Chapter 20

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Next chapter! Enjoy!


Throughout the night Brooklyn tossed in his own bed after he went back into his room earlier, for that pesky siren voice kept ringing inside him.

"Ugh, shut up... please... I need sleep!" Brooklyn mumbled grumpily, as the siren sang to him again. He just wanted some peace and quiet for once!

That was when he heard footsteps outside his door, and when he stood up and looked out, Brook saw Elsa out there, surprise in his veins. What was she doing up so late? It was 3:00 in the morning!

He quietly went out and eventually heard his love singing.

"I can hear you, but I won't.

Some look for trouble, while others don't.

There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day

And ignore your whispers which i wish would go away (Ohh)"

The siren sang again, Elsa matching its vocal noises, while Brooklyn quietly followed, as he too sang softly.

"You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear

And if I heard you, which I don't, I'm spoken for I fear"

Elsa gazed at the pictures, as Brooklyn put a gentle hand on her shoulder. She jumped. "May I ask why are you awake? It is the voice, isn't it?" Brooklyn questioned suspiciously. Elsa nodded in embarrassment. She then kept on singing.

"Everyone we've ever loved is here within these walls! We're sorry, secret siren, we're blocking out your calls!"

(Brooklyn) "We've had our adventure, we don't need something new. We're afraid of what we're risking if we follow you..."

Elsa took over again. "Into the Unknown! Into the Unknown! Into the Unknown!" She and Brooklyn both gazed out on the balcony, wondering where the siren was calling them to.

She sighed, venturing back inside, Brooklyn putting a hand over her shoulder as he too continued. "What do you want? Because you've been keeping us awake. Are you here to distract us so we'd make a big mistake?'

Elsa then felt curious again. "Or are you someone out there a little bit like me? Who knows deep down we're not where we're meant to be?"

They went outside the castle, Brooklyn shivering slightly since the autumn air was freezing tonight. "Every day is a little harder, as I feel my power grow!" Sang Elsa, showing off her ice magic again, that Brooklyn always felt in awe of. He would never meet another girl like Elsa in a lifetime. "Don't you know there's a part of us that long to go... into the Unknown!" Brooklyn sang aloud, suddenly starting to see strange images in Elsa's magic; a gust of wind in the shape of leaves, a strange fiery something, a horse, and a giant rock person.

What is this? Brooklyn asked himself in awe, as the two ran out to the edge of the cliff.

"Into the unknown!

Into the unknown!~

Are you out there? Do you know me?

Can you feel me? Can you show me?

Where are you going? Don't leave me alone!

How do I follow you? Into the unknown!

Elsa stood on her magic made ice edge, and thrust out her hands, causing pieces of ice to appear all over the kingdom, Brooklyn shielding his eyes from the bright light. When he looked again, seeing different symbols in the ice pieces.

"Whoa, what did you do?" Brook asked, taking a piece in his hands, that had the air symbol on it. Elsa didn't know either, as she looked at them too. "Air, fire, water, earth." Brooklyn was confused, until the pieces all fell to the ground, making him wince again as some of them hit him, seeing the fire in the lamps flashing purple suddenly.

His eyes flashed white at what was going on, the water in the fountains and waterfalls now disappearing, wanting to know what was happening. He and Elsa raced back to the village, Brooklyn gliding, despite the wind picking up. "No fire, no water, the earth is next!" Elsa gasped, the ground beneath them shaking and quaking. "We gotta get them out!" Brooklyn shouted, knowing this was bad news for the people here. He took to the air again to find any children that may have gotten separated from their mother and fathers.

While gliding the wind was giving him a rough time, tossing him about. He even thought he heard a giggling sound from the breeze, as some leaves blew around his wings. "Hey, stop!" Brook hissed at the wind. He spotted a little girl holding her doll and crying. Narrowing his eyes Brooklyn glided down in front of her, trying not to look too scary.

"It'll be ok, I'm here to help," Brooklyn said gently, holding out his hand. The girl wiped her eyes, taking Brooklyn's hand, and Brook decided this time to run out of there since the winds were too strong for him now to glide, shielding the child from the forces, seeing the cobblestones behind him rumbling under the rage of the earth.

