Chapter 2: Twins fight, Princess meeting the prince for the first time!

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After he fell on his sister, Yumi who is in her Yellow cat form and squishy her. Terry woke up from his dizziness and saw his sister in her cat form, he went panic and apologize Yumi for hugging her and also grab something he wasn't supposed to.

Terry Kamiyama: (panic and shaking his younger twin sister in her cat form): "Oh shit...I am so sorry sis, please don't go kitty hiss mode on me, please don't!!!!! I love you, sis, please don't be hating on me!!!!! why me on this!!!!!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (sweatdrop) "Terry, she is going to make your life more miserable as hell"

Mai Kamiyama: (smiling at him) "it's ok, Terry, yumi going to love you when she wakes up"

Terry looks at Mai and Rumi and about to go to them, ask them if he can take his sister to her room but he slips on milk that was a spill on the floor from a small container and ends up falling towards Rumi and Mai.

Terry Kamiyama: (look at his cousin and his older twin sister) " guys we should take Yumi to her roooahhhhhh"

Rumi Kamiyama: (stunned) "Terry lookout!!!!"
Mai Kamiyama (stunned) "Holy shit he falling towards...."

Terry Kamiyama: (still holding his cat yumi) "uhhhhhhh"
Mai and Rumi: (both saying the same time) "Us"

Proof *golden yellow smoke with Dog sound*
Proof * light purple smoke with Rat sound*

Terry sitting after the fall, the kitchen floor and see his older twin sister mouse form and his older cousin dog form which they sweatdrop and see Terry trying to think what to do this situation, he had caused and look around if he finds a solution and that is gathering their clothes and animal form with him to the living room since it is close, cover with shades for the sun and it is nighttime outside.
Living room:⬇️

Terry looks at the clock and it is 8 pm so he needs to think about what he to do before yumi wakes up and starts yelling at him. So he got a great idea!

Terry Kamiyama: (smiles and 💡)  " I got it, I will make chicken Parmesan, the riceball salmon, Tokukatsu Ramen soup, so the girls will eat and hope Yumi doesn't kill me for grabbing her chest"

Terry's faces turn red and went to the kitchen and mop the spills milk so there is no more slips incident in this house. He starts cooking dinner like no tomorrow for this household.
After finishing the dinner, he didn't expect yumi is wide awake and hissing at Rumi where she sitting on Mai's head, while Mai stares at her with a blank face.

Yumi Kamiyama (yellow cat form): "OH MY FUCKING GOD, why the hell I am in the same freaking room with my sassy rat sister and pervert she-mutt too!!!!" (yumi in her kitty form with a tick mark and fur spike up)

Rumi Kamiyama (Light brown Rat form): "it's pretty much your fault since you drop your trash to the ground, you stupid cat" (Rumi has a blank face)

Mai Kamiyama (Golden Retriever Dog form): (woof) "girls please don't fight and Terry just finish making Dinner for us"

Mai walks towards the table with food and lifts her paws and looks at her favorite food chicken Parmesan with the heart's eye and starts eating from the plate that Terry gave her! Yumi walks to the table and jump and smell of salmon fish near her which she found her favorite salmon Rice ball, use her mouth to grab her favorite, and then to back down to the floor, eat quietly but still has glare at Rumi and also Terry. Rumi was scared to land on soup and ask Terry nicely.

Rumi Kamiyama (Light brown rat form): "Hey Terry, can you help me with the soup please"

Terry smiles and helps his older twin sister to eat the soup for her, due to her mouse form. It was a peaceful family moment together until the girls turn back human form. This cause Terry nosebleed due to naked girls in front of him and shocked, embarrassed of not ready to see naked girls which he fainted with a loud Thud to the floor.

Mai, Rumi, and Yumi Kamiyama: (shocked and panic at Terry unconscious) "OMG TERRY!!!!!!"

That is the rest of the night at Kamiyama resident is having girls put on their clothes and carry Terry to his bedroom. After He woke up, he saw his twin sisters and his cousin, Mai sleeping in their bedroom and he decided to call his adopted mom to give her an update of her twin daughters and other Info.

Terry Kamiyama: (pick up his cellphone and call his adopted mom, hear a click on the phone line) " Hey mom, it me, your sweet son, Terry"
Kikyo Kamiyama: (smile on the phone line) "Terry, my baby boy, how are you and how are your sisters been doing?"
Terry Kamiyama: (on cellphone line, Sweatdrop) they are good girls and Yumi surprised me which I didn't know she was in the kitchen smirking at me and she is scary with that evil cat smirk, Bruhhhhhh"
Kikyo Kamiyama: (motherly love) "Awww, my baby kitty girl, she is a very innocent girl and listen to her mommy orders"

Terry Kamiyama: (gloomy moment) " I don't think she is an innocent girl, she just makes me wanna hide but she keeps getting to me with her crazy stunts"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (Happy) "Oh Terry, guess what did you know who visit me today?"

