Chapter 1: Welcome to my world of crazy family love and mysterious rumors

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*Opening song when Terry wakes up*
*Kshmr: Neverland*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Terry Kamiyama wakes from his slumber, remove himself from his peaceful bed and head to his bathroom to shower and brushing his teeth.
Terry bathroom:⬇️

Terry Kamiyama: (slip on a wet floor and fell) oh shit!
Owwwww why I am so clumsy today... Oh, wait a nevermind".

Fixing his brown hair and spike up a little and left the bathroom after the brushing his teeth, when downstairs and starts cooking for breakfast for others to wake up.
*song ended*
Mai home inside: Kitchen: ⬇️

Terry decided to make a deluxe breakfast for his cousin Mai and his older twin sister, Rumi.
He makes bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich with Caesar salad and orange juices. His final touch is breakfast soup for himself and his cousin and his sister. he went to take a plate for himself, grab his breakfast and sit on a table and watching tv.

Mysterious ladylike voice disturb his peace and quiet, he looks and sees his 26 years old cousin, Mai who woke from her slumber and she wears her home PJ, smiles happily of the smell of breakfast.

Mai Kamiyama: (drooling on the smell of breakfast) " Omg you make yummy breakfast for us, I must take some and leave some for Rumi which I pretty sure she is awake but half-sleep".

Terry Kamiyama: (surprised to hear his cousin is awake) " holy crap, oh hey Mai, breakfast on the table in the kitchen, grab some and join to watching tv. (back to the tv screen) Jeez... Why so many dramas going on with celebrities these days"

Mai Kamiyama: (smirk appears her face) " oh dear, your right, these drama are soooooo over-exaggerated, have you seen the bad girls clubs, Jesus they going crazy and fighting on every episode I see".

Terry Kamiyama: (sweatdrop) "thank god, I am not wanna see another fighting set of twins in this house or else this poor house is going to break"

They about to say another word until small thud and they see light brown haired girl had her head on the doorframe and her half-sleep state in her kaibara high uniform in which he and Mai don't trust that look because it can be deceiving. He sees his half-sleep older twin sister, Rumi is walking to the breakfast standing and staring at it. Terry and Mai look at each other and quietly talking to each other.

Terry and Mai Kamiyama: (comedic way) "ok how are we going to wake Rumi up because I don't want to be flip over again, you don't remember what happened the last time I did and she flips me and broke the damn Table".
" I don't wanna be flip or kick because she is strong fighter this state and I'm so afraid". 
" Ah Hell No, Mai, you will help me and wake that rodent sister of mine so we can get a move on".
"No buts, we are going to wake that sleepwalking sister of me, whatever you like or not".
"ok I will team up with you".

Terry and Mai calculated how to wake Rumi but Mai remembers Rumi loves cheese so she tells Terry and he loves the plan so they found her favorite on the fridge, pulling out so she can smell it and told her.

Mai Kamiyama : (holding slice of mozzarella cheese in her hand) "Rumi sweetie, I got your favorite cheese"
Terry Kamiyama: (holding slice of mozzarella cheese in his hand) " I got your favorite cheese just please wake up you freaking manic or else this cheese going to be in my stomach"

Rumi in her half-sleep state look at Terry and Mai holds her favorite cheese and she snaps out of her sleep state and looks at her favorite cheese, she walks toward them and grabs her favorite cheese, eating it and took breakfast that Terry made and eating happily.

Terry Kamiyama: (worried look) "So Sis are you ok being alone with boys at that high school"

Rumi Kamiyama: (smiling) "I will be fine and I know you worried me so much and I can take care myself if you were asking"

Terry Kamiyama: "nooo... I just...well concern for your mental and also asthma and anemia that is what I am very concern"

Rumi Kamiyama: (surprised about her adopted brother's Worrywart mode) "Umm...Thank you, I didn't know you were worried about my health...(happy) but don't worry I am going to be ok and I can't wait for this year high school"

Mai Kamiyama: (comedic) awww... Sibling moment and I thought I was worry about Rumi but I am more worried is the boy's hormone going loco mode when they see you Rumi!!!!
Big boobs... Voluptuous body and also that sexy beauty mark and her lovely virgin vag...." (smacking in the face by the magazine so hard by irritating Rumi)

Rumi Kamiyama (tick mark appears on her head and smiles) how about you zip it pervert she-mutt.

