Chapter 22

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Here's a new chapter! Sorry about the hiatus!


It was now late at night and Brooklyn was feeling quite settled amongst the Northuldran in their camp, sipping a nice cup of tea that Honeymaren was nice enough to make for him. He and Elsa were sitting next to her with a couple of baby reindeer. One had even taken a liking to Brooklyn who petted him on the head.

Honeymaren was looking at Elsa's scarf. "I want to show you two something." She pointed to an image amongst the ones of the four spirits of nature. Brooklyn furrowed his brows. "You know air, fire, water, and earth."

The two looked at each other. "Yes?" Brooklyn asked. That was when Honeymaren points at the symbol in the center of the circle. "But look, there's a fifth spirit. It's said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature." She explained.

Brooklyn was startled. Agnarr had never mentioned a fifth spirit when he told the story of this place. "A fifth spirit?" Elsa whispered. Honeymaren nodded. "Some say, they hear it call out the day before the spell."

"Besides my father, Brooklyn is also hearing it. Do you know why it is calling him and me?" Elsa pondered. Brooklyn himself was desperate to find the voice of that spirit, and have peaceful evenings again as well as try to go home. "I don't know. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows."

The red gargoyle recalled that name from Elsa's mom. Hearing the two women singing the tune. "Dive down deep into her sound" Elsa started. "But not too far or you'll be drowned" Honeymaren continued. Brook always liked to hear his girlfriend sing. And Honeymaren wasn't too bad either. He couldn't help but laugh a bit at the lyrics. "But why must it be so ominous?" He asked, the three laughing.

Honeymaren suddenly revealed something interesting for Brooklyn. "And Brooklyn, it is said that the Wind Spirit is looking for a body to share its power with. It feels alone, blowing about aimlessly, even if the wind has a life of its own, all the wind wants is help to control its powers.

Brooklyn stared a bit. "Do you know who it will pick?" He asked. Honeymaren shrugged. "Only time will tell us.

That was when the ground suddenly shaking, making him tense. "What... is that?" He gasped. Honeymaren looked about in fear. "Earth Giants," She said. Yelena narrowed her eyes. "What are they doing down here?"

Brooklyn spotted at least two Earth Giants, his body trying to be as still as it could be, not wanting those things to see him. But Elsa from behind her tree, felt a need to go after them, Brooklyn quickly grabbing her arm. "Don't tell me you're going to try to... befriend them?" He hissed.

Elsa nodded. "What if I can settle the giants like the wind and fire?"

Anna also agreed with Brooklyn. "No, they can crush you before you get the chance! Remember; the goal is to find the voice, find the truth, and get us home." She said, Brooklyn agreeing with her.

Olaf walked up to them, the fire spirit sitting on his head. Brooklyn couldn't deny it was rather cute. "Hey guys, that was close!" He exclaimed.

"We know. The giant sensed me and Brooklyn. They may come back here. I don't want to put everyone at risk again. And, you're right, Anna. We've got to find the voice." She held Brooklyn's hand still in hers. "We're going now."

Brooklyn though felt somewhat sad to leave, for he was just starting to like the Northuldra, and Honeymaren was one of those who was slowly becoming a new friend for Elsa too. But he knew now their mission came first before desires. "Ok. But I hope we can come back when we're done before we go home," he said to Elsa.

She gave him another kiss. "For sure, Brooklyn." But then Anna noticed someone was missing. "Wait, where are Kristoff and Sven?"

The red gargoyle also noticed too, having been distracted with learning about the fifth spirit he completely forgot about them. "Oh yeah, I think they took off with that Ryder guy and a bunch of reindeer," Olaf informed. Anna looked downcast.

"They... left? Just left without saying goodbye?" She asked. Brooklyn himself too felt a little upset that Kristoff won't be with them finding the voice. But there was no time to find them right now.

Olaf shrugged as they began to continue their journey. "Who knows the ways of men?" He asked in a vague tone. Brooklyn raised his brow. "Uh, you're a male too, Olaf," He pointed out, Olaf just giggling, waving his hand in front of Brooklyn.

Snowmen, Brook thought, rolling his eyes, the now smaller group leaving the village.


After walking for a long while, Brooklyn was starting to grow tired and he hadn't heard the voice yet for some reason. Even when Elsa was singing it still didn't reply, Brooklyn hoping they would find the source.

Brooklyn gasped a little when he felt the wind spirit. "Hi," he said with a smile on his face, the spirit chittering again. "Oh look, Gale's back!" Greeted Olaf.

The wind spirit soared upwards, guiding them up a hill, which led them to a nasty surprise.

Down below them was a ship. Brooklyn put a hand on his chest at the sight, for he recognized it. "H-how did a ship... get here?" He asked. Anna and Elsa were holding one another in fear. "It's... n-no... mother and father's ship," Anna whimpered.

Brooklyn swallowed. He didn't like the idea of seeing the skeletons of the king and queen that let him look after Anna and Elsa when they were kids, tail swishing. "This isn't the southern sea," Olaf pointed out.

Elsa shook her head, taking Brooklyn's hand. "No, it isn't," She murmured. Brooklyn though halted back. "I won't mind staying," He said nervously.

"Come on, Brooklyn, I need you for this," She said gently but urgently. Shaking a little, Brooklyn then agreed to come, taking shaky steps towards the ship, the friends heading into it.

