Chapter 23

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It took them until near sunset to fly over to the Dark Sea shores but Brooklyn managed to make it, landing on the damp beach sands, staring out in disbelief at the sight of all that water.

His ears fell while Elsa slid off of his back. "Y-you sure you want to do this?" Brooklyn questioned, wings around his shoulders. Elsa nodded. "Are you able to glide across?"

Stepping forward, Brooklyn took a breath, raising his wings again, flying into the air on a glide, trying to glide out into the waters but the wind and sea spray were too much for him to handle, causing Brooklyn to flinch, closing his eyes, and losing his balance in the air, falling down into the water.

He coughed and spluttered out the salty stuff, collapsing back to the shoreline, shaking his head. "Well, gliding's out, that's for sure," The male replied, squeezing his hair dry.

Elsa took off her tarp, tossing it aside, an idea coming into her head. "I'm going to try my magic and see if I can run across," She said. Brooklyn nodded, watching from a distance while Elsa began to run across the ocean, stepping on magical ice steps. But a big wave sent her back to shore. Though she did seem to get farther along than Brooklyn did.

Brooklyn helped Elsa to her feet. "So, I suppose your ice magic is the only way across since flying and boating are not an option," He then said. "But what about me? I don't have your magic."

Elsa put a hand on her chin, thinking, until she got an idea again. "I hope you can trust me with this, Brooklyn. I'll have to put in some of my magic through you to allow you to run with me." The gargoyle's ears flattened but this was his girlfriend. He took a breath, nodding. "Alright." He said shakily.

Brooklyn stood still, closing his eyes while Elsa put a hand on his chest, feeling something rushing through his body, slightly cold, but not freezing thankfully like before. He opened his eyes after she was done. "This should help us get across at least once," Elsa said to him gently, taking his hand. "Now let's go."

The couple both took a breath, starting to run across the surface. Brooklyn had braced himself for falling in but to his surprise; the spell worked. He looked down to see ice forming under his feet while running.

"This is crazy..." He muttered to himself, Elsa sending a wave of ice to cover a huge wave coming their way, managing to get over that one and onto a rock. Brooklyn slipped a little but used his talons to get a grip on the stone. The sea spray chilled him to the bone though Brooklyn did his best to ignore it. Elsa shot more magic down the rock back onto the water, her and Brooklyn sliding down and continuing to run as much as they can.

Looking up Brooklyn gasped in fear at the sight of a huge wave bigger than the last one. "E-Elsa? Giant wave!" He shouted. Elsa grunted when shooting more ice, the couple trying to run over it but the wave was bigger than they thought, breaking Elsa's ice bridge. Brooklyn gave out another shout, arm over his head, trying to reach for Elsa but too late as the water consumed him.

The water was so cold, Brooklyn giving out muffled grunts while trying to get back to the surface, eyes looking around for Elsa who had disappeared. Nearly losing his breath, Brooklyn pushed himself back up, head breaking the surface of the water, gasping aloud.

"ELSA! ELSA!" Screamed Brooklyn, writhing in the waves, not wanting to drown. In his ears, a loud winnie sounded. Looking about, Brooklyn wondered what the noise could be until a force hit him hard in the side, and began to push him back down into the water.

Brooklyn whimpered while struggling underneath whatever it was that made more winnie noises. Looking up the best he could, Brook's eyes popped at what he was seeing; the water spirit.

It was in the form of a horse, pushing his body further down into the water to drown him. Brooklyn grunted painfully, trying to get free but it was no use, vision slowly beginning to turn dim until a hand grabbed his own.

Opening his eyes, Brook glanced around and to his surprise and relief Elsa was there, putting her hands on the water spirit and coating it in ice for a brief moment, causing the spirit to disappear. She pulled him back up to air and life.

Breaking up out of the surface again, Brooklyn coughed, spluttering worse than before, tears along with the water down his face, gripping Elsa's hand. The water spirit however wasn't done with them, knocking Elsa away and grabbing her hand now to drag her.

"NO!" Roared Brooklyn, swimming as much as he could with his wings, recalling at one adventure Goliath, Elisa and Angela had on their World Tour when being caught in water like this. To his shock from afar; Brooklyn witnessed Elsa form a rope of ice magic, making a halter around the water spirit's head.

