Ch 13: Summer-ween

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Unknown Lair.

Inside the dark lair is a scarecrow-creature known mainly as the Summerween Trickster is talking to a group of 'people'. The one standing in front of the Trickster is Mitch the Enchanted Rhinoceros, the caretaker of the Easter bunnies and chickens. He went rogue after tiring of looking after them and sought to take over the Easter holiday. Thinking that instead of candy, kids should get useful things like batteries and socks on Easter. He puts it to the test with predictable results.

After losing his job he went into the black market, selling magic items that he stole from the bunnies and chickens as he still knew where all the magic items they used were kept. Which came in handy when the merge happened and all but passive magic went away. There are still some spell casting magic around like the magic from that city with the giant troll underneath it, the witches there can still use their brand of magic, but to use it you need to be able to calculate in your head to be able to use magic. As their magic is 'Formulaic Magic' sorcery is based on mathematics, many magic users who lost their magic couldn't handle the math needed to be able to use that brand of magic. A number of normal people whose jobs has them needing to know high level mathematics like accountants and actuary, learn how to use that brand of magic.

Mitch managed to make a name for himself in the underworld as a guy to call for magic items that work or could still be used. Like the stuff he took from the Easter bunnies and chickens. Which is why he's been called in to help set up a deal with Devour and a group he has gathered. And learning that Juniper Lee, the one who help stop him with his takeover of the Easter Holiday, he agreed to help. As the former caretaker of the Easter bunnies and chickens he has knowledge of holiday magic rituals and rules.

Mitch: "So, we're in an agreement? You are willing to allow us to use your power and do as we wish in your domain on your hallowed night?" He said which the Summerween Trickster nod.

Trickster: "Yes, I, the Summerween Trickster, allow it and so it may be done!" He said as a large flash of energy leaps from him and goes to the others in the room.

???: "Trick or Treat!" One of the mysterious figures said.

Gravity Falls.

Summerween is an annual holiday celebrated only in Gravity Falls, Oregon on June 22 or the second to last Friday of the month. It is celebrated because the residents of Gravity Falls love Halloween so much that they celebrate it twice a year. They use jack-o'-melons instead of jack-o-lanterns, since pumpkins are not ripe during the summer.

Seeing how only Gravity Falls celebrates Summerween, Sunset seeing dollar signs has set up a Summerween fair which has already gotten a crowd to come. She made sure to advertise the holiday through all the resorts she owns and having TV ads played in the local region. All to get people to come and spend their money at the fair. Sunset is already planning on having the holiday be celebrated in Equestria to draw in tourists and bring in holiday money.

For the kids who have just learned that there is a holiday that's like Halloween called Summerween that is celebrated in the nearby town of Gravity Falls. Many found it strange and wonder how the holiday even got started in the first place. But once they learned that there's free candy, they stopped caring and just enjoyed themselves.

Currently the Pines family is at a party store to get some stuff which is where Dipper met Twilight who told him what happened.

Apparently she felt remorse for what she and her former friends did to Rainbow Dash during the whole Mare-do-well. So she visited her and turns out it reveals a lot.

Rainbow Dash felt like she was betrayed by her friends as the humiliation that they did hurt her and apparently she didn't want to forgive them immediately but she swallowed her own pride and forgave them to keep her friends and suppose herd together.

Twilight concludes that although 'true friendship' that was once the foundation of Equestria was great. It was starting to sound like what they had wasn't that at all and more akin to some form of peer pressure.

However that ain't all as apparently Rainbow Dash is glad that the Wonder Bolts is no longer a military group as apparently Sunset reveals a lot of dark secrets like the fact an old famous Veteran called Wind Rider have been sabotaging and disbarred any recruits who came close to his records.

Worse is that the Wonder Bolts never investigated these crimes thus Sunset publicly strips Wind Rider of his medals, retirement benefits and his pension.

