Chapter 8: Scouting the prize

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A/N: So yesterday was my brothers 18th birthday and I spent the time celebrating with him and my family. Moving on to the story, Hiccup is going to see and scout out Paris before he and the other Danes lay siege to it. The Siege of Paris is gonna be epic, that's all I could say and that will be coming very soon, but other than that? Enjoy the chapter.

(Stoick's pov)

Three months have passed since the gods finally took pity on us and ended our dragon nightmare, and the cowardly suicide of the traitor who I once called son. With all these annoyances set aside? It was now time to focus on the future of Berk. I had already announced to the tribe that Astrid Hofferson was my chosen heir and everyone agreed with my decision, of course my brother Spitelout and his family had to swallow down their pride and accept the fact that Astrid Hofferson has eclipsed us by slaying the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself, and that there was no one better to name heir then her.

And Berk would need a strong heir, something Useless Hiccup never was, but Astrid Hofferson is. I know for a fact that Egil and his wife Freya Hofferson are proud of their daughter, I would be too if I was Astrid's father.

Currently, I had called in a meeting with the whole tribe in the Great Hall, and we were discussing on where we were going to be raiding. So, with everyone gathered, I addressed my people and boomed out. "Friends! With summer upon us, it's time to discuss where we are going to be raiding." Many of my people hummed in agreement and I spoke where I wanted to raid. "With many of our fellow countrymen already raiding the Christian kingdom of England, perhaps we should look towards the Franks." My words caused an uproar of disagreement and many of my people began to speak up.

"Our people have tried many times to raid the Franks, and yet every time we fail!"

"They have eclipsed us with their machines of war and have dispatched thousands of our people to Valhalla."

"Who knows how well equipped the Franks are to deal with us now, should we provoke them again! Perhaps you should choose another place for us Stoick!"

The people then roared and barked in agreement that I should choose another place to raid, pinching the bridge of my nose, I heard Mildew strike his staff against the ground and he barked out. "Silence! And allow the chief to dwell on where we should raid!!" Turning to Mildew, the old mans hair was messy, he wore the attire of a Hooligan council member and he held his pet sheep Fungus around one of its arms as if it were a child.

Sighing heavily, and let out a suggestion. "Perhaps we could raid the Kievan Empire." My words caused the people to whisper and murmur amongst themselves, I could see my people were heavy with thought and I decided to speak up. "My friends, I understand your concerns about sailing to uncharted places and lands..." Rising from my throne I extend my arms out. "...but we're Vikings! We all choose to live a dangerous lifestyle. And part of that lifestyle is to explore the unknown and load our ships were treasures and make ourselves famous!"

My words seemed to have the effect I wanted and my people's moral seemed to have reached a new high. So, turning to Astrid Hofferson, who was now my heir, I extended my hand out to her and used her as an example. "Astrid Hofferson has already killed the last known Night Fury! Her triumph over the devil is spreading far and wide in our nation and if you're going to be eclipsed by a girl? Than I pity you." I then bark out. "Have you got the balls to join me in raiding?" A roar of confirmation filled the air and I bark out again. "Are you willing to lay down your lives for your brothers and sisters in the shield wall and spend eternity feasting with the Allfather Himself?" A louder roar of confirmation filled the air and I was satisfied with my people's demeanor, so I then give final orders. "Good! Now, prepare the ships and those of you who wish to raid with me! We leave at the soonest opportunity!"

Everyone grunted and nodded in acknowledgement and began to claim their morning meal, sitting back on my throne, I turned to see Gothi, Mildew and other members of the Hooligan council approach me, voicing their concerns. "Lord, with the greatest respect, our people have never been to the steps of Rus before." Mildew said, as if trying to change my mind, I snap my fingers and order my slaves to bring me my meal, they bow their heads and go to the cooks who were already serving the people. Turning back to Mildew, the old man continued. "So, may I suggest we partake in raiding the Christian kingdom? Its already battle torn, many of our people rule the majority of the kingdoms there and we wouldn't be leaving empty handed."

Looking to Gothi, I ask her. "Gothi, what say you?" The old woman performs sign language and voices her concerns. 'Though Mildew speaks truth, many of our countrymen have already plundered England and already rule many of the kingdoms there.' Nodding in agreement at Gothi, I then turn to the rest of the council and raise my eyebrows at them; awaiting their words of concern as well.

