Chapter 18 - Olaf's Frozen Adventure

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Frozen 2 will start after this!


Sven now drove the sleigh home, Brooklyn sitting there, wrapping his wings around himself along with the scarf since the weather was getting colder hence the night coming along. He wished he could be impervious to the cold like Olaf who was cheerfully singing another song.

Looking behind him Brooklyn felt like they overdid it still with the multiple traditions they found among the kingdom, but he figured it would be nice for them to have choices to choose from.

Olaf grinned like a little kid while singing his song that Brooklyn heard many times on the radio during this holiday but he wondered if that song had even been invented yet during this part in time:

"Dashing through the snow

With traditions in our sleigh

Back to the castle we go To save this holiday

Ho, ho, ho!

Our plan has zero flaws I see nothing going wrong..."

Olaf accidentally knocked one of the coals into his hand, shrieking. Brooklyn quickly got it out of his hands but it wound up landing onto some of the flammable decorations. Olaf sighed. "Crisis averted, thanks to you, Brook!" He said cheerfully. Brooklyn shrugged but then he smelled smoke and the fire that started wound up breaking one of the harnesses hooking Sven onto the sleigh.

"Uh, Olaf, I smell smoke!" Brooklyn yelped, but Olaf seemed to be oblivious, the wagon turning backwards, passing Sven who saw what was happening, eyes rounding. "Oh, look, Brooklyn! Another reindeer going in the opposite direction, hi!"

Brooklyn growled, quickly flying into the air before the flames got him, the sled going down a hill and dragging Sven with it.

"No!" Shouted the beaked male. Olaf kept smiling while they slid down the hill. "Wow, we're making really good time!" He stated in happiness. Brooklyn facepalmed himself, knowing he had to save them, gliding down to grab the sleigh, digging his talons into the ground, gritting his teeth.

But the fire reached where his hands were, touching Brooklyn's hands, making Brook cry in pain, letting go and rubbing his hands, eyes rounding in fear, the hill getting steeper, unsure what to do. He couldn't save the wagon but he could save Sven and Olaf.

Eyes narrowed in determination; Brooklyn took off into the air again, breaking Sven free from the wagon right as they reached the edge. Before he could grab Olaf the sleigh flew across a canyon, Olaf falling out of it. Brooklyn grabbed him and fell onto the other side of the ravine, the sleigh falling down to the bottom of the ravine.

Brook trembled and panted, letting Olaf go from his arms, who giggled. "Quite a ride! But hey, look! The fire's out!" He said, pointing down the ravine. The red gargoyle glared at his friend, and seconds later the sleigh exploded, making him wince. Kristoff wouldn't be happy about this.

"Oh, darn it!" Olaf muttered. Brooklyn folded his arms. "You know this is all on you, right? Dragging us all the way out here and piling up on useless items! We could've just written down all of these traditions without having to cart all this everywhere!" He snapped frustratedly. Olaf seemed to look upset for a moment, but then shrugged it off.

The snowman looked over to Sven who watched from the other side. "Ok, guys! I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. This is a bit of a setback!" Brooklyn felt like tearing his hair out right now. "Ya think?!" He roared, watching the snowman digging up a decoration. "Ooh, maybe this is salvageable!" The decoration was all burnt up and it became brittle, breaking apart. Brooklyn frowned, wondering why this snowman wasn't getting the picture. He was cold, hungry, and wanted to go home.

"Oh, parts of this are still good, I think!" It was a bottle Olaf picked up that suddenly broke into sharp pieces. He covered them up with snow. "Oh, no, this is unsafe now."

The gargoyle's eyes were starting to glow. "Are we done here yet?" He huffed grumpily, right as Olaf found the fruitcake. "Hey, the fruitcake! These things are indestructible!" Before Brooklyn could lose his temper and just take Olaf back across the canyon the idiot snowman began walking towards a dark part of the woods. "I'll just take this seemingly harmless shortcut here... and meet you guys back at the castle, ok?"

"You're seriously gonna leave us?! Then I'll go back by myself! You've ruined this for my girlfriend!" Roared Brooklyn, hands balled into fists, getting ready to glide off, but heard howling and growling sounds. That couldn't be good.

Olaf's voice came from the trees. "Oh, puppies!" The 'puppies' growled further, sounding like they were attacking Olaf. Brook gasped a little in horror, his anger going away. Wolves were dangerous during this time of year, hungry and skinny. He turned to Sven. "Go get the others! I'll save Olaf!" The red gargoyle ran on all fours through the trees while Sven ran back to Arendelle.

