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Hey guys! It's been forever, I know! We missed everyone. Last this was updated was in February, but since Halloween is coming up in a few weeks, I thought we might make a chapter after this one. Everyone is probably like, "Geez, isn't FNAF dead?" My answer is, probably, but we got some straddlers left. Anyhoo, enjoy this chapter! 

I sip on my ginger ale like it's medication keeping me alive. My stomach churns from the alcohol. The room spins more frequently than how it was. The nausea I feel swells throughout my esophagus. I decide to pull myself off the bar stool and drunkenly hobble towards the restroom. It's dark already with flashing lights, but I see spots in my vision.

To my surprise, I make it to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see my reflection. My hair is a little messy and my makeup is getting runny. I'm too wasted to give a damn because despite the numbness I feel towards emotions, I still feel like I'm a fire willing to burn anyone who tries to walk through me carelessly.

I hiccup and turn towards the stalls. I see two women, most likely drunk like me, making out. I've never seen two women going at it in real life, but I'm not bothered by it.

One of them grabs me and pulls me into the middle of them. If I were sober, I wouldn't be making out with women because I'm straight. But, I'm so shit-faced and touch-deprived I don't care.

I can't tell how far it's gotten, but at this point, my shirt is off. I see Ennef out of the corner of my eye and he pulls me away from the women along with my shirt. "God damn, Toots, I didn't know you were such a free bird."

I start laughing at him. "Free bird" makes me uncontrollably giggle. He smiles at me. I'm half his height, but I manage to pull his face down to mine. "If I'm a free bird, then what are you?"

"Just another lonesome bird." Ennef replies. I giggle more.

"Not tonight, toots." I mock him. I let his face go and pull him towards the dance floor where everyone's dancing and having a good time. I haven't had this much fun in what feels like an eternity. I feel happy... or is it just the rum and Coke? The Sunset Margarita?

The nausea goes away temporarily because I'm distracted by Ennef. He's looking down at me, he smirks. "Two... can play at that game." I say drunkenly. He laughs.

"Give me your best shot, Toots." He says. I pull him close as if we are a couple that are perfect for each other. He underestimates my strength and I tango/salsa dip him and it catches him by surprise.

"Oh shit." Is what he says. I laugh. "Isn't this what I'm supposed to do?" I shrug and smile. He stands up straight and we dance for awhile. 

The nausea comes back like a tsunami and I race to the restroom. Instead of puking like I thought I would, I black out on the dirty floor.

Ennef's P.O.V.

I wait for Margaret outside the restroom. I'm more sober than her because I knew I have to drive. She is one wild chick. I like her. I wait for a good while. Maybe she's making out with more women.

I peek my head over corner and I see her combat boots. I look fully in and she's laying on the floor. Her makeup is a mess now and her lipstick is somewhat smeared across her cheek. She isn't waking up for a good while.

I step in and pick her up bridal-style and carry Margaret out. Her head loosely hangs over my elbow  and her right hand dangles along with her feet.

This must be one of many parties she's been too. She is definitely a party girl.

I carry her to my car and lay her down in the backseat. Her shoulder slips from her shirt. I notice a dark red scar on her collar bone. It looks almost like it's a burn scar. I shrug and shut the door gently.

I make it home and put her in the guest bedroom with an extra blanket, though I doubt she'll be waking up anytime in the night. I leave her be and retreat to my room and crash.

I stare at the ceiling. I picture her face without the makeup when I met her earlier. There was sadness in her eyes, but a glint of hope.

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