That wasn't all as apparently Sunset discovered there is a ritual of humiliation which is named calling each other and during basic training, they would encourage everypony to be the best. Even if it meant them being reckless and hurting other ponies. They went as far as abandoning injured teammates and poaching good ponies from other teams just to win.

Thus Sunset strips the Wonder Bolts of their military status and cuts connected to the Equestria government since they never actually fought and mostly focused on their shows.

Anyway Rainbow Dash is glad to be a part of the Shadow Bolts since they at least fight and help.

Twilight: "So yeah that's what happened. Anyway Dipper before I go, you should know that Wendy is going to the Summerween party that's happening at Tambry's house" she said then leave which Dipper started to have flashes.

Yet before he could organize the flashes Mabel appeared and then the two had fun with decorations alongside Soos.

Talos 2.

Currently Jenny is at her home getting yelled at by Brad from the phone for destroying Killgore and begging her to return home to be the hero again.

Jenny: "Like I say for the hundredth time. No Brad besides you are a kid and my replacement is a grown adult who only takes care of that broken town because of Mom" she said.

Brad: "Please! The town needs you!" He said but Jenny hung up on him.

Jenny: "Geez that kid needs to realize that things are different now" she said.

Las Vegas

Currently Mr House is busy upgrading his robots so that they can't be infected by a virus and in case Devour tries to get them.

Mr House: "Thankfully Unity is helping me with staying alive longer as I want to live to see the future" he thought as despite the fact that becoming a god is impossible becoming immortal isn't.

Gravity Falls.

Currently Dipper is at the party with Wendy since he wants to enjoy some time at a party rather than getting candy with Mabel.

However what surprised him is that there are a lot of people and monsters like Monster Inc Mike and Sally, Icaus, Krum, and Oblina, and a lot of Halloween Town monsters who are doing their song including Scary Godmother and her friends.

An: Welcome to Halloween but many of the lyrics got Summer Ween.

Thankfully Dipper got himself a costume which he is dressed like a vault dweller.

However what surprised him is that Lincoln is dressed like a princess which he and many others laughed at.

But the group head to the stage where they are waiting for the show to start.


Currently backstage is where Baron Samdei, Dr Facilier, and the Dazzlings, Adaigo Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk are currently in a meeting with the rest of the circus.

The Great Fusilli (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Croco (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)
Grimm (???)
Origami (Jackie Chan Adventures)
Frida Dominguez (Crash Canyon)
Max (cats don't dance)
Odlulu and Fritz (Where's Waldo)
Vivi (Brain Dead 13)
Mary Philips/Stormer (Jem and The Holograms)
Max, Bucky, Squints, James, Bear, Frans, Samuel, Jerry, Vincent, Dick, Laurence, Kenny and Bob (Rock A Doodle)
And finally is Sugar (total drama)

Dr Facilier: "alright everyone! We're on in five minutes!" He said.

Meanwhile outside of the town.

Currently inside an RV is Mitch who is smiling as he watches the town from the monitors with Jack Spicer.

However he froze when appearing out of nowhere is Devour who is standing behind him.

Devour: "So are everything going to plan?" He said which Mitch nod.

Mitch: "yes sir especially with the help of Oogie Boogie, Other Mother, Fright Knight, Auntie Roon, Ko the face stealer, Chang, and King Sombra" he said.

Devour: "good now let's see if this fear energy is powerful while some allies free a certain ghost" he said.

Back at the town.

As everyone enjoys the party with Baron Samdei singing on the stage black crystals started to grow around the town with strange energy coming out of them.

Then as the clock hits nine the entire town is encased in a dome of darkness.

Meanwhile in the Ghost Realm.

Immediately Clockwork sees that the town is covered in darkness but then he gets attacked by some people who are attacking him and to his shock his time powers ain't working against them.

Back at the town.

All throughout the town many shadowy demons, dragons, and giant spiders are attacking the town causing the civilians to panic and scream in fear.

Then the villains appear.

Oogie immediately transforms into his 'filthy Finale' form and appears in front of his old foe.

