Introduction/Prologue~ A new beginning for us.

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P E E P S !


Su tuday authur-Chan gunna be witing a stowy...

Okie lemme begin >-<

Y/N= your name

Y/N, Fubuki Sumiye's little sister, was training along with her teammates from the Beigoma Academy Beyclub.

She pulled the string will all her fury and bravery, releasing Empress Forneus in the process, it landed with perfect, swift motion, onto the stadium's center.

It then began to attack with great force its opponent, in this case was Toko Aoi, (Valt's younger brother), with Spiral Treptune.

"Empress Drift!", she called out, as Forneus drifted slyly, striking it with surprise attacks.

Fubuki may be known for his concentration he puts into his battles, but in this case, her little sister didn't.

Y/N lost a bit of concentration, as she turned around, trying to get a catch of her older sibling...appearing to be calling someone towards the phone.

Then...the sound of metal dropping to the ground was heard...

Treptune had ringed out, landing perfectly in front of Toko's aquatic colored sneakers.

"Y/N Sumiye with a ring out finish, the score is 1-0", the referee announced.

Y/N turned her head back, looking confused, as Toko leaned down to pick up Treptune, clutching it tightly in the palm of his hand.

"Y/N, something wrong? You seemed to have lost it there...", he asked.

"Oh...I gotta go, I'll be right back!", she said, running outside, not noticing she had left something behind.

"Wait...Y/N, YOUR LAUNCHER!", Toko said, trying to keep up to her running, but it was no use...she had gotten to the roof now, the door then shut and locked automatically.

"Fubuki, who was that on the phone?", the skinny, curious little girl asked.

"Y/ are too little to understand yet...", Fubuki said, fluffing her soft hair playfully.

"Are you calling me Smol!

I'm not Smol, I'm as great and good as you, I'm only a year younger than you!", she claimed.

"Y/N, you remember Shu Kurenai...right...?", he asked, hoping she would remember his white-haired friend/sensei.

"Umm...Shu...lets see...I only remember that he was super tall and cute.". She said...realizing what she had just said...making her blush.

"Haha, you think he's cute? two WOULD make a cute young to think about this...uh never mind, he isn't that much older...only 3 years.", Fubuki said.

"W-well...I NEVER MEANT I LIKED HIM!", she screamed, nearly throwing a little girl tantrum.

"Oh...calm down sissy, it's not a big's not a bad thing...ok?", He said calmly and firmly.

"Huh?", Y/N's eyes were filled with curiosity.

"It's pretty normal to have a crush in your life...", Fubuki said...fiddiling around with his fingers nervously, as sweat dropped down his forehead anxiously, and soon after—

His face flushed red.

"Ooh...yOu HaVe A cRuSh On SoMeOnE?", the humorous, little girl asked.

"N-nah...I'm to busy to be thinking about love anyway...", he stuttered out.

"Sure...", Y/N stared eerily into his red orbs, as he began to turn slowly redder and redder by the minute, as steam seemed to be coming out of his ears...

"I CRUSH ON SUOH!", he yelled, probably loud enough for Suoh himself to hear.

"Suoh Genji? EEEEEEE YOU TWO LOOK KAWAII TOGETHER!", she exclaimed, as Fubuki collapsed of exhaustion and anxiety filled his veins.

"Though...I don't think Shu will ever look at me...I mean...look at me...Nika looks more mature and pretty than me...her chest looks rounder...her face looks more...pretty and her body looks more toned...but also curvier...", she a disappointing tone.

" isn't about's about your feelings...your they truly accept you as...and people who love you so much...would even risk it all for your well being...I know he'll love you back.", he said, as he then got up and began to walk downstairs, leading to his bedroom, Y/N following behind.

"Fubuki, whats going on though...?", she asked once again.

"Fine...I'll tell you...well...Shu gave us the opportunity to stay in America with him...", he said, grabbing some suitcases from under the bed, and grabbing his folded training suits and stuff, stuffing it with needed items.

"Y/N...get your things...we have to leave soon..", he said, as she nodded in agreement.

She couldn't ask for more.

She grabbed a suitcase, looking for her items she might need and her equipment too.

Before they knew it...they were long gone out the door.

Toko ran up to Fubuki in time, but you were already inside the taxi waiting.

"Toko, I leave the beyclub in your arms..", Fubuki said

"But captain...good luck...give this to Y/N, I wish you both good luck", Toko said, forcing himself a smile.

Fubuki smiled slightly, waving a goodbye, while taking the launcher off his hands.

He then got inside the taxi, before long...they were already gone.

"Fubuki...I'll miss my friends...", she said, changing to a sad tone.

"It'll be ok...I'll make sure you have access to my can call them...and by the way...Toko gave me this before I took off.", Fubuki said, handing the beautiful, crystal framed launcher to her.

Her eyes widened...she had nearly forgotten her launcher of course.

And...their battle!

Wasn't finished yet...she knew she needed a rematch one day.

She smiled, thinking of all the good memories the beyclub and her had before.

"I'll miss them a-all.", she whispered, happy and sad tears poured down her face, as Fubuki wiped them all off.

"Don't worry...this will be a new beginning for us.", Fubuki reassured.

"A new beginning for us?", she thought...

She then smiled at all the new memories they would now make.


I changed the plot...I just...DONT KNOW—


1009 words.

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