Chapter 14: One-sided annihilation

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

After that entire month of training, they were finally ready to go, and destroy Riser's flaming ass.

The rating game was just about to begin, and the entire ORC, minus Asia, since she isn't a devil, was reunited in the clubroom, for a last briefing before the battle.

Rias: Everyone be ready, there's only a few minutes left before it start.

The door opened, revealing Sona and Tsubaki, looking quite in a hurry.

Rias: Sona, you needed something ?

Sona: We were asked to run the live broadcast of your fight, so we just wanted to wish you good luck.

Rias: Thank you, but we won't need luck this time.

'Rias, don't just proclaim things like that, so much battles were lost because the generals were overconfident. You must stay focused.'

Sona: I also wanted to inform you, that beside your brother Lord Sirzechs, the other satans will be watching the rating game as well.

Rias: W... What ?! Brother, I understand, but why the others ?!

Sona: This may be rude, but I don't think they're here specifically for you.

"Yes, Sirzechs must've told them that we trained you, so they're here to witness your progresses."

I turned to Koneko, Kiba and Akeno.

"Don't make them think that they wasted their time, show them something they'll remember for a long time. Give Riser hell."

Sona: It is time for us to leave. Y/n, you should follow us to the broadcasting room.

"Very well."

Me and Asia exited the room, leaving the ORC to their battle, to decide their fate.

Issei: So, when do we start ?

Answering his question, a magic circle appeared under their feet, and when the light died down... They were still in the clubroom.

Issei: Huh... What happened ? Did I screw it up again ?

Rias: No, Issei, look out the window.

He did, and to his surprise, the sky has now turned green.

Akeno: This is a pocket dimension used to host the rating games, so we can fight without holding back.

Grayfia's voice, magically amplified, started to resonate in their ears.

Grayfia: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this rating game that will oppose Rias Gremory, heir of the Gremory household, and Riser Phenex, head of the Phenex household. The referee of the match will be me, Grayfia Lucifuge, servant of the Gremory household.

Grayfia: The battlefield will be a reproduction of Kuoh academy, where both Lady Rias and her peerage study.

Grayfia: Lady Rias's base will be represented by the occult research club clubroom, while Lord Riser's will be the headmaster office, in the main building. Once a pawn reaches the opponent's base, it can promote itself. That being said, good luck to all the contestants.

Issei: So we just have to reach the other base, then I promote myself then ?

Kiba: It will not be so easy, they'll be waiting for us, we can't underestimate them.

Issei: So, what's the plan ?

"So it began. It's all up to them now."

I was currently with Sona and Tsubaki, in a viewing room of sort, watching what would probably be a beyond one-sided battle.

Someone knocked on the door, and both girls froze stiff when Sirzechs entered, apparently looking for something. Or rather someone.

Sirzechs: Ah, good. I was hoping to find you here, host of Giratina.

"Please just call me Y/n, like everyone does."

Sirzechs: Very well then, Y/n. I guess you know why I'm here, right ?

"Not just to say Hi. It must have something to do with the Rating game, and more precisely with the training your sister was under."

Sirzechs: Precisely. I wanted to ask you, what do you think of their winning chances after the training ?

"When it comes to power and brute strength, they'll destroy everything in their path without a problem. But in the battle that awaits them, power alone won't be enough to ensure their victory. Before the training, they lacked three vital strengths."

Sirzechs: Which strengths ?

"Teamwork, strategics, and leadership. They never fought against that kind of opponents, numerically superior. Have you ever heard of the Punic wars ?"

Sirzechs: Weren't they the wars that opposed Rome and Carthage in the antiquity ?

"Precisely, and more specifically, the battle of Cannes. That day, Not even 50000 Carthaginians had to face more than 85000 Romans. Anyone could tell that battle would mark the end of Carthage."

Sirzechs: And so, what happened ?

"That was a complete massacre. The Carthaginians lost almost 6000 soldiers, while the Romans... Lost between 65000 and 80000 men, depending on the sources."

