6. Our irritating Professor...

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Pragya (dolly), Purab (pooh) and Aaliya (honey) are in deep discussion about how to trap and prank the new Professor.... They are seriously discussing and is too involved in their mission to trap d new Professor...

All of a sudden, the class went silent and our terrific three does not pay heed to anything, but is quite busy in planning and they failed to notice the change of weather in the classroom...

Arjun gestures them to be silent  but they did not respond to him at all... Arjun pinches Purab... He shouts on Arjun and turns to talk again..

Pragya is saying something and laughs and turns her face and she observes that the whole class is very silent and sitting like as if they have seen some ghost... The girls in the class are not even blinking their eyes..

Pragya (dolly) bends down and whispers..

Dolly: Pooh... Honey... Something is wrong over here.. Look here.. Complete silence is observed.... I hope they are mourning for us only... Now shut down your talk shows .. I think the professor has come..

Just then they hear a manly voice...

" Is all your discussions , planning and lectures over means... Can I do my work??? "

Pooh , Pie and Honey are startled to hear the voice... They look at Arjun and Arjun whispers that he has called them and they did not responded for it....

Pragya slighty uplifts her face to see who is the new professor... She is shocked to see him as the professor... His face is revealed...

Its none other than Abhishekh Prem mehra, brother of Aaliya mehra....

Aaliya is dumbstruck to see her brother as professor... She knows that Abhi has got a job as a professor but does not know that it to be in her own college...

Aaliya's face curved to a big smile thinking tht her job is going to be very easy... Her happiness is beyond its peak, as her mission to unite Abhi and pragya and make them to fall in love will be easy for her. .


Abhi's pov.: Huh... What a day it was... This is my first day in this college... I was asked to go to the final year and was given the incharge of the class...

I'm a very strict professor and I dont like any lame excuses, when it comes to studies... When I entered the class, my blood started to boil...

The whole class went silent on seeing me... But those three... Who are they??? How dare they to plot against me???? I gonna punish them for sure....

Oh my god!!!! What am I seeing???? I can see a handsome young boy between my two girls... Nooo... This is not done.... Who is that idiot who is sitting close with my is my loving sister Aaliya and my....

😊😊😊😊😊.... Oh god... Why am I blushing???? No... No... Abhi... Control man... Don't think anything... Don't see her eyes... Don't look after those luscious lips...

God... I have to be very strict to them... Hmmm... Be rude and act like a hitler, man.... Then only you can keep distance from her....

Abhi... Don't forget... It's highly unethical for a professor to love his student... Oh my God... Did I say love???? God... What is happening to me???

Abhi... Control your feelings and do your work properly... Concentrate man.... Just roar and threaten them.... Take a deep breath... now... Go.... You can do it...."


Abhi makes a frown and in a commanding voice speaks...

" Hello... Young ladies and young men... I'm your new professor... Abhishekh prem mehra...

I'm going to handle three of your major papers and I'm going to be the incharge of your class....

Listen... Everyone... This is a place to study... Study and study only... I'm very very strict, when it comes to studies...

I dont like any pranks, unwanted interruptions or talkings in my class... I want my class to be more attentive and interactive in a protective way ... Got it...

And one more thing, you are all sitting with your friends and gangs right??

All nods their heads...

"Good... From tommorrow onwards, you all should sit in the place as said by me... And no boys and girls together okay... I want to see complete discipline in my class...."

Aaliya, Pragya and Purab shouts: Sir... This is unfair...

Abhi roars: Shut up... Get Up you three.... I said get up....

The terrific three has no other choice than to get up...

"I will give excuse to anyone in this class... Not to you three??? Now tell me what were you three planning against me???

Dont forget that I was also a student once .. Don't play your mischiefs with me, Got it... Now just shut your mouths and sit..."

Pragya, Purab and Aaliya are fuming in anger....

Abhi: Now... Class... Introduce yourselves to me...

The class keep on introducing themselves .

It's time for Arjun to introduce .. Arjun stood up...

" Sir , I'm Arjun kapoor... I'm the joint secretary of the college "

Abhi: hmm... Joint secretary.... Good... Being in a good position in the college committee, why can't you have a control in your class???

See... How these three are talking on and on and planning something and laughing??? Can't you take action against them???

Arjun: huh... Sorry sir... I can't do anything against them...

Abhi: Why???? Are they are ghosts????

Arjun: No sir... They are my best buddies... Moreover, I cant take any action against them or any students in this college can't do anything against them... Because...

Abhi: Because...

Purab stands abruptly....

Purab: Ajju... You chill up man... Let's us introduce ourselves on our own... Okay ..

Sir... I'm Purab khanna... The vice chairman of this college and incharge for administrative affairs in our college...

Aaliya stands and gave a death glare to Abhi and grits her teeth as if she is ripping Abhi into pieces... She speaks irritatingly...

