Chapter 18: Past

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P.O.V. Third

King and Weiss were currently sitting in the dorm that the two shared. Weiss was currently sitting on King's lap cuddling next to him. King found it odd when she decided to act like this. When others were around she wasn't like this only letting him hold her hand on kissing him on the cheek. 

Yet when the two were in private that seemed to vanish almost instantly. She had no problem being affectionate towards him, or showing how much she cared. King assume it was because of one of two reason. The first being that she was just shy and didn't want others to find out, or that it was because of their situation. 

The public finding out about the two of them would have been one thing but if Jacques had somehow managed to find out about this he may end up forcing the two apart. After all he was the one that forced King to forget about someone he at one point valued more than anyone else.

"So King are you going to enter the tournament?" Weiss asked looking at the male beside her. 

"No, I'm not allowed to enter because of my title of moderator I'm not allowed to enter the tournament," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Weiss nodded hearing this and looked at him 

"I'm fairly certain you already know this but Ruby sighed our team up for the tournament," Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and looked at the female that he was holding. 

"I'm sure you'll do great," King said as he looked at Weiss. 

"Of course I will," Weiss said confidently as she looked at the male that was holding her. "But it's nice to hear you say it," Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of her. Weiss then began to lean on the male even more than before.

"King" Weiss said gaining the males attention. "Can you tell me about Rain?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male in front of her. "I know you said not to worry about it, but I'd still like to know what he was like," Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of him. 

King nodded hearing this and looked at the female in front of him. "Rain was important to me and it's hard to describe what he was like. He was so kind and caring, but I don't think that alone is enough to tell what kind of person he was," King said as he began to stare off into space. 

Weiss noticed his almost dazed like state and looked at him. "How did you two meet?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male in front of her. When she asked this King suddenly thought about what she had said. It had been such a long time since he had thought about that day.

While it wasn't what most would describe as a nice memory it was more than enough to make King smile. "It was snowing when I first met Rain," King said as he began to stare at the ceiling. 


A male with purple hair and silver eyes sighed as he finished washing the last few dishes that he had. It was a slow day at his restaurant and he wanted to finish soon so that he could go upstairs to the park of the building he lived in. 

Rain a retired huntsmen that chose to leave his life of adventure and excitement behind for one that he found much more stable and satisfying. Becoming a cook with his own restaurant in a small town. He had always had a fascination with cooking and seeing everyone's smiling faces eating his food brought him such joy. 

Rain then smiled as he put the last plate he had washed away and began to walk upstairs. When he did Rain turned his head to the side glancing outside to see that snow was beginning to fall. Rain would have continued to up the small set of stairs however he saw something that caught his eye. 

Two small round purple orbs, out of curiosity Rain began to walk to the front of his building and began to look out the door.

Rain then walked to the front of his restaurant about to close for the night but as he did he noticed a familiar figure across the streets. A young child with pure white hair and bright vivid purple eyes. "Hey kid, do you want to come over and get something to eat?" Rain asked as he looked at the young child. Rain had called out to him with a smile but even then the child had been jolted slightly startled.

Rain watched as the young child slowly walked over to the shop. The bitter wind then began to blow cutting through the child's thin clothes forcing a shiver from him. It was just past closing time so the shop was empty. This child was not a new sight to Rain, he noticed the child constantly sneaking glances as he wondered aimlessly through the streets.

The child had not just been wondering around that day either. He had noticed the child wondering around a lot the past few days and had gotten used to the sight of him. He would always walk hesitantly towards the building before walking away, back and forth without actually entering the shop. Soon enough Rain found himself becoming curious about the boy.

Not just because he would wonder around his field of vision without actually entering, it was because every time he saw the child he was all alone. Today as well, he had been around a lot more often hunching his shoulder forward to protect himself from the cold sneaking glances from the shop every few minutes. Rain let a warm smile grace his face as he watched the child slowly walk towards the shop.

He was trembling as he approached, however it seemed to be more from fear than from the cold. "I-I'm sorry," the child said a few tears starting to build in his eyes. The was a clear frightened tone in the boy's voice. Rain was confused hearing the child's sudden apology but before he could ask what he meant the child decided to clarify. "I-It's just, your house looks really nice, b-but if you want I'll leave," the child said in a clearly frightened voice, afraid of what the male might do.

"No, that's fine, please come in," Rain said as he held the door open for the child. The child slowly walked in and looked around a bit unsure of what to do. "Go ahead and have a sit," Rain said as he looked at the child. Not wanting to upset the male the child sat down at the first chair he spotted. As soon as he did Rain walked away and began to prepare a meal for the child.

The child continued to avoid the males gaze unsure of what to do. Several minutes passed before either did anything and as it turned out the first to make a move was Rain, sliding a plate of food towards the male. When he did the child's frightened face immediately lit and reached for one of the forks. However stopping himself just before he did and turned to look at the male in front of him as if to confirm that it was okay for him to eat the food in front of him.

