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I'm struggling a little bit with the next chapter so I think I'll jump straight on Iridescent love after this to avoid overdoing it! I hope you guys are okay with that, and I hope you enjoyed the three first chapters! Don't worry, we'll come back to this story soon!


When we arrive at the restaurant, it's to find it filled to the brim, the people that push their way outside of the building immediately replaced by the people waiting in line outside, and goodness knows how long they've been here already.

"Aish... we should've called to reserve a table while we still could" Hoseok mumbles as we step out of his car with uncertainty, a hum leaving him when a quick count lets us know that eight tables will have to be emptied before we can have one ourselves.

"You weren't joking when you said that it's popular, Namjoon" I utter as I stare at the servers going back and forth from the large window on the blue building's facade, is it really just ramen here or do they sell more? I think I saw a plate of grilled meat pass by just now.

"It's the portions, you should see how much stuff they put in there. You need to try it at least once to understand the hype" he responds with a chuckle, apparently not as bothered as Hoseok and I are that there are so many people before us.

Hoseok takes a look at me and smiles when I meet his gaze. "Are you okay with waiting for a while? Namjoon looks like he really misses their food, it would be a shame to take that from him, he looks really excited about being here".

We both stare at Namjoon at those words to find him turning a gentle pink, a scratch to the back of his neck as he offers us a bashful smile. "Their food is really good, I swear I'm not making things up. You can even order side dishes until you burst if you get the special menu, it's worth it".

Hoseok grins. "Ah, I see. Seeing as you're the kind to work out often, big as you are, I'm sure you need to eat a lot, right? Let's eat here then, I'm curious about this special menu" he muses after making sure that I'm fine with the plan and I smile when our soulmate's face lights up with pure joy, he's thrilled to be here, that much is obvious.

Hoseok takes that time to send a memory into the archives and Namjoon's blush gains in intensity when he realizes that our soulmate captured both his shyness and his very convincing speech for all our soulmates to see, something that makes me chuckle, he's really cute for someone with such a sexy body.

Both men stare at me and I stare back, frozen in time, did I just-

"You said that aloud, dear" Hoseok muses with a wide smirk, and unsurprisingly, my reddening face makes it to the archives as well, Namjoon and I both stumbling on senseless words as we try to recover from my slip up, though he is enjoying this a lot more than I am, posture proud like a peacock while I simply decide to flee the duo by heading to the end of the line to avoid losing our spot.

It's not like I said something bad, it wasn't even a lie but still... that's embarrassing.

They both share a laugh at my avoidance, Namjoon beaming like a king while Hoseok pats his back with strength, and the resounding slaps and his cackles echoing around us earn our group some stares from the people in front of us, something that makes me uncomfortable as I lightly duck my head out of sight.

I hate getting attention from strangers, my brain always telling me that they need only one glance to see how worthless I am, and the laughter that leaves them is registered more as them mocking me than it is them being endeared by the sight of new soulmates finally getting to know each other.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to get out of this dangerous mental spiral that won't stop spinning, a tornado filled with self-destructive insults that could cause years of damage if we were to collide within the strong winds.

A sudden and constant vibration coming from my phone serves as a great distraction as I pull it out of my pocket to have a look at what's going on while Namjoon and Hoseok do the same, and when I open the soulmate app to find the chat group spammed with multiple messages from one person, I raise an eyebrow before reading the first lines.



I saw Hoseok's memories, are you guys at the ramen restaurant near the mall?!
Are you?!!!
Please tell me you are!!!

We are, do you know this place, Jungkook?
Namjoon, Y/N and I are going to eat here, once we manage to make it inside anyway
We picked her up from work a while ago so we'll get to know each other properly over a meal

I work there part-time a few evenings a week!
I'm working tonight!
Stay there okay? Don't go anywhere

Lucky! You're all meeting up already
I wish I could be there too :(
I want ramen and my soulmates :(((

Where do you live, Jimin?
I'll go to you
Let's have ramen together

You really would do that for me? You'll really come?

I would do many things for my soulmates!
Send me the address, I'll get going now!
I'll even bring the cupcakes I made today

I'll send it to the archives!!!
I'll get everything else from the convenience store
I can't believe I'll be meeting a soulmate too


I'm free
You come over or I do?