Oogie: "OH, JACK! I'm BACK!" He said however Jack looks enraged seeing his old foe return to life.

Jack: "OOGIE!" He said.

Fright Knight: "We meet again Danny Phantom" he greeted his old foe. Blocking his path as he was flying in to help.

Danny: "Whoa, Fright Knight! Where have you been? I thought you made a deal with Vald but then nothing?" Danny said as he was both confused and surprised which Fright Knight just shrugs

Fright Knight: "Yeah. I don't really know what happened there. I suddenly found myself in a strange limbo of non-existence and irrelevance? It was almost like the creator of our world had plans for me but then didn't know what to do with me and eventually forgot about me? It was weird" He said.

Danny: "huh. Odd" he said thoughtfully then there was a long pause between the two.

"Well, anyway" Danny said as he shrugs which Fright Knight politely nods.

Fright Knight: "Yes, I quite agree!" he said

They weren't the only ones as Auntie Roon faced off against Juniper while Chang in her dragon form faced off against Jake in his dragon form.

On the ground seeing so many people robbed of their faces, lead Asami and Korra to realize Ko was on the prowl. They quickly stole some masks from a stand and took off to find the spirit. Finding him as he was chasing some kids, Asami used a laser gun she kept on her and Korra began throwing fireballs at Ko. Their attacks knock Ko to the ground and the spirit turns his attention onto them.

Other Mother lead a swarm of giant spiders to fight the Scary Godmother as she and her roommates; Harry, Skully Pettiebone, Buga-boo, Count Max, Countess Ruby, Professor Toad and Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud protected the young trick-or-treaters. Sunset's family are using their real weapons to fight off the spiders and the other attacks trying to get to the kids they're protecting.

Meanwhile Scully and a few other monsters including video games characters are attacking the shadowy demons and dragons.

Rainbow Brite and her friends are using their powers to fight off the shade demons and spiders. Carney Yellow and Red Butler are using their powers to create bright light that drives the shade demons and spiders away. They created a safe zone in the area where Strawberry and her friends food trucks are located, which they circled like wagons in the old west days. Using flashlights and torches the people are fending off the shade demons and spiders, helping the security guards to keep everyone inside the circle safe.

Lemon unleashed the Cake-inator, with lasers and flamethrowers upgrades. And is busy building weapons for her friends to use to fight off the shade demons and spiders, grinning and laughing like a manic as she does so. She's finally able to unleash her dangerous inventions and no one is telling her not to.

While everyone fights Baron and his group teleport out of the town but somewhere in the forest.


Watching the whole fight is Devour who smiles as he sees that many canisters from monsters Inc is being filled up with fear.

Devour: "Soon" he said as Mitch and Jack Spicer are putting the canisters in cargos which are being carried by the CIS carriers.

Back to the fighting.

Dipper was the first to start moving when everything went to shit. He quickly used up his 5 shots with the slow bolts as he calls them, slowing the attacking minions allowing others to escape or cause them to run into each other because the one in the lead suddenly stopped. His main priority was keeping the girls safe. He found that the girls weren't as helpless as he thought.

Pacifica rips off her toga and fake snake hair to reveal a crop-top, skirt and several holsters with REAL laser guns. After the debacle at Pioneer day, she was taking no more chances. Sometimes it was nice to have a family with more riches than sense. She gave Dipper one of her guns and they started blasting at the attacking horde.

Wendy alternated between deer and human as she kicked ass and took names. Her poor outfit destroyed the first transformation. But ignores her nudity in favor of survival. Twilight had reluctantly ditched her Starswirl costume so she could engage in combat fully. Using her telekinesis to throw the attacking horde around and protect as many people as she could.

Meanwhile, Six went full HUNGER MODE and Ronnie made use of her bat and shield. Lincoln still in his princess costume drove into the firework launcher control booth and began firing the fireworks into the sky hitting the flying shades and weakening the others as they were weak to light. Ms. Caulfield is swinging her shovel around bashing shade demons and spiders that got too close to the kids, and saving them from being blind sided like she knew what was going to happen if she didn't.

