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"Ya it's going to cost at least 15,000 to fix the pool and the area around it." I told Kris, he wasn't even paying attention, instead of listening he was talking to Anna.


"Kris?" I asked, "Can I call Mer?" He didn't respond, so I did it anyway.

She picked up on the first ring, "Hi Hiccup."

"Hey Mer, how your day been?" I leaned against the crumbling wall of the rotting pool

"Pretty good. I'm with Jack now. Say hi Jack!" Mer laughed and Jack yelled a greeting through the phone

"Yea hi." I smiled uncertainly

What was Jack doing with Merida? Everyone knows he's a player.

"Hiccup, I have some important news to tell you." Mer sounded dead-serious

'I'm breaking up with you for Jack.' I could hear her saying

I waited for the big B17 bomb-drop, but it never came.

"Hiccup?" Mer sounded worried

"Umm yea. I'm here. Umm I can totally understand why you don't want to go out anymore. I mean a guy like me versus a guy like Jack? Of course you'll pick him. No need to spare my feelings. Have fun with your new guy." I quickly said what I thought, "I-I umm I gotta go."

I hung up.

Looks like I am 'single' and ready to 'mingle'.

I need to call Toothless.

I dialed his number but he wouldn't answer so I left a message, "Hey buddy. Umm Mer-I mean Merida, broke up with me for one of my 'best friends'. If you couldn't detect the sarcasm, just know that I'm using air-quotes too. So I really need someone to talk to. I guess that's it. Bye."

I hung up and right away Kris started yelling at me. Asking why he pays me when I do no work. Asking why I'm always on the phone. Asking so many things that don't need to be asked that I couldn't help but just......

Punch him.

Square in the jaw.


I just lost my girlfriend and I think I just lost my job.

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