Chapter 13: Alright, maggots

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

[ ]: Ddraig speaking

Your POV:

"Come on, Issei, put your back into it. If you're not on top of the hill in five minutes, I'll throw you back down."

I must say, the top of the backpack carried by this pervert is unexpectedly comfortable, especially when said pervert is complaining.

Issei: W... Why do I have to carry you ?!

"You were late this morning. I had to wake you up myself."

Issei: You call THAT waking someone up ?!

"I'm sorry to disturb you this early, Mrs.Hyoudou, but is Issei up already ? He's supposed to have a club meeting right now."

Mrs.Hyoudou: Issei ? I think he's still sleeping.

"Very well then, I'll do it myself, if you don't mind."

She nodded, and after entering the house, led me to his room, where the pervert was effectively sleeping, a blissful smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, but could you plug your ears for a second ?"

"Hyper voice/Dream eater"


*It's super effective !!*

"You reached the clubroom in 4 minutes and 57 seconds after that. You were really close, Issei. Now save your breath, you'll need it later."

Issei kept muttering under his breath, but when Kiba passed him with a backpack at least two times bigger, it somehow shut him up.

Kiba: Excuse me.

And it didn't went better when Koneko passed us, with a literal mountain on her back.

Koneko: Move it, pervert.

After reaching the top, Issei fell on his knees, completely out of breath.

"Good, you all finished the warm-up. Now we're down to the real training."

Issei: A... A warm-up ?! That was a WARM-UP ?! Hold on, I need to rest, I need to...


I bitchslapped the shit out of him, sending him back to the bottom of the mountain.

"He wasn't ready."

After waiting for Issei once more, we could finally start.

"First, I need to assess your power, so I want you to attack me all at once. Don't hold back, imagine that I'm Riser."

The first one to step in was Kiba rushing me with his sword, but I was expecting that, and after parrying the first strike with my crystals, a single punch was enough to take him out.

Second was Koneko. Just too slow, it wasn't even hard to read her movements, and dodge them. She lacks stamina too, so much strength is useless when you can't even land a proper hit.

As for Akeno, her powerful spells makes her a fierce opponent, but the cast time is just too long, and her spells aren't really accurate. It may be effective against a group of weaker foes, but Riser is at another level.

Issei is weak.

What applies to Akeno also applies to Rias, she takes too much time to cast her power of destruction, when Riser can use his flames almost instantaneously.

After defeating them, my judgment was without appeal.

"It is obvious that you never really trained on your own before that, you relish too much on your pieces strength in battle."

"Kiba, your speed is certainly impressive, and your swordsmanship must not be underestimated, but you're just a glass cannon. You need to sustain the hits in that kind of battle."

"Koneko, you're the complete opposite. Strength is important, but useless if you can't touch your opponent. You also lacks stamina, and should try to dodge the hits when you can."

"Akeno, You need to work on your accuracy and your cast time. Long-ranged attacks won't be enough against Riser."

"Issei, you're so weak it's embarrassing."

"And finally, Rias... I hesitate to call you a failure of a king. You never trained, thinking your name and your brother would prevent anyone from challenging you."

Just as I said that, a portal opened, and from it came the entirety of my roommates.

"You guys are cutting in fine, we were about to begin."

Dialga: We got your message. Who are they against ?

"Phenex. We have 10 days to turn them into professionals turkey fryers. I won't lie, 10 days probably won't be enough, think you can do something about that ?"

Dialga: Just wait a second.

He surrounded the entire mountain we were on in a translucent blue bubble, rendering the birds on the other side of it frozen in midair.

Rias: W.. What have you done ?!

Dialga: Ten days aren't enough to properly train you, so I used this to slow down time. Ten days outside of the bubble, one month inside.

"Now that it's said, it's time to assign you your training regiments."

"Kiba, you'll go with Mesprit, to firstly increase your tanking ability, then your offensive power.

Koneko, with Azelf. You need to learn how to dodge properly as well as improving your speed.

Akeno, you'll go with both Uxie and Asia. Reducing your casting time and improve short-ranged damage. You will also help Asia, by teaching her the basics of different magics, along with Uxie.

Lastly, Rias. Your job will be to study Riser's footage your brother gave us, in order to come out with a valid strategy.

Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt will switch between the different training regiments, as well as helping you. Dialga and Palkia will be monitoring you all."

Issei: Um... What about me ?

"I certainly haven't forgotten you, Issei. But seeing as you need training in every single domain, I decided to train you myself. And besides, there's no better trainer for a 'Dragon emperor', than another 'Dragon emperor'. Now everyone, move on !"

Everyone went to their different tasks, and I dragged Issei by the back of his shirt until we reached the forest down below.

"Alright Issei, first I want you to summon your sacred gear."

He did so, and the green gen in the center of the gauntlet immediately lit up, letting Ddraig speak.

"So, Ddraig, I'll cut to the chase: What do you think of Issei's potential for using your powers ?"

Ddraig: [You want an honest answer, or a nice answer ?]

"Be harsh. he's used to it."

Ddraig: [If he keeps up this rate, he'll die of old age without being close of my full power, even as a devil.]

"I see. Guess we're gonna start right away."

Concentrating my powers on two of my six wings, they detached themselves from my body, and morphed to reform the human body of Giratina.

"Hey, you weren't lying when you said it would sap most of my power..."

Issei: So, what will be the first lesson ?

"Simple: Survive. I'll wait on the other side of the forest, you'll need to reach my position without dying."

Issei: Oh well, that doesn't seem too ba-

Before he could finish his line, a beast, looking like a giant tiger, came crashing through the treeline, stopping at our feet.

"Ah, very well. It would seem that Mew finished what I asked her to do."

And right in cue, Mew came out of the forest too, looking quite tired, soon landing on my head.

