Chapter 6: Sparring

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P.O.V. Third

King looked at the younger female in front of him waiting for an answer. A few moment passed before Ruby finally decided to answer the male. "Well I think that we should all fight him," Ruby said looking at the white haired male in front of her.

"That so?" King asked looking at her. It wasn't an insult to her judgement more like

"Yeah, I don't really know what the others are capable of. Well expect for Yang of course and this may be a good way for me to see where we need improvement," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. King nodded when she said this and he stepped aside.

"I assume all of you know when to stop a fight. If not then hopefully Ruby knows and try not to use firearms in here. I'm sure this building is expensive and I somehow doubt any of you would want to pay for the expenses," King said as he leaned against the wall and looked at the four females in front of him. When he said this each of them readied themselves. Ruby pulling out a scythe, Weiss drawing her rapier, Blake placing her hand on her sword and Yang's bracelets turning into gauntlets a feature that King admittedly liked.

Ace then moved his hands into his pockets and pulled out two rings and placed them on. When he did the rings like Yang's bracelets turned into gauntlets and he took a fighting stance. The first of the four to make a move was Weiss using her semblance to dash forward. Ace's eyes widened slightly seeing this not expecting her to move as quickly as she did. Ace threw up both of his wrists and stopped the attack.

When he did he heard a few footsteps behind Weiss and much to his surprise Weiss moved out of the way. He then saw the blonde female from before get ready to punch him. He like before put both of his hands up to block the attack. However when he did he felt himself get pushed back. It was clear that this female was far stronger than he was. As Ace was thrown back he threw his hands to the side and clicked a small button on each of his gauntlets.

When he did the two turned into small one handed scythes. However his reactions weren't the only one's that were fast. As before he landed he found either side of him had a female with their weapons drawn. With one being the red hooded leader of the team and the other being the quiet bow wearing member of the team. Ace quickly moved his two scythes to protect himself and stopped their attacks. However he had to struggle to do so.

Lucky for him the black haired female backed away quickly and put some distance between herself and him. Ace then once again saw Weiss moving towards him and moved out of her way sliding under Ruby's scythe in the process. Ace then heard some familiar footsteps coming towards him and panicked knowing that it was Yang. He could block another hit from her without being sent flying like before, and this time since his weapon was in scythe form and not gauntlet form he also had the added chance of loosing his weapons.

Ace turned to see Yang about to punch him. Ace's eyes widened and he quickly moved his head to the side seeing this. He had just avoided a punch to the face however he could feel the shockwave from her attack and the wind was enough to cause a small amount of damage. Ace could only imagine how devastating that attack would have been if Yang had actually managed to hit him.

Ace then once again heard some quicker footsteps heading towards him and quickly moved one of his small scythes behind him in an attempt to block the attack. He was lucky enough that his scythe actually made contact with the blade that was about to attack him however he once again found himself having to dodge several incoming attacks from Yang.

Ace then heard a strange sound behind him and moved out of the way to see Weiss go past him. However before he had the chance to dodge another attack from Yang he felt something pulling his legs. When he looked he saw what looked liked a blade that had been sheathed. When he looked at who was holding the weapon he saw the black haired female from their team.

Ace would have jumped but that would have just made him and easier target so instead he let female use her sword to trip him. As Ace was falling he saw the red hooded leader of the team moving towards him and quickly got up holding his two small scythes in front of him to stop her much larger scythe.

While he succeeded in stopping her blade the force from her speed was enough to push the male back. He didn't mind this until he heard a few footsteps behind him and turned to see Yang. Ace's eyes once again widened seeing this and stopped fighting Ruby and let himself be flipped by her so that he didn't get closer to Yang.

Then like before he saw the white haired female rushing towards him and heard some footsteps behind him. Ace clicked a button on one of his scythes to turn it into a gauntlet to stop Weiss and moved his other scythe behind him to stop the second attack. He wasn't sure who it was considering that he couldn't see them, but it felt like the black haired female from before.

'I might be in over my head,' Ace thought to himself as he pushed both females away from him. At this point in the fight it was clear that Ace wasn't trying to attack any of them and was on the defensive the entire time. This however wasn't by choice but because he had to, he knew that if he got to confident and tried to attack them that a mistake like that may very well end up costing him the entire fight.

As he pushed them away he saw Ruby once again running at him however it wasn't nearly as fast as last time. Ave quickly tapped the button on the side of his gauntlet turning it back into a scythe. Ace blocked the attack from Ruby only for her to move her much longer scythe and hit Ace on the side of his head with the handle of her scythe. Ace was thrown to the side slightly and once again heard two footsteps coming towards him from either side.

At this point in the fight he could recognize who the footsteps belonged to. He jumped to his left knowing that Blake was to his right and that Yang was to his left. He hated to admit it but at the moment he'd rather not try to fight Yang. If it was a one on one fight he might have been able to beat her, but with three others helping her it was clear that she was the biggest threat to him at the moment.

