Chapter 7: Help

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P.O.V. Third

Ace was currently walking down the halls of Beacon hoping to once again run into the male from yesterday but hopefully not as literally as he had done yesterday. Ace continued down the halls until he saw the white haired male that watched over team RWBY walking down the halls. He was alone so Ace was hoping that this time no one would interrupt the two of them. Ace then started to walk a little faster approaching the male.

Hearing the footsteps approaching him from behind King stopped and turned to look at the male in front of him. King seeing that Ace was trying to catch up to him for some reason stopped and waited for the male to reach him. When he did King looked at him and Ace smiled. However out of the two King was the first to speak. "I'm not going to fight you if that's what you want. I've got some things I need to do today and don't need to be tired when I'm doing them," King said looking at Ace.

Ace admittedly did want to see what he was capable of but didn't want to come off as some battle hungry maniac so he decided to move on to the reason that he wanted to challenge King at all. "I actually want to get your help with something," Ace said as he looked at King. When he said this the two began to walk down the halls.

"So what is it you want help with? I'm not sure if I can help yet but if I can then I'll try," King said as the two kept walking down the halls.

"Well, I'm not just here to attend Beacon, don't get me wrong so far it's been a great experience and if I'm able then I'd like to finish it. However the main reason I came to Vale was I was looking for someone," Ace said as the two walked into a room usually used for training in hand to hand combat. To King's surprise there were a few people in the room fighting. This didn't come as a surprise to Ace however. He had been attending Beacon long enough to know that people usually went here to fight for a variety of reasons.

"Mind if I ask who this someone is?" King asked as the two walked up the stairs as two males began to fight.

"Not at all," Ace said as the two sat down on the stairs surrounding the males. "It's my sister Emerald," Ace said as he began to stare at the ceiling.

"Your sister?" King asked looking at the male beside him. He could certainly understand caring about your sister however this for some reason seemed to be a special case. "What happened?" King asked ready for several different answers each that just seemed to make

However before Ace could say anything King began to think about who this Emerald person could be and as King began to think about the name Emerald he of course thought back to the female that he had met a few days ago. However he quickly dismissed this thought because the two looked nothing alike. She had green hair he had white hair, she had red eyes he had brown eyes.

They looked nothing alike, he and Weiss looked more alike than they did and they weren't even related. The two dressed differently, acted differently, they even spoke differently. The two were just to different, so King dismissed the thought of this Emerald being the Emerald that Ace was looking for. "We were separated ten years ago," Ace said bringing King out of his slight thoughts of who he could be looking for. "I've been looking for her for a long time. I haven't been able to find any sign of her yet but I'm sure she's alive," Ace said looking at him.

"What makes you so sure?" King asked looking at Ace.

"Nothing solid so I can't offer anything if that's what you were hoping for. Call it a gut feeling," Ace said looking at King. Once again King could relate to this, however his was drastically different than his. Of course King didn't bring this up as he thought it would have seemed inappropriate at the time.

"So you want me to help find your sister?" King asked looking at Ace. When he asked this Ace nodded and King chuckled slightly. "You know you put to much trust in someone you just met," King said as he leaned back and looked at the two males fighting in the small arena below them. "We just met yesterday and we didn't spend that much time together, five minutes if that and you were fighting four other people for half of it," King said looking at Ace.

However unknown to the two males someone was listening to their conversion. Ozpin stared at the two with a slight smile listening to the two talk. He admittedly had no interest in helping Ace find Emerald but he certainly wasn't going to reject the idea of helping him either. If he found something out by coincidence then he'd certainly tell Ace however he didn't see himself going out and actively searching for this Emerald either. "You're essentially asking for help from someone you know nothing about," King said looking at Ace.

"That's not true I do know something about you. I know that you're incredibly strong. Plus it's not like being trusting is a bad quality to have," Ace said as the two males in the arena stopped fighting the winner being decided of the two. Ozpin was slightly intrigued by what Ace said at the beginning. He knew that King was strong and this made Ozpin curious as to what Ace knew, and if he knew that King was the Sion.

