16. My love is hurted because of me...

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Thanks for all your support...

Some guessed it right. . who will be the chief guest???  Lets see who is that...

No bak baks...

Shot. 16:

Pragya is in deep thoughts... She could not understand what's bothering Abhishekh sir... His reaction on hearing the chief guest's name conveyed a varied emotions and pragya's heart ached on seeing her love's sad face...

Pragya clearly can visualize Abhi's face went pale and sad because of that person... She knows very well that something is bothering him for sure... Some unknown pain in his heart is clearly visible in his whole self...

Pragya runs hurriedly to catch up with Abhishekh sir's speed... She huffs and pants and blocks his way... Professor Abhishekh tries to move away from Pragya, but she  does not allow him to move at all...

Abhi: Move Pragya... I've to go... I'm not in a mood to practice... Tomorrow morning we can have our final rehearsals, if possible... If it's not okay, we shall cancel this dance...

Pragya; 😨😨😨😨... whaaatttt???? Did you mind your words sir????? We did a lot to practice this... How can you just like that say to cancel the program sir???

We put our heart and soul to make it the best one... Now you are not minding it as a big thing... Can you please tell me what's bothering you??? What made you to talk like this???

Abhi: Why am I supposed to tell you Pragya??? Who are you to me??? Im not at all answerable to you... And you dont have the right to question my doings...

Dont try to act bossy towards me... Got it... Remember I'm your professor and you are just one of the students studying under me...

Dont try to poke your nose in my personal matters...I just give you right to call my name only to make you to be comfortable in dancing with me and not to exceed any limits...

Is that clear girl??? Now move away from me... Just dont stand infront of me and irritate me.. Leave me alone.... All girls are liars... Bloody bitches... Always sucking men's blood and ditch them just like this.... (Abhi murmurs and walks from there)

Abhi who is completely in mood off spits out the hatred words towards pragya which pricks pragya's heart to the core and shattered her into pieces...

Abhi did not have the mood to talk further... He moves towards the staff room.... He did not mind to see pragya and he fails to notice the reaction of pragya for his words...

Abhi sits in his chair and closes his eyes to suppress his feelings and emotions... Unknowingly hot tears were rolling from his eyes....

Abhi remembers the dark past of his life... The name of that person has brought back all the bad events that had happended in his life... The dark bad days he hated the most amd The worst days, he wished never to remember ever in his life...

His misery, his life at stake, the loss of his parents, the loss of the business, the cheating and betrayal he has faced, the self respect and reputation he has lost, the happiness and smile which has gone away from him, the humiliation his family faced because of his ex bitchy girl friend...

Engrossed in his dark past, Abhi fails to notice the time... He opens his eyes to see the staff room is completely vacated and the place is completely dark... Abhi watches the time and it almost nears 8.30 at night...

Abhi takes a sigh of relief and gets up from his seat...  Just then Abhi remembers how he spilled the words to pragya... He curses himself for talking to pragya like that ..

Abhi's pov.: "Im a stupid... How will I talk like that to my pragya??? Shit... what the hell did I have done...You are such a fool abhi...

How can you talk to Pragya like that... How did she have felt????? How can you say that she is one of your students and you disgusting abhi hoe can you say compare your pragya with that bitch???

She cared for you abhi and just by seeing your face itself she understands that you are in a big pain and some problem... But what you did to her abhi...

You have broken her heart Abhi... You spit venoms on her... You bashed her saying that she has no right on you... who else have right on you other than her abhi??

What are you going to do now abhi??? Already you dont know who she is in love with???? You are going to lose her abhi for sure... No.... No... I cant lose her... She is my life and she is my soulmate...

Throw away all your egos and run to her abhi... Go and ask for her forgiveness... Run abhi.... You should not lose her... she is your pragya...

You are not going as professor Abhishekh... Go to your love and beg her for her apology... Dont mind if she talks rudely to you...

She will understand you for sure... Go and explain her why you behaved like this... but will she forgive me???

What will I do if she beats me??? Okay... Okay... I dont mind her beatings or slaps... Even if she bite me too Im okay with that...

But where will I find her??? I dont know her address... Can I ask aaliya??? No... No... Dont do that mistake abhi... Your sis aaliya will turn the world upside down...

Think abhi... You are not going home before convincing pragya... Calm down abhi... Relax... Take a deep breath... Now think what you have to do... Yay... I got it... Let me do that..."


In the other side, as usual the "mission abhigya team is in deep discussion....

Arjun: Hey guys... Did you all noticed dolly is completely mood off today...

Purab: Yes... Ajju.... I too was worried on seeing her pale face... Im damn sure she would have cried but when I asked she said she is tired out of practice...

Tanu: Relax guys... Where is this pie??? we can ask her na....

Purab: Don't know what happened to Pie too .. She is not in online and is not picking up my calls too... I'm worried about them...

Aaliya: Something big would have happened for sure... If not, Dolly won't react like this...

Nikhil: Hey Aalu... Have you noticed that Abhi bhai has not yet returned home, till now...

Aaliya: 😨😨😨 😨... wWhaatt??? Oh my god!!!! Nothing wrong should have happened between Abhi bhai and my Dolly...

