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This just in, a hijacking has ensued on a cargo jet. The jet is carrying weapons and explosives and the ones responsible are reported to be a terrorist group that disguised themselves as soldiers. For now, we don't know the details of what's going on, but we hope that the men inside aren't being threatened or killed by this group.


We head inside the plane as we see several hostages bound and taped while several men stood in front of them, holding their weapons at them while others look at the weapons the jet is carrying.

These are obvious HYDRA's men that entered the plane and hijacked it. They killed a few men, including the pilot, as one is seen flying it. The hostages glared at their captured as one HYDRA soldier spoke with another.

HYDRA soldier: How long do we ge there?

HYDRA Soldier 2: Soon. Now quit whining and do you job.

The soldier grunts as he resumes pointing his gun at the hostages.

HYDRA Soldier: We will arrive soon. With the weapons and explosives, we could have the advantage now that the Avengers have separated because of the United Nations. With them gone, we-

Suddenly, the heard a thud as the plane shook a bit. Everyone went silent as they pointed their guns at the roof. They hear some footsteps, but then they stopped. As they sigh with relief, until...

One soldier yelled in agony as everyone turns and sees a shadowy figure stabbing him from behind with a glowing purple blade. Soon, it pulls the soldier to the shadow and the soldier continues to scream. Then he stopped.

The soldiers look on with fear as they pointed their guns at the shadow. Then the head of the soldier was tossed towards one who subconsciously caught it then dropped it. Then everyone looks up and a figure comes out, glowing a scary red aura with a mask on, with one glowing eye staring at them.

HYDRA Soldier: The Crimson Warrior!

The Warrior scoffs as he goes into a fighting stance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

HYDRA Soldier: Open fire!

The soldiers fired at the Warrior but the bullet merely did no damage. Soon, he disappears and reappears in the middle and starts kicking their asses.

He knocks four down with punches and kicks before blocking one's kick and headbutts him in the gut before punching him. One tries to punch him but The Warrior merely headbutts his fist, breaking it, and sending the one he still has tight away.

He then goes after Numb Fingers and hits several punches to his head and gut before kicking him in the gut several times. He then jumps and stomps on his back, breaking him.

Daikon stops as he brings up his arm up. Soon, a blade form on his hand and it glows a purple heating energy.

Soon, he starts killing the soldiers in quick fashion. He slashes, cuts, and stabs at them before jamming it though another's chest as they disintegrated from the heat of the blade.

Soon, most of the soldiers are killed as Daikon heads to the pilot room. He then opens the door.

HYDRA Pilot: Sir, we're under-

Daikon stops him as he uses mind manipulation on him. The pilot stops before sitting.

Pilot: False alarm sir. We'll be heading for the location as you promise.

Daikon nods as he has the pilot direct him to the location.

*hidden HYDRA Facility: Song fades out*

Several HYDRA soldiers are seen outside as they see the plane landing in front of them. Once it lands, it opens the back hatch. Just before they would go inside, however, they heard footsteps. Soon, they see the pilot, skinned alive, coming out unable to speak due to the immense on his body.

He yells once more before dropping down, dead. The soldiers look in horror before one gets blasted through the chest, followed by three more. Soon, the rest were hit as a big explosion occurs.

The others came out, only to see the Crimson Warrior in front of them. They shake in fear as they point their guns at him. Soon, The Warrior's arm glows before it takes the form of a Scythe, with a Chain attacked to it.

(Imagine this but created in Daikon's Chi)

Soon, they fired but Daikon begins massacring them with his Chi Chain-Sickle, with blooding spurting everywhere.

Soon, he took a deep breath before being shot by a tank. He stood there unfazed before firing a beam at him, destroying it instantly. Soon, he sees a HYDRA general grunts in pain as he glares at the Warrior.

General: Bastard! We thought you'd be on the run! Like the other Avengers!

The Warrior looks at him before kneeling down to his level. He the removes his mask, showing his face.

Daikon: Heh. You think I would let worthless beings like yourself out while the UN are hunting me? No. So what if we're separated. That doesn't mean I would stop protecting my planet.

Daikon the grabs the legsless general by the face and lifts him up.