Mai Kamiyama: (pained weakly voices) Yes ma'am!

Terry frightens look at his sister's anger mode and he finishes eating and tells Rumi that they are going to be late to school. Which Rumi replies to him.

Terry Kamiyama: "Oh shoot, Rumi, we going to be late to school and we must go Mai and try not to torment your assistant for once"

Mai Kamiyama: I won't, No, he going to be okay.

Rumi and Terry Kamiyama: (in their head) "yeah right, we not going to fall for that crap"

Mai Kamiyama: "oh Sumiko call last night and she tells us that Yumi coming here tonight with her stuff to move in so don't miss this chances"

Terry froze and look at Mai in irritating looks of his sneaky younger twin sister can do when he comes home from school. He remembered the guitar wake up call, water splashes his face, use him test dummy on her scary stunts, and jump kick the door open and others.

Terry Kamiyama: (look at Mai and one of his eyebrows twitches anger): "what do you mean that she- Devil twin sister of mine coming here and living with us."

Rumi Kamiyama: (tick mark appears again, her eyebrows twitches) " So you telling me that my stupid cat sister of mine is coming here and staying wait LIVING WITH US!!!!!!"

Mai in the corner of the table scared look and hiding from Rumi and Terry glares.

Mai Kamiyama: (laughing shakily) "teehee... Ugh... Yeah!"

That one answer cause two teenage mad and the whole house echoes of Terry and Rumi yelling three words:

Terry and Rumi Kamiyama: "NANI THE FUCK!!!!!"(punch Mai in the head)

Mai knew this will go down the drain and she got two bumps and crying in comedic for telling them the news.

Mai Kamiyama: "owie I'm so sorry!!!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (mad at Mai) "you deserve that."

Terry Kamiyama: (angry still) "totally!!!"

After that, Terry and Rumi left to go to school. Mai cleans the dishes after finishing the breakfast Terry made and watching TV and put on a YouTube account and watching Lele Pon: terrible teacher video which she laughs at it and ends up calling Kaida to bug her which her best friend hang up on her because Kaida told her she deserves that punch from two teenagers.

Meanwhile at School:

Terry walking to his class and see his best friend got corner by a group of Yuki fan club. He sweatdrop at this but he is very irritated but he saw Arisa and Alex and walking toward him along with Henry and Saki. They stop and see Tohru getting gang up in a small corner. So he and four go there and speak up.

Terry Kamiyama: (scary glares) "OI!!!!"
Arisa Uotani: (mad look) "HEY!!!"
Alex Kirishima: (mad) "YO!!!"

Yuki fan clubs girls: "WHAT!!!!"

They froze and see 4 people and one of them is her best friend, Terry. They are in a bad mood to see tohru in the corner. So he went to Tohru and hug her like a little girl but still glares at them.

Arisa Uotani: (mean look) "She said it was a coincidence so Don't makeup crap"
Alexander Kirishima: (glare) "and pick a fight about it"

One of the Yuki fan club: "wh-what the heck? Delinquents think threatening people can solve anything!!!!!"

Henry Shizuka: "if you don't"
Saki Hanajima: "I'll *bleep* you with my electric waves of mines!"

Yuki fan clubs have left in panic and scared for their life. The group of her friends came to her and ask her if she is ok.
Tohru Honda: "I'm alright and thanks for assists..."
Terry Kamiyama: "are you sure?"
Arisa Uotani: (hug tohru while Terry being clingy on her arm) "that was a close call and look what you made Terry now clingy on you"
Alexander Kirishima: (smiles at tohru) "yep Arisa San and I got worried and wanna protect our precious cinnamon roll from Evil"
Alex and Arisa: (blank face) "Hey Don't send no more of your waves around Hanajima and Put your sting vibes away, Henry"

