Chapter 19: Maidens

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P.O.V. Third

Three figures were currently in an elevator that was heading down to a secret room in Beacon. "Why are we bringing this brat here again?" Ironwood asked as he looked at Ozpin. 

"I'll tell you soon enough," Ozpin said trying to stay calm as the elevator came to a stop. The door then opened and he walked out of the room. "This way King," Ozpin said as he began to walk down the halls. 

King nodded and began to follow the male down the halls. "What is this place?" King asked as he looked around. 

"I built this place in hopes of being able to keep a few secrets. I've done a fairly good job so far," Ozpin said as he continued down the halls. Ironwood rolled his eyes and looked at the young male in front of him. 

He didn't seem like much and while Ozpin had told him he had exceptional skills in battle however that alone was no reason to show him something like this. Ozpin then stopped in front of large machine with a female inside of it. 

"I'd like you to meet Amber the current fall maiden," Ozpin said as he looked at King. When he said this King looked at him confused as to why he was telling him this. Wasn't this supposed to be something he shows Pyrrha?

"I have a feeling that while Pyrrha is strong she may not be able to make a decision until it's too late. So now I want you to try," Ozpin said as he looked at the male. 

"Try what?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the male in front of him. He was tired of Ozpin keeping what made this male so special a secret from him. 

"It's said that the Sion's aura was special not only in the sense that it just gets stronger and that it came from an angel. However also in the sense that it could heal anyone's damaged aura as well as heal any physical wound no matter how deadly. As long as the host is alive then the Sion was said to be able to heal them," Ozpin said as he looked at the two in front of him. 

Ironwood became confused hearing this and turned to look at the male beside him. "Ozpin, are you saying that this kid is-" Ironwood began only for Ozpin to cut him off. 

"The Sion," Ozpin finished as he looked at the two. "King is indeed the Sion and I remember being somewhat doubtful myself when I first found out. However he is the Sion and that's a fact we'll just have to accept for now," Ozpin said as he turned to look at the male. 

"It's said that at one point the Sion took on the job of protecting the maidens. Now I'd like you to try and use your unique gift to try and heal Amber," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I've never healed anyone before," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I am aware, that this is a lot to ask. All I want, is for you to try," Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and Ironwood pressed a few buttons opening the hatch to Amber's chamber. 

King then place his hand on his chest, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do but checking her aura would probably be a good place to start. King's pure white aura, and Amber's golden brown aura began to glow and King's eyes widened slightly as he turned to look at Ozpin.

"What happened to her?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him. 

"She was attacked," Ozpin answered as he looked at King. 

"By who?" King asked in disbelief as he looked at the two. 

"We're not sure," Ozpin admitted as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Why is something wrong?" Ironwood asked as he looked at King. 

"Yes, something is wrong! Half her aura is missing! It's not clean either like she was attacked and she used her aura to defend herself! This feels like some forcibly reached into her and tore her aura away from her! It's a miracle this girls even alive!" King said as he looked at the two in front of him. 

However as he was yelling at the two his aura began to gather in the center of his chest and glow brighter than before. A strand of aura then began to extend from his chest down his arm and Ironwood looked down at the panel in front of him to see that her vital signs were stabilizing.

"Why haven't you took her to a hospital! She needs extensive care and keeping her here isn't helping!" King said as Amber began to slowly open her eyes and her scare that covered half of her face began to heal. Amber then looked down and saw that King was touching her chest causing her to blush slightly before she saw that King was pumping aura into her. 

"I understand you want to try and keep this a secret but this is a life we're talking about! That's something no one has the right to take, especially not to protect some stupid secret!" King said as he looked at the two in front of him. 

"I'm glad you feel that way," King heard a new female voice say beside him as his aura stopped glowing and the line from his aura to hers stopped. Amber then gave the male a kind smile as she slowly stepped forward and almost immediately lost her balance. When she did King caught her. 

"Careful, you were in a really bad condition after all," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Amber nodded with a slight groan of pain from a small headache that she suddenly have. 