Arjun: Don't worry honey... All our prayers will help them to be together and they will never be separated for sure...

Purab: Hey guys... Wait... Just I will be back.... Pie is calling me...

After some time,

Purab: Bad news guys... Pie is crying really very hard... Something bad has happened for sure... Dolly has locked up inside the room, it seems...

Pie is scared and saying that only some songs are playing repeatedly from the room and dolly is not at all opening the room for a long time it seems...

What shall we do guys??? I can sit in home.... I'm worried a lot... I'm going to see Dolly and Pie...

Aaliya: Hey Ajju... Take your bike and come here... We shall go and meet Dolly... I too can't sit in home....

Tanu: Okay guys... Don't delay.... Keep updating... All will be fine soon..


Arjun picks ip his bike keys, starts it and moves to Mehra mansion and picked up  Aaliya... Aaliya is worried like anything and she is praying to god that nothing wrong would have happened to her bestie, her Dolly...

Aaliya calls Bulbul worriedly...

Aaliya: Hello... Pie... What happened dear???

Bulbul: 😭😭😭😭😭.... Aa... Aaliya di... Di is not at all opening the door... Im scared... Something has happened wrong...

After we returned home, di has locked herself into the room... I heard the breaking sound of many items in the room... Then I heard loud crying sound of di..... 😭😭😭😭....

When I banged the door, she did not opened the door but she put on some songs loudly.... Im scared di... 😭😭😭😭.... Its been 4 hours di...

Aaliya: hey my cutie pie... Dont worry... Dont cry.... We are coming... pooh, me and ajju are on the way...

Bulbul: Di.... Hold on.. Some one is ringing the bell... I think it's Pooh...

Bulbul keeps her mobile aside and moves to the door... She gasps on seeing Abhishek sir standing in front of their house...

Bulbul: Si... Sir... Abhi.... Abhishekh sir... You are here... At this time...

Aaliya who is on the line is hell shocked to know that her brother Abhi has went to see dolly... She understands that something big has happened between abhi and pragya for sure...

Aaliya takes arjun's mobile and calls purab and informs that abhi has gone to meet pragya and asked him to not to get inside the house rather to stay hidingly at the back side of the house...

Aaliya cuts the call and asks Arjun to rush up... She continues to hear the convo between bulbul and abhi..


Abhi: Hi... I came here to meet pragya??? Is she in home????

Bulbul: ye... Yes... She is here... But may I know why you came here sir that too at this time???

Abhi: hmmm... You wont allow me inside if not I reply you...

Bulbul: yes... I know you are our professor but this is our home... And only me and my di are staying here... Its not advisable to welcome any random man inside girls home that too at night...

We are from a respectable family... We dont want our family's name to spoil... Many people are ready to talk ill about girls just like that.... Hope you dont mistake me sir...

Abhi: Not at all... I understand... Sorry to say bulbul... I was quite upset today because of a person... I out of frustration has showed my anger on pragya...

I regret, its my mistake... I should have not talked to her like that... I want to ask for her apology... Please... 🙏🙏🙏🙏.... Allow me to get inside and meet pragya please...

Im feeling really guilty for my actions... I cant sit idly in home... Please. ... I cant sleep if Im not forgiven.....

Bulbul starts to cry: 😭😭😭😭😭 ... Sir... Dont know what happened to this di.... She has locked herself into the room for more than 4 hours....

I heard some items were broken by her and she had been crying aloud and then she is hearing some songs and not opening the door... Im scared sir.... 😭😭😭😭😭..... Can you help me  to get my di to open the door????

Bulbul shocks to see Abhishekh sir's crying face....

Bulbul: sir... Why are you crying????

Abhi: sorry bulbul... I should have not done that...  Please forgive me... Please allow me to meet pragya...

Bulbul: you can go sir... But plz make my di happy and I want to see her smiling face...

Abhi smiles and pats on bulbul's head and walks in... Unknown to abhi these talks were heard by aaliya... Aaliya is worried a lot and praying to get to clear the misunderstandings that happened between the two important persons of her life....

Abhi's heartbeats starts to rise... He can sense something is wrong with pragya... He does not want anything wrong happen to het...

Abhi stands outside pragya's room and starts to knock the door but no response... Abhi shouts and starts to bang the door...

After a lot of pleadings, the door creaks open.... Abhi enters the room to ask for pragya's apology but he is very much shocked to see pragya in that state...

Abhi mentally curses himself to be the reason for his pragya's misery.... Abhi does not know how to convince or console pragya... Abhi really feels guilty for his actions...


So, what has happened to pragya???

Will Abhi be forgiven by pragya for his actions???

Will all the plans backfire or will their plans makes abhi and pragya to be together???

Will abhi and pragya dance in the annual meet as planned or will it be stopped abruptly????

Think before you spit out the words.... Words once spoken can never be taken back.... Dont show the power of your tongue to your loved ones rather show the power of your lovable heart to them....

Will Abhi's action be apoligized????

To know more stay tuned....

Words used: 2150+

Forgive me for silly mistakes....

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Stay tuned....


Yours cliffy buddy,


Winding up....

Will be


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