Terry Kamiyama: (interest look) "who is it, Mom? "

Kikyo Kamiyama: (happiness mode) "your awesome cousin, Akari visit and she brought food from her mom and tells me she going to Kaibara high next spring with my sweet bunny, Rini!!!!!"

Terry froze in the looks of why me and he remembers the family rumors of Akari Kamiyama because she was known as a rebel Bad girl at her old school and she has a bad reputation for her split personality and her goth look. But he was sad that his aunt and uncle died a train accident in upstate NY which he was wanna meet them and see their cute daughter who is his cousin. He knows the pain of losing a parent is the toughest time. But now she is also a prankster along with Yumi and her Boyfriend, Hiroto that is why he knew who and he will never remember that he was the first victim and baits from them back then. But he sees his awesome cousin for the first time he met her. But he and she have to spar each other, but boy she loves Taunting her enemies so they can feel the threatened aura on her when she is Dark Akari.

Terry Kamiyama: (sweating, left eye twitching and smile on the phone line) "yessss... I can't wait to see her at school next spring along with Rini, mom, I remember that I got nutshot from Akari herself when I was 11 years old"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (laughing her butt off) "Oh that why Akari visit ya when your dad was around and boy your father was laughing his ass off when he witnesses that"

Terry remembers his father laughing at him so much for getting Nutshot from Akari and now Yumi does it too when he was adopted by Kikyo as a Hello.

Terry Kamiyama: (smile) "Yeah I do miss him, to be honest, but he is in my heart and never forgotten, along with my amazing mom who partying in her DJ looks with Dad together in heaven"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (smile and looking at the time) " same here, I miss my younger cousin so much. oh dear, Sweetie, it's getting late and you need your sleep and talk to this weekend because I do have to call Kazuma if he is available now since he is at the mountain with his son, for 4 months of training."

Terry looks and tells his mom about Kazuma and she told him that he is Sohma and he has a cute and handsome son who also cat zodiac and the same age as him and twin sisters. He was surprised and this got him interest and curious about this boy who is cursed with the cat spirit and he is Sohma and he remembers that there is one Sohma member at his school and he is the prince who girls crazy over him for his feminine looks but he knew that looks can be Deceiving because it is male and Terry worried if he found out his older twin sister the Princess of the school is the Rat zodiac it is going to be a huge problem but he remembers the rumors of the prince pushes the girl away from him because she was going to hug him. That is something he wanna investigate but he needs to talk to Rumi.

Terry Kamiyama: "mom, there is Sohma Member and he is known as the prince and he is the same age as mine?"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (interest look) "Oh there is a Sohma member at your school so tell me as to give me detail of his appearance so I need to know?"

Terry took a deep breath and told his mom about Prince's looks and memorize how he looks.

Terry Kamiyama: "What he looks like ok, umm...he has Grey hair and Grey eyes, he is 5'7 and he is fair skin and pale looking. He has feminine looks which he is pretty good looking, his name is Yuki Sohma, ok mom"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (blushes on the phone) "did you say good looking, grey hair and grey eyes right?"

Terry Kamiyama: (confused) "Ummm...Yeah, why?"

Kikyo Kamiyama ( surprises) "I know that boy and he was at Kazuma dojo and watching Kyo and Haru in it but the Sohma head took him away but I got the bad vibe from it and I got a phone call from Sumiko".

Terry Kamiyama: (concerns) "what did our family head say, Mom?"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (serious) "She said that beware of the Sohma family head and said she is very hostile towards her unknown guest and zodiac members but the rat zodiac is a chain to the family head and he Is special just like Rumi".

Terry Kamiyama: "mom, are you saying he is a zodiac member, and what type of zodiac is he because I am pretty sure he is special?"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (sad) "Yes, Sumiko uses her cards to reading and it show a rat symbol on the card and picture of Yuki Sohma when he was a child and it is revealed that he is indeed my sweet son is that he is Rat zodiac and I wanna know that because if you older twin sister found his rat form then 100% chance is that her rat spirit called to the male rat zodiac member of the Sohma clan, then their fate has finally bonded!"