"Both Gothi and Mildew speak truth Lord Stoick, but as you said earlier, we're Vikings. There is no reward without risk." One of the members said, I chuckled lightly and nodded in agreement before turning back to the older members of the council. "Thank you for your opinions Gothi and Mildew. But its time we Hooligans take a risk and go after a bigger prize. That prize being in Russia. I've already made up my mind." I say firmly, the members of the council bow their heads and leave me be.

Nodding to myself, I know full well that I'm already a famous and legendary dragon slayer, but news of Astrid killing the Night Fury has earned her more praise and fame than every dragon slayer on this island combined. So, this isn't just about raiding and making ourselves rich, but about enhancing our fame and reputation as well.

And what better way of doing that than raiding an empire?

(Hiccup's pov)

Never in my life have I ever seen such a beautiful prize— Paris, the Frankish capital. It was a walled city and out in the middle of a series of river channels that lead out all over Frankia. Currently, I was on board a traders ship and wore the clothing of a Northern trader, but in truth? It was only a disguise and a way to breach the Franks capital and scout their weakness, defenses, numbers in warriors and where their treasures were.

"K-King Haddock, with the greatest respect, Northman traders aren't... exactly respected here in Paris. Due to the past Viking sieges and attempted raids, they view us nothing more than animals." A Northman traveler by the name of Rollo said, the man was in his late sixties, he was bald and had Viking tattoos on his head, he had a pointy beard and he wore fine clothing, no doubt obtained through the riches he's made from trading.

Turning to the old trader, I scowled at him and replied back. "You forget we aren't really here to trade with the Franks old friend." I then turn back to Paris and smile at the massive city before continuing. "Besides, once the Black Danes have claimed Paris? It is the Franks who will be considered animals in our sights."

Much has changed during my three months as king over Dagfinn's people, some tried overthrowing me and tried to claim my power, but I made them pay for it with their lives and hanged their corpses in the streets to let the Danes know I am not to be trifled with. It was I who also named our untied six kingdoms as the 'Black Danes' and it was I who also helped the Danes train dragons, which took much time at first, but now? There are many dragon riders among us and are quite impressive with the dragons they have bonded with.

Also, during the three months, I and the people I ruled over who are black smiths constructed lighter yet stronger weapons out of Gronckle lava, three parts limestone, two parts sandstone, one part iron ore and a giant spoonful of hardened of a new material— Gronckle Iron. Once we learned the materials needed to make this new element? We began producing weapons on a massive scale throughout the six Danish kingdoms and have ensured all our warriors are armed with a modified weapon of their choosing.

I've also taken the time to get to know my Danish allies and companions as well, besides Queen Amma and Princess Gunhild. There is Haesten the Stout, his hair is dirty blond, it's long and braided, he had a pointy beard and within his mustache were two pointy eagle ribs that served as couplings, his physic was dirty bulk, he had Danish tattoo runes going done is left eye and held traditional tattoos on his forearms and body. His weapon of choice was a leviathan axe that had Norse runes etched on the fine blade and the handle as well. Haesten's heir and son, Cnut reminded me of Fishlegs, in size that is, Cnut has the ferocity of a bear in battle, he acts on a more... primal impulse and he'd take off your head for simply insulting him.

"King Haddock!"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turn back to old Rollo and the man gestures to us docking at the harbor, I nod and exit the traders ship and lay eyes on Frankish soldiers staring me down. Taking in the Frankish soldiers armor, they wore steel helms with nose guards, they wore ocean blue gambesons and brown leather boots, their shields were rectangular and were ocean blue as well, though there was gold engraved on them, as well as a golden cross in the middle of their shields.

Once Rollo and his fellow traders stood beside me, the old man spoke in the Frankish tongue, informing the harbor patrol that we were traders and that we wished to sell our goods to the people of Paris. The harbor patrol inspected our ship from top to bottom; ensuring that this was no trick and that we weren't hiding warriors under the below the ships deck. After confirming no other Northmen were on board, the harbor patrol allowed us to enter the city gates, Rollo bowed his head in thanks and urged me to follow him.

"I take you've been here Rollo?" I asked the old man, turning his head at me, he nodded in confirmation. "I have indeed King Haddock. I've been all over Midgard, learned many tongues and have seen whole other worlds that would take your breath away." He said with pride, I snorted at him with a light smile, all the while taking in the sights of a whole other culture and this new place.

