The Squadron

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*the next day*

Daikon: Nick was serious about this. That should mean something's going on. Damn. Just when the world is dealing with the fallout of the Avengers breaking up, now it's something beyond that? Why can't villains get the hint? Probably would if I kill most of them.

Daikon flies off to where Nick is located. Thanks to his sensing ability, he's able to locate his presence. However, as he did, he sensed others. One was Maria Hill and...someone powerful.

Daikon: Hmm...Fury, I'm going to beat your ass for keeping more secrets from us. *flies off*

*in a secret base outside of New York*

We see Nick, Maria, and Carol Danvers in the base as they went into Daikon to arrive. Carol is seen tending to her wounds from her earlier fight as Maria helps her.

Carol: When will this "Crimson Warrior" arrive, Nick? The Squadron will be here by any day now.

Nick: Calm down, Carol. You know the whole world is different now that the Avengers are broken up.

Carol: Pfft. That's some BS. And also, why does the military think they can handle such monsters like I did?

Maria: That's pride, Carol. Unfortunately, pride is contagious.

Carol: Yeah.

Soon, they heard a lightning strike from outside. Carol stood up, thinking it was a treat until Nick calms her down with a hand on her shoulder.

Nick: It's him.

The door opens as everyone turns to see Daikon entering. Carol however, gasped for some reason.

The sight of his face, his hair, his build, and his sharp fangs on his teeth.

Daikon: Alright, Nick. Who's the girl with the huge power level and what was the reason for you to calm me late at night yesterday?

Nick: Daikon...this is-Carol, No!

Carol charges at him but Daikon caught her fist. He then turns her around and wraps arm around her neck. Carol struggles as Daikon whispers in her ear.

Daikon: Try that again and the pain you have now will be worse when I'm through with you.

Daikon shoves her away as she glares at him.

Maria: Carol, what is wrong with you? Why did you attack him?

Carol: ...It's nothing.

Daikon: Pfft. Like you charging at me wasn't anything special. Plus, even if you're at full power, I can and will kick your ass, so why don't you shut up and let Nick tell me what's going on, alright?

Carol glares at him before stepping back.

Nick: Sorry about her, Daikon. She hasn't been good lately.

Daikon: I can tell. Who is she and why did you call me here?

Carol: I'm Carol Danvers.

Nick: And something's coming as of right now. Something dangerous.

Daikon's irritation changed to a concerned look.

Daikon: Who? HYDRA?

Nick: No...something far worse than HYDRA.

Carol: A group of Super Powered beings from Space are heading to Earth to conquer it.

Daikon: Super Powered Beings?

Carol: Yes. Here.

Carol turns her wrist watch on and shows a holographic screen. Soon, it shows a group individuals in different colored clothing.

Carol: They're called the Squadron Supreme. They're a group of Tyrannical Dictators that are set out to rule different planets.

She shows images of the onslaught of the Squadron Supreme as Daikon looks on with a mix of horror and anger.

Nick: And now they've set their sights on Earth.

Daikon: I see.

Carol: Not only that. They destroyed their own planet just because they refused to Obey them.

Daikon: What? Their own planet? These guys are a bunch of monsters.

Nick: They'll stop at nothing once they have Earth submit to their rule.

Daikon: And if we don't, then they'll have their ways, huh?

Nick: Precisely.

Carol: Not only that...

Nick: They know who you are.

Daikon was in shock. They know who he is? How? Were they monitoring him from afar? Unbelievable.

Daikon: What?

Carol: You're power caught their attention. It suddenly burst out so much that it could be sense from miles away in space. Easy for them to detect it.

Daikon then remembers something. A few months ago, he unleashed his power out during his confrontation with the two split of the Avengers. He soon realized that the power he showed was the one responsible for them figuring it out.

Nick: And with Thor and Hulk out, and the Avengers are the main threat that needs to be eliminated in order for their mission to he complete.

Daikon: ...

Carol: They're called Nighthawk, the Leader, Hyperion, the second in command and strongest, Speed Demon, the fastest, Power Princess, could equal Hyperion in strength with a mighty hammer, and Nuke, who could control Nuclear Radiation and use it as he wishes. Combine, they're the terror of the Universe.

Nick: More so than Loki and Ultron. that you know of our impending situation...what do you think?

