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The change of POV brings a snippet of abuse, please be careful while reading.


"Aigoo, I told you to take it easy on the spicy, didn't I? Look at you, I'm sure there are holes in your stomach now, you burned your insides with that meal, you sure did".

Namjoon and I both groan unhappily at being faced with the truth, our mouths still on fire because we just had to drink the entire broth to prove who was strongest.

In the end?

It was a stupid tie.

"I can confirm that I underestimated Namjoon with this but... I have no regrets, that ramen was delicious" I utter before sharing a nod with the giant who feels the same way about our competition, it truly was delicious.

The game gave him the courage needed to not leave a single drop behind and now he kind of feels proud about it, he definitely surpassed himself this time.

Jungkook grins in amusement from the passenger seat next to Hoseok, because our soulmate just had to hold everyone's hand while driving at least once as we head to Namjoon's place for the group call that will allow us to talk to everyone more fluidly.

Our hardworking soulmate found the whole thing very entertaining and he really hopes there will be a next time so he can participate too, he loves spicy food and watching from the side line made his competitive mind itch with longing, it's too bad that he had to work today.

But he was allowed to leave sooner to be with us and that makes everything worth the effort, missing the video call with everyone would've been a terrible feeling.

I look outside of my window to observe as the buildings pass in a blur, inner sight taking in the new memories that now compose the soul bond's archive as silence reigns once more in the car.

By the time we were done eating, Yoongi and Jin had sent an image of each other in the archive, just like Taehyung and Jimin did, so we do have a visual of everyone now, which is great, but it still makes me nervous to end up talking to them face to face, even if it's going to be through a computer screen.

This is not writing, this is getting live reactions to things that are going to be said, this is me about to face four other terribly beautiful soulmates while I always keep in the back of my mind that I am the most... normal looking one of the lot.

I will not say that aloud though, I don't think I could handle Namjoon complimenting/scolding me again like he did earlier, especially not since he is seated right next to me. While I want to believe what he said, it's hard to do when I have unattractive scars covering my skin.

"The house right there, that's where I live" Namjoon eventually speaks up while pointing in front of us and Hoseok hums, car slowing down before parking in front of the mentioned lawn, and once the engine turned off, we all step out of the vehicle while my eyes take in the familiar neighbourhood, he wasn't lying when he said that we live near each other.

I stretch my tired limbs with a loud grunt and when I relax again, my eyes open to Jungkook who's staring at me with his soft, puppy cute eyes, something that contrasts a lot with his appearance.

I blush a little, a few shy blinks when I notice that he's offering me a hand to hold while Hoseok and Namjoon make their way to the building to unlock the front door.

I accept it with a pleased smile, heart softening when he laces our fingers together gently, and then we walk side by side to join our two other soulmates who leave the door open after getting in first to get everything ready for the video call that will be our very first contact as a full group.

"Everyone seems to live all over the place, it's going to be hard to meet up often" I mumble as we near the entrance, I don't think video calls are going to be enough forever, won't we end up wanting to be together more often eventually? How will that work?

Jungkook makes a noise, lips pursing slightly as he contemplates my comment, eyes rising to the darkening sky to see a few stars already starting to make their appearance.

"I think we'll have to do meetings in smaller groups like this for a while, we all have different schedules so not everyone will be able to find the time to meet up all the time since it takes time just being on the road, but I'm sure we'll find a way to make this work. We can always see if we can do something with everyone during the weekends, I think that's going to be our best bet. Week days are a bit harder to do".

I nod my head slowly, knowing that he's probably right, and I walk through the open doorway when he motions for me to get in first, door closed behind him while I take in Namjoon's home with curious eyes.

It's very warm looking and inviting, clean and fancy, he has artworks and elegant decorations all over the place so it makes me feel almost like I'm walking in a museum, but not in an intimidating way. Is that the kind of person he is? It suits him, it feels right when I look at his home.

Jungkook and I remove our shoes before carefully making our way further inside and when we reach a large corridor with even more paintings on the walls, we find Hoseok standing at the end of it and motioning us over before he's entering the room with the bright light, a room that looks like a professional studio, and the instruments that can be found against the walls take me by surprise when I step inside.

"Do you play all of these, Namjoon?" I ask curiously as I join Hoseok on the couch that was brought closer to the desk with Jungkook while the owner of the house adjusts the camera on the middle screen so that we can be within sight, a mic also settled near so that the others can hear us well.