The water spirit tried bucking her off but Elsa held her own until soon it began to settle. She guided the spirit his way, reaching with her hand. "Grab on!" Elsa called out. Brooklyn did so, pulled out and onto the horse's back, bringing flashbacks again of him riding a horse once and falling off.

Elsa managed to tame the spirit further, rubbing it's neck who whinnied gently now. Brooklyn's heart beat fast with great love for Elsa, placing a hand on the horse's side, which felt watery but rather soft.

The two looked out on the horizon; spotting a huge glacier. Elsa gasped. "Of course, Brooklyn."

"What?" Brook asked, still somewhat shaking from their near death experience from earlier. "Glaciers are rivers of ice! Ahtohallan is frozen." Elsa then revealed.

The red gargoyle's eyes widened. That meant they were closer to unveiling all the secrets of the past. His ears caught the sound of the siren once more. "We hear you. And we're coming," Elsa said with a smile, guiding the water spirit closer across the surface.

Brooklyn himself smiled slightly too, happy to eventually finally get the truth, as his girlfriend's beautiful voice rang through his ears in a song.

"Every inch of me is trembling

But not from the cold

Something is familiar

Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold

I can sense you there

Like a friend I've always known

I'm arriving

And it feels like I am home"

They arrived at the shore of the glacier, Brooklyn and Elsa both jumping off of the water spirit who bowed, going back down into its watery home. Brook wrapped his wings around his shoulders again, shaking further. Elsa's warm hand took his own, and they proceeded forward to the entrance of a cave.

"I have always been a fortress

Cold secrets deep inside

You have secrets, too

But you don't have to hide

Show yourself

I'm dying to meet you

Show yourself

It's your turn"

Brooklyn and Elsa walked through the cave opening, Elsa tracing her hand along the icy wall. Brooklyn's eyes darted around, wondering where the voice would lead them in here.

"Are you the one I've been looking for

All of my life?

Show yourself

I'm ready to learn

Ah-ah, ah-ah"

Further in, a light suddenly came on, Brook's ears perking when the siren's voice echoed in the icy walls. Elsa grinned at him, pulling Brooklyn in further.

"I've never felt so certain

All my life I've been torn

But I'm here for a reason

Could it be the reason I was born?

I have always been so different

Normal rules did not apply

Is this the day?

Are you the way

I finally find out why?"

Elsa upon reaching a ditch in the cavern had to make ice pillars for the two of them to jump across though Brooklyn himself simply glided down, landing on the other side.

"Show yourself

I'm no longer trembling

Here I am

I've come so far

You are the answer I've waited for

All of my life"

Elsa moved aside some barriers blocking them from where she and Brooklyn could uncover all the secrets, turning to smile at Brooklyn in excitement whose stomach had butterflies in them, as she dragged him along, breaking through the foggy area, revealing a dark room with some crystals hovering in the air.

Brooklyn gazed in amazement when the crystals turned into lights, forming into the Elements. The wind element display flew around him, while the others went around Elsa as she continued to sing.

"Oh, show yourself

Let me see who you are

Come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more

Oh, come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more"

The element visions then formed four large crystals that Elsa used her magic on; setting them down onto the floor. Brooklyn watched, Elsa stepping into the middle of the circle, ice waves shooting up around her.

Brooklyn then knew; Elsa was the fifth spirit. His beak split into a grin as a mysterious choir echoed around them, and visions of the past began to show. He saw a young Iduna calling out in song while near a young Agnarr. Elsa started to cry, rubbing her eyes. "M-mother," She whimpered, Brooklyn walking to hug his girlfriend. The two held hands, the spirit of now adult Iduna gazing down at them in love.

"Come my darling, homeward bound!" Iduna sang, Elsa unable to stop crying, her hands squeezing Brooklyn's. Brooklyn felt happy to see Iduna again, feeling his own tears. "I am found!" Elsa sang, the two now singing together, as her dress began to change.

"Show yourself

Step into the power

Grow yourself

Into something new


You are the one you've been waiting for


All of my life (All of your life)

Oh, show yourself!"

Elsa's dress now represented herself as the Fifth Element. She began to wave her hands around, combining water and air, Brooklyn's ears lowered but staring in amazement at what is happening. They will finally see what happened in the past.

After her song ends, Elsa's spell also ends; revealing many images of what came before.