Star and Marco were one of the first to fight, using their fighting skills to fend off the shades and spiders. Joined by many fighters from different fighting games, some are wearing the outfits of other fighting games. Like Ryu and Scorpion wearing the other outfit, Akuma and Shan Tsung, Cammy and Sonya, Shao Kahn and Bison, Ken and Terry, and Chun-Li and Mai.

Stump in the power loader is standing guard at the entrance of a store keeping the attacking horde from entering and getting to the people inside. Daggett and Norbert are armed with blasters that Stump had with him in the suit. Are giving him covering fire and blasting anyone who tries to climb on the power loader. Joined by Ralph who got all the Sugar Rush kids into the store and stood guard with the trio.

Above them Sunset riding on her aunt Luna's back is knocking down the flying enemies, with Sunset using her spear and Luna her telekinesis. They're not alone as XJ-1 through XJ-4 are taking care of all the flying minions and their energy blasts are bringing down the shade demons.

Then power of the town suddenly went off as spiders wrecked the substations cutting off the power, giving them and the shade demons the advantage in the dark. The only buildings that still had power are those with a backup generator or solar panels that had stored up power in batteries.

The Penguins of Madagascar who came to the town for some fun, quickly took charge of some security guards and fought off the shade demons attacking some children. The robot guards are pushing back the shade demons and spiders creating safe zones. Tambry in one of those safe zones is using her bow and arrows gave people time to escape as she poof the shade demons and killed spiders.

Star and Marco grabbed some lit torches using them to fight off the shade demons and spiders. The light of the torches caused the shade demons to burst apart on contact, followed by Kelly using a flashlight and Tom with his demon fire tore through the demons and spiders. With other party goers using any form of light from flashlights to camera flashes, to defeat the shade demons.

The 30 foot giantess Canyon is dressed as the jolly green giant thanks to some body paint, stomping her giant feet on the giant spiders, like she did to the ones in the forest awhile ago. She's also using her magical spring water that she wears like a scarf, as a weapon against the spiders and shade demons. Her friend Huntress Wizard is shooting any spider or shade demon that's clinging to her body as she rides on her shoulders.

Jake in his dragon form flew in the sky as he blocks the attacks from Chang, both avoiding a wall of fire as they flew across the town. Korra had created a wall of flames that drove back the shade demons and spiders. Opening it up allows people to run into the protective circle. Asami's armed with a blaster is picking off targets, trying to save as many as she could and blasting Ko the Face Stealer.

Sawyer and the other adults from the camp protected their campers the best they could. Herding the kids into buildings that still had power where the lights kept the shade demons at bay. But they still had to deal with the spiders that weren't affected by the lights.


Outside the barrier is Unity trying to break the dome but not even the newly modified SCP Carrier, Daedalus, and the Sky Patrol flying fortress is doing any damage.

Will: "This got Devour all over it" he said as his wife appeared beside him.

Lucy: "Whatever this barrier is. It also prevents me from entering" she said.

Back inside the dome.

Dipper and Pacifica use Twilight and Wendy's in her deer form to travel around quickly and take out shade demons and spiders. They came across Pacifica's friends Grenda Grendinator and Candy Chiu both dressed in Star Fleet uniforms. Grenda is covering Candy using a metal pipe. Candy was busy activating a utility Protectron who is still in its recharging station at the fence off substation. The substation was damaged by the spiders, bringing down the power in the area. Candy is trying to get the robot online which it's charging station is powered by its own backup battery in case of a blackout, so that it could repair the substation. And it is able to help fight as it's armed with a laser protectron hand the robot has a hand shock to jump start the electric grid.

"Girls are you ok?" Pacifica asks blasting a spider.

Candy: "Yes, as soon as, I can get this protectron switch to security mode" she said working on the side panel which was padlock till Grenda broke the lock.

