Chapter 9: Confession

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(Hiccup's pov)

Once all the Danish rulers were gathered within the Great Hall of Denmark, we began to form a plan of attack. I had shown the kings and queens the sketches I was able to do while in Paris, I also warned them about the narrow streets and that our armies could easily be picked off by Frankish archers on the rooftops and how they could release those spiky wheels and break our lines. Soon enough, the five Danish rulers began a pissing contest; stating that they had their own plans to take Paris and that their plans were better than their companions. The argument intensified and I could tell that blood could be spilled if this didn't stop, so, I drew out my sword and struck the table, successfully silencing my companions.

"ENOUGH!!" I roared out to them, extending my arms out in disbelief, I look into the eyes of every king and queen in my sight. "We don't have time to fight amongst ourselves! How does that help our cause? It does not." I snarled out, one of the kings stepped up and asked. "Then what do you purpose we do? King Haddock?" Turning to that king, he was known as Frodo. The man stood at a staggering 6'8, his physic was clean bulk muscle, he had blond hair that was done in a mohawk and the hair on the sides of his head was faded midway, he had a pointy beard and had Danish runes tattooed under his left eye and his whole body was covered in traditional tattoos. His weapons of choice were a sword and tomahawk, and in battle or in sparring? He dominates his opponents.

Clicking my tongue, I answer King Frodo's question. "We have dragons. We have Night Fury's! And we have the Hydra!" Extending my arms out, I continue. "The Franks have not received an attack from Vikings in quite some time, but now? We have not only the advantage of numbers, but we have millions of dragons under our command as well." Pointing toward the life model of Paris that I constructed, I drew out my long knife and pointed towards the front gate. "We shall divide our forces." I then turn to the two candidates for attacking the front gate. "Queen Amma and King Haesten, you will attack the front gate and that way? The Franks will believe we are only trying to attack from that way." Both Amma and Haesten shared a look before nodding in confirmation.

I then point my long knife to where the weakened section of the wall was located, I then turn to the second Danish queen, who is called Aslaug. The woman had raven black hair, hazel eyes and she was a ferocious and legendary shield maiden amongst the Danes. Her hair was done in a braided ponytail and she had Danish tattoos going along the bridge of her nose and on the top of her hands, and her thighs. "Queen Aslaug, you and King Frodo will attack the unfinished section of the Franks wall. Use whatever means of battering their wall down: catapults or dragons, but I would advise you keep a safe distance, the Franks will have archers stationed along the walls." Both Aslaug and Frodo bowed their heads in understanding and accepted their instructions.

Finally, I turned to the final Danish queen among us, she is called Hild, she had brunette hair, ocean blue eyes and too was a vicious and legendary shield maiden. Her brunette hair was done in a pixie hairstyle, she had tattoos along her neck and had gotten a compass tattooed above her breasts, she had a Danish rune tattooed along her right eye and traditional tattoo sleeves on her forearms.

"Queen Hild. You and I will lead our dragon riders in the air and destroy their defenses and war machines. Leaving the Franks defenseless against our onslaught and making our siege easier." I say to the beautiful woman, she nods her head in understanding, turning back to the rest of the kings and queens, I raise my eyebrows at them and extend my arms out. "Any objections?" A solid minute of silence was all the answer I needed, so I nodded and grin wickedly. "Then it is settled. Tomorrow at dawn? We sail to Paris and take it. Once it is ours? We conquer the whole of Frankia for the Viking empire!" Everyone gives loud grunts of agreement and we dismiss the war council and heading off back to our homes.

Sighing heavily, I dislodge my sword out of the table and sheathed the steel back in its scabbard, I then see Princess Gunhild has lingered; apparently waiting for me. Cocking my head at her, I ask. "Gunhild? What is it?" She smiles lightly at me and shakes her head. "Nothing's wrong, its just... I need to talk to you on where we stand." Raising an eyebrow in confusion at her, she then clarifies. "We have gotten so close over the past three months, I was wondering... if you were open to the possibility of opening your heart to me." I inhaled sharply and turned away for a moment, what she spoke was true, over the past three months, our relationship blossomed and I could feel the sexual tension between us.

And yet...

When I was raped by Snotlout and Tuffnut? They made me feel like... no woman would ever want me. I felt as if all women would turn me down and think of me as nothing more than a submissive man who allows to be... well, I'd rather not dwell on that. But my point is, Snotlout and Tuffnut tainted me, and I feel as if I don't deserve a woman.

"Hiccup, if you are pushing the possibility of us being together because of what happened to you, than I don't blame you. I just... I'm attracted to you." Gunhild's words caught me by surprise, I turn back to her and she nodded before repeating. "I'm attracted to you." The three months have treated my body well, my once baby fat cheeks have all but melted away and was replaced with a sharp jawline and my hair had gotten somewhat longer, I kept my hair slicked back and I too had gotten a Danish rune tattoo going under my left eye, my duel with the late King Dagfinn and the wound he inflicted was on my right eye, which made quite an impressive scar. And yet the blade slightly cut my right eye and the color in that eye has faded somewhat and my vision cane get fuzzy, but thankfully I'm not blind in that eye.

I then felt Gunhild's hand on my cheek, looking into her ocean blue eyes, she leaned in and kissed my lips, her lips tasted so sweet and I couldn't help but melt into her kiss. About thirty seconds later, she broke the kiss and caressed my cheeks lovingly and smiled at me. "I want to be in a relationship with you Hiccup." She confessed, before I could object, she placed a finger on my lips and continued. "You are everything I want in a man— you are brave, strong, intelligent, have a great sense of humor and you've already proven you are ready to lead." Gunhild then leaned in closer and whispered. "Berk and those who hurt you and took away every shred of happiness and innocence left in you? They will pay, with their lives. And I would be honored to avenge you and Toothless by ensuring Berk is wiped off the map."

A smile graced my lips as I gently placed my hands on Gunhild's curvy hips and kiss her again, I could feel her smile through the kiss and she wraps her arms around my neck as we continue to kiss. Once breaking apart, I nod at her. "You helped me to remember that I'm not worthless or weak Gunhild. You helped me realized that I'm strong and that I'm a survivor." Smiling at her in gratitude, I take her hand and kiss her knuckles before raising an eyebrow at her. "Are you sure you want me? I mean..." She silenced me by another kiss, when we broke apart, she nodded in confirmation that she wanted me and no one else. "Yes Hiccup. You are the one I want in my life; as a companion, a partner and perhaps... a husband one day."

Her words bring a smile to my face, I had always believed girls would never be into me, even before I was raped, because I was a "talking fishbone." But it seems the gods truly favor me now, and I have absolutely no complaints at all.

Gunhild then kisses my cheek and gestures to the door. "Walk me home?" She asks, I smile and nod at her, as she leads the way, I turn back to the life model of Paris and chuckle lightly at it before catching up to Gunhild. Tonight? We sleep and prepare ourselves. But tomorrow? We become legends and our infamy will grow tenfold.

And I can't wait for the glory the siege of Paris will bring for the Black Danes.

A/N: Shorty, I know, but the next chapter is the siege of Paris! And its gonna be good. How are you guys liking the story so far? Leave me some feedback and give me your opinion. But other than that? See you in the next update.

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