The kingdom all managed to make it out of there on a cliffside above the kingdom, Brooklyn managing to find the girl's mom and dad. The couple thanked him gratefully, taking their daughter back. He spotted Anna and Elsa, going to check on them. "Is everybody out?" Brooklyn asked urgently. Kristoff nodded. "Yes, everyone's out and safe." He handed blankets to a woman. "Here, take one of these. You ok there, Olaf?"

Brooklyn spotted the snowman among the kids, just smiling as usual. "Oh yeah. We're calling this, 'controlling what you can when things feel out of control'." It made the red gargoyle roll his eyes. "Uh, things are out of control!" He snapped, cranky after all that had happened. Anna herself was furious at both him and Elsa.

"Ok, I don't understand. You two have been hearing a voice and didn't think to tell me?"

Elsa's face was filled with apology. "We didn't want to worry you," She tried to say. Brooklyn nodded. "You would think we were going crazy," He said, hugging his arms. Anna folded her arms now. "We made a promise not to shut each other out! Just tell me what's going on!"

That made the ice queen flush. "We... kinda woke the magical spirits of the Enchanted Forest." Anna's face was confused. "Ok... that's definitely not what I expected." It made Brooklyn chuckle but this was a serious moment, and they had to solve this mystery of the angry spirits soon so the people could return home again. "Yes," Elsa replied. Anna stared. "Why would you do that?"

Brooklyn swallowed. "Mostly the voice. But... what if whoever was calling us was good?" Anna looked disapproved. "How could you say that as our guardian? Look at our kingdom!" The gargoyle felt offended. "I didn't mean for this to happen! Elsa didn't either! And I'm still guardian!" He defended, Elsa trying to calm him. "It's just, that my magic can feel it. I can feel it," She said, as more rumbling happened.

"Now what?" Brooklyn groaned, until he could see some 'boulders' coming down the side which happened to be the clan of trolls that raised Kristoff. Bulda smiled big, hugging her adopted son. "Kristoff! We missed you!" She cried, the leader Pabbie showing too.

The sisters and their guardian went to speak to him. "Pabbie," Anna greeted with a smile, Pabbie holding her hand. "Never a dull moment with you three. I hope you are prepared for what you have done, Elsa. Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart."

But Brooklyn had another question. "How am I able to hear the voice like Elsa even though I don't have powers?" He asked Pabbie. The troll elder didn't look like he had any answers. "This will have to be something you'll have to solve by yourself, Brooklyn," He said solemnly, making Brooklyn groan in disappointment. Anna had her question. "Why are the spirits still angry? What does this all have to do with Arendelle?"

Pabbie waved his hands. "Let me see what I can see." Brook glanced up at the vision in the sky, seeing two sides at war. "The past is not what it seems. A wrong demands to be righted." The vision turned red, making Brooklyn's ears flatten in fear at the sight. "The truth must be found. Without it..." His vision disappeared. "I see no future." Pabbie finished in concern.

Anna looked horrified. "No future?" That sounded like bad news for Brooklyn who felt a chill in his belly. Did this mean he might never get home again if there was no future for this world?

Grand Pabbie shrugged. "When one can't see no future, all one can do is the next right thing."

The gargoyle was just more confused. "And what does that mean?" Elsa's face looked determined. "That I-we-should go to the Enchanted Forest and find that voice. Kristoff, can we borrow your wagon, and Sven?"

Brooklyn saw Sven looking curious, Kristoff frowning. "I'm not very comfortable with that idea," He said nervously. "You're not serious about this, are you?" Brook questioned, feeling uncertain about venturing into a place full of angry spirits. Elsa gave him a kiss. "This is both of our destinies now my love, since you too can hear that voice." He admitted she was right, and wanted to keep his promise about always being by her side. "Very well then."