"How long have I been out?" Amber asked as she looked at Ozpin. 

"A few months," Ozpin said as he looked at the female in front of him. Amber looked at the male in shock hearing this and then began to stare into space in disbelief. She had been expecting a few days or a week at the most but to find out that she had been unconscious for months was more than enough to make her feel on edge. 

"Well thank you King for your assistance, you're free to leave now," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and began to walk towards the door that Ozpin had showed him. As he walked down the halls Amber stared at him for a few moments before turning to Ozpin. 

"Who was that?" Amber asked as she pointed the male. 

"His name is King, he's one of my students that attend Beacon," Ozpin said as he looked at the female in front of him. Amber then reached down to her chest where King had been touching and began to think about what she had heard when she first woke up. 

"He managed to heal me?" Amber questioned as she looked at the elder male earning a nod in return. 

"Indeed," Ozpin as he began to think about how easily King had managed to heal the female. The last Sion that he had known wasn't able to heal anyone for months and that was only after he found out that he was able to heal others. Yet King seemed to do so out of pure instinct. 

"Did you tell him?" Amber asked as she looked at the male in front of her. She didn't think she needed to explain what she meant. Ozpin nodded hearing this and Amber seemed a bit surprised as she looked at the male in front of her. "Why?" Was the only word Amber managed to say because of how confused she was at the moment. 

Ozpin seemed to guard the secret of the maidens closely only telling a select few people that he trusted about them. Not even most of the staff at Beacon knew about the maiden existence. So why out of all people did he chose to tell one of his students. "He's a very special individual," Ozpin said as he looked at the female only adding to her obvious confusion. 

"How so?" Amber asked as she slowly walked over to the male so that she could sit down. Her muscles still slightly sore from the healing process. Ozpin sighed hearing this and looked at the female.

"He's the Sion," Ozpin said as he looked at the female in front of him. When he said this Amber looked at the male confused. 

"Sion?" She questioned as she looked at the male in front of her. Ozpin sighed knowing that she didn't know what she was talking about. 

"I'll explain the entire story later, however for now if it helps. Think of him as having the soul and blood of an angel but the body of a human," Ozpin said as he looked at the female. Amber once again gained a confused expression but sighed deciding to disregard the subject. She was already confused enough as it was. She didn't want to become even more confused, otherwise it might lead to her doing something she might regret. 

"I'd . . . I'd like to rest for now," Amber said as she looked at the elder male in front of her. Ozpin nodded hearing this and walked over to the female offering her his cane. 

"You can use this until we get you to a bed. I think you've earned some rest after everything you've been through," Ozpin said as he looked at the female. Amber nodded and began to stand up using that cane that Ozpin had lent her to keep herself balanced as she walked. However as she did she found her mind wondering back to the male she had seen when she first woke up. 

Unknown to her and the male that was walking alongside her. The male that they were thinking about was sitting on a small bench. King let out a sigh as he began to look at the sky. However before he had the chance to enjoy it he heard some the clocking of heels approaching him and when he turned he saw that Weiss was walking towards him, and she seemed to be adopting a similar posture to Winter walking with her hands behind her back. 

"Sorry to have kept you waiting," Weiss said as she looked at the male. King shook his head hearing this and gave the female a kind smile. 

"It's fine, I just got here," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Weiss nodded hearing this and looked at the male. 

"Hey King are you hungry?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male. King looked up slightly as if he were thinking about it. 

"I am, now that you mention it," King said as he looked at the female. Weiss smiled hearing this and showed her hands that she had been keeping behind her back to reveal two small ice cream cones. 

"Ta-da," Weiss said with a slight smile. King was a bit shocked to this but smiled after realizing what she had done. 

"You didn't have to do this," King said as he looked at the female. 

"Of course not," Weiss said as she handed one of the cones to King. "But, I thought it'd be nice," Weiss said as she sat down beside the male. King smiled hearing this and began to eat the ice cream that Weiss had gotten for him. 

