2. Meeting my love....

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Thanks for all your love and support towards me and to all my crazy write ups.... I know im very late.... Sorry to make you all  wait....

So without this crazy's irritating blabberings, lets move to shot.2.....

Honey, pooh, pie n dolly comes out from college.... Suddenly,

Honey ( Aaliya) : Dolly... Have u accepted the stupid bet???? I warn you.... Dont do that ever....

Dolly (pragya): No.... No.... Honey... I won't accept or do that...

Pooh ( purab ) : oye... Dolly... Don't try to cheat or lie to us... If we find out you have attempted such stupid bets, then we will kill you....

Pie (bulbul)... Look after dolly... You have to inform us now and then what she is doing....

Pragya gave a death glare to bulbul.... Bulbul dont know what to do....

Honey: Dolly .... If you scare or threaten Pie , then Pooh will surely kill you for sure....

Dolly: huh... No.. no... I swear... I won't do any such things....

They moves out of their college.... Aaliya and Purab have bikes and Pragya and bulbul goes along with them alsays.... Pragya used to sit in Purab's bike and bulbul with Aaliya...

But after knowing about bulbul  purab's secret love, Pragya plans along with Aaliya and insists bulbul to sit and come in purab's bike.....


The screen shifts to mehra mansion.... Aaliya is feeling bored as they have holidays for five days.... She promised her family that she will stay in home and spend some time with them.....

She misses her friends very badly.... She atleast wished that his brothers will be there with hef....

Aaliya knows that his brothers nikhil and Abhi are coming soon... But she does not know when they are coming there.... Her bhabhi Tanu too went to temple to pray... She is all left alone...

She closes her eyes to kill her boredom as she is not interested to do anything and switches off the tv too ... She leans on to the couch and started to have a little nap.....


Aaliya is completely jerked up and startled with the sudden assault and she looks horrified as if she has seen some ghost..... It took some seconds for Aaliya understand what is going on around her....

Aaliya is completely shocked and does not react and even she did not blink her eyes too with the sudden happenings.... Slowly she comes out of the trauma and hugs the person happily....

Aaliya: Bhai.... Atlast you came.... I missed you very badly.... You left me three years back and Is this the way to come home and surprise me... Hmm.... I dont want to talk with you as you are not loving me anymore....

Why did you come here??? Go and stick on to your so called wishes... Who is going to care about me??? Move... Don't come near me... I'm hell angry on you...

Aaliya fakes anger and moves to her another brother, who is admiring his wife as he missed her terribly...

Aaliya: Bro... You too are a cheater cock... You are  also very bad... What did you told me haan???? You said to me  that you will bring bhai in a week....

But what did you do???? You too stayed there for six months.... Stupid bhai.... Dont you know how much bhabhi is missing you... Isn't unfair to leave your wife alone??? My poor bhabhi always blabbering about you in her sleep too....

Tanu blushes and smiles with a shy face, as her husband is admiring her with full of love.....

Aaliya: By the way bhabhi.... Your pati has come... Second honeymoon haan???? Or Is it possible for me to see some hot romanctic scenes in live????

Dont feel shy and all bhabhi... I'm completely shameless... I will give you tips , if you want.... I can invite my dolly too.... We will enjoy seeing your love and romance..... Bhabhi and bhai... Don't delay much and soon make me as bua.....

Aaliya runs after seeing her bhai and bhabhi's reaction.... She is being chased by her bro and bhabhi.... She giggles and runs happily showing her tongue out.... The chase continues and Aaliya tries to escape from them.....

Aaliya runs and hides behind her big brother to protect her....

Aaliya: Bhai... Please save me... This bhabhi and bro will kill me for sure....

The face is revealed....

Its none other than Abhi.... Aaliya's elder brother....

Abhi: huh... Some one told me that I wont talk with you bhai... Blah.... Blah.... Blah...

Aaliya whines: Bhai.... Please save me... These love sick puppies Nikhil and Tanu will kill me....

Abhi pinches Aaliya's ears: Aalu... Bad manners  darling... Don't you know that they are your elders.... That too your bhai and bhabhi.... Give respect to them, okay....

Aaliya: "hmm... your order received majesty.... That's what I like in you bhai... You are like our father in pointing out my mistakes.....