Anna however also volunteered. "You two are not going alone!" She said in determination, but Brooklyn instantly shook his head. "No, Anna. This is too dangerous, especially after all that had happened before," He said. She rolled her eyes. "Please, Brook, I climbed to the North Mountain, saved Elsa from my ex-boyfriend, and I did it all without powers, so, you know, I'm coming."

That was an argument Brooklyn couldn't find any reason to argue back with, sighing a bit, he and Elsa agreed. "Me too, I'll drive," Kristoff volunteered, and Olaf as well. Pabbie wished them well on their journey. "And I will look after your people," He vowed to Elsa who bowed to him. But he turned back to Anna and Brooklyn with concern in his eyes.

"Anna, Brooklyn, I am worried for her. We have always feared Elsa's powers were too much for this world, now, we must pray that they're enough."

Brooklyn narrowed his eyes in determination. "We promise, I won't let my girlfriend be hurt," The young gargoyle stated, Anna nodding, the gang all gathering into the wagon for their big journey, the young second hoping they would come back from this journey in one piece.


It was quite a long journey, Brooklyn sitting in the wagon with an arm around his love, while Olaf chatted non stop of a mini game he came up with until eventually it made the snowman, Elsa, and Brooklyn fall asleep while Kristoff attempted again to propose to Anna but yet again didn't do too well.

Suddenly Brook heard that sound of the voice again, making him perk up from sleep along with Elsa. "Hey, guys, stop. Me and Brook heard the voice again." Elsa said in excitement, and to Brooklyn, it sounded much closer than it did back at the kingdom.

Anna gasped. "You do? Olaf, wake up!" The snowman woke and the gang all eventually found themselves face to face with a blanket of magical looking fog and four tall stones sitting in a crescent shape. Brooklyn's eyes rounded in amazement at the sight of this fog that looked terribly thick.

"Whoa..." Brook murmured, all of them getting out of the wagon. Both he and Kristoff tried but Brooklyn felt a strange magic force that pushed him back on his butt, staring. Olaf giggled from seeing that, doing the same thing they tried for fun over and over, making him face palm.

Elsa stepped up to the fog. "Let me try. Maybe my magic can get us through," She told the others. Brooklyn nodded, he and Anna holding Elsa's hands. "We all do this together, ok?" Anna asked. Brooklyn and Anna nodded, Elsa placing her hand on the fog, and was able to part them.

Brooklyn trembled slightly as they walked through, feeling rather intimidated by this magical force around them. Olaf kept smiling, speaking. "Did you know the Enchanted Forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means, but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us..."

"Not helping, Olaf," Brooklyn grumbled under his breath when seeing the frightened looks on his other friend's faces. A gust of wind wound up pushing them all through the fog, causing the gang to yelp aloud from the force, collapsing on the other side. Elsa stood up, trying to break the fog apart but was unable to.

"Perfect, we're locked in, didn't see that coming," Anna said in annoyance, Brooklyn nodding in agreement, wondering how they would get out. Turning around, he smiled when seeing a beautiful forest before him, filled with pretty colored autumn leaves.

"It's... so..." Brooklyn complimented, staring. "Beautiful," Elsa finished, while they wandered through the trees, eventually coming across the dam from King Agnarr's story. Brooklyn didn't think he would get a chance to see it in person.

Anna gazed at the dam. "The Dam... it still stands. But it was in Grand Pabbie's visions, why?" Brooklyn shrugged. "Don't ask me, I wasn't there," He stated. "Me either, but it is still in good shape, thank goodness."

Brooklyn's tail swished in worry. "Why do you say that?" Kristoff looked at him solemnly. "If that dam broke, it would send a tidal wave so big, it would wash away everything on this fjord."

Anna gasped. "Everything? But... Arendelle is on this fjord." That sounded like bad news to Brooklyn, Kristoff trying to comfort her, only to make it worse when mixing a proposal into the situation. He facepalmed himself, groaning. "Not the time..." Brooklyn muttered to himself until then he noticed Elsa wasn't there. He quickly ran to catch up to his girl.