As the two did Weiss reached for King's hand and began to hold it. King smiled feeling this and continued to eat. However as he did he heard a slight chuckle beside him and turned to look at Weiss. "You have some on your cheek," Weiss said as she pointed at the male in front of her. As soon as she said this King felt the small amount of cream she was talking about and reached up. 

However before he could Weiss stopped him with a slightly embarrassed expression. "I-I'll get it," Weiss said as she leaned forward and licked the small amount of cream off his face. King turned incredibly red when she did and Weiss looked at the ground her face almost as red as King's. 

"D-Don't tell anyone I did that, a-and if you do I'll deny it!" Weiss said clearly flustered about what she had just done. King nodded hearing this and after a few minutes had passed King looked up and began to think about the male that he had helped a few days ago. However unknown to the male Ace was currently standing outside the stadium in a small hall with a female that unknown to him was more than familiar with him.

Ace looked at the female beside him. "So you're in the tournament too?" Ace asked as he looked at a disguised Neo. When he asked this Neo nodded out of instinct instead of actually speaking. "So how far do you think you're team will get?" Ace asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Neo shrugged a bit bored with the conversation. 

She knew that it didn't really matter how far they got since Cinder had her plan. "You don't seem that interested," Ace said taking notice of the female's almost obvious disinterest. As soon as he said this Neo began to panic slightly fearing that she might have upset Ace. 

"S-sorry, it's just I don't really care how far my team gets. After all if one of the other teams from Beacon win, then it'll be just as good. So I'm not that interested in talking about the tournament," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

Ace nodded in understanding hearing this and looked at the female. "Alright, well is there anything you want to talk about then?" Ace asked as he looked at the female in front of him. After thinking for a few moment Neo's face heated up which she hid with her disguise. 

"You mentioned someone that you used to know named Neo. Tell me some more about her, you seemed to have a . . . interesting past with her," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. She of course already knew about the experiences that they had however she was hoping to hear him say what he thought about her. 

"Oh, a rather odd request but alright," Ace said as he looked at the female. "Well we were friends when we were kids. Then again that was almost ten years ago so I'm not sure if she still remembers me or not," Ace said as he looked at the male in front of her. 

"I'm sure she does," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. Ace smiled hearing this and shook his head. 

"Thanks for the reassurance but I'm not sure. I have some reasons to think otherwise," Ace said as he looked at the female. Neo chuckled slightly hearing this and looked at the female in front of him. Neo not wanting to seem to pushy about the subject nodded and looked at the male. 

"Well then you mentioned that the necklace you gave me was for her. Mind if I ask why? This isn't exactly a cheap necklace after all," Neo asked as she looked at the male in front of her. Ace sighed hearing this and looked at the female in front of him. 

"I got that for her because when I was a kid I used to have a major crush on her," Ace admitted as he looked at the female in front of him. Neo's face once again heated up hearing this and like before Ace couldn't tell because of the illusion that Neo had on. 

"R-Really?" Neo asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Yeah, I was a kid so thankfully I wasn't to keen on talking about it and never told her. Only my sister knew and she used to make fun of me for it. She'd also use it to blackmail to get me to agree to whatever stupid prank or event they had planned," Ace said as he looked at Neo only for her face to once again heat up. 

"It took me almost two years to save up enough money to buy that because of how hard it was to get money at the age of seven. I planned on giving it to her the day we were separated but never got the chance to," Ace said in a somewhat sad voice as he looked at the female in front of him. Neo's embarrassed expression faded hearing this and she looked at the male with some concern. 

"I'm sorry to hear that," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Yeah, but it's no big deal. After all we were just kids. The best I could have hoped for then was that she'd hold my hand while we walked down the streets. It would have been super awkward always having adults staring at us and teasing us at that age," Ace said as he looked at the female. However Neo noticed something in the tone he was using something that she couldn't quite identify. It almost sounded like regret. 

"Do you . . . do you still have feelings for her?" Neo asked a little hopeful as she looked at the male in front of her. Ace shrugged hearing this and looked at the female in front of him. 

