Chapter 1: Left Behind...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

Your POV:

So here I am now, bleeding to death with a gaping hole in my guts, and another one in my shoulder, sitting against a tree, inside of a park, somewhere in the middle of Kuoh.

'What happened to me ? Where did it go wrong ?'

I slowly lifted my blood-covered hand toward my eyes, and as I slowly started to drift into unconsciousness, I remembered the events that leaded me here, to my death.

Flashback, your POV:

I was on my way to Kuoh academy, where I study. I just got transferred here recently, and things were going mostly smoothly.

Only mostly, because nothing can be perfect, something has to be off, and that something was currently someone.

I believe his name is Issei Hyoudou, member of the well-called "perverted trio".

You see, until recently, Kuoh academy was an all-girl school, and only got mixed a few years ago. And while some of the male student came here for good reasons, in my case simply because it was the only highschool that was close enough, some of them, applied here for more... questionable purposes.

The second option concern especially Issei and his two friends, who both came here to, and I quote "becoming the harem kings"...

Now, as much as I know that having a dream to fight for is a great thing, I just can't follow them, and instead, I would just beat them up each time I would hear them talking about perverted stuff.

Passing the school gates, I noticed the trio, staying in a corner and mumbling to themselves, but since I don't wanted any business with them, I just walked past them, and made my way to my class.

As I was walking in the hallway, I spotted some girls, happily gossiping, but as soon as they saw me, the subject of conversation changed.

(AN: "RG" and "RB" mean "random girl" and "random boy")

RG1: Hey, isn't that the knight ?

RG2: You're right, it's him !

RG3: He does looks cute though, right ? And I swear I could see some heart in her eyes after that.

*sigh* I feel like some explanations are needed here, you see, it all started a few days ago, as I was making my way toward my class, I suddenly spotted the perverted trio, as two of them, baldy and "measurements-boy" were struggling against a wall, while Issei was apparently complaining about something.

The weird thing is, if I remember correctly, what was on the other side of this wall is... The girls changing room.

'Those perverts are really asking for trouble.'

I sneakily made my way behind them, and suddenly grabbed the two that were peeping by the head, and smashed their skulls together, before turning toward Issei, who was slowly trying to back away.

Issei: M...Mercy ?

"She can't hear you, she's busy healing her teammates."

Issei: Wait, did you just-

I didn't gave him enough time to finish his line, and simply whacked his head, making him faceplant into the ground.

I then grabbed the three unconscious perverts by their collars, and dragged them toward the door. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

It wasn't long before a girl, apparently the captain of the kendo club, opened the door, and she was quite surprised to see a boy waiting, which I can't really blame her for.

Girl: Yes ? What do you want ?

"I'm really sorry to disturb you, but I found those three peeping at you through a hole in the wall." I said pointing to the still unconscious perverted trio.

Girl: Again with them ?!

"Again ? It already happened ?"

Girl: *sigh* Yeah, those three are hopeless, no matter how many time we warn them, they'll always come back later. Are you the one who knocked them out ?

"Yes it was me, and I highly recommend you to cover that hole."

Girl: very well, you can let them here, we'll deal with them properly later.

"It was my pleasure to help, I can't stand perverts like them."

Girl: Anyway, thank you Mr...

"Y/n, Y/n L/n."

The news of me beating up the perverted trio, quickly spread through the school, and the girls soon started to call me "The mighty knight of Kuoh" and now that title wouldn't leave me.

Timeskip after class:

Class just ended, and it was lunch time. As I was about to leave, I overheard what the perverted trio was discussing about:

Baldy: You guys are ready to take a peek at the kendo club changing room ?

Glasses: You bet we are, after all, that's why we came to this school in the first place !

Issei: To fulfill mankind's greatest dream...

All 3: To become harem kings !!

"You guys are truly hopeless, do you really need a reminder of last time ?" I asked them, a menacing look on my face.

Baldy: Shut it pretty boy ! How could that all the girls in this school are swooning over you ?!

"Simple, it's called not being a pervert, and respecting women, and it's also the reason why you perverts don't have a girlfriend."

Glasses: Oh yeah ? Then what about you, you don't have one either !

"Correction, I'm not looking for one, that's different, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna eat lunch. Also, if any of you try to peek, you'll have to go through me first."

I left the classroom, and headed straight to my favorite spot to eat lunch: a shady tree, next to the old school building, and since that no one was officially using it, it was easily the quietest spot of the school. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard several footsteps coming toward me, and they seemed quite in a hurry.

