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I'll do anything
To make things right,
'Cause I don't wanna be
Alone tonight...

"Alone Tonight" by Digital Daggers

(In the real world, you have to be 21 years old to drink, but, in this, there is no logic, so like back then, you can drink at 18 years old.)

Why aren't you in heaven?" He asks me. I shrug.

"I haven't been in heaven for a long time. I'm scraping my knee crawling out of hell." I say. He stops circling me and keeps his smirk, "What?" I ask.

"You're more than an're a goddess." He says. I try and look at his eyes. I already saw one of them is gray, but what about the other?

"Thank you..." I respond.

"It's getting dark, Toots. It gets dangerous in this neighborhood." He says.

"You saying I can't fight?" I cross my arms. He snickers.

"I think you can. You got some fire in your soul..." He smirks wider.

"Show me your face." I command.

"Sorry, Toots, no can do." He says.

"It's not like I'm going to have you arrested." I say, "I'm just curious. How do I know you're not a 45 year-old pedo?"

He grunts, "Toots... I'm 19 years old."

"Just show me where to go and I'll leave you alone." I say.

He smirks again. "How about you come with me." He says.

"I'm not stupid, that's how I get raped and trafficked." I say stubbornly.

"You're smart, toots." He says.

"Yeah... I guess so." I say, "Now will you show me where to go?" I ask. He nods. I can feel disappointment radiate off of him.

"How about we go to a club?" He says, "I don't feel like walking."

"I don't have partying clothes." I say, "And what if you spike my rum and coke?" I cock an eyebrow at him.

"I don't feel like getting arrested. I don't have money to buy drugs. Just because I'm big and scary doesn't mean I'm a criminal and rape women." He states.

"You got a good point. My uncle looks the same and he's actually really cuddly and gentle." I say. The guy laughs.

"I'm not gentle or cuddly, but I tolerate... Now you can watch the bartender pour your rum and coke and make sure I don't spike it. I just wanna get to know you, toots." He says. I shrug.

"Still don't have partying clothes." I say.

"You got fishnets, high-wasted shorts, a crop top, black lace bra, and jet black makeup?" He asks.

"Probably." I say.

"Why don't we head to my place and you can set your stuff down?" He says. I have little to no money, I have self defense practice and pepper spray, so if he tries anything I'll be safe. I don't trust him, but if I can leave before the daylight fully hits, then I think I'll be okay.

"Here's the deal... You tell me who you are, show me your face, and help me get to St. Cawthons University, I'll go party with you and get to know you as well and I'll tell you who I am." I say. He thinks for a minute.

"Deal." He says.

~Time skip brought to you by Ireland's Lucky Charms! :D~

This guy still hasn't revealed his face or told me his name. He made a deal and I get furious when people go back on their word. I shouldn't be so surprised. This guy is a bad boy. He seems badass. At least what I can admire about him for now is he smells good and I'm half his height.

We finally get to his home and it's not as bad and run-down as I thought. It's actually pretty clean and decent. He lets me walk in first. I have my pocket knife ready just incase he tries to pull some funny business.

He doesn't, he just points where the bathroom is and the bedroom. "You can crash here until morning if you'd like." He says.

"I can't do that until you show me who you are." I say. He sighs and takes off his hood and... Oh. My. God... He's hot... but, he looks like Foxy...

"My name is Nightmare Foxy...most people just call be an asshole though, or Ennef." Nightmare Foxy says.

I stare at him in disbelief. He looks exactly like Foxy, except better and badass. "M-my name is Mangle- I mean Margaret Fox..." I say, still shocked. He chuckles.

"If you were a guy, I'd say, 'Keep it in your pants.'" He says. "And your name is badass. 'Mangle' reminds me of things going boom." Ennef says.

"Uhm... Until I know you better, just call me Margaret." I say.

"Maggie or Mangle. I rather call you those." He says. I huff. I am beginning at a fresh start, but I don't know.

"Fine. Call me Mangle or Maggie, whatever." I say. He chuckles.

