5. The mystery girl, who drives me crazy...

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Abhi's pov.:

It's completely a different day for me... Two things are going on in my mind...

One is who is the mystery girl whom I've saved from the pool... I did not expect that kiss at all... But something in her is pulling me towards her... She is very cute and has a very innocent face ..

Her eyes are like shining stars, which soothes my hurted heart .. That kiss... Still the sweetness of her lips is lingering in my cheeks... Huh... God, what is happening to me...

And from morning.. This Aaliya is completely troubling me to come to a place... Even this Nikhil and Tanu too joined her and pestered me to come over there...

Aaliya instructed me to come only on that particular time... I don't know what happened to my stupid sister... I find something is fishy in her behaviour... But being a good brother, I did as she said...

I went there in correct time... when i was about to enter i saw d same innocent girl standing there blocking the entrance with her eyes shut ..

I called her and asked her to move in or give space for me to go inside... But... What's happening here??? Oh my god!!!!

Instead of going back, she comes very close by to me... Both our faces are very close to each other... Her hot breath is starting to mingle with mine...

Suddenly, she bends down and places her lips on mine... I'm completely frozen for a second as I didn't expected this a bit too...

But... That lips are doing something to me... I've been in love earlier and I've kissed and being kissed by that b**h many a times...

This is completely different... It's doing something to my soul... My heart is screaming that she is my girl and she is mine...

My stupid mind convinces my lips and instructed it to proceed the kiss... I can understand that it is her first kiss...

I slowly started to proceed.... She opens her eyes slowly... We lost in each others eyes... The kiss deepened on and on... She follows my lead...

I hope she is a very good student... She quickly follows me and dominates... i did not allow her to win... We started to fight for dominance ..

😊😊😊😊 The thing is we are not fighting with swords or any harmful weapons... We two are fighting with our lips... Our tounges too played...

We parted apart after a long time... She gasps in shock when she sees my face clearly... She horrifies and ran away from there like a cheethah...

I called her but she ran away without saying anything"

Abhi blushes and pats his head and vows to find out who d mystery girl is... He enters in to meet his sister aaliya...

Aaliya smirks n looks at her watch:

Bhai... You are very late... Where have you been???

Abhi fakes and says a lie: sorry honey... Traffic... I got strucked... Where are they??? No one is here... Only you are alone...

Aaliya: The 2 couples are enjoying their candle light dinner....

Abhi: 2 couples??? One is nikhil n tanu... Who is this other pair???

Aaliya: its my pooh n pie.. bhai...

Abhi: oh my god!!!! Again nicknames... Why cant you say their real names????

Where is your lover girl dolly???

Aaliya: (whispers) she is not mine... She is going to be yours bhai... You have already fell for her...

Abhi: Aaliya...

Aaliya: haan... Bhai... She has got an important call... She left .. come lets have dinner.. when right time comes,i will tell their real names bhai....

Aaliya texted takhil and rabul that their plan got succeeded...

In the other side, pragya gasps as she is running for a long time... She sat in d platform and takes a deep breath... She composed herself and took a taxi and rushes to her house...

She messages rabul that she has to rush to home as she forget to switch off d gas...


As instucted by pragya, purab drops bulbul in her home... Bulbul is blushing very hard .. she gets inside thd home ...

Bulbul: di... Di.. where are you???

Pragya: im here only...

Bulbul: again you started your boring work na.. you n your secrets ..

Pragya: shut up... Bulbul .. dont say like that... Its my life ..

Bulbul: di... Why are you living in fantasies and dreams??? Why are you not listening to us di???

See... Why are you not ready to fall in love again??? Aaliya di wants you to marry her bhai.... Everyone in her family likes you .. Even ma n papa too agreed for the marriage and allowed us to stay here and study ....

Why are you not willing to love and marry him???

Pragya: bulbul... Dont confuse me okay .. im already in a big problem... Plz leave me alone...

Bulbul: okay... I wont trouble you... Chill.... Now, tell me did you met aaliya di's bhai??? How is he??? Is he good looking???

Pragya: who knows??? He did not come... I came hurriedly as i have to switch off d gas...

Pragya keeps on saying lie... As instructed by aaliya, bulbul scans her di's face... She is clearly able to see her swollen lips, some unknown feelings in her eyes and blushy face...