Once entering the city? It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever laid eyes on. The Frankish people all going about their daily lives, soldiers patrolling the streets and people of darker skin and different tongues who wore the garbs and robes of traders, merchants and entertainers. I made sure to stay close to Rollo, because the streets were jammed packed and I could easily lose the old man within the crowds, which I immediately took into mind. Laying siege to Paris on foot would be a death trap within the narrow streets and corridors, which is why I'd inform my fellow Danes that we should have our dragon riders scout from the air and give us warning if the Franks could be around the next corner.

As we continued walking, I laid eyes on the massive wall that held centuries patrolling, and there was a section of the wall that looked damaged and was taking time to repair, taking out my sketch book, I quickly sketched the damaged wall and noted that it laid near the harbor. Finishing my sketch of the damaged wall, I could see Rollo speaking for directions from a Frankish citizen, when the old man returned to my side, he spoke. "King Haddock, I just asked where a good spot to trade would be, and I was told to go to the old Roman square, its not far from here. Come." I nodded at the old man and put away my sketch book before continuing to follow the old man in this maze of a city.

Children were running along the streets playing tag by the look of it and their laughter filled the air, it almost broke my heart to know that when the Black Danes lay siege here? The children will become slaves, as well as the woman and elderly.

"Here, King Haddock! This is the Roman square." Rollo gestured with extended hands, gazing at the Roman square, I noted that it was massive, it was a plaza that could hold almost a thousand people or more, there were buildings that surrounded the square, and by the look of them? The majority of these structures were homes, I could see women washing clothes on the balconies, watering plants and reading.

Rollo turned to his fellow traders and nodded at them, giving them the alright to set up shop and to place the exotic goods for the people of Paris to gaze upon. While the old mans fellow traders were setting up, Rollo approached me and tugged lightly on my traders disguise and pointed to a massive castle by the looks of it, he then spoke. "That is where King Charles the Bald lives and his daughter Gisela, and those belonging of royal standing." Humming in acknowledgment, I take in the castle and it was easily the largest structure in Paris, second only to the church Rollo showed me a few streets back.

Turning back to the old trader, I ask. "Tell me, do you know, off your head, what the defenses of Paris are?" Rollo looked in my eyes and answered. "They have catapults to hold off enemies raiding by sea, but besides that? I have not seen what other machines of war the Franks possess." I nod in understanding before leaning in and whispered. "I think it is time for me to see for myself what we truly face." Rollo's face widened with horror before he whispered yelled at me. "With the greatest respect King Haddock, that is a terrible idea."

I glare at the old man and gesture to the crowds. "I'll blend in with the crowds and ensure that I am not detected by the Frankish soldiers." Before Rollo could object, I grasped him by his collar and snarl out. "I must know what technological advantages the Franks have over us and find a way to perhaps sabotage their war machines, so that the Black Danes siege will be in our favor, not the Franks." Releasing the old man, I grasp a cloak off of Rollo's cart and draped it around my shoulders and pull the hood over my head as I disappeared into the crowds.

(Thirty minutes later)

I was focused on where the Frankish soldiers were going, so I stuck to the alleyways and made sure not to be seen, after all, I was already used to being invisible, especially during my time on Berk, why not use that to my advantage?

I could then see battalions of soldiers wheeling in massive ballista like contraptions, only instead of one large harpoon? There were several harpoons pointing out and could be fired from the pull of a lever behind the contraption. Another thing that caught my eyes were massive rolls that had razor sharp spikes sticking out, if the Dane armies were in the narrow streets or bridge? The Franks could roll those down and the wheels would crush the Dane armies, that is if the spikes didn't kill them first.

Taking out my sketch book, I sketched everything I needed to see and everything worth speaking caution of to my companions beck at Denmark.

"Que crois tu faire?"

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the Frankish tongue right behind me. I steered my nerves as I turned around to see a Frankish soldier behind me, he gazed down on my sketchbook and took it, inspecting my drawings before asking me in Norse. "What do you think you are doing Northman?"

I bow my head and act shameful. "F-Forgive me, I just gazed upon your beautiful machines of war and... and I just had to draw them! They are truly a work of art." The Frankish soldier looked back at me and squinted his eyes before pursing his lips and then handed me back my book, I took it and the soldier spoke. "Run along now boy." I bow my head and understanding and take my leave, my shameful demeanor changes as I'm walking away, I have seen all that I needed to see here, now? It was now to time to return to Denmark.

(Twenty minutes later— Roman square)

"Ah! Welcome back King Haddock, I trust you found what you were looking for?" Rollo asked me, discarding the cloak, I turn to the old trader and nod in confirmation. "We leave at the soonest opportunity. When we return to Denmark? I'll call a war council and strategize a plan on how to rip Paris from the Franks grasp."

