Chapter 20: Excitement

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P.O.V. Third

Ace sighed as he waited in the hall for his sister to finish the match she was in. As he waited for the match to end he let out a sigh starting to become slightly bored of waiting. He wasn't sure what his sister's semblance was but at the very least she be able to make use of whatever she was born with. As patient as Ace was, it was at times like this that he really felt himself start to become anxious.

After all he had his sister cornered, now she'd have to talk to him. He wasn't sure what she was planning but if she was with the White Fang then she knew that she had something planned which meant unless she wanted to draw attention to herself she'd have to leave through her teams exit and not through some other means. Ace didn't want to hurt his sister but he had to know why. 

Why she chose to join the White Fang, why no matter how hard he looked or how hard he tried he could never find her, why she seemed to be avoiding him, why Neo seemed surprised that he was alive. He just had to know why she did everything that she had done up to this point. After he heard the announcement he smiled and began to wait for the female to exit. As expected the first two entered with no hesitation. 

A male with silver-gray hair and gray eyes and a female that had long black hair and amber eyes that were eerily cold.  He didn't recognize these two, then again they weren't the person that he wanted to talk to, so he didn't really pay them any mind, and continued to look down the hall for the final two to enter hoping the next figure would be his sister. However unknown to the male the two remaining females were by the exit having a conversation. 

"I can't go in there!" Emerald said in a hushed tone. 

"Why not?" Neo asked as she looked at the female. 

"My brothers in there, he'll want to talk to me. The last thing we need is any delays for today. You know as well as I do that we can't afford any distractions or mistakes and if I talk to him then there's a very good possibility that Mercury won't be able to make it to the final round for our plan. Team CVFY aren't some push-overs after all!" Emerald said trying to keep her hushed tone. 

"And what am I supposed to do about it?" Neo asked as she looked at her best friend. 

"Distract him," Emerald said bluntly as she looked at the male.

"What?" Neo asked as she looked at the green haired female. 

"Distract him, keep him occupied while I sneak past him. Do whatever you think it takes to keep his attention while I use my semblance to slip past him," Emerald said as she looked at the female. Neo sighed hearing this and nodded. 

"Okay, just make it quick. I don't know him that well so I might not be able to keep his attention for long," Neo said as she began towards the exit with the male still waiting inside. Neo paused for a bit thinking of something she could say to help keep the male's attention while Emerald went to use her semblance. Ace sighed as he continued to wait  few minutes before the next figure entered the hall and to Ace's surprise it was Neo. As she walked into the halls she smiled seeing the male and began to walk towards him. 

"Hey Ace, how are you doing today?" Neo asked as she looked at the male in front of her. Ace smiled seeing this and looked down the hall. He actually did like Neo but at the moment he also really wanted to talk to his sister. Not seeing the female Ace turned towards the female and smiled. 

"I'm good, and how are you?" Ace asked as he looked at the female in front of her. 

"I'm great, we managed to win our fight," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"That's great," Ace said with a smile as he looked at Neo.

"So are you moving onto the next round? Or is someone else from your team going?" Neo asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Oh, well I'm moving on, it'll be me and my partner. However I'm not going onto the final round. That round goes to my partner. What about you? Are you moving onto the next round?" Ace asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Neo shook her head hearing this and smiled at the male. 

"No, I'm not, but that's okay because you can keep me company while we wait," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her. However unknown to the male Emerald was now peaking down the hall to make sure that Neo had him distracted. Emerald then sighed as she began to use her semblance to cast an illusion on her brother and began to slowly move down the hall. Her semblance was good but it wasn't perfect, while it could mask her presence and produce sounds. It couldn't get rid of the sounds that she made, and if it had any effect that she wasn't aware of then she could hide it. 

So Emerald took her time slowly walking down the hall so that she wouldn't make a sound. Cinder had already left and was without a doubt starting to become a little impatient without her and Neo there so that they could begin the next phase of their plan. As she came closer to the two Emerald looked at them a bit curious as to what they were talking about. "Yeah, sorry about that. Maybe I was a bit too forward," Neo said as she looked at the male in front of her a little embarrassed. 

Ace chuckled slightly hearing this and waved a hand dismissively. "No, it's fine. After all things worked out in the end," Ace said as he looked at the female with a smile. However still wanting to speak to his sister Ace looked down the halls to see if he could see any sign of his sister. When he did Emerald froze in place as she looked at the male. He was staring right at her, Emerald felt herself tense up however if there was one thing all her years of living on the streets had taught her it was to never act before she was sure she needed to. 

This instinct of hers paid off as Ace turned back to Neo not being able to see her and continued his conversation with the female. Emerald let out a relieved sigh as quietly as she could before she once again began to slowly walk down the halls. "So I have to ask," Ace began as he looked at the female in front of him. After all if Emerald was going to take her time leaving then he had some time to ask Neo a few questions as well. 

"Are you Neo?" Ace asked as he looked at the female before he sighed. "I mean are you . . . my Neo? No that's not what I mean either, I meant are you the one I gre-" Ace began only for Neo to stop him by placing a finger to his lips. 

