Chapter 3: Plucking a crow

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

Here stood that bitch who let me die in that park.

Rias Gremory...

And she seemed quite satisfied that I was here.

Rias: Good job Kiba, you may leave now.

He left the room, closing the door behind him, and the tomato turned toward me.

Rias: Now, I believe that you must have questions.

"Yes, and the first one is: Why do you suddenly care about me, you didn't showed that much interest in me when I was dying, last evening."

Giratina: 'buuurn !'

Rias: Well, that's exactly why I asked you to come over, I want to know, how did you managed to survive ?

"I had a lot of luck, and a little help from someone."

Rias: And who might be that "someone" ?

"Piss off, tomato head, I'm not telling anything else."

I could tell that she doesn't like that nickname, but tried to keep her cool.

Rias: I see, anyway, I have a proposition for you: would you like to join my peer-

"Not a chance tomato head, I would never throw away my humanity to become your servant."

Rias: So you already know...

"That all of you in this club are devils ? Yes, I know."

Rias: But what about that, I'll let you the entire night to think about this, so you can give me your answer tomorrow.

"Suits you, tomato head, just know that my answer won't change."

Rias: And please stop calling me that.

"Fine strawberry head."

Rias:.........Whatever, you may leave now.

I exited the room, and since classes were almost over, I just packed my things and prepared to leave.

'So, how did I pulled that off ?'

Giratina: 'Well, you pissed off and highly disrespected the heiress of one of the most powerful devil family so... Great job !'

3rd person POV:

Rias watched the boy leaving the room, and turned around, facing Akeno, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Akeno: So, buchou, did you manage to learn something ?

Rias: No, and I don't understand, his body isn't releasing any energy, he still doesn't possess a sacred gear, but he managed, not only to survive, but he also gained knowledge about the supernatural world.

Akeno: So what's the plan ?

Rias: For now, I want you to follow him, along with Issei, and report me anything that could help us. He's hiding something, and I want to know what.

Akeno: So I got to follow the cutie ? Tonight's gonna be fun~.

Your POV:

I just shivered, just as something extremely dangerous was watching me from the shadows.

I was just walking home with Issei, which apparently got in class right after that I leaved, and he seemed quite puzzled about something, and judging by his expression, it wasn't something perverted this time.

'Perhaps he somehow remember what happened last evening ?'

Giratina: 'There's a slight possibility, also be careful, I feel a familiar power emanating from within that boy.'

'What do you think it is ?'

Giratina: 'I need more time to be sure, but if it's what I think it is, then I'm gonna laugh extremely loudly.'

'If you say so...'

We continued to walk in silence, until we reached the park where we both died last night, and the closer to the fountain we went, the more anxious Issei became.

Issei: Hey, Y/n, can I ask you something ?

"If it doesn't involve boobs, then go ahead."

Issei: What happened last nigh, after my date ?

"You don't remember ?"

Issei: Well, I do remember something, but it's just unbelievable, and everyone else at school seemed to forgot about Yuma.

'Poor Issei, if you think that what happened last night was unbelievable, then I have bad news for you.'

"We came that close to the fountain, why don't we just check it out ?"

He agreed, and we checked the surroundings of the fountain.

Everything seemed right, but we spotted a few drops of blood, proving that something bad really happened here recently.

Issei seemed lost in his toughs, and I suddenly felt something approaching us.

Giratina: 'Looks like we got some company'

'I noticed, they feel just like that girl who killed us both, fallen angel maybe ?'

Giratina: 'exactly, only this one looks a little weaker.'

"Issei, we need to move, now."

Issei: Huh ? What do you-

Giratina: 'DODGE !!'

I suddenly jumped aside, dodging a blue spear that was heading straight for my head, and I turned toward the source of the power.

"You can come out now, I know you're here."

From behind a tree, a man revealed himself; he was wearing a trench coat, a fedora on his head, and he was holding another spear in his hand.

"Quick advice for you pal, stay away from elementary schools, or else you'll get arrested."

???: You have quite the mouth for a brat like you. Anyway, the name's Dohnaseek, and I'm here to finish Raynare's job.

"The pervert's right here, do whatever you want with him, I won't stop you."

Dohnaseek: You managed to detect me, even though I was hiding my presence, and you also dodged my attack, I'm afraid that I can't let you live, as you might be a threat to us.

'Why do I get a sense of déjà-vu ?'

Dohnaseek: Anyway, the main target here is that boy, so sit back and wait your turn.

He turned toward Issei and attacked him with his spears, but Issei managed to deflect them with a red gauntlet that suddenly appeared on his right hand. Sadly, it wasn't enough, and he got skewered in the guts once again, then that "Donut-stick" guy turned toward me, about to launch another spear.

