17. My heart bleeds on seeing her depressed...

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Back again with an update... Thanks to all those new readers and new followers for adding this story in your library, voting and commenting too...

Thanks for all your support and this is the first time Iv been nagged by many buddies to update this story as soon as possible....

My sincere apologies for making you all wait... Since three days I'm typing this story but I'm re-editing again and again... Huh...

Really I'm feeling very very happy that this story is being appreciated by you all... Hope this support continues till I finish off this story...


Author's note: you all were aware of our new book club right... The name of the club is abhigya world... Its a request to all abhigyans to join the club and make it grow bigger and bigger...

New writers if you want your stories to get recognized and make people aware of your stories, do join this club and pm us to add your stories in the book list so that your works gets familiar to everyone...

You can pm to the book club... If you have any doubts or queries or if you guys need any help or suggestions, you can very well message me or any admins... We are ready to help you new writers...

If any of you need a cover for your stories, do message me your mail id... I will do it for you...

So, dont wait .... Just click the + button and follow the book club... Not a big deal na... Make it grow bigger and wider" 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁


Dedicating this chapter to my buddy kirti1705.... Happy birthday sweet heart....

No more bak baks lets move to
shot. 17:

Abhishekh sir for the first time ever in his life is standing in his student's house and also begging a student to allow him inside the house...

Purab who watches the scenario from far cant believe his eyes... He is dumb struck as the terror hitler professor of theirs is really regretting for the mistake he has committed...

Aaliya and Arjun who is hearing bulbul and abhi's convo really felt very bad... Though they are angry on Abhi for hurting their dolly but they can feel the intense love from Abhi and also the regret in Abhi's words...


Bulbul takes a deep breath and speaks: Sir... Come in... I dont know what you will do... I want my di to come back to normal... I love my sister a lot... I cant see her hurted...

I want to see her smiling face... Go and ask her to come out... She is not at all opening that door for a long time... First I heard her sobs, then I heard her loud screams followed by breaking of things in her room and after that Im hearing only loud music sir...

Im really scared that she is not opening the door .. Please do something sir... I want my pragya di to get back to normal...

Abhi really felt heart broken on hearing bulbul's words... Abhi rushes inside near pragya's room... His heartbeats are thumping too hard...

Each step he has taken towards pragya's room, Abhi can hear the high sound of the songs breaking his ear drums .. The intense lyrics of the song makes abhi's heart to bleed and he can very well understand the pain inside pragya's heart...

Abhi really feels guilty for breaking pragya's heart like this .. He felt ashamed of himself and he mentally scolds him for talking to pragya like that...

Abhi nears the door and starts to knock the door... He keeps on banging the door and there is no response from inside ..

Abhi kneels down infront of the door and starts to cry:

Pragya... Im so sorry pragya .. please please open the door. . Kill me for hurting you by my words .. I did not meant to do so pragya.. It came out unintentionally...

Please ... Pragya... Im very scared... If you are my friend fuggy, open the door... Please....

The door creaks open all of a sudden.... Abhi gets up and rushes inside... Abhi is completely shocked to see the room looking like as if it is hit by a huge hurricane...

Abhi can see Pragya' s dreamy fantasy diary thrown in a corner... The key of the diary in pragya's chain is in another corner... Abhi is shattered to the core to see pragya's condition...

Abhi is startled to see pragya dancing vigorously like a mad for the songs they have practised... Her legs are swollen red and it seems like the legs will bleed any time...

Pragya's face is looking pale and red, tears were flowing continusously from pragya's eyes, her nose flaring with redness, her hair completely messed up, her body trembling and her dress being grumpled and pragya seems extremely tired both physically and mentally...

Abhi rushes and holds pragya in his embrace... Pragya struggles to get out of his hold... Pragya did not stopped dancing... Abhi being a dance tutor hold pragya elegantly and twirls her and lifted her up in his hands...

Pragya's eyes widen in shock while abhi gently holds pragya and places pragya in the bed.... Abhi bends his head down not able to see pragya's face...

Abhi: Bulbul... Bulbul... (Shouts)

Bulbul rushes inside and shouts di and about to hug her but Abhi stops bulbul...