"Yeah," Neo said softly as she dropped her illusion allowing herself to return to her heterochronic self. Emerald tensed up seeing this, then again if she was trying to keep the male distracted that would be the way to do it. 

"I knew it!" Ace exclaimed as he looked at the female in front of him. "I have so much to ask you! How have you been? What happened after we were separated? How has Emerald been? Did you know she's involved with the White Fan? Are you with the White Fang? Oh wow so many questions and just not enough time," Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him, showing his obvious excitement. 

Emerald now being in front of the male tried to be as quiet as she possibly could so that she could sneak past the male. However it seemed as if luck wasn't favoring her at the moment as Ace gained a slightly confused look and began to look around. "Did you hear that?" Ace asked as he looked around. 

"Hear what?" Neo asked pretending not to hear what he had. The only difference between the two being that while Ace wasn't sure what he had heard Neo knew that it was Emerald trying to sneak past them. 

"I guess it was nothing," Ace said as he shrugged, after all if Neo didn't hear it then maybe it was just him being paranoid. "Sorry," Ace said as he took Neo's hands in his. "I didn't mean to ask you so many questions. It's just that I'm really excited to see you," Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him. Neo shook her head hearing this and smiled as she once again heard Emerald begin to move. 

"So have do you know where Emerald is?" Ace asked as he looked at the female whose hands he was still handing. "Sorry it's just, she should have been out of the arena by now and I really want to talk to her. I have so much to ask her," Ace said as he looked at the female. Neo shook her head hearing and looked at the male. 

"I don't know, I saw her coming this way but I sort of lost track of her," Neo said as she looked at the male. "We could check the arena if you want," Neo offered as she gestured down the hall hoping to lead Ace away from Emerald. 

"No, that's fine. I'd like to talk to you for a bit before I talk to her," Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him. "I'm just really worried," Ace said in a concerned voice bringing Emerald to a stop. Neo became nervous seeing this and forced a smile as she looked at Ace. 

"Worried? Worried about what?" Neo asked as she looked at the male trying to keep the male's attention so that he wouldn't notice his sister. 

"It's just . . . I want to make sure everything is alright. You don't seem to have a problem talking to me, while she seems to avoid me at all costs. I just want to make sure she's okay and that she isn't being forced to do anything she doesn't want to. After all the last thing I want is for her to be in a situation where she was unhappy or in danger," Ace said concerned as he looked at the ground. 

Neo smiled hearing this and looked at the male in front of her. "I'm sure she's fine, I think she's just confused and that she doesn't know what she wants yet. I'm sure that if you give her some time she'll come around. After all if someone's constantly chasing you then you can't avoid them forever no matter how hard you try. Roman learned that the hard way," Neo said as she looked at the male. 

Ace chuckled slightly hearing mention of the criminal that had recently been captured and looked up at the female with a reassured smile. "You really think so?" Ace asked as he looked at Neo and she nodded with a smile. "Thanks, but I still want to talk to her. I've been looking for her for so long I just . . . I need to speak to her," Ace said as he looked at the female. 

Neo nodded in understanding hearing this and heard a few clicks clearly from Emeralds footsteps however they didn't sound like they were walking away but more like she was turning around. 'What's she doing?' Neo thought to herself a little frustrated as she looked in the female's direction. 

"There it is again," Ace said as he turned around to once again try and locate the source of the sound. 

"There what is?" Neo asked in a confused voice. 

"It sounds like clicking, like someone's shoes are hitting the ground," Ace said as he looked around. 

"Oh? Well maybe it's just the next contestants getting ready," Neo said as she looked at the male trying to offer him some excuse as to what it could be. 

"That's right," Ace said with a sigh as he looked at the female. The male then let out a sigh and began to walk down the halls and unknowingly towards his sister. "We should leave so that we don't get in their way," Ace said as he continued down the hall. Neo became a bit nervous hearing this but not wanting to draw any suspicion to herself smiled and walked with the male. Emerald once again froze in place as Ace moved towards her and when they were just a few feet away Emerald quickly moved to the side hoping that he wouldn't hear her. 

However her hope was in vain as the sound was more than audible and Ace turned towards the sound. Out of curiosity he stuck his hand out and began to feel around. Unknown to him Emerald was doing everything she could to avoid being touched by the male without moving from her current position so that she could avoid making more noise than she already had. 

"Is something wrong?" Neo once again asked in a confused voice as she looked at the male. 

"It's nothing really, probably just me being paranoid but I think something's here," Ace said as he continued to feel around. At this point Emerald was beginning to panic not because her brother was getting closer but because she was starting to get a headache from the hallucination she was casting. Meaning that unless she wanted to pass out and be found as well as possibly ruin Cinders plans she needed to stop using her semblance. 

However that at the moment wasn't an option she thought she could hold it a bit longer but she could feel herself losing control over her semblance as her headache worsened causing her to loose her concentration. After a few more swings Ace shrugged chalking the incident up to paranoia and was about to walk away until he saw a quick flash of his sister. Ace jumped back at first slightly startled by the female in front of him. 