Grenda: "Now we are" she said seeing the protectron recharge station opening up and letting out the protectron. The protectron began blasting the shade demons and spiders, seeing them as a threat to the children near it.

Pacifica: "Here use these," she said giving her two friends spare blasters.

Candy: "Thanks," she said as she and Grenda each took a blaster.

Together with the robot the gang blasts away at the demons and spiders. Only stopping when there wasn't any left in the area.

Grenda: "We need the power back on" she said to the protectron.

The protectron walked over to the damaged substation and began repairing it. The robot pulled out wires and welding them together, pulling out parts from a supply locker and replacing the damaged ones and finally using its shock hand to give the entire system a jump start causing the electrical power to flow once again. The lights in the area turned on driving the shade demons back and letting the people in the area to see what they were fighting. And the protectron, went on guard duty mode to keep the area around the substation safe.

"Hey over here!" Dib's voice called out to them.

"Follow us," Pacifica said to her friends.

Running over to where Dib's voice came from, they found him, who is dressed as a doctor, fighting off a shade demon with a flashlight.

Dib: "Thank zork you're here, I- GAH!" He shouted as a spider leaps at him only to be kicked away by Wendy in her deer form.

"Did you have any of your magical stuff on you? It would sure help us," Dipper asked Dib.

"I got this," Dib said opening his pip-boy and pulling out the Third-Arm Sash from the subspace pocket and putting it on.

"Got anymore magic items?" Twilight ask.

Dib: "I'm looking" he said as he looked through his pip-boy.

Pacifica: "What don't you have a fireball throwing thing?" She ask.

Dib: "I couldn't bring something like that at camp" Dib said as he pulls out the Mirror Shield that can reflect any energy attack back at the user.

They all look up as Fright Knight battles the two phantoms high above them. Both Danny and Dani kept the Fright Knight between them as they blasted him with their ghost rays. Down below them are Molly and her friends who are using torches to keep the shade demons and spiders away.

So far the Phantom siblings kept out of range of the Fright Knight's sword the Soul Shredder, which would send them to a subspace pocket world of their worst nightmare. The only way to stop the Fright Knight that Danny knew of was to stick the sword into a pumpkin and chant the words to seal him away.

Dib; "THIRD ARM SASH!" He shouted using the magical arm like sash to grab Fright Knight and pulled him out of the air, taking him by surprise.

Candy: "Come to Mama!" She said holding a new ghost trap that the Ghostbusters made.

Fright Knight: "NO!" He shouted as he was slammed into the ghost trap in one go then Danny flew towards Dipper and Dib.

"Thanks man! That was getting pretty" Danny moves his eyes to see shade demons and spiders running away dragging captured victims away.

Dipper: "They're not killing anyone they're just capturing them," he said having seen that none of the attackers besides the villains leading them were trying to kill anyone.

Dani: "I've been saving as many as I could but there are just so many being taken" she said.

Danny: "We need to find out where they're taking them" he said.


Mr. Scotdale and his daughters are battling a horde of giant spiders who were attacking some kids. Who had been keeping shade demons at bay with their flashlights, till the spiders showed up. That was when Mr. Scotdale and his daughters showed up and saved the kids, killing the spiders and demons.

Isla: "Sweet Mercy, that was annoying!" She said pulling out her spear from a dead spider.

Luna: "This dome is the doing of Sombra" she said landing with Sunset who had been riding on her getting off.

Sunset: "Looks like he and the other villains must have gotten someone to give them borrow magic," she said.

"How do we stop him?" Sunset said looking at Luna.

Luna: "Last time it took me and Celestia using the elements to stop him," she said.

Sunset: "Luna get these kids to safety" she said getting off of her aunt.

Luna: "Take care" she said leading the children away.

Cora: "Where's mom and the others?" She ask look around and see that only about half of them were here.

Lorna: "Mom and our other sisters must have been separated from us" she said.