Daikon looks at the screen again as he watches each member tearing through worlds they conquered. He gave a frown before turning back.

Maria: Daikon?

Carol: he going to...

Daikon then turns to them and grinned.

Daikon: Neat.

This shocked Maria, Carol, and Nick. Daikon was told these powerful tyrants and yet he doesn't seemed fazed by them? He wasn't scared. He's...eager to fight them.

Daikon: Strong beings...and they're evil. Two reasons for me to fight them and then kill them. I'll wait until they arrive.

Nick:'re not taking this seriously. These assholes are nothing to be messed with.

Daikon: Yet, they're afraid of what I can do. That's the reason why they're after me, right? Not Cap, not Iron Man, Not Thor, not even Hulk. Me. And I welcome their demise once I get my hands on them.

Carol: You're psychotic.

Daikon: Thank you, Captain Obvious. Now, when they would be arriving?

Carol: In a few days. I barely managed to reach here on my own ship before them. Who knows how long they'll arrive. Plus, they'll separate around the world in order to disorient the world's defense forces.

Daikon: Hmm...I see. I think a few days is long enough to train.

Nick: Daikon, this isn't some training session-

Daikon: Ssh. I got it under control, Nick. Trust me. Plus...that time when I unleashed my power in Germany?

Nick: Yes?

Daikon: *Cracks his neck* I wasn't even at 90%.

This shocked everyone. Daikon didn't show his full power that time, and who knows how strong he is, or how strong he will be when training to face the Squadron.

Daikon: Guess, we're done here. See ya.

Maria: Daikon-

Carol: He disappeared.

Nick: Cocky mothafucka. That power got into his head.

Maria: At least he knows what's going to happen and he'll get ready.

Carol: Still, the Squadron can be unpredictable. Who knows what could happen if they encounter the Saiyan.

Nick: ...The fuck you say, Carol?

Carol's eyes widen as she realized she slipped. She then sighed.

Carol: I too know Daikon. Or rather, his species.

Maria: Species?

Carol: He's come from a race of primal warriors that has been, for a while, Space Pirates, tearing through planets to sell them to the highest bidder, but...the Squadron arrived and destroyed them and their planet.

Nick: Wait...does that mean...all but Daikon are dead?

Carol: Yes.

Maria: My God. That would explain his appearance changes.

Carol: Changes?

Nick: Before, he was experimented on and looked like a normal man, though stronger and taller, thanks to a Super Serum. That was until he unlocked his powers, was when his body changed to who he looks now.

Maria: That means...what happened back then to cause him look different was far worse than what was reported after we rescued him. Even Daikon doesn't know it or wished to not know it.

Nick: My God.


Daikon went back to Wanda to explain the situation.

Wanda: My God. Are you sure you can take them on your own? You should get some help-

Daikon: No, Wanda. I can't let others help me. I'm the one they're after. They don't know how strong I can be.

Wanda: And yet you're willing to go out there and get yourself killed by those monsters?

Daikon: Yes. I risked my life to save Earth from Ultron, and now I'm doing the same against the Squadron. So that no one could get caught in the crossfire.

Wanda: And what about the people you hold dear that could help? Natasha, Steve, Peter, Pietro...and me?

Daikon goes up to her and leans down. He places his hands on her cheeks before pulling her for a kiss. Wanda sighs as she wraps her arm around his neck. They stood there for a while before stopping to breath.

Daikon: I don't want you or anyone else to lose their lives for me. If the Squadron wants me dead...I'll make it hard for them to make me dead.

Wanda stares at her fiancée's eyes and see the determination and seriousness in them. She then sighs as she hugs him.

Wanda: Ok. Sorry for worrying about this.

Daikon: No need to feel sorry. I understand. That's why I love you.

Wanda: And you're always there to comfort me. That's why I love you too.

They smiled at each other and hugged and kissed again. They backed away as the chuckled.

Daikon: You know...things a personal between me and the Squadron.

Wanda: Why's that?

Daikon: They made you worry. And no one makes my fiancé worry on my watch. I'll make them regret they even exist.

A gust of wind blew as Daikon reveals his power while Wanda covers her eyes and looks on in awe. She then grinned.

Wanda: Those monsters will rue the day they try to harm our World.

How's the chapter?

Here's something new. Daikon acting cocky and arrogant, but is still being realistic. This is a form a character development for him.

What do you think of the reveal?

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