Aaliya: Sirrrr... I'm miss. Aaliya Mehra.... The secretary of this college and incharge for the grievances committee ...

Abhi: oh... And you miss attitude... Don't say you also hold a position in this college...

Pragya smiles and gets up with a smirk in her face....

Pragya (in a teasing tone) : No sir... I'm not capable to hold to such big posts sir... I'm just a simple girl, Pragya Arora, the chairman of this college and the head of youth welfare committee and cultural affairs of our college and to your information sir, I'm the topper of this batch....

Abhi does not know what to say or how to react... He asks them to sit down...

Abhi: okay... So, you three are holding good posts... Nice.... So, I'm going to give responsibilities to your four only...

Arjun, aaliya, purab and pragya right....

Arjun it's your duty to look after the class and I want complete silence, when I'm not here....

You three... Have to take daily 10 mins. Seminar on whatever topics I give you...

Aaliya: Sir.... This is unfair... You are purposely doing this

Purab: I oppose this sir... This is not done...

Abhi: Then no problem for me... You both can take 20 mins. seminar on two topics... It's fine now na???

Aaliya and purab are shocked to the core...

Abhi: what miss Pragya??? Do you have any problem??? What's your call on this¿???

Pragya hurriedly says: No sir... I'm very well okay with 10 mins. Sir... I will take one seminar as you wished...

Abhi smiles and starts to take the class... The girls are completely attentive and is hearing the lectures way too calmly.... Pragya wonders how come the class is so attentive...

Then only she notices and understands that girls are drooling on the handsome professor, without blinking their eyes and water works pouring out from their mouths.... She does not like that a bit at all....

The classes went on with lots and lots of sudden questions from Abhi... It's getting impossible for anyone to just turn their attention even for a single second too....

If anyone fails to answer the questions raised by Abhi , they should ready to get assignments, seminars as punishments.... So, the class really turned to be more attentive and didn't want to face Abhi's wrath...

Morever, Abhi is a very brilliant professor, who takes the class very interesting, making the students to actively participate in discussions too...

Abhi: So class that's all for today... Tommorrow we are going to have a discussion about probability... So, get ready with stuffs... Tommorrow we are going to have a group discussion too....

And miss. Aaliya your topic is industrialization, purab yours is modernisation and pragya yours is globalisation.... Remember the seminar should be interesting n interactive too...

Abhi makes a smirk and left d class...

Purab, pragya, arjun n aaliya sighs and walks towards canteen...

Purab: oh god!!!! Why d hell you sent a hitler as a professor... Poor us... Got strucked to him... My ears are bleeding... Mummy.... 😭😭😭😭😭

Just then bulbul comes there... She is startled to see purab sad n sobbing...

Bulbul: oh my pooh... What happened sweet heart???? Dont cry na... Please...

Bulbul pecks on purab's cheeks... Purab hugs bulbul happily and smiles....

Arjun: oh my my... Honey... See these two.... How they are romancing shamelessly??? But you...

Aaliya: shut up ajju... Im already irritated with this hitler... I will kill him...

Pragya: cool down honey... I know why he is doing like this???
Sorry guys... I know. He is purposely doing this because of me...

Ajlu n rabul: whaaaattttt???? Because of You????

Pragya: hmm... Ya... A big story... I will tell you all later... Just wanna do something to refresh my mind now...

Aaliya just sees her brother or her hitler professor abhi coming towards canteen... Suddenly, her mind pops out a brilliant plan...

Aaliya: why not we have some bet??? A person who has only full guts can do it???

Pragya: huh... Then im going to do it..

Aaliya: Are you sure dolly???? No back off... Promise..

Pragya: honey... I promise... I will do whatever you say without questioning...

Aaliya smiles evilly and says:

Pooh... Pie... Ajju... You all are evidences okay... Dolly promised to do that...

Now dolly... Get up and stand in entrance of d canteen... Close your eyes n kiss d person who comes first.... You can kiss anywhere.... No specifications okay...

Pragya horrifies: 😨😨😨😨 honey... Again you are trapping me....

Aaliya: no... No... You promised .... Go... Go...

Pragya has no other go... She prays to god that nothing wrong should happen...

Pragya closes her eyes and stands in front of canteen... She feels someone coming near her... She inhales the same perfume smell..

Before her mind registers who it is, her body reacted unknowingly and kissed d person in lips deeply and without looking at him runs from there....

The screen freezes on the shocked face of professor abhi....

How is the shot guys???

How is our professor abhi???

Still iv not revealed who is prem na???

😁😁😁😁 Next chapter you will come to know....

How many shot you want guys????

Is it okay to have 15 shots????

Stay tuned....

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See you all soon....

Yours buddy,


Bidding adeiu...



A long update... Almost 1880+ words....

No time to proof read.... Forgive me for mistakes...



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