"It is in some scenarios, makes you seem gullible and as a result an easy target, and how do you know I'm strong? You haven't seen me fight, for all you know I'm the weakest huntsmen of those that got accepted," King said looking at the mle beside him a little confused. King couldn't think of a single scenario that Ace would have seen him fight unless he watched him at some given point in time which would have made King a little uneasy considering he was typically in a private location when he did.

"I saw you fight the Grimm, when you and Weiss were kidnapped," Ace said looking at the male in front of him. This of course caught both King and Ozpin's attention. King of course remember the incident but didn't like to talk about it. Mostly because it made Weiss uncomfortable so he tried not to bring the topic up or tell others about it. Ozpin however had his curiosity more than peaked at this point. He knew there had been several incidents were Weiss had been kidnapped at young age but the most recent occurrence of this happening was more than ten years ago.

"You saw that?" King asked a little nervous, he wasn't that concerned with the fact that he knew but he was a little concerned with the fact that Ace might start to tell other about what he saw. However little did the two realize that because of their conversation someone else in the room had already learned about the incident.

"Yeah," Ace answered as he turned to look at King. "I've never been so intimidated by a child before. Then again I've never seen anyone besides you scare and kill Grimm at such a young age," Ace said looking at the male beside him.

"Yeah," King said unsure of what else that he could say in this situation. "Just do me a favor and try not to tell anyone else about that," King said as he once again turned his attention to the few in front of him. Ace was a little confused as to why but didn't want to question it.

"I'll keep that a secret if you help me search for my sister," Ace said looking at the male in beside him. King nodded hearing and continued to watch the few males in front of him as they once again continued to fight.

"I can agree to that," King said as he looked at the male. When he said this Ace smiled and watched as the two in the small arena continued to fight. Ozpin knowing that he probably wasn't going to get any more information from them began to walk away from the two and down the halls of Beacon. As he left Ace and King continued to sit and watch the few in front of them fight.

After several minutes had passed Ace finally decided to ask the question that he had been wanting to ask. "So how about we have a quick match?" Ace said looking at him.

"I'd rather not," King said as he watched another two begin to fight. "I can see a few people over there are making bets on who they think is going to win. I'd rather not fight someone just so someone else can make some easy lien," King said as he gestured to a few males and females that seemed to be moving some lien around.

Ace not wanting to give up as easily as last time looked at the male. "Can we please spar?" Ace asked looking at him. "It doesn't have to be long I just want to get an accurate read on your power. It'd really bring me piece of mind knowing that I had someone strong helping me out," Ace said looking at King. Seeing that Ace wasn't going to let this subject go until he actually got to fight him King signed and looked at the male beside him.

"Fine, but I'm not going to do it for long. Just long enough for you to decide if I'm strong or not," King said looking at Ace. When he said this Ace smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that's fair," Ace said as he stood up. When he did King mimicked his action and the two began to walk towards the arena. They waited for the two that were currently sparing to finish. A red haired female with was fighting two males and she was defiantly winning. After the match was over Ace and King walked into the arena and the two could already hear the small group beside them making bets.

Ace knowing that King wasn't some push over readied both of his scythes and took a stance. King seeing Ace take his weapons out also reached to his side where a large white metal box was. King then pressed one of the three buttons and the box turned into a massive white scythe. He then used the handle and let it lean against his shoulder. The two stared at each other forma few moments before Ace moved forward. He had already thought of a lose plan on what he should do.

As he approached the make he brought one of his small scythes down and King easily stopped it with his much larger scythe. Ace then used the one scythe that he hadn't used to attack and tried to attack King's stomach. Seeing this King once again pressed one of the three buttons and a blade appeared on the other side of the handle. King then turned his scythe stopping the attack and pushed Ace back. Ace was admittedly surprised to see his weapon and for the most part figured out how it worked.

It seemed to be a combination of two or possibly three weapons. A scythe, a duel blade sycthe, and a staff. Ace had already seen what two of the button did the two on the ends controlled the blades. Telling them when to come out and when two retract. It seemed to have a completely different design than the scythe that Ruby used. Which means that how Ace wanted to fight him wasn't going to work because he had a completely different fighting style from Ruby.