Rain nodded seeing the child's gaze and the child once again smiled before taking the fork and beginning to eat the food placed in front of him. 'Just what was this little one doing out all alone at this hour? Where was his family and more importantly where were his parents? Where were they!' these thoughts passed through Rain's head as he watched the child happily eat the food placed in front of him.

However not wanting to bring up any negative feelings Rain pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind and continued to watch the white haired youth eat his meal. He seemed to be enjoying his meal and even went to eat the vegetables that most children his age wouldn't even glance at, quickly and happily eating all the food in front of him making sure not to leave a single piece behind, as if it were the last meal he'd ever have.

Rain smiled seeing this and sat down in front of the boy trying not to make him feel any more uncomfortable than he already was. The two then sat in silence for several minutes before the child looked up at the purple haired male in front of him a bit nervous. 

"Why . . . " The child began only to stop himself and look at the male in front of him a bit nervous. Rain sighed hearing this and gave the child in front of him a kind and reassuring smile. 

"It's okay," Rain said as he looked at the male in front of him. The child looked up at him with sadness gleaming in his eyes as he looked at Rain. 

"Why don't I have any parents?" The child asked as he looked up at the male. Rain sighed hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. He'd be lying if he had said he wasn't expecting this to be one of the possible answers as to why the child was all alone. 

However hearing it for himself was still made the males heart drop. For this male in front of him who looked to be no older than eight it must have been an extremely tough life. Not only was he aware of the fact that he didn't have parents but he had also experienced how cruel others could be and was unsure of how to cope with what to do. 

"I'm afraid I can't give you an answer for that question, or at least-" Rain began as he looked away from the child in front of him. "Not one that you'll like," Rain said as he once again turned to look at the male in front of him. 

"Anyway," Rain began as he looked at King trying to change the subject. "What's your name?" Rain asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I'm . . . I'm King," The child said timidly as he looked at the male in front of him. The purple haired male smiled hearing this and extended his hand once again offering the male in front of him a kind smile. 

"Well, King I'm Rain," The male said as he waited for the male in front of him. The child looked at the males hand before he smiled slightly and reached forward to grab it. Rain smiled seeing this and shook the child's hand slightly. "It's nice to meet you," Rain said with a smile as he looked at King. 


"That was the day that I had first met Rain," King said as he looked at Weiss. When he said this Weiss smiled and nodded. While it wasn't a lot of information about the male she knew what King meant when he said that Rain was kind. Not everyone would have done what he did in that situation. 

"I'm glad you told me this," Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of her. She then once again began to lean against the male and King once again began to hold her. The two once again began to just sit enjoying the others embrace. That was until Weiss let out an slightly annoyed sigh and stood up. 

"While I wish I could stay here, I know that Ruby will be upset if I don't show up to the practice she's been trying to set up for us," Weiss said as she looked at her brother. King nodded hearing this and stood up beside her. 

"It's fine, I understand how persistent she can be about these type of things," King said as he looked at the female beside him. When he did Weiss looked at him and King saw her eyes become more tender and caring for a moment before once again resuming their cold state. 

Weiss then leaned up and kissed King on his cheek. "I love you," Weiss said as she looked at the male causing him to turn a few shades of red. King then leaned down and kissed the female one her forehead. 

"I love you too," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Weiss' face repeated his action of turning red and she smiled as she walked out of the dorm. When she did King sighed and thought about what he should do for the day. 

King then remembered two certain members of team CAKE that he had been meaning to talk to. King then stood up and began to walk out of his dorm and down the halls of Beacon. He continued until he came to a stop in front of door to another dorm. King then began to knock on the door and heard some shuffling behind the door. 

When the door opened he saw Ace looking at him. "Oh King you're here," Ace said not expecting the male in front of him. "Please come in," Ace said moving to the side and allowing the male to enter. King nodded hearing this and looked to see another familiar figure in front of him. 

"Hey King," Kyle said as he continued to polish his weapon. King waved seeing the male and looked at the two in front of him. Ace then walked over to his bed where his miniature scythes Ace then picked them up and began to inspect them. 

"I take it you two are entering the tournament?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him. The two nodded hearing this and continued to examine their weapons as they did. 

"Yeah, I wasn't really listening to what the reward was but I think it'd be good if we entered. Even if we don't win it'll be good for our team to at least enter," Ace said as he looked at his two scythes. 

"Then there's the fact he also has his own reasons for entering," Kyle said as he looked at his weapon. 

"Yeah . . . " Ace said as he looked at the handle to his two miniature scythes. "I was thinking about upgrading my weapons to hold some dust cartridges," Ace said as he looked at Kyle. "What do you think?" Ace asked as he pointed to the hand of his scythe. 

