23. Flirty Abhi Vs Possessive Fuggy...

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Thanks for the huge response and the last chapter got the maximum votes of 129... Hope it grows further too... Next update will be quicker when it reaches 130-135 votes...

A quick reminder of stories Im dealing now: (ongoing)

1. Loving husband
2. From the day I met you
3. Anything to make her smile
4. Arrogancy vs attitude
5. In love with my soul
6. Finding a mother in her
7. Can we love????
8. Longing for my wife
9. Royal unbelievable wedding
(only 3 chapters left)

Now without bak baks, lets move to shot. 23:

Abhi's heart is stammering with varied emotions... He feels himself weak after a long time... His heart is  paining as if his dream is crushed into trillion pieces...

Abhi don't want to be a loser again in his life... He want happiness and he knows very well that it lies in his fuggy only... His mind is screaming inwardly to win her heart, by hook or crook....

Abhi's pov.: Am I hearing it right??? Is that the performance is related to Pragya's puppy love??? Why fuggy is not at all saying their names to me???

Why she is saying that they have met already, but they are behaving like friends??? Is that means did my fuggy had met her love???? Nooooo... Never... I want you fuggy... I will smash that idiot's head, if he nears you in the name of friendship too...

Im getting mad because of  this fuggy... Why I find some sort of mischievous smirk in fuggy's eyes when she said that??? Is she playing with me??? God... My head is spinning...

I can clearly see lots of love for me in my fuggy's eyes... Still this stupid fuggy is saying Im in love with my puppy love and all... Huh... Who is that idiot who is ruling  fuggy's heart???

Iv to search that idiot first and kill him for sure... How dare he to disturb my fuggy's heart??? My poor baby longed for that stupid who has not even looked at my fuggy.... Such a loser he is..

Thank god... He didn't meet my fuggy... She is all mine... No one can near her... I will never allow anyone  to snatch my fuggy from me... I will get you fuggy by hook or crook... I love you so much and you are going to be mine for sure ..."

Left in deep thoughts, Abhi failed to notice the lorry which is coming fast towards them... Pragya  is drowning in misery that abhi is not able to understand her feelings for him... She is very sad how to explain her love to her prem/abhi...

A lone tear escaped from pragya's eyes... She quickly wipes it off without abhi's notice and tries to behave normally infront of abhi... She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and makes a forced smile....

Pragya turns to see abhi... She couldn't understand the varied expressions in abhi's face... Abhi is changing faces for each second and pragya wonders what's cooking in abhi's head..

Just then, pragya notices the approaching lorry... She shooks abhi hard but abhi who is in a different world paid no heed to it... Pragya suddenly turns the steering hardly...

The loud horn from the lorry, the lorry man's shouting, the sudden jerk in  the control of his car makes Abhi to get jerked from his thoughts and he notices the car is not running in the road instead its nearing a tree and dashes hardly with that...

Abhi gasps in shock but he felt relieved as the air bags in the car popped out and saved them from a  drastic accident... Abhi takes a deep breath and turns to see his fuggy...

Abhi: Fuggy darling... You are okay na... No injuries right... Sorry... I didn't notice that ..

Pragya: So, you planned to kill me right sirrrr...

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨 what nonsense???

Pragya: Huh... Then are we playing with that lorry... Stupid abhi.. Im hell angry on you... Why not I kill you for dreaming while driving???

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... My mistake... Some confusions... Huh... Im getting mad..... sorry... Here after I will be way too careful... Never will repeat this mistake again...

Pragya: You almost killed me abhi... What's cooking in your head hun??? You are not at all listening to me and I shooked you too... Thank god... We are saved...

Abhi : Sorry...

Pragya: Sorry my foot... Don't talk to me... Im hell angry on you...

Abhi: Oh no.... Please na... My cute fuggy... My darling... My sweetie... Please forgive your abhi... I will do whatever you ask for pleasssssse... Talk to me... I accept whatever punishment you give to me..

A mischievous smile crooked in pragya's lips: So ready for punishment... Not bad...  Iv a demand.. Take it as an order... You have to do it or else don't talk to me...

Abhi: Alright.. I will do it...

Pragya: Here after no more seminars for me... Whatever I do, Im not supposed to get any punishments from you... My sweet abhi has to forgive me just like that...

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨 whaattttt???

Pragya smriks: Nice na... My abhi will take those seminars on behalf of me .. Its fixed and no more arguments ... Next is I want you to take special classes to me during exams...

I won't pay you fees and all... Free tuition... Only you and me... I will give you snacks n tea/coffee/ juice whatever you wish for... You have to come to my home and teach me...

Abhi: huh... You are too bossy fuggy... Im having a doubt whether im a professor or you are my professor...  Is your demands over??? Anything else left...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂. . no no... Now only coming to the main matter... I will say some names... You have to give some hard seminars to them...

Abhi: what's this fuggy??? This is too bad...

Pragya: Abhi... I think you don't know... Some girls are there in our class... They are shamelessly drooling on you.. They are eye f***g you abhi... I can't allow anyone to see my abhi like that...

I have warned them many a times... But those stupid girls never paid heeds to my words and always pouring tons and tons of water from their mouth... I don't like that... I want to teach them a lesson...

Don't know when am I going to smash their heads... Stupid girls... How dare they to look at my abhi like that??? Dare to see my abhi then they have to get punishment for sure....

