Chapter 2: Meeting the bitch.

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Well, looks like no one found out.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

Your POV:

???: That's the spirit... Partner.

Hearing those words, my eyes shot open, and to my surprise, I wasn't in the park anymore. In fact, I couldn't tell where I was, as I was apparently floating in some sort of endless void.

I quickly checked myself, and my wounds were gone, even my clothes were now repaired.

"Am I dead ?"

???: Not yet, but that certainly was a close call.

"Who are you ? And where are you ?"

???: How rude of me to not introduce myself...

I then saw a gigantic shadow slowly descending toward me, and it slowly revealed itself to be some sort of giant, dragon-like creature.

???: The name's Giratina, and as you can probably already see, I'm a dragon.


Giratina: I... was expecting something a little more... Like, you know, being surprised by this...

"I just got murdered by a fallen angel, and apparently, some of my classmates are supernatural beings as well. Meeting a dragon isn't THAT surprising after that."

Giratina: Fair point I guess. Anyway, I came here with a proposition.

"What kind of proposition ?"

Giratina: You see, I lost my physical body a long time ago, what you're seeing now is a representation of my soul.

Giratina: This place represent the link between our souls, but if you stay here for too long, you'll die for sure, So here's the proposition: You want revenge, and I need a new body. I could easily become your sacred gear, and give you enough power to payback the red-haired bitch.


Giratina: Of course I understand if you need some time to think about it and-what did you just said ?

"I said deal, my life's on the line and I won't lie, life is a pretty good thing, I would like to keep it that way."

Giratina: Very well, but I must warn you: the process of me becoming your sacred gear induce tremendous amounts of pain, and there's a chance that your body won't be able to hold it, and explode.

"I'm ready. Do it."

Giratina: Well, you asked for it...

He glowed a dark-purplish light and disappeared, replaced by a small ball of light, which goes straight to my chest, and slowly got absorbed in my body.

As soon as the light made contact with me, my whole body immediately felt excruciating amount of pain. I was prepared for that, but it still was properly unbearable, like if every single cell in my body was being ripped apart. My head felt like it splitted open, ready to explode, my very soul was burning, and as I felt new powers and strength flowing through my veins and foreign memories entering my mind, I had to fight back every second to not fall unconscious.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pain finally faded away, and I just laid in the void, my entire body sore after what happened.

"Is... Is it over ?"

(AN: That ' ' happen when Giratina is talking directly to your mind)

Giratina: 'Indeed it is, and I must say, you impressed me, I expected you to fall unconscious several times.'

"So, what now ?"

Giratina: 'Well, the simple fact of having me as your sacred gear should give you enough power to stand up against those devils and fallen angels if you bump into them again.'

"You were that powerful ?"

Giratina: 'Of course, I may not look like it, but I was one of the strongest being ever, back in my time, as I'm a dragon god.'

"Dragon...God ?"

Giratina: 'That's right, and since the process gave you my memories as well, I believe there's no need for me to explain.'

I searched into those new memories that I got, and it was overwhelming. I managed to learn some stuff about the three faction, the holy war, the two heavenly dragons, and other minor stuff.

(AN: What do you mean, a "lazy trick to avoid to explain the anime background" ?!)

"It's... Overwhelming, to say the least..."

Giratina: 'I can understand that.'

"Anyway, how do I get out of here ?"



Giratina: '...oops...'

"You're kidding me..."

Giratina: 'Yes, I am, Hehehe.'


Giratina: 'But, jokes apart, this place represent the link between our souls, so just focus on your destination and you'll be able to teleport out of here.'

I did as he said, and closed my eyes, concentrating on my house, only to feel a sharp pain on my face.

I opened my eyes, to see that I faceplanted into my bedroom's floor.

Giratina: 'Well, that was certainly an impressive landing. You already got the basics of it, but you need to work on your accuracy.'

"No shit Sherlock..." I said, feeling my slightly-bloody nose.

