Chapter 17 - Olaf's Frozen Adventure

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Sorry about the long wait for this chapter! One more chapter for this special before Frozen 2.


Sven glanced up at the arrival of Brooklyn in his stables, cooing gently, as Brooklyn sat down on a bale of hay, deep in thought, wondering how he was gonna find a good tradition for his girlfriend and sister.

"I think you're lucky to have only Kristoff as one of your family, Sven. You probably don't even worry about what your birth family traditions are," Brooklyn muttered to himself, hands on his chin and knees when Olaf rushed in.

Brooklyn looked over at the snowman as he had a big smile on his face. "I have an idea!" He shouted joyfully. "And what is that?" Brooklyn asked glumly, Sven looking rather confused. Olaf turned to the reindeer. "Anna, Elsa and Brooklyn don't have any family traditions!"

Sven looked saddened at that as Olaf nodded. "Ya think?" Brooklyn huffed, rolling his eyes at the snowman's obvious statement. "Yes, I know it is sad... but I got the solution!"

The gargoyle stiffened a bit. "As long as it isn't dangerous, would it help us gain a tradition?" Brooklyn asked. Olaf nodded again. "We'll go and find the best tradition in the kingdom you guys would have ever seen... and bring it back to the castle!" He raised his stick arm. "Are you with me?" Brooklyn thought that wasn't too bad as he saw Sven go for the high five but accidentally knocked off the snowman's hand.

"Ow!" Olaf exclaimed, still smiling. Brooklyn shook his head, chuckling. "Here," He said, placing the arm back on. Olaf giggled, taking Brooklyn's hand and dragging him outside. "Let's go find their tradition!" Seven pulled the duo in the sled down the street.

As long as this doesn't end in disaster... the gargoyle thought to himself as they reached their first house which had quite a lot of candy cane decorations. Olaf sauntered up to the door while Brooklyn remained in the sled. "Wow, festive!" Olaf commented, tapping his fist on the door.

"Coming!" Called a woman's voice. She opened the door with her two kids. Brooklyn smiled and waved shyly as the mother nodded her head to him. "Good afternoon. I am Olaf and..." Olaf was interrupted when the boy wanted to hug him. "Hey, Olaf!"

Olaf held up his hand. "Let me finish, and I like warm hugs. These are my associates: Sven and Brooklyn. The three of us are going door to door looking for family traditions. Tell us yours, and we'll decide if it's special enough."

The mother was wondering why until Brooklyn offered his piece. "For the Queen and Princess. And I want to impress my girlfriend with the best tradition," He admitted, looking down with a tint of dark red on his face, the daughter giggling. The mother smiled at his words. "Oh, we make candy canes together," She offered, handing him and Olaf a candy cane.

Brooklyn looked his over with a smile and gave it a lick, which tasted sweet like he expected. But for Olaf he decided to try it out as a nose, making him giggle. "Sugar Rush!" He chortled. The son rolled his eyes. "Uh, you're supposed to eat it."

Olaf looked stunned. "Eat my new nose? Why would I do that?" The boy smiled. "Because it's that time of year!"

Both Brooklyn and Olaf gave each other a glance, Olaf smiling bigger and Brooklyn had a feeling they weren't done with their mission yet.

They kept it up by visiting more houses, and Olaf began his own singing tune while Brooklyn supervised his saftey.

"Happy, merry, holly, jolly Season's greetings here

I'm wondering what your family does

At that time of year

Love and joy and peace on earth

And tidings of good cheer

Do you have tradition things

For that time of year?"

Inside a house Brooklyn watched a family hanging up evergreen on the wall, as he wrote it down. "Well, we hang up boughs of evergreen On every single doorway"

Another family in a new house pulled out the biggest cookie Brooklyn had ever seen. "Bake a giant cookie In the wavy shape of Norway!"

"Go from door to door to door Wassailing with our choir

"Hang up all your giant socks Above an open fire..." Olaf sang while he and Brooklyn looked at some stockings a couple kids hung up. "That sounds safe," Olaf said cheerfully, Brooklyn sighing, shaking his head as they continued on.

"So happy, merry, yuletide carol

Faithful friends are deer

Thanks for sharing what you do

At that time of year"

Olaf loaded all the traditions he collected, Brooklyn sitting in the wagon with him. "We better get a move on if we're gonna hit every house in the kingdom!" Brooklyn blinked. "E-every house? Are you sure? That sounds a little too much." Olaf giggled. "You're funny Brooklyn! Of course every house!"

I got a bad feeling about this, Brooklyn thought to himself, cringing, not looking forward to it all. But if it was to help Elsa find a good tradition he would do it. For her. Sven gave a snort as he tugged the sleigh down the road towards the next house.

"Jolly, merry, happy, holly On a midnight clear

I'm here to ask you what you do

At that time of year

Hi, shalom, happy solstice Fancy chandelier

I'm looking for tradition stuff

For that time of year

Well, we make our decorations

Out of flotsam and jetsam"

"Bake a yummy fruitcake

And you can't leave till you get some" the woman gave Olaf the fruitcake which he tried to eat, but went through him hence being made of snow. Brooklyn couldn't help his chuckle. It was kind of funny. "That went right through me." Olaf stated.

"Buy each other presents

And then hide them very nimbly

Wait up for a chubby man To shimmy down your chimney" Olaf sang while looking up a chimney in someone's house. Brooklyn knew at that they were talking about the infamous Santa Clause he saw about a lot back in New York but had yet to see the big guy for himself if he ever did show his face to anybody.