(Abhi can clearly see the jealousy in pragya's eyes... Abhi dances inwardly that pragya likes him so much and he is way too happy that his fuggy is using and stressing the word My abhi  ... Abhi smiles and  wishes to tease his fuggy...)

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... Leave them fuggy... If a hot n sexy man is standing before them, what they will do??? Poor girls... Let them do what they wish.... Never mind them....

Pragya: But I don't like anyone seeing you like that abhi... (In a possessive tone) If they see my abhi like that then they  have to do the seminars for sure.... Its fixed... No backing off...

Abhi: So much possessive haan... Not bad fuggy and you are getting jealous too ... Aww... What's that... Oh my god.... So sweet... Fuggy... you know to blush too..  You are looking gorgeous when you blush... You are just killing me fuggy...

Pragya couldn't control anymore with abhi's teasings... She hides her face with her palm but she couldn't control her blushing cheeks...

Abhi moves closer near pragya... They are just inches apart... Pragya's hearts skips a beat with the sudden closeness of abhi... His hot breath is creating a  tingling sensation in her body... She feels goosebumps and her body shivers in the closeness ...

Abhi takes her hands off from her face... He lifts pragya's  chin... He moves very closer near her lips.....

Abhi: Fuggy darling... Look at me... May I know why you are so possessive and getting jealous...

Pragya (stammers) : Vo... Vo... You are my best friend... You are way too important to me... You deserve the best abhi... So only...

Abhi smirks : ohhhh... Then may I know who is the best match for me???

Pragya : That you will know soon... You will get the best girl who loves you madly...

(Pov. Stupid abhi... I will kill you... Talking nonsense... Is this discussion is needed now... No romantic sense at all.. This much close we are... Cant he give me a kiss... God... Why this dumbo is not understanding anything???

Why today Im carving too much??? I badly wanted to be kissed by him... But this abhi is not at all minding anything, moved just like that and driving the car... Why am I getting angry like this???

Have to do something to give some sense to his head.... Oohooo.. I got it... How did I forget them...  Get ready Abhishek sirrrrr... Today I will make you to kiss me... )

Abhi parks the car near pragya's home... He gets down and opens the house and kept the medicines inside pragya's room... He lit the light and switches on the a/c and arranges the  bed for pragya....

Abhi's pov.:  "😱😱😱😱.... Why am I behaving very strange today???  Why my self control is deteriorating??? I almost neared my fuggy and I would have ended up kissing her wildly... Thank god... I didn't scared her by kissing like that...

Why my thoughts are getting wild and dirty today??? I badly wants to kiss her... Abhi behave properly... Don't lose your control...

You promised to behave like a good boy until her college ends... So, behave like a matured  professor and keep it mind you are fuggy's  best friend abhi ... Don't dare to do any stupid stunts and spoil your beautiful relationship...."

Abhi takes a deep breath to calm himself and then walks to pick up his fuggy but abhi is not aware of the fact that pragya is planning a tricky thing to trap him and to get kiss from him...


In the other side, the mission abhigya team is in deep discussion..
(Purab (Pooh), Arjun (Ajju), Aaliya (honey), Bulbul (pie) are talking except the couples tanu and nikhil who are busy in romancing...)

Pooh: Is it true??? Did Abhishek sir  took our dolly on a date...

Pie : Not exactly... He said first they are going to hospital, then a simple dinner treat  for di...

Ajju: Huh... How unromantic???

Honey: I want to bang my bhai's head today ... Im getting really angry... Its really going to be tough for us guys.... Get ready with your plans...

Two days holiday... Let's go somewhere and plan and discuss to trap these two.. we have to make them confess their love soon....

Ajju: But honey... There is a problem... what about dolly???

Pie: Ya aaliya di.... How can we go without pragya di????

Pooh: Idea... Let's say we couples are going on a date... Dolly won't mind that at all....

Ajju: But pooh... Dolly will be alone in home na... She needs someone besides her to take care of her na...

Pie: Sorry guys... I completely forgotten.... Abhishek sir asked me permission to come to our home in morning to see di....

Honey: wah... Wah... Then its fixed... We are going on double date and lets give them some privacy and who knows they may confess their feelings too....

The four chit chat for a long time and planned for their short trip...


Abhi moves towards his car and picked up pragya in his arms... He places her carefully in her bed...

Abhi: You need anything fuggy... Milk or water???

Pragya: Nothing abhi... Im hell tired and I want to sleep... That's it...

Abhi: Have this tablets and then sleep....

Abhi gives tablets to pragya... He chit chats with her for sometime and asks her to take rest properly.... He helps her to sleep and covers her with duvet...

Abhi: Okay fuggy... It's getting late... Let me take a leave... Will come and see you tomorrow... I will lock the door from outside... Ask bulbul to open the door with spare keys... Morning I will bring the keys .. Take care... Sleep well... bye...

Abhi moves out... He gasps in shock hearing the words from pragya....

"Thank you so much sir... I like the  time spend with you sir... Thanks for the dinner and long drive sir... I enjoyed a lot sir... Bye sir... Good night sir..."

So, what's going to  happen next???

What will be abhi's reaction on hearing pragya's words???

Will pragya gets her kiss???

Will the unsaid love been conveyed between abhigya???

What's going to be the plans to make them confess their love???

To know more stay tuned....

So, the classroom mastis are on the way to kick start from next episode onwards... Any suggestions and ideas, Im pleased to hear that and use it in the story....

Cast your votes and pen down your views....

As usual came up with a long update..  sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors....

Words used: 2225+


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


Catch me soon after reaching the target....

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