'Giratina, I think now would be a nice time to help.'

Giratina: 'Don't worry about it, just focus on your strength, and you'll be able to kick his ass.'

I concentrated, and just as the spear was about to hit me, I felt a huge surge in power, as well as a sharp pain in my back, and a dark aura appeared around me, making the spear dissipates into nothingness.

I was surprised about that, but Dohnaseek, on the other hand, seemed quite pissed off by what he just witnessed.

'So that's the power I gained...'

Giratina: It is, but for now, I highly recommend you to focus on the enemy in front of you.'

Dohnaseek: How... How could you possibly be that powerful ?! According to Raynare, you were just a human back there !!

"So she still remember me ? I'm flattered, but right now..."

I extended my hand toward him, and started to gather energy in it.

"... I feel like plucking a crow."

"shadow ball"

I unleashed some of Giratina's powers, in the form of what looked like a fireball, but the flames were a dark purple, and I tossed it toward my opponent with surprising speed.

He managed to dodge my attack by summoning his wings and flying upwards, but sadly for him, I manipulated the ball, making it go upward as well, and hitting him, nearly tearing up his left wing in the process.

He plummeted to the ground, and I made my way toward him, another shadow ball forming in my hand.

I saw him crawling out of the crater he made with his impressive landing, and I was about to finish him off, when a familiar red light filled the park.

Rias: How dare you attack my lovely servants, you fallen scum... What happened here ?

Dohnaseek: That red hair... You must be a Gremory. So I assume that those two are part of your peerage.

"Well, the pervert is, but I'm still 100% human."

Rias: We'll discuss about that later, anyway, you were right, I'm Rias Gremory, and the one on the ground is indeed part of my peerage.

Kiba: Hey, Y/n, what are these things on your back ?

Looking above my shoulder, I discovered what looked like six black tendrils coming out of my back, each one of them having a bright red crystal embedded at the end, and after a closer inspection, they looked a lot like Giratina's wings when I first met him.

"Giratina, mind explaining ?"

Giratina: Well, those are called the shadow wings, they allow you to use my powers to attack and defend yourself.

Rias: Who are you talking to ?

"This is not your business, Gremory."

Dohnaseek tried to use my distraction as an escape, but the tendrils immediately grabbed his ankle, holding him in place.

"And where do you think you're going ?"

I said making the ball getting closer and closer to his face by the second.

Rias: please Y/n, just let him go.


I reluctantly let go of him, and retracted the tendrils in my back, discarding my aura in the process.

Donuts-stick quickly got up and bowed to Rias.

Dohnaseek: My apologies, I didn't know that he was part of your peerage, but I highly recommend you to keep him on a tighter leash, or he might stumble into someone less compliant than me.

Dohnaseek: And about you human, just know that I'll keep an eye on you, to see if you're really a threat or not.

"Suits yourself, and don't forget to tell Raynare I said Hi."

Dohnaseek: Little brat...

And with that he flew off, and I was about to leave too, but the tomato had other plans.

Rias: You're not going anywhere, you still need to answer our questions.

"I already told you to piss off tomato head, I'm not gonna answer any questions from you, so just take Issei and leave."

Rias: And I already told you to stop calling me that !

"I'm sorry, does beet hair suit your taste ?"

Rias: You... You're just messing up with me are you ?

"You managed to figure that out all by yourself ? I'm impressed."

I didn't gave them enough time to reply, and I just teleported to my house, this time properly landing on my bed.

Giratina: 'Well, things keeps getting more and more interesting.'

"For you maybe, but for me it's just mean more problems to deal with, just as if the bitch wasn't enough, I managed to attract the attention of some fallen angels as well."

"I need to get stronger, or else I'll not be able to handle all of this."

Giratina: 'I can help you with that, by training you in your mindscape while you're sleeping.'

"What are we waiting for then ?..."

I got in bed, and prepared myself for a -beating- vigorous training session.

3rd person POV:

Unknown to him, there were several figures, 6 to be precise, watching him from afar.

???2: Are you sure that he's the one ?

???1: Absolutely, his powers may be weakened, but there's still presents within the boy.

???3: So what do we do now ?

???1: We wait, and we observe, to see if he is able to unlock the full extent of his powers.

???2: But what if he become a threat ?

???1: We'll advise when the time come, but the boy doesn't look like a destroyer.

???2: If you say so, father.

???4: I can't wait to see big brother again...

Now a message, if some of you were expecting a harem or some lemons in this story, here's my answer:

Hope it's clear enough.

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