Elsa was standing there, gazing around in admiration until she saw Brooklyn coming. "Don't wander away, I thought you were lost!" The gargoyle scolded. Elsa nudged him. "I'm fine, Brook. Was only exploring." Anna joined them too. "Elsa, Brooklyn! There you two are! You ok?" Elsa also told her they were fine, but saw someone else was missing; Olaf.

It took several minutes to find the snowman until to their suprise, they heard him laughing from inside a cyclone. Brooklyn's ears flattened at the sight when he felt it pick him up into the air, yelping from the force, trying to glide out but the wind was too strong. The others were pulled into the tornado as well.

"Aaaagh!" Brooklyn shouted in fear, trying to steady himself from spinning around, Olaf still looking cheerful. "Hey, guys! Meet the Wind Spirit!" Brooklyn growled at him. "Some greeting!" He stormed, being flipped around again, seeing his friends also tossed about.

"Coming through!" Kristoff yelped with Sven, Anna looking green. "Ooh, I think I'm gonna be sick!"

Brooklyn shielded himself. "Don't throw up here, please!" He begged, doing his best not to let himself get sick, using his wings to balance his body, suddenly the leaves from the wind spirit teasing him again like before. "Get away!" He growled at it, waving his hands, seeing it teasing the others too.

Elsa was able to manage to get her friends out with her magic except for her and Brooklyn, the Wind Spirit containing them in a cocoon of wind.

The red gargoyle groaned in dizziness, trying to glide out but was kept inside, wanting to grab Elsa's hand. "Let us go, now!" He screamed at the Spirit but the wind ignored them, until Elsa took the extreme measures, shooting her magic at the wind, landing the two on the ground. Brooklyn lay there, shielding his body and curling up on the floor, but suddenly heard other voices. He looked up to see visions in the wind and snow.

It was a man's battle cry, and Brooklyn saw a face of a royal looking human man in the mist, frowning. "For Arendelle..." that made him rather confused and scared, covering his face again until Elsa finally got them out of that wind prison, leaving him shaking all over.

Elsa panted too, turning to see her love laying there on the dirt, looking shaken. She put a soft hand on his shoulder, causing him to gaze upward. "You ok?" Brooklyn swallowed from that experience, nodding, accepting her hand up, limping slightly from feeling dizzy. Anna had also ensured her sister was fine too, until seeing strange ice statues around them.

"What are those?" Brooklyn asked in wonder, seeing them all. Anna smiled at a horse statue. "They look like moments in time. What's that thing you said on our journey, Olaf?" Olaf perked up. "Oh, that my theory about advanced technology is both our savior and our doom?"

Anna shook her head. "No, not that one, the one about..."


Brooklyn rolled his eyes again. "It was the thing about water," He said. For Brooklyn did recall one of those trivia questions he asked. Olaf's eyes shone. "Oh yeah. Water has memory. The water that makes up you and me has passed through at least 4 humans and or animals before us! And remembers everything."

The gargoyle saw Sven drinking then spitting it out. He wondered where Olaf even got that knowledge in the first place, and even wondered now if he could see his old past clan's memories from before the massacre.

A whistling sound startled him and Brooklyn felt the wind on his skin again. But this time it was more playful than agressive. "The wind's back! I think I'll name you Gale." Olaf said, waving. Brooklyn folded his arms. "How original," He complimented, seeing the wind playing with his friends in a more calm manner again.

"Oh, hi, are you curious!" Anna greeted with a smile. Elsa chuckled. "You in a better mood now?" The spirit chirruped, ruffling Brooklyn's hair. "Hey, don't mess up my hair," Brooklyn laughed, the wind twirling around his hand. He figured this one wasn't too bad anymore.

The wind next guided the group to a statue of a boy and a girl saving him. Anna gasped. "It-it's father! But this girl..."

Brooklyn gazed into the familiar girl's face but couldn't quite place who it was. "Who is she?" Olaf asked. Kristoff's face looked rather surprised. "She's Northuldra."

A horn sounded, making Brooklyn get into a defensive position, looking around for anybody to ambush them, willing to die to protect the ones he loved.


What will Brooklyn think of the Northuldra people? Wait to find out!

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