24. Mission Kissy... A failure or success....

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So back again with the update... I can't help with the delay as it's votes which make me to take long and you all know I've to write down all my stories.... So more the number of votes, your update will be quicker...

Last chapter didn't cross the expected votes... Anyways I'm updating for my lovely voting buddies, for their love and support...

Happy to inform that this story has got the maximum of 133 votes which is the highest ever out of all my stories which I have written so far... Thanks for the wonderful support and silent readers expecting your support to get more votes....

Dedicating this chapter to my buddies AshwiniBala  Live_Till_It_Hurts   suba30  Prathi1412 Shakiabhigya and to all my lovely buddies who cares more for me... I'm fine my dear buddies... Your prayers, care, love and support will keep me healthy and happy always...

Cutting down my boring lectures, directly moving to shot. 24:

Abhi carries Pragya to her room... He makes her to settle comfortably in the bed and covers her with duvet... He wishes good night to Pragya and rushes out...

But the terrific and naughty Pragya is in completely in a mood, to get what she wants.... She smirks and she is hell adamant to implement her Mission kissy with her Abhishek sir at any cost...

Abhi hurried his steps as he knows pretty well that something is cooking in his fuggy's mind, when he settled her in the bed... The teasing smile of Pragya, her naughtu smirk, explains him that something is going to happen for sure...

Abhi is completely startled and stunned to hear the  words, when he is about to close the door...

Pragya: Abhishek sir... Thank you so much sir.. Thanks for everything sir... Such a sweetheart you are sir... Take care sir .... Bye bye sir... Take care sir ...  Drive home safely sir.... Waiting for you in the morning sir....

Abhi doesn't know what to do... He is startled  to hear so many Sir from his fuggy's mouth...    His heart screams that his fuggy is purposely teasing him and demanding for a kiss from  him, by calling him as sir repeatedly...

But his mind argues to rush up outside, as if he didn't hear anything.. He is in an inner turmoil as he knows pretty well that if he turn up, he will end up in doing something beyond its limits and it may turn up in a drastic way , which he will regret later...

Abhi'a pov.: God... Why am I standing like a two headed ant??? I can't decide this or I can't decide that... Aarghhhh... This stupid fuggy is purposely annoying me...

My darling fuggy... You are that much desperate to get kiss from me haan... Not bad... All our kisses are accidental and It's initiated only by you... Though it happened many a times, it's something which is not fair enough...

I want our next kiss to be something very very special... Something unique... Something which I've to start and give to you happily, without any such pranks...

Fuggy.. I want to convey through my kiss that how much I madly love you and show that you are the person who is ruling my heart, my mind and my soul...  I want to kiss you after confessing my love to you and that time you have to be there only as mine...

Forget your puppy love, fuggy... Pretty please Tell me I'm your love, life and your soulmate... Then I will give you, as much as you want... Until then, wait and watch babe...

I know and I can clearly see the love for me in your eyes fuggy, but why are you not at all accepting that you are my love... Please fuggy, I'm dying to hear from you... Don't say that you love your puppy love, ever again to me... It really hurts me a lot fuggy...

Say I love you once... I will shower you with kisses and prove you that you are the queen of my heart... Huh... Now what am I going to do??? You have digged your own pit Abhi...

Who the hell asked you to say that  you will kiss her if she calls me sir and that too in lips.... Abhi you are  a self destructer....

This fuggy won't leave me if I didn't kiss her... what shall I do now??? Wow... Idea.. That's the only solution right now.... Run abhi...."

Abhi walks out from the room as if he didn't hear anything... Poor abhi doesn't know the fact that he has missed the best ever golden opportunity of his life which he can't get back ever because of his mere stupidity...

Pragya pouts and gets irritated as abhi didn't respond to her words and rushes out without saying anything...

Pragya: stupid... Nonsense... Idiot...😠😠😠😠...  How dare this abhi do like that to me??? How can he go just like that???

How can he ignore me just like that... He has purposely avoided me and acted as if he didn't hear anything ... Stupid prem... Cant he kiss me and go... You will regret for this Abhishekh sir....

Im gonna kill him for sure if he asks me kiss ever again in his life.... grrrr 😡😡😡😡😡.... Let him come tomorrow...   Im not gonna talk to him... Never and ever I will kiss him for sure...