King then pressed the bottom button and one of the blades retreated back into the pole. Ace then once again rushed towards the male. While it seemed like he didn't have a problem using the other functions of his weapon he seems to prefer the standard scythe. So while he wasn't sure how much effort that would take his did plan on using this to his advantage. As he was running Ace switched one of his scythes to it's gauntlet form and swung at King.

Like before King stopped the attack with his scythe however this time Ace attempted to punch King while he was busy holding his scythe back. Seeing this King released his grip on his scythe and let it spin around him so that it both stopped Ace's attack and threw him slightly off balance. Seeing this King quickly hit the two buttons on the end of his scythe forcing one blade to retreat and the other to emerge. He then moved his scythe using the blade to trip Ace.

When he did Ace wasted no time in quickly getting back up to his feet. While he did he once again pushed a the button on his gauntlet turning it back into a scythe. When he did he looked at King and saw him holding a vile of several different types of dust. "Let's see green, red, blue, black," King said as he scrolled past the colors before he stopped on one. "I think white should be enough," King said as he came to a stop. King then pushed a button on the end turning his scythe into a duel blade scythe with a blade at each end of the pole.

Unsure of what King was planning Ace moved forward with caution and this time attacked with both scythes. King then pushed the center button and the pole broke into two piece being connected with a chain made of light. Ace could only guess that was a result of the white dust he put into it. King then stopped each of Ace's scythes with his own. Ace then attempted to push King back and King once again released one of his scythes. This let Ace pass by him on one of his sides and King smiled as he once against pushed the center button.

When he did the chains restricted and the two came back together. Seeing the blade flying towards him Ace used both his scythes to stop the attack and was pushed back and when the two pieces snapped back together King used the handle to throw Ace into a wall. When he did King once again pushed a button on the end turning his weapon back into a scythe.

Ace then looked at King and smiled. He thought that this was enough to satisfy him for now at least. "Okay, I think that's enough," Ace said as he put his scythe away. Seeing this King pressed all three of the buttons at once and it once again turned into the box that he once again placed the box on his side. The two then walked out of the arena so that the next few people could begin to fight.

"Well?" King asked looking at Ace.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better now," Ace said as the two continued down the halls. It really did bring him piece of mind knowing that he had someone strong help look for his sister. The two then heard some footsteps approaching them and turned to see a familiar red haired male in front of them. "Oh Kyle," Ace said looking at the male.

"Where have you been?" Kyle asked looking at the male.

"Just talking to King," Ace said gesturing to the white haired male beside him. Kyle sighed hearing this and looked at Ace.

"Well whatever the case come on we need to go and the others are starting to get a little impatient," Kyle said looking at the male in front of him. Ace nodded hearing this and waved to King as he walked down the halls. King sighed seeing this and started to head towards his dorm.

"He's an odd one," King said as he continued down the hall. When he finally reached his dorm his smiled and opened the door however to his surprise he saw that only Weiss and Blake were in the room. "Where's Ruby and Yang?" King questioned as he walked into the room shutting the door behind him.

"They're not here, they left a few hours ago saying it was a sister thing," Weiss said looking at King.

"Oh," King said as he sat down and looked at the two in front of him. "So what were you two doing?" King asked looking at the two as he sat down.

"Just taking the time to get to know each other," Weiss said looking at King.

"I see," King said looking at the two in front of him. "So what have you two talked about so far?" King asked looking at the two females.

"Nothing interesting," Blake said flatly as she looked at King. "She did mention that you two aren't blood related," Blake said looking at King.

"Yeah, but then again blood ties isn't the only thing that matters when it comes to family," King said looking at Blake.

"Indeed," Weiss said continuing for him. "In fact King and me are much closer than I am to my real family," Weiss said looking at her.

"Speaking of which," King said as he looked at Blake. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" King asked looking at Blake. He didn't think it'd matter if she did or not but he did want to know purely out of curiosity.

"No," Blake said looking at the two in front of her. King looked as if he was about to ask another question however this time Blake beat him to it. "Weiss also told me that you are the strongest in the family. Any idea why? Training would make sense of course but from what she told me her and her sister had to train much more and much harder to try and keep up with you," Blake said looking at him.