This is definitely not the kind of equipment that just anyone would own and now this is a little bit intimidating, it allows me a deeper sight into who is Namjoon and it's obvious to see that Jungkook is feeling the same way when we share a look of unease.

Aren't we too small to be in a place like this?

The giant chuckles softly at my question. "Yes and no. Sometimes it's easier to get the sound I want by making it myself, but when I compose music, I will normally use computer programs. If you were to ask me if I can use these instruments and perform a whole song, the answer would be no. But can I use them to an extent? Yes, I can".

"He's already better than me, I only use computer programs. I've never touched an instrument so I wouldn't even know where to start" Hoseok muses, words that make Namjoon's smile widen with bashful pride, but Jungkook and I simply gape at the two of them, and I do scoot closer to him to put distance between me and the suddenly intimidating man already seated by my side.

"You compose music? The both of you?" Jungkook asks softly and when they both nod, pleased with themselves, I find my way into my similarly shocked soulmate's hold, his arms almost protective as they close around me, what are we doing here?

Hoseok releases a small laugh before patting our knees after leaning over.

"There's no need to look so scared. We do make a bit of an impact on the music industry but it's not like we're worldwide known all that much, though that is starting to change slowly. We are of the few lucky ones who are able to make a living out of our music, I guess. You should have a listen one of these days, I'd love to know what you think of my songs".

"I... can I find you on Spotify? That's what I use for my music" I ask in a mumble, cheeks flushing when he chuckles again before nodding his head.

"J-Hope, that's how you'll find me, sweet bun, and Namjoon here is Rkive. We talked a lot about music today and we're thinking about making a collab together one of these days, I'm really looking forward to when that happens" Hoseok chirps and Namjoon makes a sound from the back of his throat before finalizing the computer setup.

"Definitely look forward to that, it's going to be a hit for sure, but for now... I'm ready to start the video call. Is everyone ready? Should I initiate it?".

Jungkook's arms tense around me before he nods his head and I do the same while Hoseok gives enough space for Namjoon to sit between him and I, the wireless mouse on his muscled thigh so he can click on the call button.

This is really happening, I'm seated with my soulmates in an expensive room, waiting to talk with more soulmates of ours. This feels... surreal, I'm so nervous.

When the ringing begins to resound in the room, it takes maybe... three seconds before someone accepts the call to occupy one third of the screen and two men appear at the top right, Seokjin and Yoongi. They both look a bit uncomfortable before the latter moves the phone to be more at ease and Jungkook's snort is more felt than it is heard.

"They look like old men who don't know how to use technology" he murmurs in my ears, and it's a mix of shivering and giggling that makes my body shake in his arms before I reply in a similar whisper.

"You're right, they must be the oldest of the group bond, they carry the same vibe - old and tired".

Jungkook and I giggle together under the others' warm eyes, a sight that pleases six pairs of eyes when Taehyung and Jimin also join the video call, the two of them snuggled on the couch with their phone in the former's hand.

"Well, it seems like we're all here now. This is making me more nervous than I would've thought, it's a lot to face so many soulmates all at once" Seokjin says first, and his voice is warm, kind, strong, it automatically makes me long to be held by him too, to be by his side.

If this is how I'm going to feel whenever I hear them talk... not being able to touch each other will really start to become painful soon, new soulmates are not meant to be so far from one another, and our first contact happening like this somehow makes everything that much worse.

We went from not knowing about one another to suddenly being thrown in this powerful bond that wants completion, that seeks contacts after having felt lonely all of its life and it's a lot. The archives now being united want nothing more than to fill with the eight of us together - it was never meant to be for individual purposes.

"It's something we've all been waiting to see happen for a long time, yet now that it's finally happening, I don't even know what to say. I feel very happy just seeing all of you, I can't believe that we can finally communicate like this, has everyone eaten well?" Jimin speaks next with creased eyes, his voice... so very soft, gentle, silky.

Hoseok chuckles at the question that reminds him of our meal, and Namjoon and I both blush a little as we're well aware that we're about to be outed by our soulmate.

"We ate well, though Namjoon and Y/N did hold a spicy ramen competition only to have a tie in the end. You should've seen them, they were sweating so much, all red in the face, yet they kept going with fire in their eyes. It was both worrying and fascinating to watch happen, especially when Jungkook started to encourage them to keep going even when there was steam going out of their ears, it was chaotic to say the least".