"I'm not sure to be honest. It's been so long since I last saw her that I'm not sure if what I still have is love. I'd like to see her again for sure, but at the same time who doesn't remember their first crush. If I were to meet her again I think . . . I think I'd like to see how I felt first before I did anything to brash," Ace said as he looked at Neo. 

Neo nodded in understanding hearing this and smiled slightly knowing that on some level she did still have a chance with Ace. "Well you know what I think," Neo said as she closed the small distance that was between them. Before Ace could say anything Neo kissed the male's cheek. Neo's face turned a slight shade of pink when she did this while Ace's face became as red as Ruby's cape. "I think she'd be lucky to have someone like you," Neo said as she looked at Ace. 

Ace's heart was now racing as he looked at the female. He was more than willing to admit that he thought she was cute. However he never expected to get a kiss from the female. "Would team CMEN and team BEAT please report to the arena for the next match," The two heard the announce say. 

Neo sighed hearing this and looked at the male in front of her somewhat regretfully. "Sorry but I need to go," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. Ace nodded still a little dumbfound hearing this and watched as Neo began to walk away. ace then brought his hand up to his cheek and his face once again turned red. 

"I just got kissed by a girl," Ace said to himself as he thought about the female that had just kissed him. Ace then shook his head trying to clear his mind and began to walk in the direction that Neo had went. However knowing where she was going Ace turned in the direction he knew that she wouldn't go and walked to the crowd and began to look for his team. 

When he found them he saw down beside them and began to wait for the match to begin. However as the two teams walked into the arena Ace's eyes widened as he saw his sister. Ace was more than shocked to learn that Neo was on the same team as Emerald. After this revelation Ace realized something. 

This wasn't just some Neo that he had met at Beacon. This was his childhood friend Neo. He could take a few of the similarities and say that they were nothing more than coincidences. Like the fact that her name was Neo or that she was also a mute. 

These were easy for him to dismiss since he knew that several people were born mute or could become mute later throughout their lives. He knew that it was a bit odd that they were both named Neo however he just thought that Neo was probably just a common name. So he also disregarded this fact as nothing but coincidence.

The main thing that had kept him from seeing her as the Neo he had known as a kid was the fact that his Neo didn't look like she used to. The Neo he knew growing up had pink and brown hair with corresponding eyes. However she know had black hair and green eyes. 

'I suppose it's possible that she just dyed her hair a different color. So that's easy enough to explain. Her eyes however are an entirely different matter. They weren't green, one was pink and the other was brown . . . weren't they?' Ace thought to himself as he began to question how he remembered the female from the time they had spent together as kids. 

He had always convinced himself that Neo had heterochromia so she had two different colored eyes one being brown the other being pink. 'Then again . . . the last time I saw her was almost ten years ago, and I was only seven at the time. It's not like a kid is going to think to take a mental note of what color someone's eyes are. So maybe she didn't have heterochromia, maybe that was just an error on my part,' Ace thought as he watched the four fight. 

'I wonder why she dyes her hair? I liked her pink and brown hair it made her look cute,' Ace thought to himself as he looked at the female in front of him. 'Then again she's cute this way too,' Ace thought before his face turned red and he shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind of these thoughts. 

'No, I can't be thinking like this,' Ace said firmly as he looked at the four. He then sat in what to him seemed like complete silence. He could of course hear the cheering from the crowd but simply tuned it out. Ace then smiled as he looked at the two, both his sister and his childhood friend were now incredibly close to him. 

Ace then stood up and began to walk to where he knew the teams would go after the match was over. Ace made a sharp turn to the halls that only the contestants were allowed to enter. He wanted to talk to them and he wasn't about to let this chance pass him up like before. As long as his team didn't get called for the next match then he should be just fine. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and for those that are curious I am still accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What do you want to happen in the next chapter?

1. The invasion of Beacon starts
2. King fights someone (Suggest who you want)
3. Ace confronts Emerald
4. Lemon
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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