Daikon: Now, let get this over with. I have dinner my fiancé is making and I don't want it getting cold.

Soon, he tosses the man inside the building before credit another weapon made from his energy. This time...a Bow and Arrow.

Daikon: Die.

He fires the arrow and...

The building is explodes, along with the general dying there. Soon, Daikon sighed as he makes a quick and anonymous call, telling the location of the stolen jet and Hostages before flying off.

*later, somewhere far*

Soon, Daikon reappears as he removes his bloody upper clothes.

Daikon: Honey, I'm home!

Soon, a woman arrives as she greats Daikon with a smile.

Wanda: Welcome home, dear. How was the missions?

Daikon: Average, basically felt like a waste of time and energy, paling in comparison to having dinner with you.

Wanda: *chuckles* Oh, my dear lover is famished. Well, don't worry. I made sure you'll be fed quite well.

Daikon smiled as picks up Wanda and holds her a few inches ahead of him and they grinned lovingly at the each other.

Daikon: I love you so much, Wanda.

Wanda: I love you too, Daikon.

They kissed each other deeply and warmly as they held each other tightly. Soon, they stopped so that they breathe.

Wanda: We better hurry. The food would get cold.

Daikon: Then let's go.

Daikon carries Wanda in a bridal position as he jumps over the stairs and they entered the room. They soon proceed with dinner.

*later, at night*

We see Daikon and Wanda in their bedroom as they talk to each other.

Wanda: It has been a few months since the Avengers broke up...I honestly feel at peace despite being hunted down.

Daikon: Why's that?

Wanda: Because I get to have you...*snuggles with him* All by myself with no one to bother us and our home you built for us.

Daikon: *chuckles softly* True. *holds her tightly* I love our friends and family, but it's better to be with each other than with others around us.

Wanda: Indeed. Have you talked to Nat and the others?

Daikon: Of course I do. If I don't, I'll lose an organ.

They chuckled that.

Daikon: I heard that Bucky's recovery has been progressing back in Wakanda. Which is understandable since they have the more advanced tech than here.

Wanda: That's good. After being under HYDRA's control for so long, he deserves peace. And I'm glad you two buried the hatchet.

Daikon: Me too. So how's Pietro?

Wanda: Doing fine as well at the Institution. He gets along well with others.

Daikon: Nice.

Daikon and Wanda sighed as they rest against each other.

Wanda: Daikon...

Daikon: Yes, Wanda?

Soon, Wanda slowly got up and sat on top of his him, her legs around his hips.

Wanda: Could we do it again? Like how we did it last week?

Daikon smiles as he places his hands on her hips.

Daikon: You know I'm always eager for doing this. I just wanted you to ask me.

Wanda: I would be fine doing it if you asked me well.

Daikon: But that would mean I would be asking you everyday. Sorry, but when it comes to this, my instincts would go crazy on you.

Wanda: Hmhm. I guess I have to match your level of craziness.

She leans down as kisses Daikon. Soon, they started groping and rubbing each other's bodies as they started feeling hot and lust. Just before the do anything else, a phone rang.

Daikon; Oh God Damnit. Right when we were getting ready for it.

Wanda sighs in frustration as well as she gets off his hips so he could get the phone.

Daikon: Hello, and who the-...Nick? Why are you calling for now after all this time?...I see...I see. Tomorrow then? Good. Talk to you later. Goodbye and don't call me at this time unless it's important. *ends the call*

Wanda: What is it? What's happening?

Daikon: Fury wants me to meet him and Maria Hill tomorrow. Something came up that will cause massive problems for the Earth.

Wanda: Really? What?

Daikon: They'll tell me tomorrow. It sound serious, so I have to be prepared.

Wanda: So no...excitement for now?

Daikon stares at her before pouncing on her. Wanda giggles as Daikon sat on top of her.

Daikon: Of course we'll do it.

Wanda smiles as they kissed each other again. The camera moves back as we see a drawer that is open with an all knowing small box inside. Soon, that night becomes spicy for Wanda and Daikon, as they wonder what was it that Nick Fury wants to talk about?

How's the chapter?

Nice start huh?

What did you think of Daikon's new abilities?

What will Nick tell him about the problem?

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