Taehyung and Yoongi make a snorting sound while Jimin and Seokjin grin, that must have been a very interesting meal and they wish Hoseok had sent snippets of it to the archive, maybe next time.

"That sounds like fun, your first meal together was eventful. Hyung and I had it pretty calm, we drank while eating and then talked a little, but we were pretty impatient about the video call, we couldn't wait to talk properly with everyone" Yoongi answers next with a light shrug, a soothing husk to his voice that makes my brain tingle, even his smile looks peaceful, content.

"Jimin and I ate while watching a tv show that we both like, we somehow found out that we were at the same episode so we just continued where we left off while waiting for everyone to be ready for the call. It was fun, he has a nice home, I'm going to stay the night since it's already getting a bit late" Taehyung chirps proudly, deep baritone that grazes against my eardrums, and Jimin smiles bashfully, their sides merged together to keep warm as they gaze at us through the screen.

"It's nice to see that we all had a good time, I wish I could stay here too but I have to head to the bakery very early tomorrow so I'll go back home after this. I'm thankfully not living far from his place so it shouldn't be too bad" Yoongi lets out with a voice that sounds a little disappointed, but Seokjin bumps their shoulders together gently as if to let him know that they'll have another occasion, that this is only the beginning, it puts a small smile back on his face and on ours as well.

"We all have work, it's normal. It would be easier to do during the weekend since it allows more freedom but we're still in the middle of the week, we can't simply do as we want. What will you do on your end? You're four and you all live nearby, right? Will you remain together or will you all go back home after the video call?" the seemingly eldest of the group asks us with interest, and Namjoon glances at us before clearing his throat.

"I have a few guest rooms so if you want... I don't mind any of you staying for the night. You can treat my home like your own, I'll give you the front door's pin code later so come by whenever you want to. Just let me know for tonight so I can get some more spare blankets from the closet, it's not often that someone stays the night so the beds aren't made".

Hoseok and I share a look at the offer and Jungkook scratches the back of his neck before resting his hand back with his other one over my front, our cuddled position lazy and not quite as close as it could be, it's just enough physical contact for us to be satisfied at the moment.

"I don't mind staying but I have a class at around ten so I just need to leave before that to take the bus. I live in an apartment shared with a few strangers so I'm not really comfortable there, they always bring one night stands over and they party late into the night so it's hard to get a proper sleep there, I definitely could do with a full night of rest".

I bring a hand over his own to squeeze softly, sleeping anywhere but there would be a blessing indeed, I wouldn't want to stay there either. He's a university student, he works his evenings at a ramen restaurant and even stays at a shitty place... that makes me feel bad, he deserves better.

Namjoon frowns before staring at Jungkook, his mindset taking him towards a direction that requires solving this problem, he can't leave this be.

"At what time do you end your last class tomorrow?".

"Hmm... at five I think? Why?".

"I'll come pick you up. We'll go get your things at the apartment before coming back here. Tell the landlord that you're moving out, you can stay here with me instead, it'll be much better for you. I have a home library that you can use for studying when needed, there's a fireplace and a seating area to be more comfortable when it gets cold, I go there sometimes for writing lyrics since it's easier to focus".

Jungkook seems completely shocked by the decision that was made when his jaw hangs open and I smile at the sight, who wouldn't feel the same? Namjoon's offer sounds like heaven, anyone would accept without a second thought.

"P-please, I'd love that. A lot. I can't stand my place anymore".

Namjoon hums, pleased, then lets his gaze fall on me silently, and it's easy to know that his offer stands for me too, if I would accept to stay with them.

I guess I am not anyone.

"I appreciate that you're opening the door for me as well, Namjoon, but I already have my own place so... I'll stay there for the time being. I think I'll need a moment before considering moving in with someone else, I'm used to living alone" I utter softly, and I feel a bit guilty when his face falls but I know that he understands, this is still very new for all of us.

"Of course, I get it. Just know that the door is always open should you need it, it's never going to be locked for my soulmates, that goes for all of you" Namjoon reiterates for everyone to hear and they all smile, both thankful and endeared by our giant soulmate who makes us look small next to him.

"I'll drive her back home then, I'll be leaving too since I have somewhere to be tomorrow morning. We can leave together later, bun" Hoseok says to my intention and I nod at him, grateful. It will save me from calling a taxi tonight since I left my car at the school.

