22. My dumbo professor...

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Thanks for all your love and enormous support to this story ..

As far now...
The statistics of "From the day I met you" is....

Total no. Of chapters completed: 21
Total no. Of views so far : 13,300+
Total no. Of votes: 2200+
Maximum votes: 120...
(9 chapters crossing 100+ votes and 5 chapters crossing 110+ votes)...

Many are getting crazy for this story and asking me to update daily... Seriously, I don't know what's interesting in this story... 😂😂😂😂... You guys are unbelievable...

Daily Im getting messages and many are nagging and compelling me to update this story alone.... Huh... I don't know wht to say... Let's do one thing... We will make it simple... It wont bother you and bother me too...

Why not we fix a target... Whenever the update crosses the target, I will update that day or the very next day for sure... Deal superb right???

So the target will be exceeding the maximum votes of 120 votes.... 125- 130 votes will give your updates soon...

So, wanna have quick updates, complete the target... If not, I will update whenever possible but plz don't ask me to update soon before the target gets completed...

I know very well that this is not going to happen soon and I will find time to update my other stories too... 😉😉😉😉

Crazy's mind voice: Mahii... you escaped girl from people's naggings... Setting an unachievable, big target... 😂😂😂😂... 👍👍👍👍👍....

Mahii's mind voice: How much criminally Iv to think to escape... Phew.... I know it won't be achieved soon as I know pretty well about the silent readers and I will update whenever I find time... 😂😂😂😂...

Now to shot. 22:

The principal praises abhi and pragya a lot and hands them the trophy together ... Pragya can sense the genuine smile in abhi's face and her heart felt contented on seeing him getting victorious in front of the person who has destroyed him completely in the past ..


Aaliya, Tanu and Nikhil are shedding happy tears on seeing abhi's true happiness and smiling face after a long time... They thanked their dolly inwardly for doing such a big thing for abhi just like that .. They prayed to god to keep them happy like this and together always...

The principal hands over the mike to pragya to say something...

Pragya: Im so happy and thank you all for the huge appreciation... I don't deserve any credit in this, as it all happened and worked out pretty well only because of our talented professor Abhishekh sir...

If we get a mentor and partner like abishekh sir, even a puppet can dance and perform brilliantly... He is a very supportive person and his motivation and encouragement has made me to do this...

Thank you so much sir for choosing me to perform with you... Thanks to everyone for all your support and applause for our performance....

As a college chairman, its my duty to thank everyone for the enormous support in conducting this event beautifully and making this event a grand success... Thanks to all the teaching and non- teaching faculties and all my dear fellow students...

Now lets all cheer up for our beloved professor Abhishek sir by giving him a standing ovation and honouring him with our huge round of applause... "

The whole place stands up and is filled with thunderous claps n roars filling the air... Abhi is overwhelmed with the respect he got n he whispers thank you to pragya and holds her hand firmly for supporting her to stand properly and takes the mike...

Abhi: Thank you very much... I don't know what Iv done... It's pragya's kindness to say that she don't deserve any credit... I can very well say that all your praises should go to our college student committee chairman, pragya only...

Really she has put her heart and soul for this performance... She is the one who designed the concept and chose most of the songs for this concept... Half portion of the performance is pragys's creative idea only..

She is not in a good health to perform today... She is badly injured in her legs... Yet she performed brilliantly neglecting all her pains ....

I want to tell you all one thing... Hardwork never fails... Don't give up your passion and dedication even if the world is against you... Pragya is a perfect example for this....

Do you all know, pragya's legs were bleeding while we are performing and she couldn't even move her legs because of too much pain ... But she didn't give up .. Her song n her reaction is enough to finish the performance brilliantly....

So, I will be happy, if you all give a huge round of applause for pragya one more time..."

All cheers for pragya and clapped heavily... Pragya's eyes welled up while abhi pats her back and takes her from the stage very carefully.... Ajlu, takhil n rabul are way too happy on seeing abhigya's understanding and caring bond towards each other....

Shreya is burning in jealousy and she moves out hurriedly... Anger is flaring in her nose as the reporters are not allowing her to move out... Their non stop questions on abhi and pragya's performance irked her to the core...

Meanwhile, in the back stage, abhi took pragya carefully to the dance hall and asked pragya to get changed... Abhi too get changed in the washroom and comes to meet pragya...

Pragya: Thanks abhi... Have to leave... Where did this idiot bulbul gone??? Huh... It's getting late... Have to go home soon... She is not picking up my call too...

Abhi don't mistake me... Can you please check whether bulbul is there or not??? Why this stupid bulbul is doing like this??? Let her come... I will twist her ears ..

Abhi: Hey fuggy... Chill up girl... Relax... However you try, bulbul is not going to come today to pick you up...

Pragya: 😨😨😨😨.... whaaatttt??? Why she won't come??? How will I go home then???

Abhi: When abhi is there, why are you bothering much???

Pragya: Ahaan... Today my hitler professor is on a big plan ... Not bad... Don't say that you are the one who made bulbul to leave here and go home...

Abhi: Brilliant... Fuggy you are impressing me too much today....

Pragya: Really... Did you do so???

Abhi: yes...

Pragya: Ohhh.. But why??? Anyways... Leave that... . shall we leave abhi??? Im really tired ..

Abhi: Not so soon fuggy... We are going to doctor first then we are having dinner and and long drive and then lately to home... Iv informed bulbul to go with her friends to home...

Iv got spare key too from bulbul and I informed her to have her dinner and sleep... I assured her that I will drop you safely in home....

Pragya: Huh... You planned this much... What's it abhi??? You didn't even asked me whether Im coming for a date or not....