Ace turned to the side using his scythe to move Blake's sword to the side and jumped over her. Still hearing Yang's footsteps behind him he sighed and readied himself to once again start dodging several attacks. He then heard three other footsteps approaching him from different directions. Ace readied himself knowing that all four members were about to start attacking him.

He knew that he would have to be careful if he wanted to beat them. He already figured out a few things about each of them but nothing to the point to where he could get reckless. Ruby was the fastest, Weiss was the most precise, Blake was the most stealthy and went for him when he was venerable, and Yang was clearly the strongest if the four. Ace once again readied himself and continued to dodge as many attacks as he could from the four, blocking and trying to withstand the ones that he couldn't.

King was a little surprised by what he saw, of course he expected their fighting styles to be different but they were so different that they complimented each other perfectly. Yang and her straightforward powerful attacks clearly made her the best physical attacker. Then her partner Blake was quicker and preferred to keep her distance only trying to strike when necessary however they were both quick and precise. Then there was Ruby she seemed to have the most skill out of the four and utilized her semblance almost effortlessly. Then there was Weiss her attacks were quick and precise like Blake's however she also utilized her semblance like Ruby and unlike Blake she didn't stay low and only attack when necessary, and most importantly, none of them seemed to be getting in each others way.

King had been so captivated by them fighting that he had stopped paying attention and the fight ended before he could once again began to observe. Ace was on the ground and the four females had their weapons pointing at him. When Ace saw this he chuckled slightly and the four females pulled their weapons away. "Guess I should have known I was going to lose a four on one fight," Ace said as he got off the ground and dusted himself off.

"So Ruby did you learn anything useful?" King asked looking at the youngest if the four in front of him. When he asked this Ruby nodded and looked at him.

"I know where everyone stands in terms of skills now, and I also noticed that Blake can use her semblance. I wasn't sure if she could before but now I know she can," Ruby said looking at King. When she said this King nodded and looked at the others.

"So how about we finally go to our dorm?" King asked looking at the females in front of him.

"Sounds good to me," Ruby said as she began to walk down the halls. As soon as she said this the four others followed behind her and Ace watched as the five walked down the halls.

"What about my challenge King?" Ace asked looking at the male. When he did King turned to look at him while the other four continued down the halls of Beacon.

"It's just like Weiss said, challenge them then challenge me. You lost to them so you don't get to challenge me," King said as he turned around and began to walk down the halls. "Maybe you'll have better luck next time," King said with a smirk as he walked down the halls leaving a very unhappy and unsatisfied Ace behind.

King continued down the halls until he saw the four females walking into a room. As he walked he heard some noise and became a little concerned. He moved towards the room a little more quickly only to see that two sets of beds had been stacked on top of each other. "Well . . . this is interesting," King said looking at the beds that appeared to be unstable.

"It's great right?" Ruby said as she gestured to the beds. "Now we have bunk beds" Ruby said excitedly.

"I'm not sure if great it the word you want to use, but it's . . . something," King said looking at the four beds that had been stacked on top of each other. As King looked at their modification to the room a certain blonde member of team RWBY noticed something.

"Where is King going to sleep?" She asked gaining some attention from the four members in front of her. "Look we only have four beds, five people assigned to this dorm. King needs to sleep somewhere, so where is he going to sleep," Yang said looking at them.

When she said this Ruby looked at the beds and placed her hand to her chin as if she was thinking. "Maybe we could tie some rope around the top bunks to make something of a makeshift hammock for him to sleep on," Ruby said gesturing to the two top beds.

"That doesn't sound very comfortable," Weiss said as she imagined how it'd feel to lay on ropes.

"Not to mention that may make the beds unstable," Blake said as she looked at the space between the beds. When she said this Ruby once again went to thinking about where the male could sleep.

"I don't mind sleeping on the floor," King said interrupting the females in front of him.

"We could do that but it's really rude," Yang said looking at the male in front of her.

"Well then what do all of you suggest?" King asked looking at the several figures in front of him. When he said this the room fell quiet there was an obvious solution that none of the others wanted to suggest.

After a few moments of silence had passed Weiss sighed and looked at the several figures in front of them. "He could always share a bed with one of us," She said looking at the others in front of her. When she said this she received several different reactions. Ruby turned as red as her cloak, Yang let a smirk cross her face and Blake and King both seemed uninterested by the suggestion.

"Then who does he get to sleep with?" Yang asked in a sly tone giving the simple question several meanings. When she said this Ruby once again turned red and looked at the blonde in front of her.

"Yang stop it!" Ruby said in a pouting tone being very red and very embarrassed about the topic. King sat down seeing this and started to laugh slightly. He wasn't embarrassed about the situation he just found it rather humorous was all. As he did he then began to look through the small bag that he had brought with him.

"He can sleep with me," Weiss said looking the figures in front of her surprising three of them. When she said this the three looked at her a little shocked. "He's my brother, it doesn't bother me letting him sleep with me," Weiss said looking at the figures in front of her.