Olaf checked off his list. "Breaking and entering: Okay on Christmas!" Brooklyn groaned. "That's not how it—." Olaf didn't listen while taking Brooklyn's hand and dragging him out, making him yelp.

"Oh, happy, merry mule-tied barrels

Faithful, gladsome cheer

And thanks for sharing what you do

At that time of year!"

At one point he received a flute he was able to play. "Thank you!"

Brooklyn turned around to the last family they visited with a smile, but also looked exhausted. "T-thanks for your hospitality," He said with a light yawn. The family smiled at him though they too noted him looking drained, hoping he was alright.

"We knit scarves and sweaters

And we wear our matching mittens

Don't forget the jammies

That I knitted for my kittens

Eight nights in a row"

One kitten in that house mewed and curled up around Brooklyn's foot. He chuckled when it reminded him of Elisa's cat Cagney, picking it up. The old woman awed at the sight. "She likes you." Brook nodded tiredly. "Uhuh. Love your kittens."

After leaving they moved into yet another where they lit up candles that resembled Haunnakah. "We light menorahs on our mantels" Olaf next looked over a Christmas tree. "You cut down a tree... and then you dress its corpse with candles." Brooklyn cringed when seeing the cute kids whimper. "Too graphic," He said under his breath as the wife hit her husband on his head with her hand.

It didn't faze Olaf when taking the tree, beaming. "I love it!" The wife saw how Brooklyn was close to collapsing. She put a hand on his shoulder making him jump. "You really don't look so good," She said gently. Brooklyn laughed tiredly. "Feel good. Don't worry about me. Doing it for Elsa. Thanks for worrying though." He got into the sleigh and went even further out to the houses in the rural areas.

Olaf glanced at Brooklyn with his cheery attitude. He wasn't even tired. "Now Anna and Elsa

Will have all that they need

I'll fill my sleigh here

With the help of my steed

It'll be the best time of year

It's up to me!"

Brooklyn nodded, but hoped this would be over soon, wanting nothing but to sit down with his girlfriend and just rest. Everything around him spun while Olaf finished his rounds.

"Oh, happy, merry, Mele Kaliki

Holly, jolly, happy tappy

Chubby man will soon appear

And faithful friends are tiny deer

And festive tidings midnight clear, and...

Can I leave this fruitcake here?

At that time of year!"

They were finally nearly done, Brooklyn admitting a huge yawn but finally had the voice to speak. "This was all fun to start, Olaf. But I really feel like what we did was overkill. Please tell me this is the last stop."

The snowman turned to Brooklyn who now noticed his exhausted face but nodded. "Yup, sure is! Wandering Oakens!" Brooklyn hadn't been there since his adventure with Anna during the eternal winter, the two stepping up to the front door. Olaf seemed really confident right now. "Something tells me this will be the best tradition yet!"

Brooklyn knocked on the door this time, Oaken opening and greeting them. "Yoo-hoo!" Olaf raised his brow but replied. "Hello."

"Hey, Oaken." Said Brooklyn exhaustedly. The trader smiled. "Oh, Guardian Brooklyn! What brings you back around here?"

Olaf nodded at Brooklyn, allowing him to explain their mission. "Anna and Elsa have no traditions. And we were trying to find out which one is the most special." Oaken looked understanding, nodding. "Oh! Let us show you!" Brooklyn then remembered what the Oaken family was infamous for; their saunas, and instantly felt awkward.

"Uh, Olaf, I think I'll sit out this one. You can go in." The snowman shrugged. "Kay!" He followed Oaken inside but first Oaken had reappeared with a cup of his tea. "You look rather tired. Try my tea?"

The red gargoyle was somewhat startled, and smelled the tea which smelled like Chamomile. He nodded, looking grateful, taking it. "Thanks, Oaken." Brooklyn said with a small yawn, going to sit in the sleigh. Sven cooed at him, tilting his head. Brooklyn reached to pet the reindeer on the head. "Doing alright, buddy. But once this is over I'm going to be staying in bed for the next couple days."

Some few moments later it was nearly dark and Brooklyn wondered when Olaf would be done, right as the door finally opened, Oaken carrying a bucket, Olaf nowhere around. "In retrospect, the holiday sweats are for those not made of snow." He threw water out of the bucket which turned out to really be Olaf who had melted there in the sauna. Sven walked over, tapping Olaf's frozen form who changed back into his normal self, spluttering.

"Oh, I feel so refreshed! Am I glowing?" Olaf asked cheerily. Brooklyn shrugged, now seeing that Oaken had nothing on but a towel like a loincloth. He even brought out a sauna for them. "Here's a sauna for your friends, and I hope they find the right tradition." The man told Brooklyn who nodded, but was feeling awkward about seeing him naked.

Olaf turned back around. "Oh, and one last thing. Would it be possible to get one of those awkwardly revealing... yet tastefully traditional towels your family is so fond of wearing?" Oaken grinned. "Take mine, yeah?"

He threw Olaf his towel making Brooklyn quickly look away. He didn't need to see that. "Still warm!" Olaf complimented after the door closed.

The beaked gargoyle was relieved they were finally going to return home and just relax. Hopefully. Elsa's face appeared before him and Brooklyn prayed that she would be impressed with him for all the troubles they were going through just to find them the right tradition.

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