"Now that this is settled... should we try and plan a time and place where we could meet in person this weekend? It's going to become uncomfortable soon enough if we don't attempt to meet up within the week" Yoongi asks everyone next and we all pause to think about our options, because he's right.

"Maybe we should meet somewhere outside for an activity? Even if it's only walking in a park, I think it would keep the nerves under silence if we have something to do, we can avoid feeling awkward then" Taehyung shares his idea first, one that actually sounds very great - my reaction is obvious enough to their eyes to decide to go along with that option for now.

"A walk sounds good. There's a nice park by the sea where I live, we could get a picnic ready and eat there after walking around for a bit. I saw that the weather will be perfect for that kind of activity on Saturday, so why don't we meet up at around ten? We can take it easy, get to know each other and simply have a good time" Seokjin constructs the day's planning easily and when the others give their approval, I smile in relief, that's the kind of first meeting that I can handle if we're outside.

Being sat in a room with everyone would be way too awkward, it would feel stuffy too and I'm not sure I'd like that. I still need to get used to the fact that they didn't reject me despite my side of the archive, though I'm not convinced that this can't change.

What if they can't handle the dreams? I hope everyone gets good ones all the time, but what if they get my memories and it's too much? I can't help but expect for them to say that they can't do this anymore one day.

I know that Hoseok and Namjoon said what they did to comfort me earlier but... were they right? That part worries me the most, will they really be alright? Will they not resent me one day?

I bite on my bottom lip, gaze turning down with a frown. Would they keep hugging me like this if they were to see the state of my body underneath all those clothes? My bones healed somewhat fine but my skin could not let go of every forms of abuse I experienced, it's not a pretty sight.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jungkook whispers near my ear, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts, and I turn my head to find that his eyes are observant and concerned as he takes me in.

I force on a smile before nodding my head to assure him that I'm fine, but maybe it's because of how close we are, he doesn't seem to buy it, though he doesn't say anything. He doesn't know what to say. What is there to say when we barely know each other?

The corners of his lips curl downwards and he pulls me a little closer to him, all he wants to comfort me even if he doesn't know what the problem is.

"Just know that you can talk to me anytime, okay? No matter what it's about, I'm always willing to listen, and if all you need is a shoulder to cry on, then I'll be that for you. I'll come running whenever you need me" he makes sure to let me know instead, his voice quiet but confident, and to hear that from him... it makes my heart fill with love as I rest my head on his chest with a soft nod.

"Thank you, Jungkook, truly".

He makes sure to hold me tighter as he nods back, content to know for now that he could make that known to me, and though his wish to take away my pain and worries is still strong, he knows that each things have their own time to happen. If it is not now, then he will wait until the day has come.

The soft exchange doesn't go unnoticed by the others, and it's only when the silence becomes overwhelming and my eyes fall back towards the screen that I notice them all staring worryingly.

"Is everything okay, Y/N, Jungkook?" Jimin asks softly while Namjoon makes a move to hold our hands with his bigger ones, we weren't very discreet, were we?

"Everything's fine, guys, don't worry. I'm just getting tired" I answer the question with a half lie, and maybe Jungkook's eyes betray a little of the unknown truth when he looks at Namjoon and Hoseok with his lips pressed into a thin line, but they all decide to go along for my sake.

"I think the day is catching up to us now, it was a lot to handle for everyone. Should we put an end to the video call for tonight so we can all get some rest? We can always talk again later or tomorrow" Hoseok offers, words that are met with a few sad but otherwise understanding nods of the head, all the emotions of the day are making the body feel heavier with every passing minutes so it's not a bad idea.

"Let's do that then. It felt good to see everyone like this even if it was only through a screen, though I hope the next time we get to see each other, it'll be in person. With that said... I guess that concludes our first day as a soulmate group, I'm looking forward to what the future will hold for us" Taehyung muses softly and we all smile at the sight of his cute pink cheeks.

I can't keep myself from wondering about what life with them would be like at his words, how different will it be from what I know? How much will my life change with them? Will it be for better or for worse?

"Don't forget to reserve this Saturday for our walk, I know you can find it in the archives but I'll send my address to the group chat anyway so you can save it, we can meet there when it's time, it'll be easier to head to the park together like that" Seokjin states while grabbing his phone from the table, and it barely takes ten seconds before his message makes our notifications ring with different sounds/vibrations.