Pragya gets angry and curses abhi and drifted to sleep due to the effects of medicine ... Abhi with a bright smile reaches his home and takes baby steps and closes his room door...

Abhi is blushing too hard and his mind is filled with his fuggy's thoughts.... But abhi is not aware of the fact that a pair of  naughty eyes are watching it very happily...

Aaliya is smiling brightly on seeing abhi like that..  The genuine and happy smile of abhi explains aaliya that pragya is the reason behind all that..  Aaliya prays for abhigya's togetherness and happy life and wishes to implement her plan soon in full swing...


The next morning, Abhi yawns and wakes up slowly and spots the time to be 8.30... He rushes up and hurries to get ready as pragya will be waiting for him...

Abhi dressed up and comes down and spots Tanu and nikhil are having their breakfast...

Abhi: Tanu... Is everything ready??

Tanu: Ya jiju... all is perfectly set as you said... Iv kept everything  in that bag... Breakfast, Lunch, juice and snacks too..,

Abhi: wow... That's perfect... Sorry tanu... I didn't troubled you na... I have no other option... Sorry...

Nikhil: What's this bhai??? Why are you feeling and saying sorry and all as if Tanu has prepared everything... Tanu just guided and cook only prepared eveything right...

Tanu: Ya jiju... Don't think much... Have fun... 👍👍👍👍👍👍

NIKHIL: Enjoy bhai... By the way bhai, if you don't mind may I know where are you going in this morning.... Who is that special person to  whom my bhai is taking food and all...

Abhi: vo.. vo... (stammers) Going to meet my friend... He is sick... So, wanna spend my day with him..

Nikhil: ohhhhh...  cool.. what's his name bhai??? Did I know him???

Abhi doesn't know what to tell... He acted as if he has got a call and walked out without minding Tanu and nikhil... Tanu and nikhil bursts out to heavy  laughter as they know pretty well that abhi is going to meet their dolly only...


Pragya is pouting and protesting and is hell angry on her 3 idiotic friends and her sister... Poor honey, ajju, pooh and pie as they are  doing sit ups for a long time and is begging for pragya's mercy...

Aaliya (honey) : Dolly... please... Show some pity on us...

Pragya: Not a word more honey.. Im hell angry on you all... Finish off 500... I will forgive you all...

Arjun: 😨😨😨😨.... Poor us... Leave us na dolly...  It's getting late and we have to go ... Please

Purab (pooh) : My darling dolly na... Try to understand sweet heart .., We are couples so we planned for an outing together... we didn't meant to ignore you...

Aaliya: Yup dolly... we are going on a double date... Arjun and me... Pooh and pie... What will you do sitting alone.... You will feel bored na.. So, we didn't informed you... Moreover you are also not well na..

Pragya: Don't say lame excuses to me... Haven't we all gone out together many a times .. That time too you guys are in love only...  You guys are purposely ignorning me 😠😠😠😠....

Aaliya: Sorry darling... Alright... lets do one thing... You also join us... We will have fun together.    Let me call my bhai so that he will give you company and you wont feel bored...

I know my Bhai will impress you at the first instance itself and Im damn sure you will chant my bhai's name only after that... You will forget even your prem too...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂.... Don't day dream okay... Silly honey why I have to take your bro to kill my boredom... If you have informed me earlier..   I would have took my boyfriend with me ...

Aaliya shouts : 😨😨😨😨😨 ..  Whaaatttt???? Who is this boy friend??? Did your prem came??? You didn't said anything to us....

Bulbul: Diiii... who is that new boy friend??? You started to keep secrets to us...

Ajju and purab too yells on pragya...

Pragya: Guys.... Guys... chill up... Dont you guys know my boy friend abhi...

Pooh spits the water he is drinking: 😨😨😨😨😨 whaattt???? Abhishekh sir is your boy friend....

Pragya: yup he is...  Abhi is a boy and he is my friend... So, obviously he is my boyfriend... How about taking him with us??? It will be fun na...

Ajlu/ Rabul: whaat the hell???
( shouts) Dolly have you gone mad.. Are you in your senses??? We will kill you if you do any such stupid stunts...

