Chapter 3

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Brooklyn had to admit this new living in a castle situation had its perks, especially with being guardian and friend to the two young princesses. Arendelle had been informed of the new creature living in the castle, and was advised not to harm him.

He spent as much quality time with Anna and Elsa as possible. Once with their parents permission Brooklyn took them for a glideS

At first it was hard for Brooklyn to believe that Elsa had ice magic.

"But how can she do it?" Brook had asked Iduna that day. But Iduna herself didn't have an answer, either. "All I can say is that she was somehow born with the gift. Me and Agnarr intend one day to figure it out. We do our best to ensure Elsa's powers are used right."

Brooklyn himself was impressed at how Elsa can keep her powers from creating a magic snowstorm. One time he and the girls in the ballroom created their own winter wonderland; sledding and snowball fights, and it was the most fun the red gargoyle had in a long time, even when he no longer had his stone sleep he fared just fine.

He remembered feeling the sun on his face his next morning here, it was so warm and welcoming. Was this how Demona felt when Puck made her turn human during the day? Possibly. The rays felt like a gentle caress on his muscles, causing Brooklyn to stretch himself on the windowsill.

After another time playing in Elsa's magic snow Anna suddenly sprouted the question, well, questions.

"Mr. Brooklyn? What's your home like? How many gargoyles are in your family...?" She kept up the questions until Brooklyn chuckled, mostly when she called him Mr. He took Anna on his knee. He had wondered when the girls would ask him but they were still young.

"Ok, ok. Well, for starters I and my clan currently live in New York in the United States of America. But back then we gargoyles once lived in 994 Scotland..." he began to tell the tale of what his clan used to be and how it all ended with him arriving in Arendelle. The two sisters were in awe and openmouthed.

Anna was the most excited. "I wanna be a gargoyle! But I don't fancy missing the sun..."
She stated. Brooklyn chuckled. "That's fine, being a gargoyle isn't for everybody. But I'm happy to be one. And seeing the sun is a big privilege to me."

Elsa smiled. "I'm glad you're with us, Brooklyn, it has been lonely without many friends. Our parents are nice but we hadn't been able to meet anyone who wanted to be friends." Brooklyn took Anna next onto his lap. "Then I guess that makes us a good match," he said sincerely.

But then Iduna came and said the children needed to go to bed. Brooklyn nodded and took them to their room. Anna however wanted to keep playing. She had a game in mind with Elsa's snow minifigures; The Enchanted Forest.

"Please? Please?" She begged when Brooklyn said they shouldn't stay up too late. But her puppy eyes made him give into her pleading and nodded. Elsa waved her magic, creating the setting for the Forest and enchanted animal figures as well as a prince and princess.

And that's how their before bedtime went; with them playing Enchanted forest until way past bedtime. It was fun. Brooklyn played along with whatever the girls came up with, eventually having Elsa create a fairy princess to save the day.

"And they all get married!" Cheered Anna. Brook chuckled, pulling her in for a tickle fight. Anna squealed when he tickled her, Elsa smiling at how playful Brooklyn is. He was just so nice to the two of them, especially her; the one with ice powers and he wasn't afraid. Agnarr and Iduna then arrived, smiling at their child guardian doing so well. It had only been 3 months now since he came.

"And what are you playing?" Brooklyn looked up, grinning awkwardly at himself not being the tough gargoyle like the rulers thought. Brooklyn himself normally liked children, so he couldn't help himself to tickle Anna.

Anna smiled. "Enchanted Forest!" She revealed, gesturing at the snow dolls. "And they wanted me to play," Brooklyn said. Agnarr chuckled, gesturing to the bed. "Did I ever tell you girls about the time I once encountered a real Enchanted Forest?" Brook was startled, as were his two little friends.

"Wait, you?" Brooklyn asked, and the girls just stared in shock. Agnarr nodded. Anna put her hands on her hips. "And you never told us before?"

Agnarr chuckled. "Well, if I could tell you now, if you..." they cut him off by instantly jumping onto the bed. Brooklyn joined them, taking the girls close. Iduna looked at her husband in concern. "Are you sure about this?" She asked. This sent confusion in Brooklyn but he ignored the feeling and readied himself for Agnarr's tale.

From what he told; Agnarr when he was a boy went with his father to the Enchanted Forest and met the Northuldra People who lived in harmony with the elemental spirits of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. That almost sounded unbelievable to Brooklyn but since he saw Elsa's ice magic and other magical stuff before he could believe anything now.

Agnarr's father had attempted a peace treaty with the Northuldra chief by giving them a gift of peace in building a dam. They celebrated the peace treaty which led the Arendellians into letting down their guard. But in doing so led for some reason into a full on war, and the demise of Agnarr's father. The Spirits then blocked off the forest with an enchanted fog so nobody could get out or in.

Brooklyn's ears fell. "I-I'm sorry about your father," he said. Agnarr nodded to him. "He was a good king. But when I was hurt, someone saved me. I wish I had known who it was..." he murmured. Anna had smiled. "Whoa, papa! That was epic! Whoever saved you, I love them!" Iduna laughed, taking her girl in her arms. Brooklyn had a hand around Elsa's shoulder who looked concerned.

"But what happened to the Spirits? Who lives in the Forest now?" Agnarr shrugged. "I don't know. The Mist still stands, and no one had seen anybody come out."

This made the red male swallow a little at the idea of being trapped in a misty enchanted forest forever. "So... we're safe?" He asked. Agnarr nodded. "Yes. But the Spirits could awaken again, and we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring."

Iduna then decided it was time for bed. "And now, it is time to say goodnight to your father and guardian," she said. Anna held Brooklyn's arm. "Aww, but I still have so many questions! And can't he sleep with us? Please?" Brooklyn smiled. "If that is ok?" He asked. Agnarr chuckled, nodding.

"Yes, and we'll have to save the answers for another night, Anna," Anna though kept kn asking questions, until Brooklyn took her into his warm arms and wing. "Like your father said, save it for another night," he said gently. Elsa giggled at Anna's pout face before giving in.

"Do you think the forest would wake again?" Elsa asked Iduna who just smiled at them, especially at how Brooklyn kept the girls close. He was so gentle.

"Only Ahtohallan knows." She replied. Brooklyn's brow raised again. "You lost me again..." he muttered. Anna snickered at his lost face. "When I was little... my mother would sing a song about a special river, called Ahtohallan... that was said to hold all the answers about the past, about what we are a part of." This intrigued the gargoyle. Anna and Elsa looked curious, too.

"Will you sing it for us? Please?" Elsa pleaded. Her mother nodded, sitting on the bed. Brooklyn made room for her, sitting on the other side. Elsa remained near him while Iduna began to sing:

"Where the northwind meets the sea

There is a river full of memory

Sleep, my darling, safe and sound

For in this river all is found..."

Brooklyn gave a little smile, the song was soothing, relaxing him. Elsa snuggled into his arms and wing, while Anna slept against her mother. Iduna took up Anna and put her on her bed.

"In her waters, deep and true

Lie the answers and path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned..."

That one lyric at the end somewhat confused Brooklyn's tired mind but didn't think too much about it. Elsa gave Brooklyn a small hug. Brooklyn hugged her back, smiling up at the queen who stroked her daughter's hair. He felt himself drifting away as the song ended, happy to have two special human children to spend time with, but also dreamed of his home and his clan, wondering if they were now looking for him.

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