting a response from him. 

"Hey Weiss, I was calling to let you know that I'll be home a bit later than I expected," I heard King's voice say. 

"What? Why?" I asked slightly confused.

"Remember when I said I was going to help Ace. Well let's just say we ran into some complications," I once again heard King say. 

"What kind of complications?" I asked looking into the scroll. 

"The White Fang kind," King said as I heard a few gunshots. 

"What? Are you okay? Do you need my help?" I asked a bit concerned about the male. 

"No I should be fine, they're just grunts nothing I can't handle," King said confidently bringing me some easy. 

"W-well be careful okay," I said into the scroll a bit nervous noticing that Winter was looking at me with a playful smirk. 

"Of course! If I wasn't then I'd never get to see you again," King said cheerfully making me somewhat uneasy. I'm glad that he still has his playful side but I wish he'd take things a little more seriously. 

"KING STOP TALKING TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND HELP ME!" I heard a new voice say in the background and I sighed slightly. I also felt my face heat up slightly embarrassed. Do people really already know that we're together?

"Well, I need to go. I hope you're enjoying your day with Winter. Bye, I love you," King said as he ended the call and looked up at Winter. I stared at her a little nervous waiting for her to say something.

"Nothing worth talking about huh?" Winter asked with a playful smirk. 

P.O.V. Third

King the put his scroll away and jumped forward with his scythe. As he did he noticed a female on the far end of the room preparing herself. Seems like luck was on their side it was the one person that they had come here to try and find. 

"Ace look," King said as he pointed with his scythe. When he did Ace's face lit up seeing his sister. While he admittedly had been around for most of her life now there was no denying that was Emerald for him. To him she looked just like the little sister he had almost died to protect. 

"Emerald it's you," Ace said excitedly as he continued to fight the figures around him. When he said this Emerald turned her attention to the two that were on the far end of the room. Recognizing the two of them Emerald stepped back. 

She thought that maybe she might have been able to fight Ace. Yet at the same time how could she, this was her brother. Someone that still loved dearly, and as for King she wasn't about to fight him. She knew there had to be a reason that Salem was afraid of him.

"Emerald, it's me Ace. Your big brother, you remember me right?" Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him. As soon as he said this Emerald turned around and began to run away. Ace's smile faded seeing this and he began to move faster in an attempt to catch up to her. 

"Emerald!" Ace called out as he looked at the female in front of her. "EMERALD PLEASE!" Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him almost on the verge of tears. "EMERALD DON'T GO I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN!" Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him.  

Hearing this Emerald flinched and stopped looking at the door she was at and turned to look at the male. She had missed him for so long, and she still missed him. Yet with Cinder and everyone else here she couldn't go with him. She was to ashamed of what she had done after they got separated to face him now. 

Emerald then opened the door and walked out of the building slamming the door shut behind her. When she did Emerald put her back to the wall and began to cry. She wanted to go with him, to tell her how much she had missed him and what she had done. 

Yet at the same time she knew she couldn't. She owed almost everything to Cinder and without her it's possible that her plans might not come to be at all. Not to mention that she didn't think Cinder would be forgiving if she left her. She may even turn her attention towards Ace and the others if she found out she left. 

Knowing that she did have much time left Emerald stood up wiped her tears and began to run down the streets. A few minutes after she left the door that she had been by flung open and Ace looked around the now empty alleyway. "EMERALD!" Ace said as he looked around hoping to see the female. 

When he did he sighed in disappointment seeing no one and turned to King who was now binding the figures hands and feet together. "Any luck?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. Ace shook his head hearing this and walked next to King. 

When he did King looked at him a little surprised. "You know I'm a little surprised how well you're handling this. I'd figured you'd start yelling at me, blaming me for us not being able to capture her because I was on my scroll," King said as he looked at the male next to him. 

Ace shook his head hearing this and looked at King. "No that wouldn't get us anywhere. Not to mention that if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have known she was still alive in the first place. Emerald may be involved with the White Fang now for whatever reason but I still trust her judgement. I'm sure she had a good reason for running away," Ace said as he began to help King bind the figures up. 

The two then walked up the small set of stairs and saw several police in the building. "Are you two the ones that called?" One of the males asked looking at the two in front of him. Ace nodded when he asked this and the male began to walk towards them. "Good work," He said looking at the two. 

King nodded hearing this and Ace gave a halfhearted smile. The two then walked out of the building and Ace turned to look at King. "Thanks for the help," Ace said in a saddened tone as he looked at King. 

"Anytime," King said looking at the male in front of him. 

"I imagine I sound ungrateful. If so then sorry because nothing could be further from the truth. I just . . . I need to think," Ace said as he began to walk away. King watched him walk away hearing this sticking his hands in his pocket as he did so. 

It was clear that he was upset and that at the moment he didn't want to talk to anyone. So at the moment King thought he could respect his wishes and began to walk in a different direction than Ace had. Instead choosing to walk back towards Beacon. 

He could only imagine how crushed Ace must have been by what just happened. To want something for so long and coming so close only to have it slip through your fingers. It must have been devastating experience to see something like that unfold. So at the moment King thought that Ace really did just need some time to think. 