"I don't think we could forget even if we wanted to, you'll have to cut my feet to keep me from being there" I utter before yawning loudly with a hand over my mouth, the first of many, I'm not going to last for long if this keeps going.

"Let's hope no one loses their feet then" Hoseok replies with a pleased smile before turning his gaze back to the screen in front of us. "I think we'll have to say goodnight first, I should drive her home before she falls asleep, it's been a big day".

"Of course, let's talk again soon. Take care on the road, everyone".

"Feel free to message me if you can't sleep, I'm usually up until midnight or so".

"You too? Let's continue this in a private chat then, that way we won't bother those who will try to sleep".

It keeps going a bit longer until Namjoon ends the call and once the computer screen turned off, he and Hoseok work together to push the couch back against the wall while Jungkook and I remain on it, it makes a soft giggle slip past my lips at the feeling, something that makes them smile, endeared.

"Alright, sleepy bun, let's go, it's getting late anyway" Hoseok muses gently while offering me both of his hands to help me to my feet, it requires Jungkook to help me stand before I'm led back to the entrance with another yawn.

I won't lie, I'm glad that this day is about to be over, it was... scary and overwhelming for me and while I had a good time with the three of them during dinner, it was still a lot to adapt to. My body has had enough for one day.

Jungkook and Namjoon walk us to the door, their support needed even to make me wear my shoes, I'm just thankful that they don't seem to mind because I definitely am nearing a state where they're going to have to do the thinking for me if we wait any longer.

When ready to go, we stand face to face for a little minute before the giant man opens his arms for a group hug, his smile large and happy when Hoseok pulls Jungkook and I into his warmth before closing the circle for an embrace that will surely satisfy our souls for at least the night.

Tomorrow will be another day of getting to know each other, a new day to forge new memories.

And hopefully, a new day that will start well for everyone.

Seokjin's POV

"Well well well. What do we have here?".

It's a mix of dread and annoyance that fills me, a weird combination that makes me turn around to blankly stare at the familiar faces that gather around me to slowly block off all exit paths, all of them with smirks that let me know they're about to get up to no good again, as usual.

Why did I walk around here instead of the more crowded hall? No... maybe it's better that way, that wouldn't have stopped them from pulling me into a random class to get the itch off their skin, no one will care about what happens to me anyway. What will it be today?

"Did our favorite student try to avoid running into us? We didn't see you in the hall so we figured you'd be hiding somewhere else, I'm glad we searched here first, we really wanted to greet you after your stay at the hospital, Y/N. I can see that they fixed your arm... always trying to undo the gifts we give you, aren't you? Tsk tsk tsk, that's not nice of you".

I step back with a terrified thrum of the heart when the group of bullies walk closer to me with a sadistic excitement on their faces, and when I hear the sound of a lighter clicking in a consistent pattern, flames sparkling before the lid closes, then again, and again, when my back hits against the wall behind me, a cold sweat begins to roll down my back.

A hand grips my chin harshly to make me stare at the leader of the little group and I glare at him, a squirmish attempt at getting him to let go of me that does nothing except make them laugh, it makes me feel pitiful, are they going to burn my clothes again?

"I thought hard about what I should do when I would see you, Y/N. Then it suddenly seemed so obvious that I can't believe I never thought of it sooner - we'll just have to give you a mark that you won't be able to get rid of! You'd like that, right? Something that won't disappear no matter how much you heal, something permanent to compensate for your lack of soulmate mark".

My eyes widen as they all begin to laugh, and I stare at the lighter with renewed fear, they're not going to do what I think they'll do, that can't be real.

I struggle to escape another time, more desperately this time but the fingers around my jaw tighten their hold until I wince in pain, is there no way out of this?

"Don't try to pretend like you wouldn't like that, Y/N, I know you by heart now. No matter where you go, I'll always find you, I told you. Now... what kind of mark should we give you, hm? What do you have in mind, Haewon?".

The pretty girl, one who has it all - beautiful, smart, popular - hums, her eyes falling on me with an enjoyment that makes me want to puke, the simple sight of her makes me want to disappear from the world.

"She doesn't deserve anything pretty, that's for sure. Her mark should fit her face, it's average at most so give her something basic or... oh I know! Do an X on her chest! She won't ever be loved anyway, let it be a reminder for her that she'll only ever be our good little play-toy!".