"Elsa, I can't believe that you're really the fifth spirit," Brooklyn said in a shaky voice while seeing a young Elsa and Anna along with himself playing with Olaf. Elsa nodded. "Me either. But look."

He spotted also himself while unconscious when first arriving, Elsa reviving him. Brooklyn smiled happy tears from the scene, but still missed his clan greatly.

They walked around more familiar moments, Elsa even cringing when hearing herself sing her song 'Let it Go, making Brooklyn laugh.

"...Prince Hans, of the Southern Isles," an all too familiar voice said, Brooklyn growling at the sight of Hans. Elsa broke the image, turning her chin up, Brook chuckled. "A little too violent, but I like it," He said. Elsa blushed while they witnessed Iduna and Agnarr chatting with each other about a new Danish author.

Eventually they saw an image of Elsa's grandfather. "King Runeard, I'm sorry, I don't understand." One of his soldiers said. We're bringing Arendell's full guard." Runeard growled. "But they have given us no reason not to trust them," said the guard in worry.

Elsa's face was stunned at what was happening, as was Brooklyn's. "Grandfather?" She asked shakily. "Magic makes people feel too powerful, too entitled. It makes them think, they can defy the will of a king."

Brooklyn growled slightly, for that wasn't true. Oberon's children had magic but they still respected their father. Elsa also glared. "That's not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted."

Her grandfather and the guard go through a wall, Elsa narrowing her eyes in determination moved it aside, making Brooklyn feel nervous now. "Uh, Elsa? Maybe we can stop now?" He asked.

"No, there's got to be more Brooklyn." Elsa said, sounding slightly obsessed to him. Swallowing, he nodded, following her in, the cold starting to get to him now, rubbing his arms.

"You see, the Dam will weaken their lands. So they'll have to answer to me." Runeard said in a sinister manner while Elsa and Brooklyn went deeper into the tunnel, Brooklyn seeing his own breath. He even thought he could hear Iduna's familiar tune but in a warning manner. "...and a path for you, dive down deep into her sound..."

He and Elsa stopped on the edge of a cliff which ended the path, Brooklyn's heart thumping a thousand miles, not wanting to venture any further. "Elsa, I-I don't want to do this," He swallowed, hearing more of the song. "...but not too far or you'll be drowned..."

"They will come in celebrations, and then, we will know their size and strength..."

Brooklyn shook, staring into the well of Ahtohallan, where he saw all the Northuldrian people gathering for the Dam. The memory changes yet again. "As you have welcomed us, we welcome you. Our neighbors, our friends." Called out Runeard.

Before Brooklyn could stop Elsa, she winds up jumping right into the well off of the path. "Elsa, wait!" Brooklyn shouted out, no choice but to follow, feeling himself growing colder every second, dejavu filling his body.

A forest vision surrounds the two, Brooklyn gasping, shaking in cold, his eyes bright in fear, seeing his hands once again being covered in ice. And to his shock, so were Elsa's. What was happening to them?

He saw a vision of the Northuldrian leader talking to Runeard. "The dam isn't strengthening our borders, it's hurting the forest! It's cutting off the North—!" Runeard shook his head. "Let... let's not discuss this here. Let's, meet on the fjord. Have tea, find a solution."

Brooklyn choked slightly, his hair turning blue once again while Elsa's platinum blond color turned white. "E-Elsa, w-we gotta s-stop... f-feel cold," he croaked, not wanting to see anymore, snowflakes covering his face and Elsa's. Elsa noticed but was too obsessed with the memory.

They saw Runeard drawing his sword while the Northuldra leader held his tea cup, unaware of the danger. Brooklyn's eyes rounded. The king was gonna kill him!

"No!" Elsa shouted, trying to save the Northuldra leader, but couldn't move, her feet frozen to the ground. Brooklyn himself couldn't move, gasping for air, his body slowly being consumed by the ice. He manages to reach and take her hand.

"T-Tell... Anna... only... hope..." he moaned, before soon, his vision began to turn blue, body frozen all the way again. Elsa sobbed, tears in her eyes from the sight. "Anna!" She wheezed, her hand shooting up magic to tell Anna what really happened, her own body now frozen.

The couple were trapped there in the unreachable place which was the well of Ahtohallan, where they would be imprisoned for all time, frozen.

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