You come
I'll cook us some side dishes so get the ramen
And maybe some soju

Will do, send your address to the archives
I'll take a few minutes to get ready before leaving

Everyone's meeting up!!
Y/N, Namjoon, see what we started?
I feel so proud

It's the power of ramen, no one can resist it

Oh please
Everyone knows it's the power of ~love~
It's just you who's obsessed by those ramen


Y/N! Sweetheart you're here!
I thought you'd never make it here with us
How are you feeling?

It's nice to have you finally interacting with us, Y/N
They're taking good care of you, yeah?

Ah... I'm sorry for being so silent until now, it's nice to finally talk to you, Yoongi, Seokjin
I'm feeling good, and they are, don't worry
They're lovely

Good, that's what I like to hear.
I'm about to leave now but let's talk later, maybe over a group call before bed?

That sounds great, Yoongi, let's do that.

I'm for it too, I want to see everyone
Only after we've had that ramen though

No one gets between Namjoon and his love for ramen
Not even his soulmates
I see how it is, we come second :(

Don't start something you might come to regret, Y/N, I'm right behind you

You don't scare me
Unless you try to scare me
Then you might scare me
So don't do that

That was highly convincing, Y/N
You heard her, Namjoon, don't scare her!
Anyway, have a good time together, the four of you
Be nice, don't fight and don't drive if you drink.
I'll be waiting for that group call!


I grin at the silly conversation we're having, some easy banter like this feeling great to the soul - it's distracting me to the point that I forget about a particular soulmate who asked for our patience until the sound of feet loudly hitting the concrete in our direction reaches my ears.

Namjoon, Hoseok and I simultaneously look up from our phones to find a good-looking man smiling brightly at us as he slows down to a halt, a dark green apron tied around his waist with a heavily tattooed arm on full display, bottom lip decorated by a nice little piercing and hair a jet black mess of curls, he both looks adorable and straight up devilishly handsome as he stares at us like a... like a puppy.

"Are you... Jungkook?" I speak up first with slight hesitation in my voice, and when he nods quickly, eyes creasing as his gaze falls on me, my heart skips a beat, I really am somehow ending up with all of the most handsome men in this country, maybe even in the whole world.

"I can't believe you came here of all places, is this fate? It must be, right? Follow me, I cleared a table in one of the VIP rooms so you can have some privacy, I'll be taking care of you tonight" he chirps excitedly before motioning for us to follow after him and right past the people who've been waiting for I don't know how long to enter inside the building.

With me first in line, Namjoon and Hoseok right behind me, we stumble into a warm busy room filled with comfortable chatter, the delicious smell of food strong on the nose and as Namjoon had said...

It all looks divine, the portions are huge and it feels like you're actually getting your money's worth by eating here, something I don't say easily. This place will be great.

We walk by the open kitchen and one of the cooks in there whistles when Jungkook waves at them happily. "These are the soulmates you mentioned, kid? I guess handsome people really do end up together all the time, good for you!".

I stare at the three men as we make it further inside to a quieter part of the restaurant and I nod my head, what that cook said sure is true. I should prepare myself for the high possibility that the others are all going to be of a similar caliber as well.

Still, though impressive that I would be such people's soulmate, it makes me feel small all of a sudden.

I don't feel like I have a striking appearance like them, there's nothing that catches the eyes or that makes people take a second look when I walk somewhere so really... what am I doing here with them?

I lower my gaze to the floor, teeth beginning to nibble on my bottom lip as I frown softly, what was their impression when they first saw me? What crossed their mind? Disappointment? Did they find me basic? Like your regular, everyday town girl? A country bumpkin?

I mean... just taking into account my current outfit, I'm not wearing anything extraordinary, just some clothes that won't shock parents who visit the school. It's nothing to advantage my boring appearance while they all look like gods, their also regular clothes covering bodies that should get a ten gold stars rating for how fit and well-built they are.

And what about my hair? I didn't even wear makeup this morning because I didn't think it would be needed. Oh this is the worst, why did I feel like it was okay to step outside like this when I left for work this morning? This is so humiliating, what kind of image am I giving to my soulmates?

A large hand slides around my shoulders to rest on my arm, a pull to make me bump into a familiar broad surface, hence startling me out of my negative thoughts and I look up to find Namjoon staring at me, a glint in his eyes as if he can read my mind with just a single glance at me.

"You were included in the handsome, just so you know. He meant you as well".

I gape at him momentarily before grimacing lightly.

