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"Your outfit doesn't match." Pascal pointed out for the fourth time today, "You should have worn a crop top with those jeans and a yellow tank top underneath."

I shook my head, "I'm here to be an artist, Pascal. Not the fashion police's latest victim."

Pascal laughed and opened the door for me, "Did Jack like the hazelnut pancakes you made?"

"He didn't eat any of them. Said he wasn't hungry." I skipped up the old stairs

"He just doesn't appreciate your unique style." Pascal linked arms with mine

"I s'pose not." I turned right while he went left, "See ya later."

He waved and I turned and walked down the long, and I mean long, hall heading toward Digital Art.

I'm not a big fan of Digital Art but if I want any good degree, I have to complete the class.

Entering the room, I sat by Mac near the way back. Mr. Moore came in and started writing different binary codes on the board, "Class, let's do some refreshers. What's the binary code for red?" He pointed to me and I stood.

"Would you like red in it's purest form or a certain shade?" I asked walking up to the whiteboard

"Pure red."


I wrote it with nice curling numbers. It looked nice. I went back to my seat.

"How about blue and green Miss. Rapunzel?"

I stood up and quickly wrote the binary code for green and blue.



"Very nice." He motioned for me to sit, "Now class, why did I make Rapunzel come up and write the basics of binary?"

"Because she was late?" Someone pointed out

Mac raised her hand, "When working in Digital Art we must know the binaries for all the colors so that we can make beautiful colorful digital art."

Mr. Moore clapped his hands, "Wonderful! But remember, I always say 'Less is Moore!' By using less bright popping colors, one can make focal points and draw attention to the piece."

He looked around excitedly and started scribbling nonsense on the board. He tended to do that. A lot.

My phone buzzed in my satchel.

It was Jack.

J-I don't want to go back to college. I earned a degree and I am trying my best to get the job that that degree is for.



R-If you don't want to go to college that's okay.

J-Well I don't. So sue me.

R-I'm not going to sue you silly.

J-Okay. Good.

R-Jack. Hiccup lost his job.

J-What? Why?!

R-Well he-

Mr. Mooreswiped my phone and walked toward the front of the class, "We do not text in Digital Art. Just like we don't cry in Computer Lit. There is no crying in Computer Lit!"

I nodded and quickly went back to my notes, in other words, doodles on my notebook pages because I am so bored. We never do anything active or fun in this class.

In Painting we obviously paint. In Historical Art we try to use historical painting, sculpting, drawing, etc to make out masterpieces.

At the end of class I stopped by Mr. Moore's desk.

"Hi Mr. Moore. I was wondering if-"

"Miss. Rapunzel. You have texted in this class before. I am a man of simple pleasures. Baseball, Fondue, Blonde-haired girls, bars, and teaching what I love."

"Okay...? And you're telling me this because...?"

"I like you Rapunzel. But you keep screwing up in my class. You get Bs while everyone else has As. You text instead of listen." He took off his glasses, "In baseball three strikes mean you're out. You already hit strike one: Bad Grades. You just hit strike two: Texting for the fifth time during class. Let's hope you don't strike out. I'd hate to flunk you. I really would. Have a nice day."

I walked out of his office with my phone and saw Jack had texted me several times.

The phone started to buzz again, Jack was calling me.


Where's Pascal when I need him?

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