However after another quick glance Ace managed to recognize the female and smiled. "Emerald?" Ace question as he reached out to touch the female, just to be sure that he wasn't going crazy for whatever reason. Seeing the male reaching towards her Emerald abounded her former plan and pushed the male's hand away before she began to run down the halls. "WAIT!" Ace said as he began to chance after the female.

Seeing this Neo sighed and began down another direction. She had tried after all, and if she did anything else at this point it'd become fairly obvious that she was trying to help keep Ace from talking to her. After a brief chase Emerald turned down a hall that lead to a dead end, knowing what was about to happen Emerald turned around and saw her brother standing in front of the exit slightly out of breath. 

"Relax," Ace said as he held up his hands with a sigh. "I don't want to fight, and I don't want to turn you in. I just wan to talk," Ace said as he looked at the female in front of her. 

"I figured as much," Emerald said as she looked at the male. She then sighed and looked at the male it seems like Neo was right about this being unavoidable. "So what is it you want?" Emerald said trying to put up a façade. Ace then smiled as he looked at his sister. 

"I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. I know you're working with the White Fang and that's fine. After all you have the right to do what you believe is right. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't being kept there against your will or anything," Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"No, I'm not," Emerald said as she looked at the male. 

"Awesome!" Ace said as he looked at the female in front of him with a bright smile. "Like seriously you have no idea how worried I was about that. I was so worried that you had gotten in over your head and that now someone was blackmailing you to get them to do what you want. I'm so happy to hear that you're alright," Ace said as he looked at the female. 

Emerald was more than shocked to hear this, she had expected a bit more questions from Ace involving why she did what she did. She had even mentally prepared herself for Ace to berate her with a speech about how disappointed he was in her. But she hadn't expected for him to be excited and happy of all thing. 

Realizing this Emerald's short-lived façade began to crumble and she looked at the male in front of her with a few tears building up in her eyes. Seeing this Ace suddenly became much more concerned than he was before. "Emerald are you alright? I didn't mean to upset you, I just-" Ace began as he looked at the female finding himself at the surprising lack of words. 

"I've done so many horrible things, how can you look at me and smile like that? I've stolen things from others, I've killed people, betrayed others, and I'm involved with the worst type of people. You think Roman's bad? Trust me he doesn't even hold a candle to these guys!" Emerald said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"C-calm down, I'm sure I can help. I'm not sure how but I can help," Ace said trying to reassure the female. However the two had been so distracted by each other that neither of them heard the footsteps that were approaching them. However being a little curious about the seen in front of him Mercury hid himself and began to watch the seen unfold in front of him hoping for something interesting in the process. 

"You can't help! No one can! There's so much about to happen and I still don't know a lot of things. Plus once I tell the headmaster about what I've done I don't think he can be lenient with me. Then there's that other guy you attack our base with! I doubt he'd be happy to see me again," Emerald said as she looked at the male. 

"You mean King? Trust me, I know what he's like. You just saw him fighting was all trust me when I say he's usually not like that. He's super relaxed and he rarely fights even when it comes to sparing he usually just gives up with some excuse as to why he can't fight them. He's always the one to make a joke, and while he may not act like it I'm sure he'll be the first to give you the benefit of the doubt even faster than the headmaster would," Ace said as he looked at the female in front of her. 

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW!" Emerald said as she looked at the male in front of her. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME! I'VE KILLED PEOPLE EVEN FOR SOMEONE LIKE HIM. HE'D UNDOUBTLY ATTACK ME ON SIGHT! I DOUBT HE'D EVEN LISTEN TO ME EVEN IF YOU WERE THERE! THERE'S NO OTHER OPTION FOR ME!"  Emerald screamed as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"It doesn't have to be that way!" Ace said as he looked at his sister gripping her shoulders. "King is a nice guy, and while I haven't been around him long enough to say anything for certain. I don't think he's the type of person to attack on sight. Trust me I'm sure everything will be just-" Ace began as he felt a powerful pressure on the back of his neck.

When he did Ace felt his body go numb and his vision start to fade, and the last thing he felt before he slipped into unconsciousness was the cold hard floor. Emerald then looked up at who had attacked her brother and saw Mercury staring at her. "Sorry, I was going to let the two of you talk it out but then I got bored," Mercury said as he looked at his partner. 

Still a bit panicked Emerald took a moment to compose herself before she took a deep breath and looked at the male in front of her. "Cinder was getting tired of waiting and sent me to come and get you," Mercury said as he looked at the female in front of him. Emerald nodding hearing this and began to walk away with the male leaving her brother behind. However as she walked away she took one last look at the male before she continued down the halls. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and for those of you that are curious I am still accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now then I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What side do Emerald and Neo choose?

1. Emerald and Neo become good
2. Emerald becomes good and Neo stays evil
3. Emerald stays evil and Neo becomes good
4. Emerald and Neo stay evil 
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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