Terry Kamiyama: (serious look) "so it's like Rumi is female rat zodiac and Yuki is male rat zodiac and the rat zodiac are like communicate with each other like they felt a presence nearby"

Kikyo Kamiyama: (serious look) "Yes and that is what Sumiko card reading means for the Sohma and she also warns the danger is coming which means she wakes up from her dreams and warns us of Akito Sohma next victim is. Ok, I will keep ya update with Sumiko prediction ok".

Terry Kamiyama: "ok mom and stay safe".

Kikyo Kamiyama: "same to you my dear son"

Both calls ended and Terry is now very concerned about the situation of the Sohma family and also Kamiyama Family but he will ask his sister soon as possible because he is getting tired of the shenanigans he dealt with his cousin and twins transformation and turn them human again.

Terry Kamiyama: "Hope the next day is better than today" (fell asleep and have sweet dreams)

Next morning in Mai Kamiyama resident:

Rumi Kamiyama bedroom:
Rumi sleeps peacefully until she felt the presence of a mouse nearby her home, this woke her up in a half-sleep state and she stood there and look at her balcony, she got out her bed and open the balcony door, hear the squeaking sound woke her up and saw the white mouse and went inside and she went to her study chair as she watches the mouse climbing to her desk and once it made it to the top and walk toward her and communicate with her, Rumi writes it in her notebook which she translates it about any activity going on with the Sohma Family.

Rumi Kamiyama (talking to mouse) "Hey Bianca how are you and any news going on with the Sohma lately?"

The female Mouse whisker moves and tells her detail about it and gave the Info she wanted.

Rumi Kamiyama: "I see, Tohru Honda, my brother's best friend lives in a tent and lost her home again for a landslide, so The boy I met when I was 14 is the same person one I remember and he sends his rats to pick up Tohru stuff awww how sweet he is"

White mouse whisker noise at her and this got Rumi to impress about the prince himself and she wrote it down and surprise the answer she received.

Rumi Kamiyama: (surprised) "really he saw you but you left before he can talk to you"

The white Mouse nod. Rumi pet her and gave her cheese as a reward for helping her gather info and told the mouse to go to her garden in the Greenhouse back yard. so she can go to her greenhouse and sleep there until Rumi calls her again.

Rumi looks at the clock in her study desk it is 6 am and realizes she needs to get ready for school. She turns on music from her phone:

*Ayumi Hamasaki: My Name's women*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rumi found her uniform in the closet and took her undergarment from the drawer with her and She went to her bathroom and shower herself with lavender with Rose shampoo for her long hair.
Rumi bathroom:⬇️

After finishing the shower, she brushes her teeth, wavy her hair and straightened her bangs with a flat iron, and wavy her hair with her fingers. Rumi put on body lotion on her body while singing her favorite song from her playlist.
Rumi left the bathroom and put on her uniform and put on her Purple hair clip on the left side of her bang and did the final touch of her looks which put on clear lipgloss before left her room. She finishes her looks, she grabs her phone and heads downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast.
*Song ended*

Rumi walks downstairs to see Terry finishing cooking calmly and grab plates for Yumi and Mai, see her younger twin sister, Yumi wear her new outfit and she eating her breakfast. Mai watching TV and put on a reality show and eating breakfast too. She grabs the breakfast from the plate and sits on the table with others.

Rumi Kamiyama: "Mai, what show are you watching now because I pretty remember you were teary eyes on the soap opera show".

Mai Kamiyama: (act shock) "Me, I won't dare and I wasn't crying because couple fighting scene and death scene"

Rumi, Yumi, and Terry got bullshit looks saying together in their mind: "yeah right, like we going to fall for that lies"

Mai Kamiyama: (surrender look) " fine, it was an emotional series and It got me to the point that I have no choice but to cry, happy"

Rumi Kamiyama: (satisfy look) "Good, continue to eat and look pretty"

Yumi Kamiyama: (bored look) "so Terry what do I have to do when two idiots not around because I am pretty sure that Mai going to visit Kamiyama estate to check on Sumiko"

Terry Kamiyama: "sure I will write things you can do Yumi since I don't wanna you get bored" (He took out paper and wrote down the list for his sister can do, give her the list in the notepad)

Yumi Kamiyama: (bored look) "ok, this stuff is good, easy and I will do them and hope you guys get home safe after school".

It is a peaceful breakfast for the group until Rumi taunting her sister with one insult she hates so much.

Rumi Kamiyama: "be a good kitty cat and don't leave a mess, you stupid cat!"

Yumi stands up and slams her left foot on the table and pointed at Rumi in an angry way with her hair spikes up like an angry cat.