In Home economic:
They communicate with each other about stuff and one topic got Terry stunned.
Saki Hanajima: (holding the knife) "his waves are different"
Arisa Uotani: "oh great here comes hanajima wave report."
Tohru Honda: (Questioning look) "strange in what way?"
Saki Hanajima (looks at Yuki) "that's the thing I'm not quite sure"
Arias Uotani: " He does kinda give off a mysterious vibe. I heard a second-year confessed her love to him a while back and went in for a hug. He sent her flying. Scared the heck out of her"
Tohru Honda: (look at Yuki) "Really? I didn't know about that, I wonder why"
Terry looks at Alex and Henry and they text each other about that they need to talk to Rumi tonight about this prince Yuki rumors.
Suddenly teacher appears and yell at them.
Teacher A: "All right, you Five"
Teacher A: "your hands should be moving, not your mouths. Uh?"
The teacher was surprised to see the food is done on the table.
Teacher A: " you're done?"
Arisa Uotani: "Yeah, it's not like it's rocket science."
Alex Kirishima: (nod) "yep"
Teacher A: (pointing at Uotani) "Don't you talk to me like that when I know full well that Miss Honda and Mister Kamiyama did all the work"
Terry and Tohru look at each other and smile about it.
Saki Hanajima: (lift her rice spoon to pick out rice) "the rice is done now, too"
Henry Shizuka: (lift a rice bowl with blank face) "food is ready sensei"
Teacher A: (look away) "Ugh. Fine!"
The teacher walk away with annoy look. They sit down and ready to pick out their food they made and continue their conversation.
Arisa Uotani: "anyway Tohru and Terry, Hanajima, Shizuka, Kirishima and I are going shopping after school today. You wanna come?"
Tohru Honda: (smile) "Sorry. I Would, but I have to work"
Terry Kamiyama: (smile) I wish I can go with ya, but I can't, I got to do my mom important errand before nightfall.
Arisa Uotani: "Man you both got a raw deal, having to work half to death and Terry, You doing errand stuff from your adopted mother, not to mention your work at a music store every Tuesday and Thursday 'cause you both promised to pay your own tuition.
Saki Hanajima: "still, you both work almost daily, and sometimes Terry you have to work on the weekend, That's kind of a lot just for tuition, don't you think so?"
Alexander Kirishima: "Terry, you work your poor butt to pay the tuition for yourself and that I am kind of worried for your health"
Henry Shizuka: "also Terry try not to overwork yourself because you made never know life has lots of surprises"
Saki Hanajima hand over Extra large rice to Arisa.
Tohru reply and Terry hears it what she is saying while he is eating his food.
Tohru: "oh I'd like to live by myself after I graduate, and housing can be expensive. So that means I have to start saving up now!"
Arisa Uotani: (talk to Tohru) "I don't wanna get all weepy, so start eating and build up your strength"
Alexander Kirishima: (talk to Terry) "as an adopted brother, you better eating up and get that energy pumping so I won't be papa mode on you"
Tohru Honda : "yes ma'am"
Terry Kamiyama: (salute to Alex) " aye aye sir"
And Arisa and saki talking to Alex and Henry and told Tohru that made her jump and panic which Terry finds it weird but his instincts tell him that his sweet best friend is living tent but ignored it and continue eating. But Alex tells him about his younger twin sister arriving at his home tonight.
Alexander Kirishima: (comedic smirking) "so Terry I heard your younger twin sister is coming to live with ya"
Terry gasps and went dark and curtain open to see Terry in the ground, sulking and grumbling about his sister arriving at his home to make his days miserable.
Terry Kamiyama (sulking) "why you have to remind me that my evil younger twin sister coming home, you know she is Queen of pranks and stunts due to her being skater girl"
Alexander Kirishima: (question look) "why?"
Arisa Uotani: (surprised at this news): "Terry Kamiyama, you have a younger twin sister and she is coming to your house to stay with you, your Cousin, and who lives with you?
Terry Kamiyama: (shy and embarrassed) well...when I was adopted by my dad's younger sister and she has cute twin daughters, Ummm... My adopted mom send me a text last night and told me my younger twin sister is coming to live with us to my cousin Mai's house. Also, my older twin sister is the princess of this school (look around for anyone knowing his secrets and make everyone in the table hear the name of his older twin sister) also her name is Rumi Kamiyama."
Arisa Uotani stunned and stand up and cause the whole class to see and heard her. Terry embarrassing cover his face, Alex record this beautiful moment in his cellphone, Henry and Saki eating, Tohru shock of happiness and surprised about her sweet best friend is adopted and his sibling is one and only princess of the school.
Arisa hug Terry who's soul got out of him from embarrassment and he saw stars. That is he said to Arisa which she is surprised.
Terry Kamiyama: (shyly spoken) mine and her younger twin sister is well you will see for yourself because I got the news that she going to this school soon.
Arisa Uotani: (excited) alright I can't wait to meet your younger twin sister and hope we visit your home soon, Terry.
Terry Kamiyama: (sweatdrop) yeah I can't wait.