"You're just being nice, Namjoon, I'm only now remembering what I look like today and I'm not proud of it" I let out as we come to a stop in front of a door that Jungkook opens wide for us, his and Hoseok's eyes on us as Namjoon's lips curl downwards, and then his hand pulls me even closer so he can whisper lowly in my ear, the feeling of his warm breath a death trap for my soul.

"Sweet kitten, I don't know what's making you say such words but listen to what I'm going to tell you carefully. From the first second my eyes fell on you, my heart was already yours. From the tree's leaves leaving a shadow on your golden skin, the tired waves of your hair after being tied and untied multiple times throughout the day or even the plumpness of your lips that you keep biting all the time - those were all things that stole my breath away, but most of all, it's your gaze that does it for me. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, warm, loving and expressive, so don't you dare downgrade your worth again. I do not find that funny".

My brain is burning up by the time he's done speaking, the heat of my body only comparable to that of fire, eyes quivering in their sockets because never have I ever been told such words with this kind of intensity, his compliments over-feeding a needy part of my heart that I didn't know existed until now, and to be right in the center of these three men whose eyes are fixated right on my apple red cheeks - I am not okay!

"I- I..." is all I manage to get out before I'm running out of Namjoon's hold to enter the private room first, glass hurriedly filled with the water already on the table before I gulp it down quickly, and when I feel like the fire has calmed down a little bit, I sit down at one of the low table's seat cushions before hiding my cheeks under my hands, forehead hitting the table and eyes squeezed shut to avoid looking at him again, my heart is beating so fast!

"Well that was a strong reaction. What did you tell her, Namjoon?" Hoseok asks with a curious glance at our soulmate while Jungkook blinks in confusion, eyes looking at everyone before falling on me again, is there anything he can do to help? He's never been that good with girls so he's a little lost right now.

"Ah... I only told her the truth, but it seems she's a lot more shy than I thought. I'm sure she'll be fine after taking a few minutes to fully process what I said" the man chuckles smoothly before coming in to take a seat too, right in front of me, and Hoseok makes a little shrug before doing the same, a seat taken next to me before he looks up at Jungkook who sets the menu on the table, eyes still on my form with pursed lips.

"They're usually only kept for the end but..." he mumbles softly before settling a wrapped candy in front of me, the noise it makes just loud enough to grab my attention, eyes blinking open to find one of those fruit-flavored candies that can be found by the cash register sometimes.

"Eat that, it should help you calm down. This flavor is a favorite of mine, I always sneak a few of them in my pockets when I work here" Jungkook says with a shy smile when our eyes meet before turning to the others, "I'll be back soon, I just need to make sure everything's going well out there so feel free to have a look at the menu in the meantime, I can answer your questions if you have any then".

He does a little bow and then he's out of the room, door closed quietly behind him so he can continue doing his job, our presence here not an acceptable reason for him to slack off, that and he needs the money after having spent so much on the soul clinic appointment.

I suck in my lips nervously when I feel Hoseok and Namjoon staring at me, wrapped candy grabbed quickly before I rest my forehead on the edge of the table again to eat the little gift from my sweet soulmate in peace, I'm still not over what Namjoon told me.

Heck, I can still feel his breath on my ear and it's enough to renew a rush of adrenaline each times it begins to lower, I don't know how I'll survive this meal with him sat in front of me like this.

Hoseok coos softly before wrapping an arm around my back, his other free hand pulling on my cushion to pull me closer to him until our hips collide, and it's instinctive when I hide in his chest when he embraces me within his arms, I have never felt as shy as I do right now, what has Namjoon done to me?

"So shy, little bun, you're so shy. Is it because of what Namjoon told you? Was it that bad?" he muses softly while rubbing my back slowly, and I can only shake my head meekly at the last part.

"Not bad, just... I don't know how to accept his compliments" I mumble weakly, face still hidden in his shirt, candy rolling around in my mouth to spread a sweet taste that is nice but not healing like I would've preferred, will I have to eat under the table at this point?

Sure, Hwasa is dead gorgeous and an extrovert on top of everything, she throws compliments left and right with such ease that I've grown used to it, but it was never of a depth like Namjoon has whispered right into my soul, his words still on echo because my heart can't believe that someone would see me like this, not with the vision I have of myself.