Abhi: Bulbul .. You can do this afterwards... Get the first aid box right now... Bring some hot water in a vessel and prepare something for pragya to eat .. quick.... (Orders bulbul in a typical professor's tone)

Bulbul rushes to get the things and hands over the first aid box to abhi... She rushes to the kitchen and spots pooh, honey and ajju standing there...

Honey is preparing soup and hot water for pragya while the boys helped her... Bulbul is very happy with the friends her sister has...

Abhi cleans pragya's wounds gently... Her hands and legs are scratched here and there because of the broken things... No one utters a word .. Abhi keeps on doing his work but he feels a sting of pain in his heart...

Bulbul brings the hot water and soup and goes out closing the door... Abhi places pragya's swollen legs in the hot water... pragya squeals in pain and holds abhi's shirt tightly..

Abhi gently pats Pragya's back and keeps her in his embrace... After sometime, abhi takes pragya's legs outside and wipes it off with towel... Pragya protests but abhi is very adamant and applies ointment too in the legs to reduce the pain..

Abhi blows air so that pragya wont feel pain... Abhi forcefully feeds soup to pragya and gave her pain killers to ease her pain... Till that time no one speaks anything... A complete silence prevailed in the room....

Abhi who is sitting there with guilt filled heart brokes his trance and starts to speak:

Im so sorry fuggy... I am not in any intention to hurt to you... It came out of my bad mood... Sorry fuggy...

Pragya in a calm and cold tone: Its pragya and not fuggy, Abhishekh sir... Only my dance partner and my close friend Abhi has the right to call me with that name... Please dont call me with that name sir... (Stresses the word sir)

Abhi: Why are you talking like this fuggy??? I did not have the right to call you so and why are you calling me sir...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂 ... As if u dont know... You only said not to call you so... You said to me that Im taking over advantage and misusing my rights... Im sorry to say Im not a bitch to trap men....

Abhi in a hurted tone: Im really really sorry fuggy... Words came out uncontrollably... You are always special to me fuggy... Only you have all the right on me... Please dont mistake me...

Pragya's eyes welled up: 😢😢😢... What wrong did I do to you??? I always respect and care for you a lot .. But why you treated me like a shit...

Abhi: please... dont say that word from your mouth pragya... You are very precious to me....

I lately understand that I ill treated and talked to you very badly... It all happens because of that bitch... Her name itself starts to mess up my life again... Her presence and now even her name is troubling my happy life...

Pragya: Can you tell me who she is??? Why you gets sad on hearing her name??? Wht torture she did to you???

Abhi: You are very tired fuggy... sleep now... I will tell you some other day...

Pragya: I want you to clear everything right now.... Talk to me... pour it out who she is...

Abhi with a heavy heart starts to say about his ex - girlfriend, the problems he faced because of her, the lose in business, the lose of his parents, the cheatings she has done, his spoiled studies, his addiction to drugs and how he was broken beyond repair and how he come out of that after a lot of support from his siblings and all...

Pragya's pov.: Why???? Why???? Why god is always punishing the poor souls ???? Why the bad people always wins???

I was heart broken when my prem/abhi talked to me very badly... I could not control my emotions and feelings when he said that I am not special to him at all and Im misusing the liberty he has given to me...

Seriously, when we started to practice the dance, I forget that he is my love, my prem... I really respect him only as a tutor... He is an excellent dance tutor and I practiced only as a dance partner with him...

I felt very bad when he said that Im a bitch and all women like this only misusing men... How could he say like that??? When did I behaved to him like that???

Unable to control my feelings and not to face anyone, I rushed from college and locked myself inside the room... I poured out all my feelings in my diary... Still I could not get out of that...

He not only hurted me verbally but the soul inside me starts to cry and my heart is  bleeding in pain... I can understand that he did not speak anything intentionally but only after hearing that name...

I want to know who she is??? I have seen a varied emotions in my Abhi's face after hearing her name.... I cant think a fact if my Abhi had loved her... Am I not the first girl in his life and am I not the person to kiss him first and am I not the first person to rule his heart???

This thoughts itself made me mad and I throw all the things in my room and I did not spare my diary and keys too... I started to dance like a mad and I did not bothered about bulbul's pleas too...