"What would the ship be doing in the dark sea?" Anna asked in fear while they climbed inside. Olaf himself wondered too. "How did the ship get through the mist? I thought nobody could but us."

Brooklyn thought for a while. "Maybe... nobody was on it when it beached here," He pointed out, the two sisters looking at each other in more worry while Anna and Elsa looked about.

"There's gotta be something here," Elsa murmured, Brooklyn sniffing in case he smelled any survivors. Anna lifted up some compartments. "Wait, wait, look around. Every Arandellian ship has a compartment, waterproof!"

Olaf nodded. "Very clever. Although that makes me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof," He pointed out as a joke. Brooklyn shook his head. "No time for jokes, Olaf."

Elsa suddenly gasped when finding an old map, gesturing her friends over. "Look at this!" Brooklyn saw some old writing that looked like their mom's writing. "'The end of the ice age, the river found but lost. Magic's source,'" He read aloud, feeling confused.

Anna stared. "Elsa's source?" She asked. Elsa then recognized what was on the paper. "It's a map," she replied. "They travelled north. Planned to cross the dark sea to..." She and Brooklyn look at the edge of the map to see a strange island.

"Ahtohallan?" Breathed Brook in surprise, finding it hard to believe it was real. "Ahtoha-what?" Olaf asked in confusion.

"A river to said to hold all the answers about the past," Elsa explained, Olaf grinning from this. "Reinforcing my water has a memory theory."

Elsa gave some small breaths, Brooklyn wondering what she was thinking. "Water has memory..." She murmured, placing her hands on the wood, concentrating. He and Anna saw water droplets rising into the air in surprise. "I want to know what happened to them..." Elsa said softly.

The water droplets swirled together, and suddenly Brooklyn heard voices, voices he hadn't heard in ages, making his heart hurt.

"Ahtohallan is the source of her magic..."

"We keep going... for Elsa..."

"The waves are too high! NO!"

Brook's ears flattened, seeing the water forming an ice memory statue of the scene when the ship sank down, spotting Iduna and Agnarr hugging each other tightly in grief. His own tears began to show. That was a horrible way to die on a sinking ship. He heard sniffling, turning to see Elsa running out.

"Elsa, wait!" He called out, Anna and Olaf following. Elsa wiped the tears from her eyes, still sobbing. Once catching up, Brooklyn grabbed her arm gently. "It-it was my fault, they were looking for answers about me!" She cried in self blame.

Brooklyn glared at her in sadness. "No, you're not responsible for their choices," He argued back. Elsa sobbed again. "No, just their deaths!" The gargoyle instantly gave her a needed hug. "Stop, Elsa, please!" He begged.

Anna agreed. "Yelana asks why would the spirit reward Arendelle with a magical queen? Because our mother saved our father. She saved her enemy. Her good deed was rewarded with you. You are a gift."

Elsa still didn't feel convinced. "For what?" She questioned. Brooklyn now added his own piece. "If anyone can resolve the past, if anyone can save Arendelle, it is you." He said softly, cupping her cheek in his hands, smiling. Elsa gazed into his gentle eyes.

"Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between magical nature and us." Elsa explained to Anna who blinked. "A fifth spirit?"

Brooklyn nodded. "Also she said that the wind spirit seeks a hoast to control it's powers." Olaf tilted his head. "You mean Gale?"

"Yeah. But it doesn't know who it is choosing," Brooklyn replied, suddenly feeling Gale flitter around him again, making him smile.

"That's what's been calling me and Brooklyn from Ahtohallan. The answers about the past are all there." Esla explained, Anna giving a determined look. "So we go to Ahtohallan," She declared.

Elsa shook her head. "Not we, me," she replied, Brooklyn's eyes widening.

"What are you saying?" He asked in worry and disbelief. "You can't do this alone!" Anna agreed with him. "What he said! And remember the song? 'Go too far or you'll be drowned'. Who will stop you from going too far?"

Brooklyn saw Elsa's face looking upset but determined. "You both believed in me that this is what I was born to do." He grabbed her shoulders. "Elsa, I won't let you go off into dangerous waters by yourself! We're soulmates, we do everything together! And I don't want to lose you!" He begged her, gazing into Elsa's beautiful eyes.

"And I don't want you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else too! Let us help you!" Anna also begged. Elsa smiling and sighing.

"I can't loose any of you either. Come on in here," She invited them into a hug including Olaf, until Brooklyn heard ice crackling. Opening his eyes he saw an ice boat form under Anna and Olaf; nearly taking him away too but he quickly jumped out.

Anna gasped in horror at what was happening, the boat sliding away. "No, no!" She screamed, disappearing from view and too fast for Brooklyn to catch up.

He stared at her in shock though she was stunned he was able to get out. "You... ditched your sister..." Brooklyn breathed, slightly angry, hands balled into fists. Elsa's eyes moistened again. "I had no choice Brook. And you should go with them."

Brooklyn shook his head again. "Never, Elsa. We are bound together. No matter what dangers are in the Dark Sea I'll be with you," He stated bravely, taking her hand tightly.

Elsa somehow felt relieved that she would have at least one person she loved by her side, nodding at her lover. "Alright then. Let's get going," She then said, getting onto Brooklyn's back as he glided over to the beach for the Dark Sea, hoping they would find a way to save Arendelle and the Enchanted Forest.


Brooklyn and Elsa next venture into Ahtohallen together in chapter 23!

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