Rollo nodded in understanding before continuing to deal in his honest trading, meanwhile, I think about the form of attack. Would it be wise to attack from the air first? Or land? That is why I would discuss these matters with my companions and allies once we leave, its a pity I couldn't bring Blaze, traveling on ships is far too slow for my taste, but it was necessary to not draw attention to us.

No matter.

Soon the Black Danes would be arriving in millions, in both man and dragon and seize a great prize in the form of Paris. And once Paris is ours? We move on to the next Frankish city and the next and the next until the whole of Frankia belongs to us.

What better way to eclipse "Fearless" Astrid Hofferson and the rest of those Hooligan dogs?

(Fishleg's pov)

Silencing out the sounds of feasting, cheering and stories being told by my fellow tribesmen, I was picking at the scraps of food on my plate, to be honest? I... I was deeply troubled about how I treated our late heir— Hiccup Haddock. He never did anything wrong to any of us, the tribe mom,bombarded him with ridicule, humiliation and torture until... well, until his suicide.

I for one liked Hiccup, he was clearly different from the rest us. And by different, I meant he was intelligent, clever and was a genius inventor. Sure, he had tried to prove himself to us with his inventions, but those attempts always back fired on him and he was humiliated in front of the entire village for his failed attempts to impress us.

What truly was bothering me was that... I never stood up for Hiccup, ever, because I was too afraid to help him. I'm a Viking! Supposedly one of Odin's chosen warriors placed on Midgard and I was too afraid to help the runt of the village?

Where was my courage?


Astrid's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked to see the rest of the teens looking at me with concern, the Night Fury slayer herself sat on Sihtric's lap and cocked her head at me. "Are you alright? You've been staring at your plate for almost three minutes." I nodded furiously and answered. "Yes of course I'm fine." Snotlout scoffed and nudged me, causing me to hiss in pain at the force he used. "C'mon Fishy, tell us whats on your mind." Ruffnut and Tuffnut too joined in and spoke in unison. "Yeah Fishface, tell us whats up." I really didn't want to bring it up, and they all knew I was a terrible liar, so I decided to just spit it out.

"I... I was thinking about Hiccup." I said, everyone frowned at the mentioning of the chiefs late son and Astrid scoffed out. "What is there to talk about that... dragon loving traitor?" Sihtric spoke up and supported his girlfriend. "I'll tell you. Absolutely nothing." He said as he punted a fist on the table before continuing. "Useless died as a coward, he was no warrior and therefore? He will not feast with the Allfather and the rest of the gods, instead he will suffer in the realm of Hel."

"Skol." Snotlout said as he raised his mug of ale, Ruffnut and Tuffnut too raised their mugs. "Skol." They said before tapping their mugs and drank their ale, I twiddled my thumbs and spoke out. "What if he didn't die you guys?" Snotlout turned back to me and he shrugged out. "Of course he died! Nobody could've survived that fall." Turning to the cocky Jorgenson, I continued. "The way Hiccup acted and spoke on the day of his execution? I could see no fear in his eyes or even the fear of dying." Licking my lips, I then turned to everyone else and concluded my words. "Its... its almost as if, Hiccup had sworn an oath to the gods to return here and rain down hell on us all."

However, my words caused the teens to burst out laughing and clutch their sides, the sight caused me to frown and I asked. "Whats so funny?" Astrid wiped away a tear and she turned me. "Really Fishlegs? Like we're all scared of Useless Hiccup. He was nothing! Just a scrawny pathetic little weakling." I shook my head at Astrid's words before Tuffnut spoke up. "And I thought you were smart Fishlegs, Snotlout is right! Nobody could've survived that fall. Nobody." Ruffnut then backed up her brother with her own words. "Absolutely no way nobody could've survived that fall." Tuffnut sighed in annoyance and turned to his sister. "We get it Ruff! You don't have to tell everyone what they already know."

I however didn't accept the fact Hiccup died, in fact... I believe he lives and is out there, plotting to make us all pay.

"Would you relax Fishlegs? Hiccup is dead, end of discussion. Those who wish to never mention that pathetic welp's name again, say aye." Sihtric said, the whole table said "aye" in unison and soon they all got up and gestured me to tag along, saying that they were going to the training arena to sharpen their skills. Sighing heavily, I get up and follow them to the arena, but I still have this feeling in my gut that Hiccup is not dead and that he lives.

If thats the case? Then I fear what will happen to us all.

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