Rumi Kamiyama: (angry tick mark appears and mad) "you better keep your damn mouth shut because I will send you flying like the last time, you know what let's fight since you just wanna push my button"

*Sum 41: No Reason*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yumi left the table away from Terry and Mai and she got into a fighting pose and grin happily at her sister to finally accept the challenge. Rumi removes her hair clip, stand up, left the table, and fighting pose too. Yumi first lifts her leg up to kick Rumi.

Yumi Kamiyama: (angry) " YOU GOING DOWN YOU DAMN RAT BITCH" (swing her leg at Rumi)
Rumi Kamiyama (angry) (Dodge her sister kick and forward to her sister with her fist)

Terry Kamiyama: (surprised) "OMG, now the house is going break for sure!!!!!!"

Mai Kamiyama: (came with a clipboard, marker, wearing glasses) "let's see who going to wins this Fight"

Terry Kamiyama: (comedic) "You not helping me out with this, you know!!!!"

The fights went wild to the point twin sisters went punching, and kicking, Dodging. Yumi sweeps her leg under Rumi but the rat zodiac did a jump kick at her sister which Yumi flinch out and saw Rumi in front of her with a victory smile and final blow, Roundhouse kick at yumi stomach which she flew directly to the backyard door which now destroyed, Yumi landed at the outdoor pool. Terry and Mai froze in surprise that Rumi never hold back but she won in the end.

*song ended*

Rumi Kamiyama: (look at her sister serious) " I forgot to warn you, I won't hold back, but since you didn't listen to me"

Terry Kamiyama: (surprise and stunned, Sweatdrop) "Oh Great, My younger twin sister went flying to the pool and the backyard door is destroyed"

Mai Kamiyama: (sad about her home getting destroyed) "Rumi please Don't destroy my poor home"

Rumi went to pick up her hair clip, put on again, and Telling Terry that they need to head to school now because they don't wanna be late for classes. Terry went panic mode in a comedic way and took Rumi by her arm.

Terry Kamiyama: (panic mode) "holy shit, Rumi we going to be late to school, let's go pretty princess, or else late bell will ring!!!!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (shock about Terry telling her about School) "OH... I don't know, but let's go before we late to class"

Terry nods, he grabs her hand and drag her out of the house, and bid farewell to Mai and Yumi if she can hear. Mai waves at the two Teenagers and looks at yumi which she out of the pool and her head look down, her clothes are soaked, She went upstairs and slam her bedroom door in embarrassed, defeated about it.

Mai Kamiyama: "Yumi, I will be meeting Sumiko at Kamiyama estate and please fix the door you destroyed" (went to her room and put on her outfit)
Mai outfit to Kamiyama Estate:⬇️

Mai put on her jacket, took her car key to her black hummer to the Kamiyama Estate. She got her candles, Incense items to Sumiko in the plastic bag.

Mai Kamiyama: "see you later, Yumi"

Yumi Kamiyama: (hiding behind the door like a cat) "yeah later...whatever"

Yumi closes the front door as Mai walks to her car and turns on the engine and drove away.

Meanwhile at school:

Rumi was walking to her class since she fixes her school uniform shirt from the girl's bathroom and got her water bottle since she exhausted herself from fighting with her sister as She continues walking to her class until she accidentally pours her some water at someone shirt and bumps into someone which she is shocked that she didn't turn into her Rat form, but she forgets about it and helps that person out.

Rumi Kamiyama: (shaken but normal) " I'm extremely sorry for bump into you and didn't mean to soaked on your shirt with my water bottle, I should have watched where I was going".

The unknown Boy: "it is ok and it's not your fault, I should have look where I was walking too"

Rumi was shocked to hear the same voice when she was 14 that saved the mysterious Grey Rat and when she looked up, She was surprised to meet the same boy she befriends with and she finally meets him and face to face of the prince of the kaibara high for his look, Yuki Sohma.

Rumi Kamiyama: (shy) "oh...ummm...Hi, nice to meet you, My name is Rumi Kamiyama, and you... you are pretty handsome"

The Boy eyes wide as he remembers the name from two years ago, he saw the same girl who was that light brown Rat and in front of him she is known as the Princess of the Kaibara high, finally face to face to the girl who takes care of him is right in front of him.

The Boy finally revealed his name: Yuki Sohma.

Yuki Sohma: (smiles at her) "It's nice to meet you Kamiyama San, my name is Yuki Sohma, and glad to be Acquaintance to you".