Uffo.... Love birds... Please go to your rooms.... No pda okay... You both will spoil me and bhai too... Go... go to your rooms and dont forget to lock your rooms okay .... 😉😉😉😉

I wont promise you.... If you did not lock your room, I can very well sneak into your room 😁😁😁😁... Then don't complain that Aaliya is getting shaneless....

Come on Abhi bhai.... Let's spend some time together.... I have to say a lot of things to you...."

Abhi asks Nikhil to take Tanu to his room and spend some time with her....

Abhi: Aalu... I missed you so much..... Are you still angry on your bhai??? Won't you forgive me????

Aaliya: I too missed you Bhai... I'm bit upset that your love has separated you from us... Now I'm flying in happiness....

I know you will stay with us from now on... By the way bhai, dont call me aalu... Call me honey.... If not my dolly will feel bad....

Abhi: Haan okay... okay.... My little Honey... Hmm... Yeah... Iv completely forgotten.... You always speak about your dolly na... Who is that???? Didn't she come to our home today???

Aaliya smiles showing her dimpled cheeks: Great going bhai.... You are much interested in dolly haan... Aww... This is what I expect to happen....

Abhi: Arrey... No... No... Just wanna know who is that dolly who makes my sis Aaliya always to talk non stop only about her.....

Aaliya: You will soon meet her bhai....

She whispers: I will make you two fall in love for sure....

Abhi: Fid you say anything Aalu????

Aaliya: No bhai... Come... We shall have food... I have lots of infos to share with you....

They both happily chit chat spending some quality time....

Days passess....


Pragya with a horrific face is looking here and there and takes steps like a stealing cat and walks very carefully.... She comes out hidingly without bulbul's knowledge to win the bet....

Pragya is being challenged to hold her breath under a deep swimming pool for ten minutes.... She has light breathing issues and she always scares to get inside water and she doesn't know even to swim too.....

Aaliya and Purab warned her not to accept the challenge, as it will deteriorate Pragya's health... But she lies to them and escaped from Bulbul's clutches too...

Pragya goes to the famous centre in which the swimming classes are taken... She jumps in the swimming pool, checking carefully that no one is there.... She loses her control and starts to drown completely.... She does not understand what is happening around her........

Pragya's pov.: God... What a stupid I'm.... I'm a fool to accept this bet.... I'm going to die for sure....

Oh no... I will miss my Pooh, Honey, **** and my Pie badly...  I don't want to die without meeting my prem.... Atleast I want to see a glimpse of my Prem before I die.... 

Why this is happening alone with me????  Is it true that I'm just merely attracted towards my Prem and my love is just an infactuation????

No.... No.... I know my love for my Prem is true and I love him wholeheartedly ... God.... I beg you.... Before taking my life, please show me my Prem at least....

Please prove to the world that my love is pure and genuine...  I want to die only in my prem's lap.... Please god.... Fulfill my last wish.... I love you so much Prem... Your Pragya is going to die...  Miss you my love...."

Pragya drowns and goes under water completely. .. She fastly moves her hand but she don't know how to come out....


Pragya thinks her life is going to end... But she is being gently touched by a strong hand in her waist making some electrical shocks to hit her body.... Pragya feels some unusual feelings in her heart...

She could not see who is that person.... She is being held closer to that person and their bodies touches making Pragya's feelings to arouse crazily...

She is reacting uncontrollably to the hot and sexy body as per her heart's instructions, but her mind screams that she is in love with prem and not to fall for anyone other than him....

Pragya is dragged out from the water.... They reached the top of the water.... An unexpected thing happens which startles pragya hardly and the person who saved her is shocked to the core.....

Pragya gasps in shock as she didn't expect that she will do like that... Abhi, who saved pragya from the pool is horrified and forget even to breathe too....

Pragya kisses Abhi unknowingly in his cheeks, when they reach the top of the water..... Abhi is startled with the unexpected event happened... He could not react to it too....

Shock is a simple word.... Abhi did not expect such a kiss from the unknown girl, whom he saved ...

What is gonna happen next????

Is Abhi is pragya's prem or some other is prem????

What is Aaliya going to do to unite Abhigya ????

What is taaliya's n rabul's role in Abhigya's life????

Who is going to be the new professor????

Will Abhi and Pragya fall in love????

To know more stay tuned....

Keep reading, voting and supporting.... Silent readers expecting a lot from you all......

Almost 1750+ words.... A long update right.... Forgive me for mistakes and sorry for late again.....

Meet you all soon....


Yours loving buddy,


Winding out.....

Catch me soon with more votes....


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