Chapter 2

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Away from home

{Pine's POV}

Aaron and I both huddled close to the fire, "Do you think mommy will come for us?" I asked Aaron sighed "do you want to hear the truth?" He asked, I nodded and my heart dropped to the bottom of my rib cage. "No." He said, Just as I suspected.

We were only a day's travel from the Academy. Thank goodness, I don't want to ever do that walk AGAIN. Aaron looked down at me "Common let us go to sleep." he curled up and closed his eyes, I didn't instead I looked up at the stars.

After a while, I got drowsy and fell asleep. We were a ways from home.... far far away..... never going to see our parents again.... gone.

{Penny's POV}

I snapped awake. The mountain was off in the distance now, they probably won't even know I'm gone, I thought to myself. 

I squinted and there! I could see it very faintly, Phandome Academy. I'm almost there. I got up and continued to walk despite how hungry I was. I have to keep ongoing. I didn't realize how far I was from home. No. I don't have a home. soon I will though... hopefully if they don't reject me of course for being a Darkmagic Spark. They would know.

{Aarons POV}

After a while, I blocked out Pine's complaining. I was almost there. Just hours to go. I pulled out my map to see where we were at.

It was done by Pine so it was kinda sloppy. 

We didn't have much longer to go.

Extra Maps:

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