"Mmm, I see" Hoseok hums, a smile on his lips while gazing at the giant who stares at us with a softened expression, he doesn't feel like what he said was exaggerated but should he have gone with a little less for now? He just didn't want me to feel like I was an outsider to my soulmates, he truly finds me beautiful and he knows the others do too.

"How about you do this, then? Straighten up your stance, stare Namjoon right in the eyes and say... thank you for the compliments. You'll see, you'll feel better already! It's all about allowing yourself to accept the kind words, if you keep hiding like this, you'll keep feeling worse and worse" Hoseok offers as he twists his neck to peek at me, my expression sheepish when he manages to find me under his arms.

"Is... is there no other option that would be easier to do?" I mumble shyly, the very idea of having to go through that not something I'm ready to do now, and Hoseok chuckles softly before nodding his head.

"There is another option, would you prefer to go with it?" he asks and I nod my head quickly, anything that doesn't consist of eye contact and of thank you's, please.

"Good. Namjoon, why don't you come and take my place? Just hold her in your arms like I am until she feels better, you're at the source of it all after all so it has to be you, else she'll keep feeling shy until the end of the day" Hoseok chirps and my eyes widen, head rising from the safety of his chest to see if he's serious, and when he stands up with a pat to my head - he's serious!

Namjoon hums happily as he strolls over until he takes Hoseok's seat and after positioning himself to be comfortable, he opens his arms with a dimpled grin on his face, eyes creasing when the welcoming sight of his big chest and biceps eventually call me in, a snuggled embrace that makes me into melted chocolate when he holds me to him.

"There you go, that's better already, isn't it?" he hums deeply, pleased when he can feel the tension in my body gradually fade away as he hugs me closer, my bashful nod letting him know all he needs to know - there's no point in denying it with how easily he can manhandle me over his lap like I'm a teddy bear plushie.

He gently tightens his grip around me as I tuck my head underneath his chin, a pressure that does wonders to my unstable heart while his own picks up the pace, a soulmate on his lap causing endless goosebumps to write words of love all over his skin, words that he will surely make into a song when he makes it to his studio, this feeling is better than in his dreams.

Hoseok sits down in front of us and sighs happily, He can't believe that just this morning, he still didn't know if he had a soulmate, and now he gets to see this beautiful sight that consists of two of his seven soulmates getting used to each other, different personas merging at the edges to slowly begin a learning process that can only be ours - it's fascinating to observe so closely.

Namjoon begins rocking us back and forth softly and it makes my heart flutter while my mind falls into a gentle headspace, why is this so comforting?

"It's hard to accept compliments, right? Especially when you view yourself in a bad light, but you'll see, I'll compliment you all the time until you get used to it from now on, no more being mean to yourself like you did earlier" he promises confidently and I make a soft noise, eyes closing to better bask in this feeling that he offers me.

I don't know what's going on right now, Namjoon is making me feel like a stranger to myself and I don't know how to process that, this feeling of being cared for like this not one that I have ever received from anyone before, not even from my parents from when they were still alive.

They were always too busy to see me and the maids taking care of the house weren't there to raise me, they were there to make food and keep the floor sparkling clean.

So in a way... isn't this the first time I'm being shown this kind of gentle affection? Such a scary thought... that explains why I suddenly feel like Namjoon letting go of me would feel like the end of the world, I don't want that.

"Look how cute she is, melting in your arms like this. I need to send that to the bond's archive" Hoseok muses, endeared like never before as he rests his chin on his hands, heart eyes on the sight in front of him, and when it indeed appears as a new marble into the ocean of our shared souls, I have no doubt that everyone is having a look at this very moment, though I am not one of them.

As we wait for Jungkook to come back, the menu opened on the table so Hoseok can read it with curious eyes, Namjoon doesn't make a single move that could let me know he wants to bring an end to this cuddling, and so when the door finally opens to allow in our hardworking soulmate, his soul stutters in his chest when he finds me held in the giant man's strong arms.

I look so very small like this and it makes him want to hold me too, he wants to know what it feels like to hold someone smaller than him like this.

He wants to speak but it somehow feels taboo in this peaceful silence, so he instead sits down besides a smiling Hoseok, a gentle pat to the shoulder before they both turn their gaze on my dozing off form.

"Is she okay? Did she fall asleep?" Jungkook whispers, words that manage to pierce through the fluffy cloud covering my mind before I shake my head slowly, a puff of air hitting Namjoon's neck that makes him shiver subtly.

