Chapter 4

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It was now six months for Brooklyn here in Arendelle. Autumn blew through the country, and it was a bit cold. But with Elsa even with her ice powers, always felt warm around her.

He was asleep in his room, unaware of the visitors going to come. Anna and Elsa snuck in. Anna had been able to convince Elsa to build her a snowman and also wanted Brooklyn to come.

They saw him sound asleep, mouth open a little. Elsa giggled. He looked cute and funny when asleep. Anna shushed her sister before sneaking up to the bed, poking Brooklyn on the shoulder. Brooklyn shifted, but kept sleeping.

Anna next tried tugging his wings, then jumping on him and pushing Brook's shoulders to wake him. Brooklyn turned over, having Anna fall off a bed again, frowning.

Elsa then came up with an idea of her own. Grinning, she made her hand cold, pulling his blankets down, and put her hand on his side, making it cold. Brooklyn's eyes opened, gasping from the cold hand touching him, waking up, seeing his little friends giggling at his funny expression.

"*yawn* wha... what is it? Why did you wake me up?" Brooklyn slurred, rubbing his eyes. Anna jumped up and down.

"We want to build a snowman with you! Please???" She begged. Brooklyn felt really tired, it was busy taking care of Anna and Elsa for him, and the idea of making a snowman at 12:00 in the morning was insane, for two little girls, not him. He began to get used to sleeping at night now.

"Too tired, want to go back to bed..." he mumbled, falling back down. But Anna kept her eyes up. "But you're nocturnal, aren't you? Just this once?" She pleaded, holding her hands together. Elsa simply smiled, shrugging her shoulders, and Brooklyn figured she received the same wake up call.

He rubbed his eyes, sitting up. "Alright, alright, for you girls," Brook said with a sleepy smile, standing up. Anna cheered, taking her guardian and sister's hand, leading them into the ballroom. Brooklyn then realized he never told his new friends about the Demona incident, making him feel hot with guilt again, but knew there had to be a right moment when they're a bit more mature.

Brooklyn gave a smile when Anna begged her sister to 'do the magic'. Elsa complied, using her hands and shooting magical snow into the air; shimmering snowflakes coming down.

Anna jumped around. "This is amazing!" She squealed. Brooklyn himself got more amazed with Elsa's magic each day, giving her a smile, which she returned, a tinge of red in her cheeks. He loved Anna too but something inside just made him feel much closer to Elsa.

Elsa then smiled at her sister. "Watch this guys!" She stepped her foot on the ground, ice forming on the floor. Brooklyn yelped a bit when nearly slipping but gripped his taloms on the ice.

What followed was nothing but fun for the princesses and their guardian/best friend. They slid on magic snow hills Elsa made and got to build their snowman.

Elsa moved the snowman's arms, grinning. "Hi, I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs!" She said with a deep voice. Anna giggled again, hugging the snowman. "I love you, Olaf!" Brooklyn had a hand on Olaf's 'shoulder'. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he replied, playing along even though it wasn't really alive.

Elsa and Brooklyn took turns sliding with Anna down the snow hills. Anna jumped from Brooklyn's lap onto another. Elsa created more of them with her magic while Brooklyn watched, feeling even more happy than he did in their first meeting.

Now some doubt about going home came along. Brooklyn really did love his family but ever since becoming Anna and Elsa's caretaker his loneliness had been fading away than when being in New York. He gazed down, lost in his thoughts and indecision until he heard Elsa, but no happiness was in her voice.

"Wait! Slow down!" Brook's eyes widened, looking to see Anna jumping too fast and Elsa trying to keep up, but slipped, and couldn't make a new hill. Brooklyn gasped, Anna starting to fall, jumping to catch her. Elsa got desperate and didn't see Brooklyn catching her, shooting a lot of magic from her hands. "ANNA, BROOKLYN!" She screamed.

The magic from her reaching with both hands struck both Anna and Brooklyn. Anna instantly fainted while Brooklyn gasped and flinched; the magic blast feeling like knives in his forehead, causing him to go cold and dizzy, falling to the ground while Anna was in his arms, vision slowly going black, lying limply on the floor.

Elsa was petrified at what she did; hitting her sister and best friend just as Brooklyn had begun appreciating her magic! She went to check on them.

"Anna! Brook!" She whimpered, feeling their skins which were cold. Anna's brown hair got a strip of white while Brooklyn's already white hair received a strip of silver blue. This wasn't good. "Mama, Papa!!" Elsa wailed, hugging them both, her magic freezing everything and destroying their snowman, causing the door to freeze shut. The King and Queen busted the door open to see the chaos. Iduna gasped.

"Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!" Agnarr said sternly, eyes wide at the sight of the unconscious gargoyle with the strip of silver blue and afraid for his daughter.

Elsa trembled. "It-it was an accident! I-I'm sorry!" She weeped, taking Brooklyn's hand in hers while Iduna held Anna. "They're both ice cold!" Iduna whispered in horror. Agnarr narrowed his eyes. "I know where we have to go!" He raced into the study, pulling out a book that showed a picture of a creature using its magic healing on a sick person.


Agnarr got the horses ready. He placed the still unconscious Brooklyn on his horse, still curious about the different stripe color on his hair while Iduna carried Anna and Elsa. They raced as fast as possible through the woods. Elsa kept glancing at her sister and guardian, accidentally sending an ice trail behind her. It got the attention of a young ice boy named Kristoff and his reindeer Sven.

He stared in amazement at the ice trail. "Ice?" He whispered. Leaping onto his reindeer the boy ran in the direction. "Faster, Sven!" Kristoff commanded. They followed the two horses to a clearing that appeared to be full of strange rocks.

Agnarr got off his horse, getting Brooklyn off and holding him best he could, but the gargoyle was heavier than he expected.

"Please, help! My daughter and our friend!" He pleaded to the 'rocks' who began to roll on their own. Kristoff in hiding gasped, and couldn't help but admire the strange gargoyle he heard about. The rocks next turned into trolls, eyes rounding.

"It's the king!" One exclaimed. The others whispered among themselves, some pointing at the gargoyle in wonder. An elder troll; the leader approached, bowing. "Your majesty. Born with the powers or cursed?" He asked, talking about Elsa. "Uh, born, and getting stronger!" Agnarr said.

The troll elder felt both Anna and Brooklyn's foreheads. "You're lucky it wasn't their hearts. A heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded." Elsa held Brooklyn's arm gently, her eyes worried of what was going to be done to heal them. "Do what you must," Agnarr pleaded.

The Elder nodded, summoning his own Troll magic, placing them on their foreheads, summoning up their memories. "I recommend we remove all magic. Even memories of magic, to be safe. But don't worry, I leave the fun!" He took away the memories that the two had of Elsa having powers, then placed the memories back into their heads. They both gave soft moans, a small smile on Anna's face but Brooklyn's remained the same.

"They'll be ok..." Elder murmured softly. Elsa stared at Brooklyn in dismay. "But-but they won't remember I have powers?" She asked in sadness. Agnarr took her hand. "It's for the best." Elder summoned Elsa. "Listen to me, Elsa. Your power would only grow." He called out a vision of Adult Elsa showing her powers to everyone. "There's beauty in it. But also great danger!" Elsa gasped in fear when the vision turned red.

"You must learn to control it! Fear, will be your enemy!" Echoing shrieks sounded, shadows attacking Adult Elsa then fading away. This scared her, hiding near her father and Brooklyn.

"No! We will protect her. She can learn to control it, I'm sure! Until then; lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff. And keep her powers hidden from everyone, including Anna and Brooklyn." Elsa cried a little, hating the idea of hiding from everyone, but if it kept her from hurting them again, she would do it. She gazed at Brooklyn, a hand on his cheek, wondering if this would really be the best thing to do.


Back at the castle, Agnarr and Iduna had laid Brooklyn in his bed for him to wake up in while giving Elsa her private room. They then went to watch him wake.

Brooklyn's eyes finally opened, feeling groggy and woozy, vision blurry again. "Mm, what happened?" He mumbled, rubbing his head. Iduna smiled reassuringly. "You're ok. You hit your head but the doctor said you'll be alright."

"But how?" Brook asked in confusion. He wracked his head but nothing came, sighing in disappointment, until he remembered someone; Elsa.

"Where's Elsa? I need to see her!" Brooklyn demanded, about to get up but Agnarr pushed him back down. "No, not now. Elsa's going through something and needs her privacy until we figure it out. You stay in bed. Anna is in bed too." Brooklyn's ears flattened in sadness, but nodded, needing to respect the Royal's wishes.

After they left, Brook saw a mirror in his room and went to check on himself. So far, everything seemed fine, except for the stripe of silver blue color on his white hair.

What in the? I don't remember having that! Brook thought to himself in surprise, looking it over. He then shrugged, deciding to worry about it another time, getting back in bed to rest, praying Elsa was ok, and Anna.

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