I opened my eyes, mentally cursing the ones who ruined my nap, and I saw a quite interesting sight: the perverted trio, out of breath and with evident signs of a recent beating.

I stare at them, a disapproval look in my face.

"Let me guess, you tried to peek, right ?"

All three: *Gulps in fear*

"But you discovered that they covered the hole and put someone on guard duty..."

All three: *nods slowly*

"And unfortunately for you, out of all the directions you could've run off, and all the people you could've bumped in... It had to be me." I said cracking my knuckles.

All three: *Shivers in fear*

As I was about to beat them up once again, a sudden breeze blew past us, making me look up, only to be met with the glare of a red-haired girl, staring at us from a window.

I held her gaze for a few seconds, before she turned around and disappeared in the shadows.

I was wondering what just happened, when I heard:

Issei: Did you see her boobs ?!

Baldy: Off course, they were absolutely huge !!

"Could you guys stop being perverted for a second and tell me who she is ?"

Issei: wait you don't know her ?!

"I got transferred here recently, I don't know everyone yet."

Glasses: Well, Rias Gremory, chest..

"If you tell me her measurements, I swear to God that I'll personally make sure that you never have children."

Glasses: O...okay, Rias Gremory, third year, president of the occult research club, got transferred here from Scandinavia, peoples call her "the goddess of Kuoh".

'The "goddess" huh ? Bullshit ! Peoples should be recognized for what they do, not who they are !'

"Anyway, lunch will end soon, we should go back to class now."

"And guys, don't think I forgot, I'm still gonna beat you up for trying to peep."

They all scratched their heads in embarrassment, and followed me, staying at a respectable distance from me.

3rd person POV:

Rias: Well, that was... Interesting, to say the least...

???: Is something bothering you, buchou ?

Rias turned around, facing a raven-haired girl, standing in the other side of a chess board.

Rias: Akeno, who was the boy with Issei ? The one with H/c hair ?

Akeno: Well, I believe his name is Y/n L/n, he got transferred here recently, he's in the same class as Issei, and everyone call him "The mighty knight of Kuoh".

Rias: I see...

Akeno: Do you think he possess a sacred gear, like Issei ?

Rias: I don't think so, his body isn't releasing any magical energy right now, but something seemed off about him.

Akeno: Do you want me to follow him as well ?

Rias: No, for now, just focus on Issei. Also, checkmate. She said moving a rook piece across the board.

Akeno: Awww, I'm sorry, I tried to make it challenging for you.

Rias: It's okay Akeno. She then undressed herself and entered the shower.

Timeskip, your POV:

I was walking home with Issei, since we live in the same neighborhood, and said pervert was painfully rubbing a huge bump on his head.

Issei: Was it really necessary to hit us THAT hard ?

"It's the only way for you and your two friends to learn to respect women, I'll stop if you finally stop being a pervert."

???: Um... Excuse me...

We turned around to be met by a really cute girl, wearing a highschool uniform, and it's useless to say that Issei was already checking her out.

"Keep your hormones in check, pervert." I said whacking him on the head.

"Excuse his behavior, what do you need ?"

???: A...Are you Issei Hyoudou, by any chances ?

Issei: Yes, that's me.

'I swear to god Issei, if you've done anything bad to her...'

Yuma: Well, I'm Yuma Amano, and I was wondering if you would be my boyfriend ?

Well, it's a good thing that I wasn't drinking anything right now, 'cause I would probably just choke on it. Did that girl seriously just asked ISSEI out ?

At least, said pervert was as confused as I were, but quickly got over it, and answered happily.

Issei: Of course, I would love too, what about a date Sunday ?

Yuma: That sound lovely, I'll meet you at the park at 12:00.

With that, she left, and Issei turned toward me, with a mix of fear, hope and happiness on his face.

"*sigh* I'm not helping you on that one, Issei, I already feel sorry enough for that poor girl."

Issei: Please Y/n, I beg you, I don't want to screw this up ! He got on his knees, pleading me.

'Now that I think about it, maybe this girl can help Issei getting rid of his perverted antics; or maybe not, but it's worth a try.'

"Fine Issei, I'll follow you on your "date", and I'll try to prevent you from doing something perverted."

Issei: Thank you, I just need you to stay out of sight, I don't want Yuma to notice you following us !

'Seriously, what have I gotten myself into ?'