It would help him sort out his feelings as well as what he wanted to do if he met the female again. 

P.O.V. Ace

I sighed as I looked at the sea in front of me. She was right there, she was only five feet away from me and I let her get away. Why'd she run? She looked like she was going to fight until she found out it was me and King and so why did she run? 

Is she afraid of King that much? No, I doubt she's ever seen King fight apart from that one time when we were kids and I doubt she'd recognize him that quickly. Which meant she left when she saw me. Why? Does she not want to see me? 

I then sat down on the edge of the dock and began to look out at the sea. "Even when I called out to her it didn't look like she stopped. As if she was trying to get away from me. Did I do something to upset her? I wonder what it was and if I could do something to make it up to her?" I said aloud to himself as I continued to look at the sea. 

I know it's not much but at times looking at a lake or any large body of water for whatever reason has such a soothing effect. I kept replaying the same scene over and over in my head and kept asking myself the same question. Why? 

P.O.V. Third

Ace then heard some footsteps behind him and turned to see King looking at him. Ace sighed seeing the male and watched as he walked to him and sat down beside him. "I said I wanted to be alone," Ace said as he looked at King. 

"I know but on the way home I was thinking about what just happened and realized something that might put you in a better mood," King said as he looked at Ace. When he did Ace scoffed at this still in his bad mood and turned to look at King. 

"And just what might that be?" Ace asked in an almost mocking tone as he looked at the male beside him. 

"When Emerald was running she did something that betrayed what she wanted you to think. For a brief moment she let her true feelings come through and reveal how she really felt about seeing you," King said as he looked at the male. 

Now intrigued by what King was say Ace turned and looked at the male waiting for him to continue. "Do you remember when she reached the door you shouted I don't want yo lose you again?" King asked as he looked at Ace. When he did Ace nodded and King looked at him with a smirk. 

"She hesitated," King said looking at the male. When he said this Ace looked at him confused and King clarified what he meant. "Remember when we reached the door? It opened with ease yet it took her a moment to open the door. She hesitated when you said this and while I'm not sure I also think I saw her flinch," King said looking at Ace. 

"So?" Ace asked looking at the male. 

"Ace can't you see it? She stopped for a reason. For whatever reason that phrase threw her off. She could have ignored it and walked out of the door and just left. Yet she didn't and then she turned back and looked at you. She looked at you Ace. She didn't even give me a glance. Which means that if I had said what you did she wouldn't have cared. Ace for that brief moment she let her true feelings show. What did her face look like?" King said as he looked at Ace. 

When he said this Ace thought about her face and only two things came to mind. "She looked sad and afraid," Ace said as he thought about the female. 

"That's it!" King said as he stood up and looked at Ace. When he said this Ace looked at him. "Ace she's scared of what will happen! She's afraid you won't accept her for who she is now because she's apart of the White Fang. Ace you're so close to getting your sister back, are you really going to let this stop you?" King asked looking at the male. 

When he said this Ace suddenly realized that he was right. She could have kept moving but she didn't. Then while she did leave she hesitated and took the time to look at him. She looked at him. Ace smiled realizing this and rose to his feet with a new goal in mind. 

He no longer wanted to find his sister Emerald. Now he wanted to save her from the darkness he knew was going to consume her if she continued down her path. "No," Ace said as he rose to his feet. "You're right King, this may have been a loss for me but it's the closest I've had to a win in a long time. I can afford to stay down in my own self pity. I need to rise and save my sister," Ace said looking at the male in front of him. 

King smiled hearing that Ace was back to his old self and looked at him. "Thanks King, I'm fine now. You can go home, I want to look around and see if anyone saw where Emerald went," Ace said looking at King. 

When he said this King nodded and began to walk towards Beacon. He smiled knowing that he had just helped Ace out of what could have been a major problem for him. King then looked up at the sky and noticed that it was starting to get late. 

Realizing this King began to run towards Beacon not wanting to worry the others. When he arrived he immediately began towards the dorm he stayed in and when he opened it he saw Weiss standing at the entrance looking at him angrily.  

"Where have you been!" Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of her. "Do you have any idea how late it is?! We were so worried about you!" Weiss asked looking at the male. 

"She . . . she was worried," Blake clarified as she turned the page in the book she was reading. 

"Weiss I told you I was going to-" King said looking down at the female only to get cut off. 

"I know," Weiss said as she looked away from the male before moving forward and hugging him. "Maybe next time just don't take as long okay?" Weiss said as she looked at the male. King smiled hearing this and returned the females hug. 

"I won't, I promise," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this Weiss stepped away from him slightly and once again kissed King's cheek. 

"Good, now let's go to be," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. King nodded hearing this and the two walked over to Weiss' bed and King covered the two of them with the blanket Weiss had. 

"Aww, how cute. Weiss does have a heart," Yang said mocking the female slightly causing Weiss' face to turn red and bury her face in King's chest. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the wait but I was busy with a few other stories and for those of you that are curios I am still accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. I also hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King talks about the tournament
2. King goes to the beach
3. King talks to Jacques 
4. Lemon
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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