Brooklyn raced in the dark trees, seeing Olaf cornered by wolves. He growled, eyes glowing, charging at the pack who turned at the sight of him, woofing and running to attack. He punched two of the wolves away, one jumping on his back, biting him. Brook yelped in pain, trying to shake the wolf off. Olaf's eyes widened in fear from seeing this, suddenly throwing the fruitcake and knocking the wolf off his friend.

After managing to fight some of them off Brooklyn grabbed Olaf and ran since the pack was growing in numbers. Olaf had gotten the fruitcake on the way. "Please, I know you're hungry... but me and Brooklyn need at least one tradition for our best friends!"

"Seriously? You're still fretting over one lousy fruitcake?" Shouted Brooklyn. Olaf nodded, his cheerfulness gone now. "That's all we have left! The fate of the world depends on it!" Brooklyn charged through the forest entrance, which blocked the wolves coming after them.

Brooklyn let go of Olaf then, shaking, holding his arm, his back stinging too, and he was pissed at Olaf's stupidness, glaring at him who looked rather scared now. "You're... such... an idiot. What the hell were you thinking?!" He bellowed, eyes still glowing, both angry and in pain. Olaf whimpered, cowering
. "A-At least the fruitcake survived..."

A hawk screeched, zooming down and snatching the fruitcake out of his hands, leaving the duo in shock. One sad and the other angry. Brooklyn, aside from being angry, saw the defeated look on Olaf's face, realizing now that they've done all this for nothing. To come back empty handed, and for him, covered in blood, he wondered what Elsa would think.

He felt his eyes begin to water a little, sitting down. I failed her... we won't have a good Christmas after all... Brooklyn thought in sadness, shaking slightly from being cold, not even wanting to go back now if he would only humiliate himself before his true love, wrapping his wings around himself.

Brooklyn then heard Olaf speak in a depressed tone. "Well, I guess hawks need traditions too." The red gargoyle nodded silently, the wind blowing around them, Olaf singing in a melodramatic tone.

"Happy, merry, holly, jolly

Tidings of good cheer

I never meant to let them down

At that time of year..."

The two lonely companions wandered into another part of the woods, both not desiring to go back still. Olaf sat against a tree, Brooklyn sitting on the other side, not wanting to speak to each other, too sad to do so.

"Maybe I should just stay lost..." Olaf murmured, Brooklyn agreeing with him. Elsa would probably be disappointed in him for not finding something that their family could do each holiday, resting his head against the tree, the wind howling in his ears, cold tears falling down his face, the winter swirling around them.


Meanwhile back in town Sven had told them in his language about Olaf and Brooklyn being in trouble which had Elsa and Anna set out a search party for the duo, looking all over for them, leading the royals and the townsfolk straight into the woods where they were.

"Brooklyn!" Elsa shouted out loud, wondering where her love was, holding up her lamp. Anna called out for Olaf along with Kristoff, Sven doing his own reindeer calls for them.

Brooklyn meanwhile had somewhat passed out from the cold and from his depression. But in the back of his mind he thought he could hear some voices calling his name, but somewhat forgot where he was.

Elsa gasped when seeing a figure lying motionless near a tree along with a big pile of snow with a carrot nose sticking out. "Brooklyn, oh!" She ran over to check on him, shaking her love, who didn't respond. Her eyes watered a little. "Please wake up," Elsa begged, tilting his head to look at her and put a hand on his forehead, sending her good magic through him.

Brook moaned when feeling it waking him up, eyes fluttering and then seeing the Ice Queen before him, her face looking so worried. He then knew where he was and shame suddenly coursed through his body, looking down and not talking.

Anna had called for Olaf and Olaf replied. "He's not here," Olaf said in a muffled voice. Elsa then gave Brooklyn a hug. "You scared us, my love! Why were you all the way out here?" Brooklyn sniffled, wiping his eyes. "I-It's a long story, and... you may hate me after I tell it." He croaked after waking up from being cold.

She stroked his cheek. "You know I could never hate you, Brooklyn. Never." Elsa murmured gently, making him smile a little but not all the way, while Anna sat down near the snow pile. "Hmm. I wonder where he went."

"Well, he probably went on a mission to find traditions for Anna and Elsa." Olaf replied, Elsa helping Brooklyn sit up, seeing his cuts from the wolves, knowing they had to be healed so she did just that, which made him blush a little when feeling her magic healing him.

Anna smiled at Olaf. "Oh, and did they find any?" She asked. Olaf moaned. "They did... but then the traditions caught fire and fell off a cliff. Then they caught fire again." Sven grabbed Olaf's nose and pulled him out of the snow pile. "And then a hawk took them."

Brooklyn stood weakly to his feet, Elsa holding his arm, as she too smiled at Olaf, Brooklyn now feeling guilty for yelling at Olaf, looking down.