Timeskip to the "date"

I must say, I wasn't planning to spend my entire Sunday afternoon stalking a classmate on his date, but it's what I'm currently doing.

I got here a little ahead of Issei and Yuma, to prevent him from "screwing things up", and he was doing surprisingly well, I hadn't to intervene as they went to the mall, the arcade and the theater.

The day was quite uneventful ( For me that is ) and I was about to head home while they were back to the fountain in the park.

Yuma: Issei, I wanted to ask you something...

She whispered the last part, but I was still able to hear it.

Yuma: Would you die for me ?

'That's... not something you usually ask on a date...'

Issei seemed just as confused as I was.

Issei: I'm sorry, but could you repeat that ?

Yuma: I said, would you die for me ?

A bright light filled the park, and Yuma changed into a much "more developed" version of herself, in sort some of skimpy outfit.

And of course, Issei was already drooling over her new body, so he couldn't notice the pink, spear-looking weapon that appeared out of nowhere in her hand.

She threw it at Issei, and without any time (or attention) to dodge it, he got hit in the gut, and blood splattered everywhere.

'Yuma': That's a shame really, but if you want to blame someone, blame god for putting a sacred gear on you.

'Wait, god ?!... Sacred gears ? What the hell is going on here ?!!'

'Yuma': But for now, I have to take care of a little pest !

She summoned another of those weapons, and tossed it... Directly at me !!

I barely had enough time to dodge it, and it pierced my right shoulder, and I let out a VERY painful scream.

'Yuma': So I was right, you were following us, I must say, you're pretty stealthy for a human, but you couldn't fool a fallen angel.

I didn't respond, instead, I tried to cover the gaping hole in my shoulder.

'Yuma: I'm sorry about that, but you saw too much, so I have no choice but to eliminate you.

She created another spear, and pointed it directly at me.

'Yuma': before I do so, mind telling me your name, so I would know what to mark on your grave ?

"...Y/n...Y/n L/n..."

Raynare: Well Y/n, my name is Raynare.

Raynare: I'm really sorry about that, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Heh, I'm never helping someone with a date ever again..."

She then drove her spear in my guts, leaving me to die on the ground.

3rd person POV:

Raynare: My job here is done, I should probably leave now.

She deployed her black-feathered wings, and flew off.

Silence filled the entire park, the only audible noise being the shaky breath of the two dying boys on the ground.

Suddenly, a bright red light, emanating from a circle, filled the park, and from that circle emerged the red-haired girl from school, Rias Gremory, this time accompanied by a blond boy.

They spotted Issei, and Rias seemed quite satisfied with that, she pulled what looked like some pawn pieces, and put them on his chest.

In a bright light, the pieces were absorbed by Issei, and when the light died down, he seemed perfectly fine, as his wounds just disappeared.

She used another circle to transport him somewhere else, and they were about to leave, when the boy spotted something else in the darkness.

???: Buchou, I think there is someone else here...

He got close enough to recognize who was lying in a pond of his own blood.

???: I know him, he's in the same class as Issei, everyone call him the "knight of Kuoh"

Rias: Kiba, what are you doing ?

Kiba: We need to save him, if he stay here, he's gonna die for sure. He said helping said boy to stand up.

Rias: He doesn't possess a sacred gear, there's no way that I would waste a piece on a worthless human like him.

Kiba: But...

Rias: Kiba, I'm your master, and as your master, I command you to put him down.

Kiba: But...fine.

Your POV:

Kiba slowly put me down, making me sitting against a tree.

Kiba: I'm sorry Y/n.

"D...Don't worry about this, I know you're not doing it by choice."

Kiba: Thank you, may our paths cross again someday.

With that, he leaved with his so-called "master", and silence filled the park once again.

Flashback end:

'So, that bitch had the power to save me huh ? A "worthless human...'

I closed my eyes, and let myself sink into unconsciousness.

'I guess this is how I'm gonna die...'




'No, I'm certainly not going to die here, I'm gonna show that bitch how much of a mistake she made, not saving me, I'm gonna make her pay !!'

???: That's the spirit...Partner.

I have a little game for you, I want you to try and guess who is this. Here are the rules:

1- One person can only guess a name 1 time.

2-You can ask me questions, and I will answer only with "yes" or "no"

3- You have until the 28/04 to find the answer.

4- The winner will have a reward, but I'll keep it secret for now...

Good Luck !!

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