Sirzechs: What is your point, telling me that ?

"I have a question for you: What do you think allowed the Carthaginians to get such an absolute win ? It couldn't be their number, or even their brute strength, the roman legions being way more experienced than the Celtic mercenaries in the Carthaginian army were. So what led them to victory ?"

Sirzechs: from what you just tell me about Rias, it must be about their leaders, not the soldiers...

"Yes... And no. What led them to victory, was both the great strategics and leadership of their general, Hannibal Barca; But nothing would have been possible, without the incredible spirit of cohesion of his troops."

"That's what will led your sister to victory too. If she can turn tables on Riser the same way, using his overconfidence against him, and compensating the numerical inferiority."

Sirzechs: Is that all, really ? I overheard that you were worried about Riser's regenerative abilities...

"Oh well, guess you discovered me. The training we gave them would've be enough against normal opponents, but Riser is the problem indeed."

Sirzechs: And so what ? Do you have a plan ?

"You're a very capable leader, Sirzechs, and as such, you know that being cautious in every situation is something extremely important. You too must have some sort of "backup plan" in case they lose today."

Sirzechs: ... Whoever taught you strategy is incredibly wise. So I take you made sure their victory is insured ?

"Not exactly. I wanted this match to be a lesson for Riser, too. I didn't ensured their victory... What I insured, is Riser's downfall and complete annihilation. But enough talking, I think things are starting to get interesting for them."

Issei and Koneko just entered the gymnasium, looking for opponents, and effectively found them, as they were apparently waiting for them.

???: Looks what we got there. A pawn and a rook.

Xuelan: I'm Xuelan, master Riser's rook.

Twin 1: I'm Nel.

Twin 2: I'm Ile.

Nel/Ile: We're master Riser's pawns.

They unzipped their backpacks, revealing two chainsaws.

Issei: Yikes ! They can bring that kind of weapons ?!

Mira: Of course they can, now prepare yourselves !

Koneko: I'm taking the rook. Pervert, deal with the pawns, and try to not screw it.

She and that Xuelan girl started to exchange blows, as Issei was running away from the chainsaws-wielding twins.

Taking advantage of Koneko's distraction, due to Issei's screams, Xuelan tried to go for a direct strike, but she noticed it.

"You need to dodge the hits when you can, and use their momentary confusion to strike."

Applying what she learned, she managed to land several heavy blows to her opponent's guts, taking advantage of her smaller size, and before Xuelan could even process what happened, she was already on the ground, defeated and holding her guts in pain.

Koneko: Done. Let's move on now-

Issei's girly screams were suddenly replaced by REAL girls screams, and turning around, Koneko discovered that the three pawns Issei was facing, had now their clothes completely teared off, and aforementioned pervert was grinning widely, residues of magic visible in his hands.

Back in the viewing room, all the screens started to strangely glitch out, as if something really powerful and really mad for some reason was interfering.

So that explain everything... His lack of power and stamina, his eagerness to learn magic, and even why we mostly ate potatoes. That fucking idiot used his time to create some perverted technique instead of following the training I assigned him.

Sirzechs: Did... Did you taught him that ?

"... No... He created it himself... And once this is over, I'll make sure that he won't be able to use it ever again..."

Sirzechs: Please calm down, you're impeding the broadcast.

After beating down Issei and thoroughly apologize to his victims, Koneko exited the Gym, just in time before a powerful lightning bolt burned it to the ground.

Grayfia: Lord Riser's 3 pawns and one rook retired.

On they way, they come across Kiba, and continued together toward the sports field.

Kiba: Akeno is already fighting Riser's queen, we should try to take out the rest of the enemy forces before they could retreat and assemble.

Sensing some movements in the nearby bushes, Kiba instinctively blocked blocked a dual strike, and his two attackers leaped back, seeing their surprise attack fail.

Knight: Hm... Not bad. I should've expected that from a colleague knight. The name's Karlamine, let's fight.