Rumi Kamiyama: (smiles at him) "same to you and hope we can talk some more next time we see each other"

When Rumi about to Talk to Yuki more, she felt someone landed on her and triggers her transformation, this causes Yuki to grab her Rat form, her clothes and run to the empty library.

Yuki Sohma: (panting from running) " I think this is the best spot for you, Rumi, and I didn't know the boy landed on you"

Rumi Kamiyama: (Light Brown Rat Form) (embarrassed and look away) "it's cool as long as no one saw what happen to me, but how do you know I was going to transform"

Yuki Sohma: "since two years ago, you took in a Grey Rat and put him in your room, fed him with your fruits salad when you stress out, you transform into a light Brown Rat and I knew you were cursed, just like me"

Rumi Kamiyama: (Light Brown Rat form) "so you wanna be my friend, Yuki because I know we both have problems with our curses and also I have trust issues with boys before I met you. But you help me to gain some trust from you as a reward for helping me out, getting out the situation and my trust issue problems"

Yuki cheeks turn red and surprise when Rumi told him that. He gladly accepted her friendship. Rumi told Yuki that she turns back human form but light purple cover the spot where the Rat was once stood and Rumi stood the same spot as the light brown rat was but Rumi has no clothes on which she is nude in front of her friend, Yuki. Yuki looks away blushes because he saw her chest and didn't say anything but respect her as a lady to look away.

Rumi Kamiyama: (put on her clothes) "you know I like to thank you for getting me out of there before the problem starts."

Yuki Sohma: "Sure, Your welcome, Kamiyama san"

They left the library and walking to their class then Rumi wanna tell Yuki something about her at her home.
Rumi Kamiyama: (ladylike) "So Yuki. Hmmm...this may sound weird but where do you live and who is staying with you"

Yuki was surprised at Rumi's word. He smiles at her for that and replies to her the answer she is searching for and eyes wide with surprised and interested.

Yuki Sohma: " I live with my cousin, Shigure, and now a girl named Tohru, also now that stupid cat cousin of mine living with us"

Rumi Kamiyama: " I live with my cousin, Mai, my adopted brother, Terry, and now my stupid younger twin sister is living with us, that's why I came late back because....(embarrassed) I got into a fight with my sister which I won, I have to fix my hair and also shirt because the fight at home"

Yuki Surprised about info from Rumi and he was very shocked that She has a younger twin sister and adopted brother. Rumi told him that she and her sister are twins, which it gets crazier because he imagines her younger twin is like her but he asks her which zodiac animal are in her household.

Yuki Sohma: (curious) "Rumi...which zodiac animal is your cousin and your younger twin sister is?"

Rumi Kamiyama: (curious) "Sure... My cousin Mai is a Dog which she owner of her home, (tone of her voice change) my younger twin sister is the Cat which she came by from Kamiyama estate and she is living with us yesterday night"

Yuki And Rumi told him something that got him interesting and that is gardening and her laziness on cleaning dishes stuff, she plants in the greenhouse she owns and told him she has like thousand of Rats in her greenhouse guarding and also look out for any pesticides.

Rumi Kamiyama: (happily) "Ah I got this idea if you are okay with could visit my home since we have a gate only open by us and I will open the gate at Mai home or I will tell Mai to pick you guys up in her car and here is our house phone number so you can give to your older cousin, Shigure to or you keep it since you are the more responsible type so call us and we will pick the phone up, also my cell number since you can call on your house phone and I will pick up"
(took out a piece of paper and wrote her house phone number and her cellphone number, give it to Yuki).

Yuki Sohma: (smile at Rumi) "thank you and I will talk to you one of these numbers when I am at home"

Rumi Kamiyama: (smile at Yuki) (put he finger to her lips) "Please don't let your fan club know about me giving you my number, I don't wanna deal with drama and gossiping"
Rumi smile at him like this:⬇️

Yuki look at the piece of paper Rumi gave him, He nods at her. he was impressed by how she write and tell him about her cousin and her siblings at home. They heard the school Bell ring and they found the class and they didn't know there are in the same class which Rumi and Yuki look at each other and laughing at it when they enter and Yuki stares at Tohru with a sad face unaware that Rumi saw that expression which she won't reply it. but she saw her Brother talking to his friends. She smiles that her brother is happy with the people he cares and the family his father respect is what she is happy to have a brother who is her cousin from her deceased Godfather.

*Author note*
•Leon Kamiyama is the Godfather of the twins and other zodiac members in the Kamiyama family•

hope you love this chapter because it is tough that I have to write at 10 pm and finished at 5 am so be prepared for the next chapter is kitty cat Yumi starts school and her stunts she will pull on Terry! 🤣

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