Mr ScotDale: "Follow me kids" he said.

They came across several securitrons blasting away at the shade demons and spiders. Driving them back by the sheer amount of firepower being poured on them. Thanks to their targeting systems the robots avoided hitting anyone else but their targets.

Scratch: "Hey guys" he said as he waved at them as he rode on top of one of securitrons.

When the dome and the attack happen, Scratch and the other ghosts helped out where they could. Scratch got the ghosts to go and activate as many of the security robots as they could find. Which led to Scratch finding the new police securitrons that we're going to be activated next week, and turning them all on.

Sunset: "Scratch you got the police robots working" she said.

Scratch: "Yeah the cops were busy so I went and got them all online. The other ghosts are helping and turning on robots" he said.

Sunset: "Send some of the robots to search for whoever is keeping the dome up. It's a unicorn named Sombra, take him out and save the day. He should be near the dome" she said.

Scratch: "Well time for this chairman to show why I'm in charge" he said and ordered half of the robots to stay and fight and for the rest to follow him. He zoomed off with six of the robots to search for the evil unicorn.

Mr ScotDale: "Come kids let's drive them back!" He shouted once again leading his daughters into battle.

They came across Other Mother leading her army of giant spiders attacking the town hall. The cops are fighting them off while Scary Godmother and her friends focused on getting children to safety. Inside the town hall people are barricading the windows keeping the spiders from entering from the outside. Sunset and her family charged into the horde of spiders.

Other Mother growls seeing the new enemies charging in and killing her spider army. Then smiles seeing the youngest member of the new group. A bit older than what she's used to but killing the youngest member of the group who looks to be a family, would twist the knife. Other Mother ran using her long spider legs and raced by the Scotdale family with her using her threads to lasso Sunset who gave out a cry as she was pulled from her family.

Sunset: "HELP!" Sunset screamed as she was dragged away.

Seeing Sunset being pulled away her father and sisters race after her. Other Mother races to one of the buildings where she would climb up and take the young girl someplace where she'll be able to turn her into a doll. Without having to worry about her family attacking her while doing so.

Mrs Scotdale: "Oh no you don't!" She shouted bringing down her axe onto the thread freeing Sunset.

Sunset: "Mom" she shouted seeing her mom and the rest of her sisters coming to save her. Two of her sisters freed her while the other sisters formed a circle around her.

Other Mother: "Petty your daughter would have made a fine doll," said facing off with Mrs. Scotdale.

Mrs. ScotDale: "You're not doing anything to my girls or to me" she said.

Other Mother: "Ha! There's not enough thread in the world to make a doll as fat as you" said.

Family: "Oh boy, here we go" the Scotdale family said.

Mrs. ScotDale: "FAT!? FAT!? I'M STOUT!" Mrs. Scotdale shouted as she charged at Other Mother.

Mrs. Scotdale already angry that the spider thing wanted to make her youngest into a doll but calling her fat on top of it, is the last straw. Swinging her axe she chopped off Other Mother's spider legs as she tried to fight her off. Disarmed Mrs. Scotdale grabs Other Mother by her neck and chokes the life out of her as the smaller woman tries to free herself. Lifting Other Mother up by her neck, Mrs. Scotdale throw her into an open fire pit face first. Other Mother screams as she lifts her face out of the burning pit, only for Mrs. Scotdale to force her face back into the fire using her axe to press her head into the flames.

Other Mother screamed in pain as her face burned. Mrs. Scotdale keeping up the pressure on Other Mother, reached down and grabbed the lighter fluid that the owner of the fire pit was using as the BBQ outdoors. Mrs. Scotdale poured the flammable liquid on Other Mother's head making her scream more.

"Calling me fat is one thing but no one threatens my babies!" Mrs. Scotdale said to Other Mother lifting her up out of the fire long enough for her to hear her words before she shoves her back down. She didn't stop till Other Mother stop moving, which Mrs. Scotdale shoves the rest of the body into the fire.

