Chapter 21

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More Frozen! Hope you like!


Multiple humans showed up out of nowhere, Brooklyn's eyes flashing white, growling, two of the sides of the attackers wearing different clothing.

Anna had grabbed an ice sword from one of the time statues. "And what will you do with that thing?" Brooklyn muttered under his breath. "I have no idea," She replied, until they were surrounded, Brooklyn noticing that one of the sides of their attackers wore familiar armor, that reminded him of Arendelle, lead by a dark skinned man while the other non armored side was led by an elderly looking woman.

"Lower your weapons!" One other younger female said angrily, the dark skinned male glared. "And you lower yours!" Brooklyn saw Anna recognizing the armored humans. "Arandellian soldiers?" His mouth dropped slightly. How long have they been living in this cursed forest?

The elder woman glared at her rival. "Threatening my people, lieutenant?" The Arendelle Lieutenant answered back forcefully. "Invading my dam space, Yelana? And defending these intruders?" He growled, pointing his sword at Brooklyn who gulped.

Brooklyn instantly held up his hands in between them. "Whoa, easy, we aren't intruders. And... could you lower your sword please?" The lieutenant just frowned darkly at him. "So you speak. But that doesn't explain what kind of creature are you." Suddenly, Brooklyn's eyes widened slightly when he saw that Anna recognized him, but couldn't get a name, pointing her ice sword curiously.

"Get the sword!" He roared, Brooklyn's wings spread out, readying himself to fight but Elsa wound up shooting ice, covering the ground in it making everyone slip except for her friends. Brooklyn narrowed his eyes at her. "Subtle Elsa," He said in a slightly joking manner, causing her to give a little smile while Yelana stared in shock at what Elsa did.

Brooklyn noted her look and shrugged. "Yup. My girl has magic," He stated the obvious while the Northuldra muttered amongst themselves in wonder. "They've been trapped here this whole time?" Kristoff asked. Elsa took Brooklyn's hand. "What do we do now?" Before Brooklyn could reply Olaf interrupted.

"I got this!" He said with his grin, walking up. "Hi, I'm Olaf!" One Northuldra man gasped, hiding. "Oh, sorry, yeah, I just find clothes restricting!" Olaf said, making Brooklyn cringe a little. "Bet you're wondering who we are and why we're here. It's really quite simple!"

He skated on the ice, beginning to recap what had happened in their first adventure, Brooklyn seeing the others giving him questionable looks which was understandable. "It began with two sisters and their loyal guardian, who by the way is not from this world!" Olaf started. "One born with magical powers, and one born powerless!" Anna raised her brow at Olaf while he continued. "Their love of snowmen, infinite." He began to roleplay the night Brooklyn himself had been wishing to forget.

"Anna, no! Too high! I'll save you!" He threw snow into the air, pretending to be both him and Anna being hit. "Blast! Ow! Mamma, Papa, help!" "Slam! Doors shutting everywhere, sisters and guardian torn apart!" Brooklyn shuffled his feet, feeling rather awkward, blushing. "Well, at least they have their parents..." Olaf stood off to the side. "Their parents are dead!" Not a good phrasing, Brooklyn commented to himself silently, seeing some of the blank looks on the other's faces.

"Oh, I'm Anna! I wanna marry a man I just met!" Cooed Olaf, dancing around like a girl, Anna facepalming herself. "Elsa's gonna blow, snow, snow, ah run!" The snowman shouted next, running about. "Magic pulses through my veins..." He had laid on the ground, then rose up. "I live!" Brooklyn himself still wondered how Elsa's magic created life like that. "Ice palace for one, ice palace for one!" "Get out Anna!" He made shooting noises, then mimicked Brooklyn jumping in the way, getting hit. "My heart!"

Brooklyn groaned even further, seeing the Lieutenant looking worried, eyes drifting over to the new creature. "Oh my goodness," the Lieutenant murmured, Yelana raising her brow at him. Olaf suddenly dressed as Grand Pabbi. "Only an act of true love can save you!" Sven now came in. "I shall help find him true love!" Olaf pressed his hand on Sven's snout. "You're not worth it! Guess what, I'm the bad guy!"