"I should probably get ready to school, but how much time did I spend in that place ?"

Giratina: 'Barely a few minutes, time slow down in your mindscape.'

I finally got to bed, and slowly drifted to sleep, preparing myself for the first day of my new life.

Timeskip to next morning:

I groggily woke up, and slowly prepared myself for school. I was just about to leave the house when:

Giratina: 'Good morning'

"So, you're still here..."

Giratina: 'I see that someone isn't really a morning person, and don't worry, once our souls are fully fused, I should fade into your subconscious, probably.'

"If you say so..."

Giratina: 'Also, you don't need to speak out loud when you're talking to me, I'm in your mind, so I can hear your thoughts.'

'That's good to hear, but what do I do if I encounter one of these devils at school, am I strong enough ?

Giratina: 'Let me put this into simple terms: You can win ! You feel great ! !

'Please don't shout this early...'

I passed the school gates, and noticed Kiba, of course surrounded by his fanclub. I couldn't resist and decided to play a little trick on him, so I approached him from behind, and lightly tapped his shoulder.

I really should've brought a camera with me, man his face when he recognized me was hilarious, he was barely able to stutter a few words.

Kiba: Y/n...But...How...I mean...

"Let's just say I had a lot of chance back there."

Kiba: Well, I'm glad you were able to make it.

We shook hands, but I immediately regretted it when all his fangirls started to fantasize and daydream about us.

RG*1: The prince and the knight are interacting together ?!

RG*2: No way, they're so hot !!

Giratina: 'Successful with the ladies, aren't you ?'

'They can get really annoying at time.'

I made my way toward my class and sat down, but to my surprise, Issei wasn't here, much to his two friends confusion.

I just waited for class to start, but since I gained Giratina's memories, it became even more boring than before.

Yes, I'm still asking myself where did he learned to resolve equations.

Giratina: 'I'm asking myself the same thing, do you really need to learn all of this ?'

'Not really, most of this stuff will be useless to us, but they make us learn it no matter what.'

Giratina: Have you humans really evolved within the centuries ?'

'*sigh* Sometimes I'm asking myself...'

Our conversation was quite rudely interrupted when Kiba entered the classroom.

Kiba: I'm really sorry to disturb the class, but my club president would like to see Y/n right now.

Professor: Of course, Mr.Y/n, if you would...


I reluctantly got up, and followed Kiba toward the old school building.

'Looks like Rias Gremory is already making her move...'

Giratina: 'Indeed, you need to be careful with her, you may have enough strength to stand against her, but I don't know if it's enough to beat her.'

Giratina: 'Wait, did you just said "Gremory" ?'

'Yes, that's her name, why do you ask ?'

I suddenly felt a slight headache, and anger that wasn't coming from me. Luckily, since I was only following him, Kiba didn't notice.

'Okay, what was that ?'

Giratina: 'Sorry about that, it's just that I have a... Score of some sort to settle with the Gremory household.'

'You know them ?'

Giratina: 'It's more than just know, they tried to capture me in the past, and turn me into some sort of guard dog.'

'And what happened ?'

Giratina: Let's just say they lost half their territory AND their pride this day.' And I could almost hear him snicker in my head.

'That's a nice story, but for now, try to keep it down, we're almost there.'

Giratina: 'Fine, just don't mention my presence yet, I want to savor my return when the time is right.'

'Roger that.' And with that I felt him slightly fading away, as he masked his energy.

We finally reached the building, and Kiba led us to a door on the second floor, and opened the door.

Now, as much as the building looks pretty ruined from the outside, it's actually pretty cozy in the inside.

The room we just entered consisted on a few couches disposed around a table, with a few libraries on the wall, and was entirely lighted with a bunch of candles.

And right before me, stood that bitch who let me die last evening in that park, because I was a "worthless human".

Rias Gremory...

Did you noticed how much I respect Rias ? No ? It's because I don't.

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