"Should I put it in the handle or-" Ace began as he hit a small button forcing the scythes to transform into two small pistols. "Or should I modify my gun to hold them here," Ace asked as he pointed to the center of his gun. 

"Neither," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this Ace looked at him a bit confused. "I may not be the heir to Schnee company but I still know more about dust than most others," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

King then walked over to the male and pointed at his weapon. "I think the best option for you if you're looking to maximize your weapons skill in battle is to have half a cartridge slot at the end of each handle," King said as he sat down beside the male. 

"You're weapons smaller than most so it doesn't need as much dust to power it as others do. So getting a full slot in each is a waste of dust. It might even be to much for your weapon to handle and may end up destroying it," King said as he looked at his scythes. 

Ace nodded in understanding hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. "Then what type of dust to you think I should get?" Ace asked as he looked at the white haired male beside him and King began to think about it. 

"Well you fight differently than I do so that's harder for me to say. However I think shock dust would be a good fit for you," King said as he looked at Ace. When he said this Ace thought about the idea and nodded. 

"I think that could work," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of him. King smiled hearing this and stood up. 

"Well sorry to have bothered the two of you," King said as he stood up and walked out of the room. 

"Wait," Ace said as he stood up and walked outside in the hall to look at the male in front of him. "Like Kyle said I'm entering the tournament for another reason beside the fact that it will most likely make Beacon look good," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Let me guess your sister," King said as he looked at the male in front of him causing him to nod. When he said this Ace nodded and looked at King. 

"Yes, but there's another reason apart from that," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this King looked at him a little confused and Ace looked up at him. "Well I found out there's this girl entering the tournament," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

King nodded understanding where he was beginning to go with this and Ace looked at him. "I'm hoping to impress her and I was hoping you could keep an eye on her while I'm fighting. You so you could tell me how she reacts. I'd really like to impress her but if I can't do that then I don't want to talk about the fight," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"That should be easy enough," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. "Just show me who she is before the tournament or your match and it shouldn't be that difficult to keep an eye on her," Ace smiled hearing this and nodded as he walked back into his room waving at the male as he did so. "Thanks King," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

King nodded hearing this and began to walk away back to his dorm. When he arrived he found that the dorm was once again empty and sighed as he walked over to Weiss' bed and began to lay on it. He knew Weiss wouldn't mind he never used the bed that Ozpin had got him and while he couldn't say for certain King thought that the other members of her team knew they were together, or at least Yang knew since she always teased the two. 

After a few moments had passed the four members of the team he had been told to look after came into the room talking about what had just happened. "That was a horrible idea," Weiss said as she looked at her partner and team leader. 

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. I'm sure it'll be much better next time," Ruby said with a smiled as she looked at the white haired female beside her. 

"What do you mean next time?" Blake asked as she looked at the female in front of her. 

"I'm with Ruby, I didn't think it was that bad. Sure it didn't go the way we expected it to but even so I liked the exercise," Yang said as she looked at her younger sister. When she said this Weiss sat next to King and began to lay beside him. 

"Even so," Weiss said as she looked at the three in front of her. "It wasn't planned, and while I'll agree that not knowing what you're facing is a good thing in some scenario's, that most certainly was not one of them," Weiss said as she looked at the three in front of them.

Ruby sighed hearing this and looked at the female beside her. "Well either way it's done now, and I think we're more prepared for the tournament than ever!" Ruby said as she looked at the female in front of her. Weiss sighed hearing this and looked at the female she was forced to call her leader and sighed. 

"I'll never understand how you can be so enthusiastic about fighting," Weiss said as she looked at the female in front of her. Weiss then sighed and leaned her head against King's shoulder. However when she did she quickly pulled away from him correcting herself. 

While she was certain that Yang knew of their relationship, and while she also believed that Blake knew as well she was unsure if Ruby knew and didn't want her to make a scene because of the new information. After all as far as Ruby knew the two were siblings and just siblings. 

So she didn't want to reveal this to Ruby yet. She planned on doing so eventually when it was just the three of them and she was sure no one else was around but not at the moment. "Well we better get some rest," Blake said gaining everyone's attention. 

"The tournament is supposed to last all day. Don't want to be tired for when it finally arrives," Blake said as she looked at the four in front of her. 

"Blake's right," Yang said as she looked at the female and began to lay on her bed. When she did Weiss began to lay down as well and King repeated her action. Weiss then tossed the cover over the two and King moved one of his arm's over Weiss' waste and began to hold her close. 

Weiss smiled a little embarrassed once again feeling his embrace. Ruby sighed seeing that everyone was so eager to sleep and began to make her way to her own bed as well. 

A/N: Alright everyone I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and in case any of you are curious I am still accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King is attacked by someone
2. King watches the tournament
3. King talks to Jacques
4. King meets Amber
5. Lemon
6. Other (Suggest what you want)

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