I want to calm myself down... I know my buddies pooh, honey and ajju will come to stop me.... But I never expected my abhi will come for me... I can clearly see guilt in his eyes and apology in his words...

He treated my wounds, applied medicines and even fed me soup... Im sure he is a gem of person... He is an egoistic and terror professor but all I now see is a caring friend of mine...

When he said that what all the things my abhi has undergone because of that bitch, my soul too felt that pain... I really scold my parents mentally for bringing me to the earth very late and also younger to him...

If I was with him, I would have never allowed that bitch to near my abhi... Its high time pragya, think something big to trap that bitch.... She is going to be the chief guest na... Broke her nose infront of the audience...

When pragya was mentally planning, abhi shooks her hard...

Abhi: fu... Fuggy... Wont you accept my apologies... Please forgive me... Sorry na... Say something fuggy.... Please...

Abhi holds his ears and asks for apology ..

Pragya could not  control but bursts into laughter: 😂😂😂😂😂... You are such a cute kid... So sweet.... Really Im wondering are you our terror, dictator professor Abhishekh sir... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂..

Abhi: pragyaaa... ( In a stern voice)

Pragya: oh hello... 😂😂😂... Dont try to threaten me okay... This is not your classroom... And moreover my friend abhi is there to protect me... 😉😉😉😉

Abhi pouts like a kid and turns his face... But a smile crept in his face...

Pragya: so my abhishekh sir, always loves to give punishment na... Why not I give punishment to him to accept his sorry???

Abhi: will you forgive me if I did that???

Pragya: ofcourse, now hear me... We are going to dance tommorrow but with a slight change in concept... And moreover, I will do something to irritate that bitch... You should not lecture me this and that okay..

Abhi: what are you upto fuggy???

Pragya: suspense .. wait and watch...

Abhi: Fuggy... I dont want to put the reputation of our college at stake...

Pragya: nothing will happen... Im d college chairman na... I will dance on her head tommorrow... She is going to enjoy all the tortures in her life in a short time...

She troubled my friend abhi na... Let me teach her a big lesson and never in her life, she should even think of troubling you...

Abhi's pov.: Oh my god!!!! This fuggy is impossible and planning too much... But why she is repeatedly telling me as her friend... Yuck... Why cant she  say as  my love???

Stupid abhi... Have you forgotten she has a puppy love??? God... That diary is here na... Shall I steal that diary??? I cant do that too as this fuggy is watching me closely... But remember fuggy, you are only mine and Im no way going to give up... I will win you by hook or crook....

Pragya snaps her fingers before abhi:

Abhi... Dont worry all will be fine soon... Dont think much... Go to home... Take rest... Come tommorrow with a fresh mind set... Im sure we will rock the floor...

Abhi: Are you sure fuggy???? Your legs are hurted.... Can you dance??? And moreover is it possible for me to dance infront of that bitch???

Pragya: stop degrading yourself abhi... We are going to do it tommorrow... We have to prove that ours is the  best performance ever and all should praise our chemistry and we have to make everyone to go mad for our performance...

Dont bother that Im hurted... I can go to any extent to make my abhi happy and I know very well that my Abhi wont let me fall down or strain while performing the song...

Abhi: That much you have trust on me fuggy...

Pragya: Yes ofcourse...

Abhi: But why??? Why are you believing me this much???

Pragya: Because you are my.........

Abhi' pov.: Please say fuggy Im your love, your soulmate...

Pragya's pov.: You are my every breath abhi... You only rule me... Every cell in my body says only your name.... Abhi/prem is my heart's mantra..


So, what will be pragya's reply???

Will abhi and pragya able to do the performance without any difficulty???

What are the game plans by pragya to trap the bitch????

So, I have given a complete abhigalicious shot....

Did you all like this shot???

Next gonna be a complete masti and jolly go episode to trap that bitch followed by the hot, intimate dance of abhi and pragya...

Are you all excited???

Cast your votes without fail....

Pen down your comments....

Not proof read ...

Forgive me for typo errors...

Words used .. 2750+

A long one na... Sorry if I bored you...


Yours buddy,

Signing off...

Will be


With the annual day performance of abhi and pragya along with the spicy dramas, twists and turns....

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