"Well... Since you're getting dressed up, I might as well make myself look hot too." He says. I face-palm.

I go to my bag and search through it. I find my makeup and my shorts and crop-top. To my surprise, I found my combat boots and fishnets. I gather it up and go to the bathroom. I change into this outfit and realize I don't look like a slut like I thought.

I put on a little bit of makeup, neatly. I hardly wear makeup, but for some reason, I am a damn artist at smokey eyes. I step back and stare at myself again. I feel... good.

More than good... I feel reincarnated. I feel free. I feel amazing and gorgeous. I feel sexy. I feel all of these positive words I haven't felt in a very long time... The chains are breaking off of me and I can finally breathe again.

I laugh a little. For some reason I feel tears in my eyes and I laugh a little more with a smile. I stop myself before I look nutso and before I ruin my makeup. I walk out.

"Wow." Ennef says. "You have lipstick?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I say.

"Put it on so those boys know they aren't kissing those lips without permission." He says. I laugh. I think he knows subconciously I feel great about myself. I go back to the bathroom and apply the crimson matte lipstick. It looks good on me. And then I see that the black needs a little lightening, but I leave it be because I deserve to feel sexy and whatever tonight.

What happened to me? Why do I feel this way all of a sudden? Why do I feel like a queen- a goddess?

I look for my phone just in case I need to call someone or answer a call. I see Ennef with it. "What did you do?" I ask.

He smirks, "Sharing this goddess to every contact on your phone." He smirks and I see a picture of me literally two seconds ago and damn... Is he a professional photographer. I take my phone and it's now blowing up with messages from my friends.


Springtrap: We may he exes, but damn, I think my heart leaped from my chest.

Group chat: *with all of my friends*

BonBon: *in the chat* OMG YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS! (you already look gorgeous in general, but you look so amazing!!!)

T.C.: *in the chat* Who you with 😏😏

Me: Guys, keep it in your pants.

Bon: 😂😂😂 I'm loyal to my babes.

I hear a ping and my heart stops beating for a second. Ennef sent it to Foxy... I blocked him, I thought... I open the message...

Foxy: Whatever you're doing, wherever you're at, be careful, and have fun. You look amazing, whoever you're with now better be breathless. I got to go. Cya.

I look at Ennef, "You accidentally sent it to my ex... He said the nicest thing to me in the longest time after we broke up..." I say. I feel sad, but then it goes away quick and my smile comes back. "Let's go get to know each other, shall we?" I say and strut out. Ennef laughs behind me and follows.

~At da club~

What did I get myself into? I want to drink until I'm drunk. Dance. Sing. Be free. There's women dancing on men and men dancing on women. There's drunk women making out with their lovers. For a split second, I thought I saw Foxy and Tammy going at it on the table in the back. That's when I start having flashbacks to when I walked in on them in the dorm after we broke up. I sigh and stand in the middle of the crowd. Ennef is somewhere else. I don't know where he went. Maybe to the bar.

I'm tipsy, I'm numb, but I feel arms wrao around me. It's not Ennef. I don't know this guy, but it reminds me of the high school dance before Foxy and I fell apart. For once, it feels good to remember that happy memory. No, this guy isn't grinding on me. He's drunk. I'm tipsy and probably hit like a preschooler, so I just let it be. He isn't hurting me. But, when he tries to kiss on me, I push him away.

I stumble into Ennef and he chuckles. "Found a boyfriend? He's a cutie." Ennef says over the loud, pounding music.

"No... He's good looking, but no..." I say dizzily. "Imma go get some ginger ale."

"As long it's the alcohol free one, toots. You've had enough to drink." Ennef laughs. I roll my eyes and stumble to the bar. I get a ginger ale cause I feel nauseas. I look around and spot unfamiliar faces.

Another guy comes up to me and I give him a look when he grabs my ass, "I'll knock you the fuck out, you uncultred swine." I say.

"Damn..." He walks away. Pussy. Scared of a woman that's half his size.

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