Bulbul moves and unknown to pragya she takes a snap of her di and sent to aaliya... Aaliya sees it and is laughing like mad..

Just then, tanu and nikhil reaches home after their romantic candle light dinner....

Nikhil went to his room... Tanu is curious to know what has happened... She enters d room to see aaliya laughing...

Tanu: what happened honey??? Why are you laughing???

Aaliya : oh bhabhi... What shall i say im so happy today..... God answered all my prayers n fulfilled my wish... We are going to get our old abhi bhai back...

Tanu: really!!!!

Aaliya: ya... Bhabhi... See this..

Tanu: unbelievable...

Aaliya: i too did not expect this... I just challenged dolly... But i never expect both will really kiss each other that too with full of passion... I think they have some previous birth connections...

Tanu: Did dolly n abhi jiju speak??? Did he knows pragya is dolly???

Aaliya: no... Im not going to tell bhai about who dolly is... But im going to make many situations to get them together...


Days passes...

The college reopens....

Our three idiots pooh (purab) , dolly (pragya), honey (aaliya) are in deep discussion....

Pooh: dolly... Come lets bunk d class n go to canteen...

Dolly: no way pooh... That crocodile will come and eat our heads for sure...

Honey: God... Im feeling sleepy now itself... (Yawns)... That crocodile will sing lullaby for us....

Dolly: sure we gonna get caught by him...

At that time,

"Rest in peace you three idiots.... Pooh, dolly n honey you three are going to die for sure...."

Comes a manly voice.... Pragya and purab frowns on seeing him... Aaliya fakes to be angry but her cheeks are uncontrollably blushing...

The person comes and pulls aaliya closer to him... He keeps his hands on her shoulder and gives a quick peck on aaliya's cheeks without anyone's knowledge.... Aaliya turns crimson red...

Dolly (Pragya): where have you gone you idiot???

Pooh: have you vanished in air???

The person's face is revealed...

Its none other Arjun kapoor.... Aaliya's love interest .. all are in same class...

Arjun: sorry guys .. some problem... Have to go to my hometown suddenly... Sorry for not informing you all...

Dolly: Ajju... Dont do this again okay...

Arjun: aah... My dolly missed me na???

Dolly: 😁😁😁😁😁 gud joke... Why im going to miss you??? Im free and happy without hearing your boring philosophies... Hey na pooh...

Pooh: haan... Thank god... You did not come... We are saved.. but poor honey you know... She is blabbering in her sleep too... Oh my jaan... My darling ajju... Blah... Blah.. blah...

Honey: 😊😊😊 pooh... Dont bluff man...

Pooh: 😉😉😉😉 see your face honey... Ajju am i lieing????

Arjun: no... I know my honey would have missed me... Hey na honey... 😘😘😘

Honey: 😊😊😊 ajju... You too dont tease me okay...

Pooh: Then come on guys... We shall leave before d crocodile comes... Let go to canteen... Let our ajlu do their romance...

Dolly: dont say you are going to get pie...

Pooh: 😁😁😁😁 so sweet of you dolly... You are my saviour... What a great idea!!!!

Just then, peon comes inside d class and said that principal has called pragya...

As pragya is d college chairman, she is being called often to principal's cabin... She is being informed by the principal that a new professor will come to her class until then ask her to look after d class for the meantime...

Pragya smiles and rushes to d class....

Pragya squeals in happiness :

"Good news guys... Dont know where that crocodile has gone... A new professor is coming to our class... Lets show who we are???

Are you all with me???"

All joins pragya... A deep discussion is going on about what all d pranks they are going to do...

Pooh, honey and dolly are in a very serious discussion.... They are too involved in what all they are going to do...

Suddenly, the class went complete silent.... But, our terrific three pays no heed to where they are and continues d discussion and talking very loudly....

Arjun shooks his head in disbelief... He signals them to keep quiet... But they continued and their discussions going on and on...

Suddenly, pragya turns her face as she observes some silence in d class... She is startled to see d new professor standing there keenly observing what the three are discussing....

What gonna happen next???

Who is dis new professor???

Who is pragya's prem???

Will aaliya's dream to unite her bhai and dolly comes true???

Will abhigya love each other???

To know more, stay tuned..

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A long update... Almost 1700+ words...

Yours cliffy buddy,


Winding up..



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