Abhi: No silly girl... Don't day dream okay... It's not a date.. It's just a dinner together... Just a sort of appreciation to my friend for doing a big thing for me... Shall we go fuggy???

Pragya smiles and nods her head ... Abhi holds pragya carefully and helped her to walk... They came out from the back side as its the easy way to go out... As no one is there, abhi gently scooped pragya in his arms....

While they were coming out, they saw shreya fuming in anger and walking out hurriedly.... She rushes up to enter her car while her legs twists because of the high heels sheis wearing and she fell on the floor...

Shreya screams in pain as the small stones in the ground scratches her legs... She yelps in pain and her legs are twisted very hard... When she is about to get up, she falls again twisting her legs even more....

Some students who were passing by that side laughed on seeing her carelessness ... Some were passing comments that why such people wear high heels when they don't know to walk...

Some said why to wear coolers at night time when they can't see properly... Abhigya hears that and they chuckles on hearing that comments... They walks out and nears shreya...

Pragya: oh god!!!! Miss. Shreya are you okay??? So pity for you... How will you get up now???? No one is here to help you... All are mocking on your carelessness.... Heartless people...

Shreya: My bad fate what to do...
Abhi.. can you help me to get up???

Pragya fumes and yells : Don't dare to call him by his name Miss. Shreya... He is our professor... You may be our guest but we don't give any rights to call our professor like that...

Give Respect to him... Call him sir.... Atleast you can call him Mr. Abhishekh.... Who are you to call him in short name and who gave you such rights???? Remember you are no one to him.... Shameless people taking over advantage....

Abhi in the typical hitler tone: pragyaaaa... Calm down... She is our guest... We should give respect to her and help her... You shouldn't have talked to her like that pragya....

Shreya smiles brightly as abhi talks in favour of her and scolds pragya... She gave a victory smirk on seeing pragya's sad face...

Abhi: Driver saab... Please come here... See your madam has hurted her legs... Come quick and help her to get up and take her to hospital soon.. Don't delay.. arrey why are you hesitating... Quick pick her up...

Shreya: No... No... No... Don't dare to near me or touch me... A driver touching me... Disgusting.. Professor sir... Why can't you help me and why are you asking my driver to help me???

Abhi: sorry to say miss... My partner pragya is having injury in her leg and Im in a hurry to take her to hospital... I don't leave my loved ones abruptly for anytime, when they needed me the most...

Pragya is my first priority in this whole world... I will be at her service all the time... Nothing is important to me than pragya... So, if you wish, take your driver's help or do as you wish... Take care... Get well soon...

Abhi scoops pragya firmly in his arms before shreya and walks to his car... Pragya looks astonished to see abhi's attitude and his words to shreya on behalf for her... Pragya is jumping inwardly in happiness...

The travel was very silent... They both are in a different mentality and they are facing a big war inside them ajd lots of emotions are overflowing inside their mind and hearts ... They reach the hospital and pragya is being treated by the doctor and he gave her medicines and asked her to take bed rest for one week...

Later, they went to a restaurant and had food silently... No one speaks anything other than what food to order alone.... They finishes off the food and comes out... Abhi carried pragya all the time after they come out form college...

Abhi then settles pragya in the car and drives the car.... The drive is completely silent...

Pragya: Abhi... Shall we go home???

Abhi: Why are you feeling tired??? I thought to go for a long drive and to spend some time with you...

Pragya: Im not tired but Im feeling bored...

Abhi: Whaattt... When a hamdsome man is with you, how can you say that you are bored???

Pragya: Then what will I say when my buddy is thinking something and not opening his mouth to spill a word...

Abhi: Oh... Im so so sorry fuggy.... I'm just carried on with today's unexpected happenings... Nothing much... Now tell me what my fuggy want to say..

Pragya: You only took me na... So, you start...

Abhi: Stubborn girl.... Haan.. Fuggy.... I forget to tell you... The concept was really brilliant... It's really mind blowing.... How come you think like that???

It's doesn't seems to be like an imaginary concept... It seems very realistic... I can clearly see the pain of a girl in this concept... Is it a real life story...

Pragya: yes... It is...

Abhi: Really... Im really pity for that girl... That girl is really a gem... Her love is so pure .. She loves him hardly even though that boy doesn't know her too... Such a wonderful girl and great love story... Hope that dumbo boy realizes that a girl is waiting for him all these years...

Abhi keeps on talking without seeing pragya... Pragya heart is getting emotional and her eyes starts to well up... She conveyed her real love story indirectly to abhi but the dumbo professor is praising thinking it as someone else...

Abhi: Fuggy... Do you know anything about the boy and the girl??? Did the boy meets the girl??? Hey what happened sweetie... Why are you crying??? Is it paining???

Pragya wipes her tears: No... Not at all... The answer to your question is... The boy and girl has met already... But the idiotic boy is not at all understanding the girl's feelings and faking and thinking that as friendship and not love....

Abhi: Oh how stupid is tht boy??? Atleast tell me who are they???

Pragya: I cant say their names... Please can we go...

All through the way, pragya is crying very hard... Abhi couldn't register or understand, what is bothering pragya and he doesn't know how to console her...

Just then abhi remembers the classroom discussion topic about love... Abhi is completely startled whether its the story of pragya...

Abhi starts to sweat profusely and his hand went cold and his eyes starts to blur losing the control and the balance in driving.... Abhi is not in his sense and the cars moves uncontrollably nearing a huge lorry which came on the opposite direction....

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will abhi and pragya gets into an accident???

Will abhi misunderstands pragya as she is still in love with her puppy love??

Will abhi propose pragya???

Will pragya spill out that abhi is only her puppy love????

To know more stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2400+ words....

Sorry for typo errors, if any....

Don't forget to cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


Complete the target soon..


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