"What?!" The Lieutenant yelped, Brooklyn rolling his eyes, still remembering that day that Hans stabbed him and Anna in the back, hoping he would never see that guy ever again. Olaf struck a pose. "And Brooklyn freezes to death, forever..." He lets out a cloud breath, Brooklyn flushing a deep red.

"Then Elsa unfreezes him with her love! Oh, and after that Elsa woke up the magical spirits, and we were forced out from our kingdom. Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past, but we don't know how to do that. Except Elsa and Brook are hearing voices, so we got that going for us. Any questions?" Olaf finished, gazing innocently at the blankly staring crowd, Elsa and Brooklyn looking at one another with red faces of embarrassment. "I think they got it," Olaf giggled after Elsa thawed out the icy ground, the people getting up.

The lieutenant approached Elsa. "Are you really queen of Arendelle, and you're her... mate? Husband?" Brooklyn swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the judging looks from the Northuldra. "Uh, uh, n-no I-I..." He stuttered, Elsa taking his hand. "We haven't reached that level of commitment yet," She informed him. The Lieutenant nodded, while Yelana frowned. "Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?" She questioned.

The dark skinned man glared back. "Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people." Yelana huffed. "My people are innocent. We would never attack first." Lieutenant folded his arms. "May the truth be found..." Anna began staring at him again. "Hi, I'm sor- uh, what's happening?" He questioned in confusion. Anna gasped. "That's it! Lieutenant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left. You are our father's official guard."

Brooklyn blinked. "Really?" He asked Mattias, who bowed at him. "Yes, King Agnarr. What did happen to him?" He pondered to Anna, who's eyes lowered. "Our parents' ship went down in the southern sea 6 years ago." The young gargoyle's ears lowered, feeling his heart grow sad again from it. Mattias smiled. "I see him. I see him in your faces," He complimented the sisters.

Elsa's eyes shone in tears. "Really?" Anna whispered. Mattias then lifted his sword. "Soldiers! We may be getting old in years, but we're still strong. Proud to serve Arendelle." He glared in the Northuldrian's direction, the tribe looking nervous. Elsa stood in between this time. "Wait, please. Someone has called both me and Brooklyn here. If we can just find it, I believe they have the answer that may help us free this forest."

Brooklyn flapped his wings. "Trust us, we want to help you all," He said shyly.

Yelana shook her head. "We only trust nature, not other world beings like yourself, Brooklyn," She told in a somewhat cold voice. "When nature speaks..." Brook jumped when hearing a weird chittering noise, and a tree lit up with purple and red flames. "We listen..." Yelana finished in fear.

Olaf whimpered, the fire spreading. "This will all make sense when I'm older..." He squeaked, Brooklyn taking to the air when the fire nearly reached him. "Fire Spirit!" One man shouted. "Get back!" "Run for the river!"

Brooklyn didn't know how he could help, watching the fire taking over everything while Elsa blasted ice at the flames. He spotted a man trapped by a tree, so he glided over and grabbed him. The man whimpered in fright who was a Northuldra, making him growl. "Shut up, I'm helping you!" He hissed, putting the man safely near the river, but now had lost sight of Elsa, his love, and the Fire Spirit was now whooshing around him when running back.

"Ah!" Brooklyn cried out when the spirit nearly singed his hair, running through the safe spots while inhaling smoke, coughing, holding his arm up to his face, before eventually it got to him, falling to the ground, coughing violently. Elsa sees both her sister and her boyfriend trapped, shooting ice around them to make room, Brooklyn able to struggle his way out while watching Elsa chasing the source of the spirit into a rock crevice.

Coughing more smoke out, Brooklyn runs towards where Elsa trapped it, and tilted his head in surprise, for the Fire Spirit was nothing more than a mere little salamander that had fire on its back. He cautiously stood over near Elsa, who held out her hand. The Fire Spirit salamander hisses, shooting it's flames like a dragon at a tree. Elsa puts it out with her ice. Brooklyn couldn't help the smile, seeing the Salamander looking cutely at them, jumping onto Elsa's hand, cooling off there, causing the flames in the woods to vanish.

Brook chuckled. "So you're the trouble maker, huh?" He asked the little guy, who made little squeal noises at him. He traced a small finger on the little guy's back, making the salamander squeak laugh. "You're sorta kinda cute for one who spits fire." Brooklyn admitted, smiling over at Elsa who shrugged.

