Chapter 1~ Feels alot like home

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I'm extremely tired, I'm sorry if the plot and etc is super bad, I'm really sorry!

Y/N= your name

"Wow! The view looks beautiful!!", Y/N chanted, sitting on the window seat of the airplane...

"I know, even though it'll take a while to get to America, it'll be worth it once we get with Shu.", Fubuki said.

"Y-Yeah...", She stuttered out...

"You're still thinking about him...right?", Fubuki asked, turning his head to get a bag of chips one of the flight helpers gave him.

"Yes...I still think about him...", Y/N said, fiddling around with her fingers.

"Sis, There's no need to worry, Shu is good guy...", Fubuki said, opening the bag, giving it to her sister.

"Welp...gotta munch on some food!", She said, stuffing her cheeks, as her cheeks turned puffy and adorable.

/Y/N is just too adorable, Shu and her would make a really cute pairing/, Fubuki thought.

To his surprise, her adorable little sister had already fallen asleep.

He grabbed one of the pillows they use when people are usually on flight, and wrapped it securely around her tiny neck.

/heh, I'm sure that Shu will be glad with our visit./, Fubuki thought again.

(About 13 hours later)

Extremely exhausted.

But they had gotten safe and sound to American land.

They went through the whole baggage system, before then leaving to the taxi area.

It took about another whole hour to get to The Raging Bulls original building, but they finally got there.

Y/N carried a tiny backpack, while Fubuki carried some suitcases safely across the street, with the help of one of the taxi assistants.

It was pretty unbelievable...but they were officially here.

New York.

"Y/N, you happy?", Fubuki asked kindly.

"Mhm, I like it here already!", She said, a bright smile was written on her face.

Fubuki nodded, as he walked inside the building with Y/N, afterward being greeted by Shu.

"I'm glad you guys's been lonely here for a l while...thanks so much!", Shu said, a closed eyed smile was one his face.

Y/N lightly blushed, but then Fubuki spoke.

"I'm also glad to be here...and I'd like to start training immediately!", Fubuki said, as Shu then walked him over to the training room, Y/N frowned a bit.

/it's not fair...hmm...I want to be as strong as my brother!", Y/N thought, as she grabbed a backpack with some things and left outside to find an adventure.

To her surprise...Shu saw when she left from the corner of his eye...he knew something was going on.

/maybe I shouldn't worry much.../, Shu thought.

Y/N quickly ran through the park nearby, shocked that there were some beautiful stadiums in place.

The that she hadn't noticed the sign behind her;


Of course, her curious mind got the best of her.

She was about to launch, as she then heard someone grip her right shoulder.

"What...Are you doing in my land?", the mysterious, stern voice spoke, catching the little girl off guard.

Y/N looked up, as she saw several bladers, but it was hard to see their faces, since some had a dark shadow underneath them.

"Y/N Sumiye, am i correct?", one of the bladers who surrounded them asked, his voice echoed through the place.

"U-uh yes...umm I forgot I gotta go!", she yelled, trying to run away.

But...the gate was now.

"You got inside our property...and bladers like you have to pay...", the stern voice said, as the little girls eyes widened in shock.

It was pretty scary to be locked alone with some bladers for just *accidentally* breaking into their property, to finish it of you had to pay whatever it was...

" are a pretty good blader...a battle should do...~", a blader said, extending out their Beyblade in front of them.

/they are for sure looking for a battle.../ Y/N thought quietly...

"We will let you go if you battle us...willing to accept our challenge?", another said, giving a smug look.

-/them versus me? T-they are too many...will I be able to beat them..?~/, Y/N thought, knowing this challenge wouldn't be easy.

"Leave her alone!", A voice called.

"Yeah, if you want to battle'll have to battle us as well!", the other voice said.

"This is not what our plan was Aiga!", the voice called.

Y/N froze for a moment.


She then turned around, her face nearly burned off in embarrassment.

"Shu?! Aiga?! W-what are you doing here...?!", she asked.

"We came to save you from these guys.", Aiga said, as his eye twitched in anger.

"Aiga, don't overreact...", Shu said.

"Y-Yeah...anyway, if you want to battle her you'll have to include us!", Aiga called.

"Hehe~ of course we wouldn't reject the one and only chance to battle Shu Kurenai and you Aiga~ we accept the challenge then~ just be aware we'll crush you before you know it...", one of the bladers said proudly, extending out his arm his beyblade.

"The name is Ryoko Cañado~ and meet Crusher Rylantis~ we have beat many with it, dont lower your guard or you'll fall~", he said, an eerie smirk formed on his face, a dark shadow still covered his upper face.

Shu looked at the beyblade mysteriously.

/Crusher Rylantis appears to be an attack type, it's sharp wings can easily attack a beyblade and burst it with at least two strikes...that isn't enough though when it comes to Spryzen...since Spryzen has every type combined in one, we can use that energy in our need/, Shu thought, as he then spoke.

"Aiga, Y/N, launch on either side of me, I'll be in between you guys!", Shu said firmly.

"Aww I wanted to take the center!", Aiga called out.

"It's not a choice, it won't work out if you don't got with my plan...", Shu called, as Y/N shook her head agreeing with his decision. the angle she was...she was more near the center...what was Shu's plan?