"Not sleeping, just comfy" I mumble out, soul now settled into a peaceful state that feels a thousand times better than my embarrassment from earlier, I don't even know anymore why I felt so overwhelmed by Namjoon's compliments before, why did I struggle accepting his words?

To let them know that I really mean it, that I am more than fine, I allow my soul shutter to capture this moment, these emotions, this peace that I feel so that it can all be sent to the archives, the feeling of his arms around me similar to the green on a mountain - one doesn't go without the other anymore once they form one.

As they have done all day, my soulmates' souls come fluttering over sweetly, and when they take in my state, when they get a feel of just how deep into this soft headspace Namjoon's holding me has done, the latter holds me slightly tighter, eyes staring at the two other men while our phones begin notifying us of a new message being sent to the group chat.

I whine a little when Namjoon moves to grab his own phone, but when he hugs me back in a way that allows him to access the soul group chat, I relax immediately, not a care in the world for what they could be looking at as I close my eyes again.

Their POV


<6 contacts were added into the group chat>

Alright, I made this group chat so we can talk about her without making her feel uncomfortable
This feels like a fragile topic and I'm not even sure if she realizes what's going on
First of all, did she send this while still being in Namjoon's arms?

She did
What was that feeling? It almost felt like...

Like a child? The way you feel when you're carefree and less aware of your surroundings? Vulnerable and in need of all the love in the world?

Yeah, that's what it felt like
Did hugging do that to her?

Considering that she wasn't like that before the cuddling, I'd say yes
... say.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as children, we all sent at least a few dozen memories of our parents into the archive at some point, right?
I know I can find mine if I go back to when I first gained access to that space

I did that too, I wanted my soulmate to know just how amazing my family was so I'd always send memories of them to the archive
But what are you trying to say, Seokjin?

She doesn't have a single one of her family.
I found snippets of books she read as a child, songs she heard, birds, cats, dogs she found outside, but no parents

Namjoon is right, but I noticed another strange thing too
In one of her memories, when she's at the hospital, there's someone who picks her up, an old and cold looking woman
Y/N felt almost detached about her, like their bond was that of strangers but she was definitely her guardian, she signed her discharge papers
That's the only time I saw someone appear in her memories besides the bullying

So you think that means she never received the warmth and love of a parent before?
Are you saying that this is literally the first time she's receiving affection?

If that's true, it's no surprise that she would feel like that
Soulmates are people who are supposed to make you feel safe and loved with a single glance
It's like being starved for twenty years and then suddenly being given a feast
You eat a little and you're full, but if you keep pushing past your limit...

You get sick.
Are you saying that it's a trauma response?
She's receiving affection for the first time in her entire life and her soul got drunk on it?

That would explain her state, don't you think?
What do we do about this?
I don't mind keeping her on me but we can't stay like this forever

Ease her out of it slowly
Don't be harsh, be soft about it
You're at a restaurant, right? Make her interact with the menu, remind her of her hunger
Basically reminding her of uncomfortable things
She should eventually snap out of it
I'm at your door, Seokjin

That's a good starting point! Let us know how it goes
The door's unlocked, Yoongi, come in

Alright, I'll try that
Thank you

Namjoon's POV

I clear my throat to make a lump pass, eyebrows furrowing as I bite on the inside of my cheek, my gaze settled on her relaxed face squished against my chest, a sight that I want to cherish, if only there wasn't such a painful cause behind her current state.

It's only been a day, half a day even since the connection linked us all together and we can already begin to assemble a puzzle of just how dark and deep her sea of pain goes, something that I never could've foretold just yesterday.

Is there something that can explain why she had to be the sole victim of our entire soulmate group? Everyone has a healthy archive, everyone has had a satisfying life so far, but her?

Her life is like a garden filled with ripped flowers, so what the hell could explain that? I need to know, I need a rational answer to explain this nonsense because I can feel my anger increase with every hours that come and go and I don't know how much more of this I can take.

What's the next thing that will come to light as we get to know her?

"Try to move a little so her position is less snuggled and more sitting, ice cold water might help too" Hoseok speaks up first when I have yet to do anything and I nod before doing as told, Jungkook silent as he observes with hawk eyes, because what if this happens again another time when he's alone with her? He wants to be ready.