Knight: *Sigh* Again with her sword-obsessed side... I'm Siris, and I guess I'll be fighting you, if she finished describing hos swords are amazing to fight with.

Karlamine: ... And you see, what's so great about swords is that...

Kiba: It doesn't matter, I'll take you both at the same time.

Meanwhile, more enemies came out from the bushes, apparently all that was left of Riser's troops.

Isabella: Your path stops here, servants of the Gremory household.

Ni/Li: In the name of Lord Riser, we will stop you !

Marion: We got you cornered, it's over now.

Mihae: If you don't resist, we won't hurt you.

Seeing they were surrounded from every side, Kiba, Koneko and Issei (who was currently shaking in his boots) stood back to back, until Kiba... Purely disappeared. Even the others knights couldn't follow his movements, until he reappeared behind the enemies, re-sheathing his sword.

Shiguya: ... Wh... What happened ?

Karlamine: I... I don't know... I didn't even saw him move !

Siris: Worry about that later, get him !

Kiba: ... In three steps you die...

They all stopped dead in their tracks, soon feeling a cold breeze around them. Strangely, Kiba's sword was glowing a faint purple.

Kiba: ...GHOST SLASH !

The instant he said that and put his sword back in its sheath, all his opponents fell to the ground, slash marks all over their bodies.

Kiba: Good. I was finally able to do it properly.

"Tank the hit, and wait for the right moment to strike. With your speed and your offensive power, you should be able to take them all out at once."

Grayfia: Lord Riser's 5 pawns, 1 rook, 2 knights and 1 bishop has retired.

Koneko: Great job Kiba, I see that you haven't slacked off with your training.

Kiba: I could say the same about you. I saw how you hit the ones that I missed to knock them out.

Their conversation was interrupted when Akeno fell from the sky, landing near them, soon followed by Riser's queen, who crashed a little farther away.

Akeno: I see that you already dealt with the rest, good job. If I counted correctly, minus his queen, there's only Riser and one of his bishops left.

Kiba: Was it as easy for you that it was for us ?

Akeno: Do I really need to answer this question ? I still have trouble to believe we progressed that much in so little time.

A fireball cut her by hitting the group, revealing that Riser's queen was back up, her wounds completely gone, and an empty vial in hand.

Yubelluna: HA ! You shouldn't have let your guard down ! If you ever wonders how I got back up, thanks the phoenix tears.

Yubelluna: These little things can heal all your wounds in an instant, but you probably cannot hear me already.

She waited for the announcement of their defeat, but grew a confused face, not hearing it, that soon turned into a concerned one, as the smoke dissipated, letting a slight buzzing sound be heard.

The smoke fully dissipated, revealing that Akeno used her lightning to protect everyone from the attack.

Akeno: *Thunder Barrier*. You almost had us. Almost.

Yubelluna: H-How ?! How did you progressed that much in only 10 days ?!

Kiba: That's right, I keep forgetting it was only ten days for them.

Koneko: How time flies... Could you finish her, Akeno ?

Akeno: Very well, here it come...

She concentrated crazy amounts of lightning in her hand, making it take the shape of a spear.


She threw it, and it went straight through Yubelluna, both shocking and burning her from the inside, and she vanished before she could even hit the ground.

Akeno: Now that's finished, we should retreat, and lead the assault on their base.

Issei: You guys are so strong now ! Now we will win for sure !

Koneko: Shut up pervert. If you actually really worked on your strength, instead of imagining a way to strip down all the girls you come across, you could do the same.

He kept his mouth shut, and they proceeded to get to their base, not knowing what Rias was planning to do.

I'm so proud of these three. They all went even beyond my expectations. Not to mention I never had any expectation for Issei, as I was expecting the disappointment he would gave me.

Sirzechs: That is certainly impressive. They looks like totally different peoples than they were a few days ago.