"Shu...I'm closer to the why am I supposed to be here?", she asked

"Y/N, don't worry, you are a defense type, you've got this! I'll defend you if you need help, and Aiga is our sidekick.", Shu said.

"I never agreed on being sidekick!", Aiga said, but before he could argue, the battle was about to begin.




Let it Rip—!!"

Achilles landed close to the edges of the stadium, while Empress Forneus took the center, the other Beyblade's landed on either sides of the stadium, while Spryzen got to the lines near but not close enough to be the center, ready to defend Forneus.

"Rylantis, Attack!!!", Ryoko called out, as Rylantis hit really quickly and slyly Forneus with great force, making it loose quick stamina.

"AH! Forneus resist! Empress guard!!", Y/N yelled nervously, as a protect force surrounded her beyblade, not making it easy to attack it.


They all began to attack Empress Forneus with great attack, leaving no time for her to heal.

"Come on Forneus, you can resist!", She called out.

"Z Breaker!!!", Aiga called, while attacking many Beyblade's with great force, making a beyblade ring out.

But the thing was that Forneus was running out of good moves, if she used them would become harder.

"Spryzen!!!", Shu yelled, as Spryzen hit two Beyblade's with epic force, making them burst in mid air.

But they weren't near finishing, they had about 15 more Beyblade's left.

And they were all attacking Empress Forneus quickly, and it began to tumble quickly.

"No! This can't be!", Y/N yelled, not knowing what else to do.

"Spryzen!!!! Super Upper Shoot!!", Shu yelled.

(I forgot what the move was called...-_-;)

9 Beyblade's had already bursted, leaving 6 Beyblade's in total still spinning.

"This battle isn't over yet, Empress Drift!", Y/N called, getting out of the center, giving attacks to the Beyblade's from behind.

    ~<B U R S T>~

Forneus had bursted another one, leaving only 4 left.

"Guys, give out your best, the battle still isn't over!", Shu yelled, as he attacked with great force 2 more Beyblade's, causing them to burst.

"We've got it!", Y/N and Aiga yelled simultaneously.

Soon after, Forneus hit with great force another beyblade, flinging it in mid air, nearly hitting her in the face.

"Ahhhh!", she yelled.

However, Shu got in front of her in time, catching it safely in his arms.

"Be careful Y/N, you don't want to end up like me...", he said, giving the beyblade back to its original owner, while lifting up his hair to show his signature scar in his right eye.

"Y-Yeah I'll be careful next time..", she stuttered out.

There was only one beyblade left to to defeat.

Crusher Rylantis.

He still hadn't bursted after so many attacks, which kinda made them worried.

"Ha, I'll not fall down until you fall down first!", Ryoko calles out.

"I'm not a fan of teamwork, but if we work together to beat him, the faster we'll get out of here!",Aiga called.

"Ok, I agree with you for the first time ever...let's do this!", Y/N said in a reassuring smile.

Shu nodded, while his aura began to glow.

"Achilles, Z Whip!!!!"

"Forneus!!!! Full power!!!"


They all collided against Rylantis, as a burst sound was heard, but a huge wave of energy made it impossible to see who had bursted.

"W-What?!", Ryoko called out, as Y/N peeked, through the blurring, she saw it.

Rylantis had bursted.

"Yay, we did it!", Aiga called out, as Shu picked up their beyblades, and ran out with them, as he jumped the fence, he carried them as far as he could.

"Shu what happened?", Y/N said, as Shu tried to catch his breath.

"It's not safe to be out here! You do realize that if we hadn't gone to help you, you would have gone missing! Fubuki would have been so worried! And he probably already is worried because look at the time, it's 11:00 PM! I have no more time to explain, Aiga you choose if you want to stay or not, but I have to go!", Shu said, while throwing his beyblade at Aiga's arms.

"Wait for me!", Aiga called out, trying to catch up to them.

At The Raging Bulls:
"Guys where were you?! I was extremely concerned!", Fubuki said, frowning a bit.

Shu tried to talk, but before that, Y/N cut him off.

"I-I'm sorry Fubuki, it was my fault!! I ran away because I wanted to train outside to get stronger like you! I want to be as cool as you and Shu...and Aiga...but overall you Fubuki! You are my older brother, and it would be a disappointment for me to be weak and for you to be strong! I ran away to battle other bladers, but i ran into the wrong type of people, if it weren't for Shu and Aiga who came to my rescue, i wouldn't be here, please don't blame them, blame me! Be mad at me, but please don't include them in this!", Y/N weeped, as she fell on her knees, a deep sadness and guilt spread throughout her.

"Y/'s ok, i wasn't mad at anyone, Aiga and Shu, I'm extremely grateful my sister is ok, I don't know what would I do without her by my side...", Fubuki said.

"It was nothing, I'm tired now, goodnight!", Aiga said, but before he got to his room, he  asleep on the ground.

"Don't mind him, I'll set him up in his room, you guys should get going to sleep now, you must be tired.", Shu said, yawning a bit himself.

"Ok Shu, goodnight.", Fubuki said, walking away tiredly.

"Good night Y/N.", Shu said in a sweet tone.

"G-good night Shu...", Y/N stuttered, as she also walked to her room.

/well...this sure feels a lot like home.../, Y/N thought, wrapping her head around her soft, sweet-scented pillow.

ScorchedThomas2922 , i hope you like this?

Sayonara~ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

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