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Here Im back again... Thanks for all those wonderful support...

Let me clear one thing... I want to talk and share few things with you all..

This story and each and every word written by me in all my stories is solely and purely written by me... Its all my creative idea and no one has any right other me in any of my works ...

All my works are registered and copyrighted under law... The text is fully copyrighted ©crazymahiz™,2019®....

Stealing another person's creative idea is a big crime... Its like eating your own vomitted food... I don't want to be rude to anyone... But as a writer its really heart wrenching to know that people are stealing others hardwork just like that...

If you don't have the talent or your dont have the own plot to write, better keep mum and read others works...

But stealing others creativity is a criminal offence and we writers won't mind to take action against those stealers by means of law too as we have registered and has copyright for our works...

So, beware of the consequences... If I come across that any of my works are copied without my knowledge, the punishment will be the worst of its kind...

Try to support and appreciate others creativity... If you are not willing to do that better leave the writers to do their works in peace...

Im coming across to know that some of them are taking screen shots of my works without my knowledge and forwarding to others... I dont know what to say... Please don't do that for heavens sake...

If they want to read my works,  they can come here and read... A single vote and comment is what we expect from them... But you guys are not at all permitting them to come and appreciate our hardwork instead you guys are supporting them to do a wrong thing....

No one is supposed to take screenshot of my stories or my edited pictures without my prior approval... I will be happy if you do it after getting my acknowledgement and please don't make me sad by taking screenshots just like that...  It's also come under stealing only...

The most sad thing is that some new readers said to me that they have read my stories as their friends has sent them the screenshots of my stories... May I know who gave them the rights to copy my works and take screenshots of my stories???

Sorry if my words hurt anyone... Its really annoying and heart breaking... What's the use to strain ourself...

Moreover, new readers you want to read the hidden,private chapters... But why not you vote and comment...

Some are going beyond the limit... Following and reading the hidden private chapters and after reading, they are not following us... Huh... Cant comment on this... This shows how you guys have a very big heart ...

Day by day, many writers are getting frustrated and pissed off with people's bad behavior .. we writers are not going to lose anything .. Instead you are going to lose or miss your favorite writers works...

Please do consider the feelings of the writers... My lovely readers if you come across any of my stories being published in any forms, do report to me immediately without any hesitation... Hope you all will support me and other writers in this regard ..

Your update will be posted tomorrow... There is a delay as the last chapter has not yet reached the target. .. My health is also not good and I will try my level best to update tomorrow...

Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz...

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