"If you need to congratulate someone, congratulate them. They went beyond their limits to protect Rias. But it's not over yet, and they know it, that's why they're assembling to deliver the final blow."

We were watching them carefully progressing toward their own base, aware that the enemy could try to ambush them, but something on the other screen caught our attention.

It was Rias, marching toward the enemy's base, most likely trying to launch the final attack all by herself.

Sona: I'm not an expert, but that doesn't looks like the brightest idea...

"No... It's probably the dumbest thing to do at this time. Riser knows that they'll come to him by themselves, so he's waiting and preparing himself for a direct assault. Attacking all by herself is just stupid at this state ! She should wait for the others, and THEN attack !"

Sirzechs: What will happen now ?!

"We can't do a thing from here... It'll all depend of Koneko, Kiba and Akeno... Now it's REALLY up to them to turn the tables on Riser."

Sirzechs: Didn't you told something about Teamwork, strategics and leadership ?

"Yes, well, I guess we can cross out the last two things..."

Back on the game, the group finished by notice the battle ongoing on the roof of the main school building, and they recognized the flames and the red magic the two opponents were using.

Kiba: She didn't... Did she... ?

Akeno: I don't think we have time to worry. We need to hurry, or it'll be too late !

On the roof, things were not going on Rias favor, surprisingly, and despite that incredibly well-though strategy.

Riser: My dear Rias, did you really though you could win against Riser with such a poor strategy ? Riser don't even need to go after your peerage, taking you out here and now will ensure Riser's victory !

Rias was currently on the ground, already quite wounded, and nearly out of breath from overusing her power.

Riser: Now then, it is time to think of the dress for the marriage, my dear.

He threw the fireball he was holding, but as it was inches away from Rias, a lightning bolt, launched from the forest made it explode midair.

Akeno: Compared to what I had to do at training, a target this big is no trouble at all.

Before Riser could react, a gush of wind passed him, revealing Kiba, with blood on his blade. He couldn't understand, until he finally noticed both his arms on the ground, in a growing puddle of blood.

Kiba: This is like cutting down a block of butter.

Riser tried to jump away, but immediately got smacked down by an impressive kick to the neck, courtesy of Koneko.

Koneko: You were too slow...

Rias: Guys... you're here ! But where's Issei ?

Akeno: He's coming, he couldn't keep up with us, so he told us to go without him.

Kiba: Now, as Y/n said... We have a turkey to fry. let's not waste more time.

From the forest down below, Riser was slowly getting up, all his wounds already almost healed.

Riser: Hm, to think that you could deal that much damage to Riser... It would be wise to not underestimate you, even though you're nothing to Riser.

Kiba: You'll see. We'll show you what we gained by risking our lives for an entire month.

Koneko: The last gift from Y/n, to destroy you...

Akeno: Like he said, we'll use them to annihilate you.

"Now, do me a favor, and use it to disintegrate Riser."

Kiba: What are they ?

"That's right, you don't know. These are called TM, they contain new techniques, and you can learn them if they're compatible with your fighting style."

Akeno: So you want us to learn them ?

"Exactly, I specifically selected three TM, one for each of you."

"Kiba, yours is called 'Sword dance'; it raises your attack level tremendously, that'll allow you to cut through steel like butter."

"Koneko, this is 'Bulk up'. When you use it, you'll get a boost to your physical offense and defense."

"And finally, Akeno, here's the one called 'Calm mind'. When Bulk up raises your physical stats, Calm mind raises your magical offense and defense."


Akeno: Calm mind.

Koneko: Bulk up !

Their power exploded, and the three of them rushed Riser, slashing, punching and literally frying the shit out of him, but even like that, he was healing faster than they could damage him.

Riser: You fools ! How dare you lay your hands on Riser !! I'll show you the place where you truly belong !!

Akeno: It's no use, we won't win like that. Guess we'll have to resort to that now.

Kiba: Understood. Everyone know what to do ?

Koneko: Let's go, then.