After school:
When Terry finished doing his mom errand on time before nightfall and he went home to check on Mai and pray that she mutt better not drive her assistant insane. When he made home and took off his shoes, unaware the orange skateboard next to the shoe section, he went to the kitchen and about to tell Mai and Rumi for dinner but what he saw is what he regrets of coming home early, a girl with dirty blonde with the orange highlight, she wearing long sleeves neon orange shirt with her collarless and stomach expose on her waist and her army cargo pants with a red converse sneaker, her right side of her wrist is her juzu bead bracelet which she always has it with her since she was born, her outfit makes her skater girl look and happy with her sadist smirk while drinking her milk in the kitchen and waving in sexy ways at her adopted brother which Terry sweatdrop and shaking, smile at the one person he wanna runaway so badly is his 16 years old younger twin sister, Yumi Kamiyama, she is troublemaker sister and she is the cat zodiac of the Kamiyama family which it gets the worse thing he afraid of her is her orange nails which he calls it "cat weapons"

Yumi Kamiyama: (sadist smirk) "Hihi, bro, I was waiting to pull more pranks and stunts I got for you and you forgot that I was coming here to live so (crack her knuckles) prepared for it because you going to get lots of Guitar wake up, Antique powder on you, and also my favorite thing is.

Terry Kamiyama: (shaking like crazy and smiling) yes and what will it be my sweet sister????

Yumi Kamiyama (fist ready to punch someone) "I am ready to kick the living shit out of my older twin sister, Rumi"

Out of nowhere, Rumi saw her younger twin sister and she smirks at her and leaning on the door frame with her arm crossed.

Rumi Kamiyama: (smirk at yumi) " Oh wow, my stupid cat sister of mine finally appear and ready to kick my Ass, but you still lose to me, you dumb Cat"

Yumi Kamiyama: (got irritating and got rid of the milk container, walking towards Rumi) "oh really, I wanna prove you that I'm still better than you that I will ever be. So I am so pumped and ready to whoops you're Sorry ass, you damn rat sister of mine".

Rumi and Yumi glare each other and ready to start fighting each other. Mai walks in and witnesses the fight of the sisters and she realized Yumi has arrived on time with all of her stuff that is on the second floor with balcony.

Mai Kamiyama: "oh boy, this is getting ugly once these twin sisters see each other and I knew I should arrive early before this."

Terry Kamiyama: (worried about the girls fighting indoor) "Umm...wait we should talk this ou..."

Terry slip-on empty milk container and end up hugging his younger twin sister and also accidentally grab her right breast. This surprise Rumi and Mai who laughing at this moment.

Yumi Kamiyama: (shocked) "what the f....."

Proof *yellow smoke with cat sound*

Rumi is surprised and sweatdrop about her brother's clumsiness and what worst in pervert way of hugging Yumi.

Mai Kamiyama: (giggles) "oh dear looks like Yumi needs to know her brother is behind her and he is clumsy that he slips on small empty milk container"

On the kitchen floor is Terry who is the one who got hit on the floor and squishy his sister who is in her yellow cat form and he apologized to his sister.

Terry Kamiyama: (dizzy eyes) "I am so sorry sis!"
Yumi Kamiyama (cat form): (dizzy eyes) "just shut up you stupid brother of mine, get off of me"

* I finally did the first chapter and we get to witness yumi turn into her yellow kitty form*

Here is the video of Mai watching:⬇️

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Don't worry folks next chapter is coming out soon*

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