When she said this King thought about it for a few minutes. As he did he couldn't think of any particular reason why so he looked at Blake. "No, I can't think of anything," King said looking at the female.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Blake said looking at the male. She was willing to believe him but just found it a little unlikely that he didn't have any idea why he was such a natural prodigy while Weiss and Winter had to work much harder just to try and keep up with him.

"Sorry, I wish I could help but nothing comes to mind. Plus it's not like I have all the perks out of the two of us Jacques favors Weiss far more than me and she's the only one of the two of us that can use her semblance," King said looking at the female in front of her. What King said once again surprised Blake. She could believe that fact that Mr. Schnee would indeed favor his own flesh and blood over someone he adopted but she found it much harder to believe that King couldn't use his semblance

"You can't use your semblance?" Blake asked looking st the white haired male in front of her. When she asked this King gave a quick nod and Blake looked at him. "Do you at least know what your semblance is?" Blake asked looking at the male in front of her. He at the very least had to know the nature of his semblance. While using it is difficult it's possible that he's tried to use it and just hasn't mastered it yet. However to her surprise King once again nodded.

"I don't know what it is," King said with a sigh. Blake was a little surprised to hear this and looked at the male. Seeing her obvious confusion King decided to explain. "Unlocking your semblance has to do with having perfect control over your aura as you know," King said looking at the black haired female in front of him. When he said this Blake nodded and looked at him. "Well I could never gain perfect aura control," King said looking at female.

"Mind if I ask why?" Blake asked looking at the male in front of her. Hearing this King became and little nervous and turned to Weiss.

"Wiess?" King asked looking at the female that he called his sister. He was wanting help explaining why he couldn't control his aura. He understood the basics of it but she understood all of it far better than he did and thought that she'd probably be able to explain it better.

When he said this Weiss sighed and looked at the black haired member of her team. "His aura is very inconsistent, he had a hard time gaining control over it because it grew at a faster rate than most others. One day it would be fine the average size someone's aura should be, then the next it may be twice as large. Since it was so inconsistent he's never been able to gain perfect control over his aura," Weiss said looking at Blake.

"Yeah, so I never got it completely under control," King said as he looked at the female. However to keep the females opinion of him high King quickly continued. "However my skill more than make up for my lack of aura control and while it's not perfect I can still use my aura in battle effectively. I'm a lot more efficient than most you'll see," King said looking at her. He tried to keep a tone that sounded confident but not so much so that it seemed like he was bragging.

"I see," Blake said as the door once again opened. When it did King saw both Ruby and Yang with a few bags in their hands.

"Hey guys we're back," Yang said looking at the three figures in front of her.

"Did you have fun?" Blake asked looking at the two.

"Yeah," Yang said answering for the two of them.

"Yeah, it was a little fun and I got some new comics to read," Ruby said holding up one of her bags with a smile. Weiss seemed a little displeased with the type of book she had chosen to get but ultimately decided not to say anything about it.

"Well we should probably get some sleep it is getting a little late," Blake said as she closed her book and began to lay down. While she did enjoy reading she didn't get that much sleep the night before because she was trying to stay awake with her "reading buddy" as a result she was much more tired tonight. Yang let out a tired yawn seeing this and looked to the others.

"Yeah, I'll see you all in the morning for now I'm going to sleep," Yang said as she also laid down on her bed and began to sleep. Ruby following her sister's lead let out a yawn and crawled into her bed. Weiss seeing the rest falling asleep laid down and moved over making some room for King. When she did King turned out the light and walked over to the bed Weiss was on and began to sleep and within a matter of minutes all members of team RWBY as well as King had fallen asleep.

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I do have something to say before you vote. The main thing being that I am running out of ideas for votes so if you have an idea for a vote please PM me and if I like it and it makes sense then I'll of course put it in the story and give you credit. However before you do I feel like it's only fair to warn you that I usually like to make my votes at least five options long. The other being that I actually am still accepting OC's for this story. As with the other OC's they probably won't have a big role but they will be in the story. So once again if this is something you are interested in then please pm me. Now get ready because the next vote of the series is about to take place.

1. Kyle approaches King
2. King meets team CRDL
3. King meets team JNPR
4. King meets team CFVY
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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