Pragya: whaaattt??? What's wrong in taking abhi with us??? Why you all are reacting like this.... Abhi is such a sweetheart you know... He is a fun loving guy and he will entertain us a lot...

Pooh: My goodness... you have gone mad dolly... 😱😱😱😱😱.... Stupid dolly...  Remember Abhishkeh sir is the hitler professor of ours... He is not your boy friend... For heavens sake keep it in your mind He is our professor....

Pragya: What's the big deal guys... He is our professor only in college and not outside... Abhi is my  best friend and he will do whatever I wish for ...

He will  behave sweet to you all... I will make him to be more friendly with you guys too and will help you all to escape from seminars too... Nice na..

Aaliya glares : What's going on dolly??? Don't  you think you're crossing your boundaries...

Bulbul: Oops I forget guys... Abhishekh sir is joining di today... He will reach her anytime...

Ajju: Dolly... This is not at all fair... You are doing wrong dolly...  This is a sin and its forbidden....  Don't you know dolly, honey wants you as her bhabhi... why are you behind that hitler???

Pragya: Ajju.... Abhi is my friend.... Please dont force me... You guys try to understand me first.... My heart beats only for my prem and I will marry him only... Is that clear???

Honey; Huh... is it so??? Then what's  going on between you and that stupid hitler???

Pragya: Its top secret... Between me and abhi...   You guys go and enjoy your double date ... I will enjoy with my boy friend abhi..  😉😉😉😉

Arjun, purab , bulbul and aaliya gave a death glare at pragya and went outs... They bursts into laughter after they takes their  bikes as their plan is successful...


Abhi reaches pragya's house and enters inside... Abhi gasps in shock seeing pragya's outfit... Abhi is dumb struck on seeing pragya looking hot and gorgeous in that outfit... No words escaped from abhi's mouth and all his hormones are doing somersaults ...

Pragya didn't mind abhi's presence at all and taking selfies in different postures... Abhi mind is turning dirty on seeing his fuggy's antics... He composes himself and takes a deep breath to control his urging senses....

Abhi: What a happening morning today... huh...

Pragya: Oh... Abhishekh sir..  what brings you here... I didn't expected you here....

Abhi: What's this fuggy??? I told you yesterday itelf na....

Pragya: You said a lot yesterday ... Even you said you will kiss me if I call you sir... But nothing happened right.... 😠😠😠😠....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... silly girl... Your sir is not going to work anymore.... Better you call abhi....

Pragya: Really... You missed your chance ...  You will regrer for this later...

Abhi: Ahaan... I know it will happen very soon... I know pretty well about you fuggy...

Pragya murmurs: Idiot... Here no one is dying to get kiss from you...

Abhi: Ahaan... okay okay... why are you in a mood off today??? Why are you sulking like this in morning itself...

Pragya pouts: my friends ditched me and went out...

Abhi: Hey.. I came here for you only na...

Pragya: Yup... i know that but I thought of taking you too with me ... But those stupids feared that you're their terror and hitler professor... I dont know why they are behaving as if they have seen some ghost...

Abhi: Point... But they are also correct only... Better it to be like that fuggy.. I want to be only as your friend and im damn serious about my professional life... Hope you will understand.... Please...

Pragya: Alright as you wish....

Abhi: Come lets have breakfast and we will watch movie....

Pragya: wow... Its going to be fun today...

Abhi: Ya... You and me alone for the whole day... We will have lots of fun...

Pragya: 😊😊😊😊😊... Abhii....

Abhi: hmmm...

Pragya: Is there any chances for kiss today sir ???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... You can have it as much you want fuggy ... But....

Pragya : But....

So what is the but????

What's gonna happen next???

The love is clearly understood by each other... Their closeness, their talks speaks volumes about their love.... But will the convey it to each other...

Will abhi propose pragya and will pragya say he is her prem, her puppy love whom she is madly in love fron her teen age???

Will their bond, love gets stronger or will their bad fate separates them again???

Will the mission abhigya teams plan gets successful????

To know more stay tuned...

The classroom mastis will kick start from next episode..   your suggestions, ideas and wishes are most welcome....

As usual came up with a long update.... Words used : 2500+

Sorry for typo errors if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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