Chapter 1

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A new year starts...

{Flows POV}

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, Ivy yawned, she had to now get her own bed because she can no longer sleep with me, Poison Ivy was literally the SIZE of me. A new year was starting. My second year! I rushed out of bed putting my necklace on.

Ivy snapped awake as I quickly made my bed. Ivy and I both rushed downstairs and saw some nice toast waiting for us. "Thanks, mom." I said shoving the piece in my mouth, I turned around, Ivy already devoured her share.

We both went outside, I hopped on Spice and she took off like that. Next to me, Poison Ivy was flying herself.

Spice landed in her new pen and I went to a huge tree that I usually wait for the group. Luna was next to arrive and bounded toward me, despite us hanging over the summer. "I missed you, and Oh my gosh Ivy your like way bigger than when I first saw you."  Ivy giggled and then Sprint and Frost arrived.

They both walked towards us and as well commented on how big Poison was. Frost gave me a hug and so did Sprint. Then all of a sudden Tiger landed on his griffon and came to the group not saying anything, but I'm pretty sure I saw the slightest smile on his face when he saw us.

Flicker came tumbling towards us and landed on her face. "I am still learning to teleport." she sighed getting up. Luna burst out in laughter, as she always does when the slightest thing funny happens. Soon after Ash appeared and my face grew hot. Last time we saw each other Luna did something, well, very embarrassing...

Luna looked at Ash, stopped laughing for a moment, looked at me, and then laughed even harder than she was before. Ash went towards us doing his best to avoid Luna.

"Hi," Ash said sitting down in front of us, he looked at Ivy and was wowed by how big she was. Poison looked at Ash and dragged him away for a second, had a whispered something in his ear, and came back. "what did you say?" I asked, "You will know." She smiled at me with a smug grin and sat back down.

Whatever she said, made Ash was frozen in place. 

I rolled my eyes and gave a small hug "Miss you" I said, he snapped out of it and looked at me "me too." he said, the bell rang its nice toon and that meant....class...

Everyone spilled inside the doors, pushing, shoving, and some magic. When I looked back everyone was gone except for Ivy and Ash, Luna looks like, who laughed her way through the doors.

Ivy hugged me "see you 4th period." I smiled, "alright." she went off and Ash looked at me "You coming?" I nodded "be right there, I'm going to wait until I can actually go through the doors." He nodded and then went off.

After a tiny bit, the last couple Sparks went through the door and I started walking. Then something dropped out of the sky and landed right on top of me. "oof." I said landing to the ground on that second. 

It looked like some sort of creature with wings, a hybrid maybe? She was a pastel red with some orange and white, darker red ears with frosty blue eyes. She was gorgeous. (obviously a newcomer) I got up she looked at me. 

"Outta my way I need to go!" And shoved by me. she had some PROBLEMS to speak with me like that. PROBLEMS!!!! I sighed and the bell rang again. uh oh... I'm late.

Later; at break...

"And then she said 'outta my way' like AARRRRGGGGGGGG!" I growled to everyone. "Well, she must have had a bad day," Luna suggested. "No. She just thinks she is better than everyone, but she will just have to wait and know that YOU defeated that dragon, not HER. She probably doesn't know that yet." Frost snorted. "Can I see her? Like face to face?" Ivy asked kindly but I knew she was out to murder.

"No? Let me find her then." Ivy started to walk gently but then her expression turned dark. Tiger jumped in and held her back, Ivy started to claw the ground "Let me go!" she struggled but it was like Tiger had a death grip on her because she was going nowhere. Flicker stood silent but looked pretty entertained with Ivy.

As my gaze fell on Ash he looked like he was about to murder too! He looked at me and then quickly hid his killer expression. "It's fine though," I said, I started to look around studying the school and then, that girl. She wasn't talking to anyone but instead, she looked lonely. Number one; good serves her right, number two; no wonder why she looked so lonely.

I felt a tiny bit of empathy though. She met my eyes and then she wait- she was walking towards me? Is she TRYING to die? We have a very deadly Poison Ivy out to kill right now.

The girl stepped in front of me, "Hey what's your name?" I paused, "Flow." I said with a blank stare. The girl froze "your- Flow?" she stuttered a bit.


"you're the one who killed the dragon last year!" she looked amazed and carried on, "You saved us all. I'm sorry for shoving you earlier! I was in a rush-" she stopped mid-sentence and Ivy's head snapped towards her. "So you-" Tiger covered her mouth and dragged her out of sight, and came back a second later and Ivy looked calmer. Of course, Ivy was way younger than me but it was still weird for her to be the same height as me, but she was like 6!

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Zelda!" She said. "Nice to meet you, Zelda. These are my other friends, Ash, Luna, Tiger, Ivy, Sprint, Frost, and Flicker."

Later on...

{Ivy's POV}

Turns out Zelda was great, better than I thought she was. If she steps outside again though she will be d e d. The wait is that how you spell dead? I don't know. I will do anything to protect Flow, just like she saved my life. 

Right now we were all gathered up at the lunch table. Ash and Flow sat next to each other, of course, Zelda sat by Flicker, who was sitting next to Tiger, them three having a chat of their own. On my side, I sat next to Frost who sat next to sprint, on my other side there was Luna chowing down in the ice cream.

I sighed and smiled at all of them. No matter what. I will protect them, there my family. I don't see why not. And of course, I will protect Flow, with all my life...

{Ash's POV}

Luna burst out into laughter again right after Flicker dropped her second bowl of ice cream and pretended like that was Romeo dying and she was Juliet.  I laughed a tiny bit to myself, Flow seemed to be pretty entertained over this as well.

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