"They're all looking at the three of us, aren't they?" Elsa murmured to both him and the salamander. "Suppose," Brooklyn whispered back. "Got any advice? Nothing?" Brooklyn saw the Fire Spirit lick its eye, just smiling. "Hmm. Should we know what that means?" Elsa asked, right as Brooklyn by now heard the siren voice again, making him, Elsa and the Spirit look up.

"Whoa, guess he hears it too," Brooklyn commented. "But who is calling us Brooklyn? What do we do?" Elsa asked, worry in her eyes. Brooklyn saw the little guy running northward. "Er, North I suppose?" Elsa nodded, as she took his hand, before suddenly Anna hugged her.

"Elsa! Oh, thank goodness!" Brooklyn winced. "Easy, Anna." Elsa agreed with him. "Anna, are you ok? What were you doing? You could have been killed, you can't just follow me and Brooklyn into fire."

Anna glowered. "Then don't run into fire!" She snapped back in heated anger, making Brooklyn feel guilty of seeing her angry like that. Elsa hugged her back. "I'm sorry, but, are you really ok?" Anna shrugged. "I've been better," She said. "And you Brook?"

Brooklyn rubbed his hair. "May have been a little singed here but fine," He informed. Elsa then took something out of her bag. "I know what you need." She wrapped Anna in their mother's scarf. Yelena saw this, gasping. "Where did you get that scarf?"

The sisters were confused as was Brooklyn. "What are you talking about?" He demanded. Another man pointed. "That's a Northuldra scarf," He informed, stunning Brooklyn. There was no way. "What?" Anna gaped.

The young woman nodded. "This is from one of our oldest families." Anna and Elsa looked at each other in relevation. "It was our mother's..." Elsa gasped again, dragging Anna and Brooklyn to the statue of the woman saving Agnar.

Brooklyn studied the woman's statue and there was no mistaking it. It was Iduna, a young Iduna. Tears came to his eyes when recognizing her. The one that took him into her kingdom. "I see it, it's mother..." Elsa murmured in happy tears. Anna sniffled. "Mother saved Father's life that day."

"This is just..." Brook mumbled, rubbing his head, and seeing the Northuldra and Arendelle groups gathered around them. Elsa gazed about at the different people. "Our mother was Northuldra," She revealed, the Northuldrian people all glancing at one another with smiles, before singing a chant song in foreign language, which wound up lighting up the trees around them.

The red gargoyle was filled with ecstasy, and happiness, at hearing the song. He didn't understand the lyrics, but he was sure it meant they were finally accepted here in this group. He hugged Elsa in a wing hug, that she gave into. Yelena stepped forward, taking Anna and Elsa's hands now, and bowing to Brooklyn. "We are called the Northuldra. We are the people of the Sun."

Elsa and Brooklyn ended their hug, seeing his girl looking determined. "I promise you, me and Brooklyn will free this forest, and restore Arendelle." Brooklyn bowed like Goliath did with folding his wings, stunning the people at how graceful he was. "Guardian's honor," He finished, grinning at them all. Mattias gave him his own bow in new respect.

But Anna looked concern. "That's a pretty big promise, guys," She said. The young man smiled, talking to Kristoff from what Brooklyn could see. "Free the forest... wow... I'm sorry it's just... ah, some of us were born in here, we've never even seen the clear sky."

Brook winced. "Sorry," He said apologetically. "Yeah, I get it," Kristoff said too. "My name is Ryder," The man introduced to Kristoff, who shook his hand.

Elsa spoke to one of the young women from earlier her age. "Me and my boyfriend heard the voice again. We need to go north." The woman shook her head. "But the earth giants now roam north at night." Yelena agreed. "You can leave in the morning. "Thank you," Brooklyn thanked, a grin on his beak, the other young woman holding out her own hand.

"I'm Honeymaren," She greeted, Brooklyn and Elsa shaking her hand back. "A pleasure, miss," He replied. "Name's Brooklyn." Elsa nodded. "Elsa." Honeymaren smiled at how Brooklyn spoke to her but knew she was too late as seeing he loved Elsa more.

"Honeymaren, we will do all we can," Anna promised, while the group all made their way to the Northuldra village to rest, Brook himself felt very exhausted. Though he wanted to keep going, he knew he couldn't make himself sick trying to find this voice, and would love a cup of tea.

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