Y/N makes a small unhappy sound at the shift of position, her head no longer rested in a comfortable angle in my neck, and when I accept the glass made by Hoseok and raise it to touch her cheek with it, it's bad enough to make her open her eyes with a growing frown that makes Hoseok fight back a smirk.

"Stop that, it's cold" she complains lightly, head twisting away from it when I insist with a small chuckle, and despite knowing that it has to happen, it makes Jungkook want to take her from me to keep her safe instead.

If only we weren't at his workplace but at one of their home... he would've loved to have her fall asleep in his arms all night, she looks so soft to hold, his heart hurts with longing just imagining it.

"Aren't you hungry, kitten? We need to choose what we want to eat soon, Jungkook can't spend the entire evening here with us, he has work too. We shouldn't cause him problems by wasting too much of his time" I coo softly, words that make her stop whining to instead stare at the handsome young man who gives her a pinched smile because though it sucks to admit it, I'm not entirely wrong.

Hoseok and Jungkook both notice the way her eyes quickly go from soft vulnerable to clear vulnerable, her presence of mind getting back to work as she blinks the fatigue away, hands patting my leg to have me help her sit back on her cushion by my side, she can't believe she almost fell asleep like that during our first meeting!

All this time she could've talked with Jungkook, but she instead allowed herself to doze off in my lap like a fool, that makes her feel terrible, she must have made everyone so uncomfortable.

"I- I'm sorry, I don't know why that happened- have you chosen what to eat yet? What's good to eat here? I don't want you to be in trouble because of me, Jungkook, I'll choose something quickly, I'm sorry" she utters with urgency, guilt draped in her eyes and laced in her voice before Jungkook raises his hands to have her calm down, he's not really in trouble yet since he was given a break, he still has time.

"Don't worry, Y/N, I can stay a bit longer, you haven't done anything wrong. Do you want me to help you choose something? I can guide you towards something that would suit your palate" he offers her, words that make her breathe out slowly before she nods her head sheepishly, which makes us smile as he scoots closer to have a look at the menu with her.

While Jungkook explains the different ramen bowls with expertise, Hoseok and I both proceed to grab our phone again to assure everyone that it's all good now just as Taehyung mentions that he arrived at Jimin's place, his confusion over the new group chat comprehensible since he was still on the road until now.

Seokjin and Yoongi appear content to know that she came back to herself without any trouble, and with that done, we wish our soulmates a good evening together before putting our devices away to focus back on Y/N who nods at one of Jungkook's words, a giggle shared between the two of them that warms my heart.

They seem to be around the same age so it's nice to see them getting along well.

"I think I'll go with this one, some spiciness would be great. Thank you, Jungkook, you managed to make me imagine all the different flavours as you spoke, I wouldn't have known what to choose otherwise, you're really good at explaining" Y/N muses, a praise that makes him perk up happily, eyes creasing and sparkling before they turn their gaze to us at the same time.

A kitten and a pup, that's what they look like, it makes me want to tease them.

I lean over the table to stare at her with a grin. "Can you even handle spicy, kitten? They don't go easy on the spices here, I don't think you're aware of what's waiting for you if you order this one" I taunt her softly, and the huff I receive from her makes my lips stretch wider.

"Who do you take me for, Namjoon? I know what I can handle and spicy is just fine, I already have fire in my blood so that won't kill me. Look at you treating me like a kid... YOU look like you can't handle spicy, mind your own business" she mumbles the end with an insulted pout that makes Hoseok and I laugh, to receive this attitude after having had her so adorable and sleepy in my arms not something I was expecting, it's welcomed though.

Jungkook giggles cutely before standing up, sign that he needs to get going soon, and it's only because of that that I keep myself from retorting to her comeback to instead point at what I want to eat in the menu, and Hoseok next.

"I'll have spicy too, I can't let Y/N win this round" I muse as I pull back, words that make her glare playfully at me while Hoseok goes for something softer, spiciness not really something he goes for willingly, his tongue is sensitive.

"Just don't get a tummy ache by the end we're done eating here, I don't want to hear you two complaining about a burning stomach just because you went too far" he says with a smile to Jungkook who hurries once more out of the room with a promise to come back soon.

"You heard him, Namjoon, make sure you go easy" Y/N taunts me back and I huff in disbelief, a handshake offered to her because this is game on, I won't lose to her, my ego is on the line right now.

She smirks and shakes my hand with strength while Hoseok sighs and shakes his head.

We'll see who can handle spicy the best here.

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