And with her death the giant spiders no longer under her control acted like real spiders. Running away from the loud noises and bright lights. Which only left the shade demons attacking the town.


Oogie is still on the rampage against Jack, which Jack is desperately keeping Oogie's attention on him and trying to lure him away from the town. Oogie, still a giant lumbering abomination of trash and bugs, is all but unstoppable. Oogie grabs and eats a pegasus that flew too close to him, absorbing her passive heart song magic and begins to sing.

Oogie: "Well Well Well
'What a pest you are'
'Still around, huh?'
'Ooooh! Can't say I like that!'
'So why don't you just give up?'
'Ya know, surrender!" He sing.

Jack, knowing a thing or two about heartsong-combat himself, quickly weaponizes the music to fight back-

Jack: "It's over. It's over.'
'Your scheme was bound to fail!'
'It's over! You're finished here.'
'Your next stop will be jail!" He sing.

Musical notes manifest and whack the humanoid shape bag of insects from here to Sunday! sadly he's not yet done.

'He mocks me, he fights me!'
'I don't know which is worse!'
'I might just split a seam now'
'If I don't die laughing first!'

Oogie summons large metal beams out of the ground to impale Jack, but Jack just nimbly dances out of the way, gathering up his music for another strike-

'What's this, a trick?'
'I'm not impressed.'
'You're bad and now you're tall'
'It makes it all the more'
'Worth while to see a giant fall!'

Once more he shoots out his music, giving Oogie a tumble but not putting him down-

'Talk talk talk,'
'but I'll tell you,'
'This giant's goin' nowhere!'
'If I were you, I'd take a hike!'
'There's danger in the air!'

Sings Oogie as he tries to trample him. Jack continues to sing as well as he dodges and weaves like a boss!







Jack makes his Pumpkin King outfit appear on him-

'I'm the only Pumpkin King!'

He shouts as he uses the music to enhance his flames to engulf Oogie completely.

'Well, I'm feeling angry,'
'And there's plenty left to do!'
'I fought your most unwelcome help'
'And now I'm after you!'

Sings Jack as he continues his musical barrage.

'Even if you catch me,'
'You could never do me in!'
'I'm ten stories high and just as strong!'
'Which means I'm gonna win!'

Sang Oogie as he released a swarm of murderous insects from his folds.







Jack summons on his Santa outfit.

'I'm the only Pumpkin King!'

He once again empowers his frosty gifts with music to both freeze over the swarm and drop giant hail upon Oogie.

'It's over, you're finished!'
'You'll never get away!'
'YOU, the Halloween King?'
'That'll be the day!'

Sings Jack as he reverts back to his old clothes and continues the musical mayhem.

'How feeble, how childish!'
'Is that the best you've got?'
'You think that you're a hero Jack,'
'But I think you are not!'

Sings Oogie as he reorients himself and renews his attack.

'Whoa, Now it's time for you to see'
'what it really means to scare,'
'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man'
'Although I don't play fair.'

He body slams 10 blocks and angrily crawls after Jack.

'It's much more fun, I must confess'
'When lives are on the line'
'Not mine, of course'
'but yours, old friend'
'Now that'd be just fine.'

He makes his mouth ten times taller than the water tower and keeps chomping after the ever artfully dodging Jack.







'I'm the only Pumpkin King!'

This barrage was the biggest yet!

Sadly, although the damage was great. It did NOT end Oogie. Worse, he finally wised up that as much as his inner-thespian loved a good villain song... it wasn't worth empowering his nemesis. So, he spat out the pony, to end the song. And the pony is left forever scared of bugs having been eaten and covered with them.

Disoriented by the sudden loss of his musical accompaniment, Jack was thrown off and easily captured. Oogie slowly raised him up to eat him. This was what he wanted and he was going to SAVOR it!