"That makes sense," Yang said looking at the white haired female. "After all if I had to then I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with Ruby," Yang said as she began to lay on her bed. As she did King continued to look through his bag trying to find one particular item.

"So it'd decided then?" King asked as he continued to look through his bag.

"Yeah, you'll sleep with Weiss until we can ask Professor Ozpin about your bed," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. As she said this King sighed and looked at Weiss.

"Hey sis, do you have my repression dust by chance?" King asked looking at the female. The white haired female sighed hearing this and reached into the small bag that she had with her.

"I thought you'd forget so I did bring an extra bottle with me just in case," Weiss said as she pulled out a small glass bottle with a strange liquid that kept changing from green to purple.

"Why do you need repression dust?" Blake asked as she watched the male open the bottle.

"I drink it to keep a few memories repressed," King said as he drunk the strange liquid. When he did he felt his stomach turn and threw the bottle I the small trashcan they had. "Even if it does taste like crap," King said with a slight groan.

"Why are you keeping memories repressed?" Ruby asked looking at the male in front of him slightly concerned about his wellbeing at the moment.

"My father," Weiss said bitterly as she answered the question. Ruby was more than confused to hear this and looked at the two for an explanation. King sighed seeing this and sat beside Weiss to explain.

"Indeed Jacques determined that under the right circumstances that a few of my memories may prove to work against me. As a result he decided that I needed to have a few memories repressed so that I never hesitate and Weiss never gets hurt," King said looking at the females in front of him.

"Why?" was the only word that Yang managed to say. Even if he did favor Weiss over him having your own son repress some of his memories seemed a little drastic. Yang may not have had many memories of her mother but she didn't think that even she would force her to repress her memories.

"That's another story for another time. However despite this dust helping keep them repressed it's not perfect, and every now and again a few memories managed to resurface. However when they do they can't be repressed again," King said as he looked at Yang.

"Aren't you curious? Don't you wonder about what memories you have that you've forgotten and why they'd be bad in the first place?" Ruby asked looking at the male in front of her.

"Of course I do, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what made these memories potentially fatal to Weiss. However I'm also willing to give up a few memories if it means I can be with Weiss and keep her safe," King said looking at the few females in front of him.

When he said this the room once again fell silent and King looked out the window to see that it was starting to become a little late. "Well Ruby, what do you say you and the rest of your team gets some rest? We can talk more tomorrow," King said as he looked at the younger female in front of him.

When he said this the female nodded and began to lay down. When she did Yang and Weiss repeated the action and began to lay on their beds as well. King walked over to the bed that Weiss was at however before he could lay down he noticed that Blake wasn't laying down like the others.

"Something wrong?" King asked as he approached the female.

"No, just want to read some more," Blake said as she looked at her book.

"Fair enough," King said looking at the female. He then turned his head so that eh could see the title of the book. "Ninjas of love?" King questioned as he read the title aloud. "Sounds interesting, what's it about?" King asked looking at the female in front of him.

"A ninja that is desperately trying to find love in a world overrun by war and chaos," Blake said as she turned the page of her book.

"Cool," King said looking at the female. "Mind if I join?" King asked looking at the female. When asked this Blake's face turned a slight shade of red and she looked at the male a little flustered.

"Wouldn't you rather sleep? Not to mention I'm in the middle of the book and you'd be completely lost, and this book is pretty graphic with some details so I don't think you'd enjoy it" Blake said in a slight panic trying to keep him from reading the book.

"Yeah, I'd rather be asleep but I get the feeling the reading with a friend is more enjoyable then reading alone, I don't think that starting in the middle of a book would be a problem, sooner or later I'll pick up or what's happening. As for graphic we kill creature of grimm for a living I'm sure I can handle it," King said with a smile as he looked at the female in front of him.

When he said this Blake sighed and moved over on her bed before she opened to the page from before. "Just remember this was your idea," Blake said as she once again began to read. King smile hearing this and sat down beside Blake and began to read the book that she was holding.

However as he did it took only a matter of seconds for his face to turn completely red. It was embarrassing but this his idea so he didn't want to back out of it to soon. Not mention that while what he was reading was embarrassing he had to admit that it was interesting.

The two stayed beside each other reading the book that Blake had brought with her. However one of the two was a bright red color the entire time. After several hours had passed King felt a slight weight on his shoulder and turned to see that Blake had fell asleep while reading the book.

King smiled seeing this and slowly got up trying not to disturb the female. King then took the book from her hands and placed it on her bookshelf with the several other books she had brought with her. King then walked over to the bed that Weiss was sleeping on and began to lay down beside her. After a few minutes had passed he began to fall asleep as well.

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. First I'd like to apologize for the fight scene I'm not good at writing them which why it ended so suddenly, nevertheless I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and get ready because the vote of the series is about to commence, and like always I wish you all luck.

What happens in the next chapter.

1. Ace approaches King again
2. King gets sick
3. King meets team JNPR
4. Team RWBY does a bounding exercise
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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