Ddraig: [H... Hey Mew... How are you doing... ?]

Giratina: You mean, since the last time you tried to prove your strength, and she beat you to a pulp ?

"Surely a funny story, but we'll listen to it later. Issei, your first trial starts now."

Issei: You never told me there were those things in this forest !!

"It's because they're not from here. I asked Mew to fill this forest with some untamed familiars. I highly recommend you to run, or else you won't survive 10 meters in here."

Issei: Are you out of your mind ?! I'll die if I go in there !!

"And that's the whole point. Riser won't go easy on you, you need to be prepared for death. Good luck."

Me, Giratina and Mew teleported on the other side of the forest, leaving Issei with many pairs of glowing eyes fixed on him.

Some hours later:

Giratina: ... And then I swapped the tea herbs with nettles, right before Arceus drank. He couldn't drink anything for the next week after that !

The three of us were laughing on the ground from the stories, until some movements on the nearby bushes caught our attention.

It revealed to be Issei, his clothes completely torn apart, blood and dirt all over his body.

Issei: How many of these things were in that forest ?!

Mew: I don't know, I lost count after 300.

"Anyway, now that you at least passed this test successfully, we can begin the real training."

Issei: And how will you do that ?

"The exact way Giratina trained Ddraig long ago."

Kiba: I wonder how Issei's training is going.

Palkia: I'm sure he's fine.

Issei:*Girly screams*


Palkia: Like I said, perfectly fine.

Again a few hours later:

Evening time, or at least, as much evening as it could be inside of this hyperbolic time bubble... Hm, wonder where that comes from.

Anyway, after Issei got healed by Asia, he went to learn magic with Akeno and Uxie, and even volunteered to prepare dinner. But why the hell are there so many potatoes in that damn kitchen ?!

Rias: Now that we all finished eating, how about we all head to the open bathes ?

Issei: Open bathes ?! Hell yes !

"Don't even think about it, pervert."

Rias: Silly Issei, you don't need to peek at us, you can directly come with us. Girls ?

Akeno: I see no problem with that.

Asia: I... I don't really know...

Koneko/Uxie/Azelf/Mesprit/Raynare/Kalawarner/Mittelt: Not in a thousand lifetimes.

Rias: Well, guess it's a no then. What about you Y/n ?

"I'll pass."

Timeskip by Dialga, Palkia and Y/n beating Issei to a pulp for trying to peek on the spirit trio:

Dialga: So, they're finally all asleep ?

"Yep, we can begin now. But first of all, what was your impressions from today's training ?"

Palkia: They're quite skilled, and have a lot of potential. They'll probably grow exponentially in terms of power in a month. And about Issei ?

"One word: Hopeless. Maybe if he wasn't so focused on breasts he could achieve his potential, but he's clearly the weak link here. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the cause of their downfall."

Dialga: We'll see at the end of this month. How about we just begin ?

"Very well. Is the barrier ready ?"

Palkia: Ready, set and totally impenetrable.

"Good, now let's go."

We took our place inside the barrier, and assumed combat stances.

Dialga: Don't expect any mercy from us, so you better not hold back.

"You know what ? I was about to tell you the same thing."

Dialga: *ROAR OF TIME*



The three attacks collided, and a bright light filled the barrier, shockwaves filling the air.

The next mor-[KING CRIMSON] !!!:

Rias: What the hell happened here ?!

A huge crater, where a mountain once used to be, and three boys lying on it, being healed by Asia, who thanks to training, could now heal several people at the same time.

"I'm positive. I won."

Dialga: No one won, it's a draw. We all got our asses handed to us.

Asia: Language !

"It was 2 on 1, so I technically won, since I had to beat the two of you at the same time."

Palkia: Try saying that after we get serious.

"Why do I smell salt all over the place ?"

Rias: Uum... What about the training ?

"Keep doing the same thing you were already doing, just...


"... You'll now do it with the gravity twice as strong. Good luck."

And with that the three of us went immediately to sleep, not even waiting for Asia to finish healing us.

A whole month passed, it was now the day before the rating game, and the possible annihilation of Riser's sorry ass.

Kiba was now even faster and deadlier than before, capable of withstand a couple blows before kneeling down. Koneko learned a few tricks, and could trow several punches as one, completely destroying the target before it could even understand what's happening. Akeno could use her lightning almost as fast as Riser could use his flames, and even learned to use it to protect herself from enemy spells. Her accuracy also dramatically increased, as she was now able to fry a single ant at 5 meters.

Issei... Issei... Issei............... Well, at least, he learned to store, release and transfer his power at will, so he can at least fight. But what I don't understand is that he still lacks firepower and stamina...I have a bad feeling about that, but whatever. I do hope Rias was able to come up with a good strategy...

Just in case, I told Kiba, Akeno and Koneko to meet me at night and away from the house, without them telling Rias.

Kiba: Do you know why he asked us to come here ? And why did he asked us to not tell Rias about it ?

Akeno: No clues. It has to be related to the rating game tomorrow, right ?

Koneko: He told me he wanted to give us something...

"Good, you're all here."

"I'll be honest with you: Your chances of winning tomorrow... Are pretty low."

Akeno: What ?! But you said it yourself today, that we were strong enough !

"And you are. When it comes to strength, you'll be able to wipe the floor with his face. But the problem comes from his regenerative abilities. Unless you can outrun his magical abilities, you won't win."

Kiba: What do you suggest then ?

"You are all very strong and skilled individually, but you need to work on your teamwork. If you can, you'll win for sure."

Koneko: I though you had something you wanted to gave us, that's what you told me.

"that's right, I have a little something for you three, that will ensure your victory."

"Now do me a favor, and use this to disintegrate Riser."

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