"Oh, that's a good one! You should do it, Siwoo, no one will want her once they see that on her skin".

The leader grins before looking down at my uniform, a light in his gaze that makes me begin to fear the worst, he won't really do it, will he? Burning clothes is one thing, but my skin? He can't really do that.

"That would suit her. If no one dares to touch her, then she'll crawl back to me in the end, right?" Siwoo muses without looking away from me one second and I grit my teeth, tears burning in my eyes when his other cold hand begins to slide against my neck to play with my uniform's neckline.

"Go fuck yourself, I'll never crawl to you, not even in hell" I utter under my breath, and though it momentarily feels good to get it out, the slap that it earns me stings really badly, the hold he gets on my jaw again even tighter than earlier, he's not even trying to hide the bruises this time, he knows that no one cares enough to dare do anything against his family.

"Yeah? Maybe I'll go fuck myself next time, but you'll help me, right? That's what toys are good for, and you're my good toy, aren't you?".

Disgust and a growing distress begin to swirl within me when a pair of hands begins to unbutton my uniform, tears of humiliation flowing down my cheeks when my underwear is revealed to their laughing eyes, their touch on my skin absolutely maddening, it makes me want to cut it off, to take away the feeling of their fingers on me, this is worse than hell.

"Hold her. It's going to burn a little, Y/N, but get through it, okay? You don't have a soulmate mark so I'm going to give you one, just for you".

"N-no, please" I start to beg and cry when the lighter clicks once more, and no amount of twisting and wriggling manages to save my skin when the flame begins to lick at my chest, a sensation of burning that makes me scream in agony, a sobbing that makes them laugh in amusement, as if this is all but a game for them.

My mind goes silent under the pain many times as I feel the two long lines cross out my skin, right in the middle of my breasts, my bra cut and thrown away to give him full access to the living canvas that I have become, the convulsing of my body not enough to stop him until he's fully done.

"There you go... this is going to be the proof that you're mine, aren't you thankful? You might not have a soulmate, but at least you'll have a master who looks out for you. What do you say to your master after being given such a thoughtful gift?".

I shut my eyes tightly at the excruciating feeling of my skin peeling off, and I don't know what's worse. What I need to say to have them stop, or that I've gotten low enough to say it of my own free will just to get some respite.

"T-thank you... m... master".

I wake up in tears, throat strained from crying with an intensity that I don't remember having ever achieved before, a hand clutched to my chest as I process the switch of reality, and the feeling of my skin still burning and melting along the awful smell is still vivid in my mind while my stomach churns.

Unable to fight against the bile that rises too quickly, I run to the bathroom before throwing up, so violently that I'm sure I just bruised the inside of my throat, yet it's nothing, absolutely nothing compared to what I just experienced.

I gasp between each gags, a sob forcefully leaving me when I finally register what happened, that this dream was something Y/N herself went through in the past.

I just got a taste of a horrifying abuse done to my soulmate and it's absolutely crushing, my soul weeping like never before, to live the memory by myself nothing like the quick scan that I did yesterday morning, that was nothing, nothing at all compared to being her.

It takes me many long minutes before I can finally manage to calm down a little, breathing still slightly ragged but otherwise steadier and a hand still massaging the skin of my chest even when the burning feeling fades, eyes staring off into the darkness as I sit on the floor in silence, my sniffles the only sounds heard in my empty apartment.

No one helped her. They did that to her in daylight, where everyone had access to the space, teachers and other students must have heard her cries for help, yet they did nothing, as if her cries and pleas were but a phantom sound in the breeze.

If this is what she had to relive every nights for all this time... then I understand why she was so upset when the bond was finally repaired, why she was so scared. She must be expecting us to regret having her as our soulmate, that we'll start to get scared of sleeping, that we'll eventually begin to resent her when our lack of sleep affects our mood.

As if that would ever happen. This just made me want to take her in my arms for a tight hug, I want to apologize for all that she had to go through, to apologize for not being by her side when she needed us the most.

The mark they gave her... does she still have it? Is it still there? Does it hurt her when she sees it on her skin?

There is still so much that we haven't seen from her archive and I'm terrified of finding out how much worse the abuse got, the things I heard forcing me to believe atrocious things, did they sexually abuse her?

How am I meant to function at my flower shop today when all I want is to be by her side?

How maddening...

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