They all placed themselves around their target, and the first one to step up was Koneko, who threw Riser upward with a mighty kick, sending him right in the right position Kiba, who slashed, almost cutting him in half, and letting him wide open for Akeno, who prepared a spell, but not using her lightning this time.

Akeno: You explained us what they were about, but what does that one do ?

"Ah yes, that one is special, as I didn't selected it for one of you. I believe the three of you could learn it without too much trouble. It's up to you to find the right time to use it, but I'll tell you how it's called. Its name is...

Akeno: HEAL BLOCK !!

The spell hit Riser head on, and he fell to the ground, and stayed on it, writhing in pain, not able to get up or regenerate anymore.

Riser: W... What ?! What have you done ?! Why can't I heal myself ?!

Kiba: So you quit the "third person speech" when you panic...

Akeno: This is a special spell, that forbid the target from healing itself, no matter how.

Riser: I... Impossible !! No spell is powerful enough to cancel the regenerative abilities of a phoenix !

Kiba: You'll learn soon enough that no matter how strong or recognized you are, there will always be someone above you.

Koneko: Now... Do you yield, or do we have to continue ?

Riser: N... Never !! I'll never surrender to the likes of you !

Kiba: Very well, your funeral then.

Akeno: Thunder !

Kiba: Guillotine !

Koneko: Close combat !

Grayfia: Due to Lord Riser Phenex being now unable to fight, Lady Rias Gremory is declared the winner.

The sight of a beaten-down Riser was the last thing they saw, before being teleported back to the clubroom, where me and Asia were already waiting for them, with me being both incredibly proud of Koneko Akeno and Kiba, slightly pissed off at Rias, and completely mad at Issei, for obvious reasons.

"First off, I wanted to congratulate you for that well-deserved victory. Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, you three completely excelled my expectation, and completely carried this game."

"Rias, What.Were.You.Thinking ?! Trying to launch the final attack on the enemy base all by yourself was probably the worst idea to have !"

"And finally, Issei..."

He gulped in fear, as I approached him, but couldn't react when I teleported behind him, grabbed his face and used it to twist his neck.

"You made this perverted technique instead of focusing on your training. I can't imagine what shame Ddraig is currently experiencing, since you used his own powers for that."

Rias: D... Did you just killed him ?!

"No, he'll wake up in a few hours. When he do, please tell him that if he ever use that technique again..."

"I'll personally make sure that he can never use magic ever again."

"Now that its said, they was something else that was on my mind. As much as I hate that, Issei used that move with great accuracy, proving that he trained a lot with it. But he couldn't just practice on a dummy, he must've asked someone to help him..."

"The spirit trio, the fallen angels and Koneko would never agree to that, while Asia and Akeno were always on sight from at least one of us, so that only left..."

As realization hit me, I slowly turned toward Rias, who had a guilty expression on her face.

"Please Rias, tell me it's not what I think it is."

Rias: B... But... When he told me about it the first time, I though it would be a good idea !

"So that's why you weren't able to come up with a valid strategy... Instead of studying Riser's previous fights, you wasted your time helping Issei creating that perverted move..."

Rias: But we still won in the end, right ? So it's all good !

"You DO realize you won only because I taught these special techniques to the others... If I hadn't anticipated yours and Issei's failures, you would currently be in a bride dress, and a priest would be asking Riser if he wants to marry you..."

"You see, before we started training, I said I hesitated to call you a failure of a king..."

Rias: Yeah, and so ? You changed your mind ?

"Exactly. I'm not hesitating anymore, you ARE a failure of a king, I pity your peerage members, having to follow you in your wrong steps."

I headed straight for the door, with Asia beside me.

Rias: Wait ! Where are you going ?

I didn't even turned back, but responded:

"... I gave you a chance, Gremory, and you wasted it. Don't expect any help from me or any of my relatives in the future."

"Farewell... Tomato."

I exited the room, not looking behind me.

So yeah, I'm making Sirzechs a nice guy here.

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