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The dinner was set on the table and we all took our seats, not the dining table, on sofas in front of Telly. James sat close to me, a bit to close for my comfort, but he didn't let me change my seat.

Teddy's veins kept popping in his arms, distracting me from what Ginny or Lilly were saying. Albus just hid his sniggers behind the food and water. 

So, It was a usual Potter dinner all in all. 

Later that night after the dinner I was reading in the library when I heard Jay, Al and Ted talk. 

"So, you moved on from Ash then, " Ted asked in clam gentle tone or as I call it the teddy tone. Ash or Ashlesha Sharma was a Muggle-born British Indian in my year at Hogwarts, a Slytherin and James Sirius Potter one true love. 

"No, whoever said that," Jay asked sounding as incredulous as I felt.

 "Well you looked cosy with Elle tonight so, I thought," Teddy said calmly with I am sure a blank look on his face. 

" I have dated girls before you know, "Jay said in a condescending manner, making me wonder what was he up to.

"Yeah but this Elle James, she is not just a girl you can date and let go," Ted was a lot serious now, and a bit aggravated from the sounds of it. I wanted to go and have a peek but I knew I could be caught so better to just eavesdrop. 

"I would not date her, maybe a fling over the hol...." James sentence was cut off abruptly.

A few moments of tense silence was interrupted with Al's voice sounding a bit scared.

"Ted put James down, he is just messing with you," Few more seconds of silence and then a thud of what must have been James being dropped on the ground. 

"You hear me James, and you hear me good, You mess with Elle like that, hurt her in any way what so ever, I am going to forget that you are my god-brother. One tear out her eye and I will fucking kill you, I do not care what happens. I will not anything hurt her not even you," Ted said in a voice that would make grown men cower away from him in fear.

"Is that why you stay away from her, why you have ignored her this summer because you realised she is all grown up, huh, because you might hurt her like that, like I would have hurt her,  broken her heart," James asked right back without missing a beat. 

He was saying the truth, all summer Teddy had avoided me which had already hurt me, but I had no idea why. 

I could hear footsteps fading away indicating that Ted had left without answering the question.

"Did you have to ask it like that and aggravate him, couldn't you just ask him straightway if he has some feelings for Ti," Albus asked clearly irritated with James's interrogation methods. 

"Really, Al I thought you were the smart one, you honestly think if I were to ask him that he would give a straight answer, and not distance himself more from Ti,"  James answered as if it was obvious that Teddy liked me. 

If you asked me I think that Jay had lost his mind. For Teddy, I would forever be the sweet little girl. A girl he felt responsible for because was older and I was the daughter of his father's best friend. I am sure he did not see any difference between me and Lily, his god-sister. And as much as it broke my threat he was never going to see me as I see him. 

"I am going out for a walk, tell mum to not wait up," Jay's voice broke my inner thoughts. 

I heard two sets footsteps fading away indicating to me that the discussion was over and that is when I heard a quiet sob. What I did not notice at first was that it was my sob. I was the one crying. I took deep breaths. 

Tried to clam me. Did not work.

I was so sure that I had moved on from Ted. After all, I was plain old me, who never dressed up or had any great many friends or a fashion sense in the slightest. I was nothing compared to Ted's choice or Previous choice considering that Victorie had married someone else, in the end, something which still baffles me to this day. 

Why would she ever leave Ted? 

As the hour passed on my sobs turned into little sniff till they stopped altogether along with my tears. I had a habit of crying only in the quite when no one could watch.

 The only other person I had ever cried in front of was Teddy that had been when I was eleven and I realised that I would have to leave Lily alone at home to go to Hogwarts.

 The second time had been when I was fifteen at Victorie's wedding announcement, that to I cried for Teddy. The third time had been the day we learned Harry had been missing.

I get up and went out of the library. I went back to my room at the Potter Manor. I always get a big smile since the day Ginny had shown me this room when I was six, I was awestruck that they would give me a room permanently as all the Pooter kids had, and Ted had. Harry was so nervous that I would not like it. I had hugged him to not let go for five minutes. 

And even though I was feeling completely drained I still got a small smile on my face. I got my jam-jams and went into the shower. 

The water down my body kept me grounded reminded me that I was alright. I was going to be alright. 

I dressed up and used wandless magic to dry my hair, the hair took four turns to dry properly as I still had not mastered it and Probably would take a few years to master wandless magic. 

I peeked out of my room to see that there was no one around. Taking a sketching pad and my sketching pencils I sneak out the house to go and sit by the tree. 

Although it had been declared as Teddy's tree in the past It was a fact that all of us sometimes went to sit below it for some tranquillity or in James's case sit on the tree's branches. 

I sat down on the spot which had the softest grass. and looked around me. I took the clean air blowing through my hair and the wildflowers surrounding the area. Blues, Purple, Reds and Yellows.

I took in the bats flying above my head and the full moon in the sky. No wonder Teddy was more irritated than usual. 

I thought about Ted and full moon and Remus, and suddenly I knew what I was going to draw. 

Getting to work I drew without any care in the world. My hands moved along with my eyes the lowing wind kept me going on, kept me sane. I drew and I drew.

 At last by the time the full moon was at its peak in the sky I had finished my work. A full moon at its peak in an open field. A wolf, a stag and dog seen roaming along side by side. The only colour on the paper was the bright pink bubblegum coloured clouds. 

I smiled at the finished product when I heard his voice, "That's beautiful," I screamed and the sketching pad fell from my hands as I jumped up with a hand on my heart and the other on my mouth. 

There he was I wonder I how I did not notice Ted before.

"What the fuck Ted, you scared me half to death," I screamed at him well whisper-screamed so that no one from the hose would hear us. 

Teddy laughed and jumped down the branch he was on. "tsk, tsk language Miss Black, what would Moony, Padfoot and Prongs say to that," 

"Well, I know for a fact that Padfoot would be proud, and Prongs would also be proud and Moony much like his son would reprimand me on my language but would also smack his idiotic son for scaring me," I said huffing at him. 

Teddy laughed a great big laugh, you know the laugh that turns his hair blue, his happy colour.

"Well I can not argue with that, they really would do that, but I think Padfoot would be a bit more responsible and say "language" like Captain America in the Age of Ultron before bursting out in laughter," Ted said smile on his lips hairs all blue and eyes still grey. 

I smiled and shook my head. 

"You were crying Elle," Ted said looking at my eyes. 

"No," I denied him a little to eagerly but the look on his face made me amend, "Yes only a tiny bit," 

"You did not come to me," he asked the hurt clear in his voice. 

"I don't go to you every time I cry. You just have been there to see me cry a few times now. I think Lily still thinks that I never cry," I replied not looking at him as if knowing he would be hurt even more from my answer. 

Before he could reply Ginny came out running screaming James's name. Ted and I both went back towards the house and Gin looked frantic. 

"Did either of you see James. He is not in his room," Ginny asked us when she saw us.

"He must have gone for a walk Gin, it's alright he'll be back in a few," Ted tried to assure a shaken Ginny.

"You don't get it, Teddy, I need to find him, " Ted lead Ginny back inside where I was already standing stock still looking at the grandfather clock. 

The one Harry made when Ted went to Hogwarts. It was one like the Weasleys had. My spoon was added when I was six. 

It told about everyone in the family, where they were, and if they were in mortal danger. 

The spoon with James name and photo was on Mortal Danger right now, which meant James was in mortal danger. 

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