"I'm sorry. You still don't have a tradition." Olaf apologized like a kid. Brook knelt down too. "And... I'm sorry I yelled at you Olaf. I was out of line," He said, not feeling angry anymore, Olaf smiling just a tad. Anna's eyes brightened. "But we do have a tradition, Olaf."

Elsa held out a box. "Look." Brooklyn thought he recognized the box, somewhat recalling a time when they gave Elsa through her bedroom door Christmas gifts that were Olaf themed. Olaf gasped. "Wait... is that?" Inside were all the old cards and such, making Brooklyn grin a little. He missed those. "Anna and Brooklyn made these years ago, when we first made you." Elsa explained.

Anna put an arm around Olaf. "You were the one who brought us together... and kept us connected when we were apart. Every Christmas, me and Brooklyn made Elsa a gift." Brooklyn nodded. "I remember. Nearly forgot," He said with a light chuckle, picking up a little figure of Olaf in his hands.

"All those years being alone... we had you to remind us of our childhood." Elsa stated. Anna nodded. "Of how much we still loved each other."

Elsa gazed at Olaf lovingly. "It's you, Olaf. You are our tradition!"

Olaf looked amazed. "Me?" Anna giggled. "Surprise!" But Brooklyn had a question. "Where did you find these?" Elsa held his hand that held the Olaf figure. "In our attic while you guys were running around. Figured it would be a nice thing to look at each Chiristmas." She explained. Brooklyn liked that idea, as the two sisters began to sing.

"Sure, it's nice to open a gift

That's tied up with a perfect bow"

Anna sang, as Elsa used her magic to make a bowtie for Olaf who beamed, Brooklyn chuckling when Elsa kissed him too, singing her piece.

"But the greatest present of all

Was given to me long ago

It's something I would never trade"

Two kids came up to hug Olaf, and one of them hugged Brooklyn's leg, making him grin more, ruffling the kid's hair. The fact that the whole town were worried about them being missing felt good inside him.

"It's the family that we've made

Cause when we're together

I have everything on my list

And when we're together

I have all I wished

All around the Christmas tree

There'll be dreams coming true

But when we're together

Then my favorite gift is you"

Brooklyn watched as Elsa waved her hand, summoning her magic again and making a little ice fence trail that seemed to lead somewhere, Olaf giggling and following, Brooklyn holding Elsa's other hand and going along, happy that Elsa wasn't mad at him for all that had happened.

"I would travel miles and miles

And I would follow any star

I'd go almost any place

If it's any place you are"

The trail led to an ice pond where the townspeople gathered for the ultimate celebration, Brooklyn skating with Elsa and Anna while he started to sing with them; Elsa making a ice table for the food to be placed on.

Brooklyn had a feeling this was gonna be the best Christmas yet.

"Cause when we're together

When we're together

I'll forever feel at home

And when we're together

When we're together

We'll be safe and warm"

Elsa handed Brooklyn a cup of hot chocolate that he gratefully accepted, taking a nice drink. It tasted so good. He was still glad to be a gargoyle to enjoy this celebration among so many humans, wishing his clan could celebrate with him, suddenly feeling homesick. The red gargoyle now wanted to find his way back to New York more than ever.

"Doesn't matter where we are ♪ If you're there with me

'Cause when we're together

That's my favorite place to be!"

Brooklyn standing next to his girl watched his snow queen stomp on the ground; creating a beautiful ice Christmas tree. His eyes light up with wonder and awe, the crowd watching in awe too. He hugged her tight after she finished.

"Cause when we're together

It's a holiday every night

And when we're together

Then the season's bright  Season's bright

I don't need the bells to ring

I don't need the bells

I'll know when it's here

I'll know when it's here..."

Elsa created a star for the ice tree using the little Olaf figurine, and then Olaf was given the honor of putting the star on the tree, floating him up there.

"'Cause when we're together

I could stay forever

And when we're together..."

Olaf floated back down, singing along with them too as they all gathered into a group hug.

"It's my favorite

Time of year!"

Brooklyn now really felt like crying, Elsa noticing and soon giving him another kiss on the lips, handing him a present. He opened it, revealing a wooden snowflake colored white inside. It was the best present he'd ever gotten, hugging her once more.

"Thank you, Olaf," Anna said, but then to everyone's surprise; a hawk screeched and dropped the missing fruitcake onto Olaf, making them all yelp. Olaf held it up. "The fruitcake! It is a Christmas miracle!" He cheered, Brooklyn rolling his eyes. "It's probably stale by now, but eh." He shrugged, keeping an arm around his girlfriend and staring at the tree together, wanting this night to last.

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