However Twilight using her telekinesis shoves a trash bag full of cans of bug spray she got from a store, into his mouth. Causing Oogie to cough at the surprise mouth full and turn his attention to Twilight and her group. He was about to step on them when the firecracker that was lit and placed inside the bag of cans of bug spray went off. The explosion caused all the bug sprays to burst releasing all the poison inside Oogie's sack body, killing tons of bugs as the gas spread. Losing bugs that kept his body together Oogie fell backwards, releasing Jack from his grasp.

As the monster collapses, Jack quickly uses his soul-robber to grab Oogie's brain bug before it can slither away and puts it in a jar to send to Tartarus later. Oogie had lost so much of his essence he couldn't hold onto his new power, and it largely dissipated. Weakening more of the villain's army.


Juniper jumped out of the way as Auntie Roon blasted her with her staff as she rode on her flying fish. Auntie Roon was laughing as she sent shade demons after Juniper to mob her so she could blast her foe. One of the shade demons grabbed Juniper and she used it as a human shield to take a blast of magic from Auntie Roon.

Juniper "So, you and the others all got together to take out me and the others?" she asks dodging energy blasts.

Auntie Roon: "Got that right. I have been looking forward to this. With my magic back I'm going to get the gang back together and rampage on the human world," she said.

Juniper: "Where have you been? Don't you know that because of me and others, we got the magical world and human world to get along? Sure the elders are still against it and it's only the young mostly into living together but it's a start. And you're not going to be getting monsters to just follow you" she said as she grabs a display lantern hanging by a chain. Juniper swung it around bashing the shade demons and making them poof away.

Auntie Roon: "Hey, you have any idea how hard it was getting back to earth after being banished? Thanks to the merge all of us that were banished to a magical prison were freed but of course we did lose our magic. But thanks to some borrowed magic, I'm- Hey!" she shouted as Juniper swings the lantern chain at her and she blocked it with her staff, which the chain wrapped around.

Juniper: "Got it," she said as she tank Auntie Roon off of her fish and right into her fist. Sending her flying across the street till she hits the side of a building and falls to the ground out cold.

"What do you know, one good punch is all you need to take down a magic user," Juniper said remembering how Ronnie said that most magic users are glass cannons. And thinking about it, the times that she did fight Auntie Roon, she never did just punch her lights out.


The last hour had been weird for Star (well, 'WEIRD' for her anyway). Fighting backside to backside with her boyfriend as they fought off the shade demons and spiders, up till the spiders all just ran away leaving just the shade demons. Seeing Tom, Janna, Unicorn Head and Kelly helping officer Public in setting up a safe zone at the arcade, before they were pulled away by some shade demons chasing some little kids.

Then they wound up smack in the middle of a fight between Korra, and Asami, with Ko the face-stealer. He wasn't alone as he also had many other formerly depowerd spirits from Korra's world. Around them are people who had their faces stolen by the spirit, running around in a panic. The ring of fire that Korra created is still protecting the people inside from the demons and spirits. Around them are fighters from Mortal Kombat fighting off the spirits and shade demons.

Korra: "Catch," she shouted as she threw both of them some masks to protect them from Ko's face stealing powers.

Star: "So, these are the spirits of your world?" She asks as she punches one away. With them losing their powers after the merge happening many of the spirits suddenly found themselves being able to be touched by mortals when in the past they were intangible.

Korra: "Enough talk more fight" she said trying to blast Ko with lightning.

"We need to finish these good for nothing spirits." Korra said.

Ko: "Looks who's talking. You have abandoned your duties as the avatar, and not helping us spirits to be restored to our rightful place," they said.

Korra: "You all think you deserve my help? None of you would help me when I came to you for help with Kuvira. You spirits have a one sided relationship with us humans, all take and never give on your part. It's always up to the avatar and humans to restore the balance or save the world. While you spirits do nothing on your end, except for the rarest of occasions. And despite all the so-called 'friendships' you all claimed to have forged in the brief time, I had brought our two worlds together. You all ditched us all at the first sign of trouble. And despite the fact that Kuvira's schemes were a clear threat to the spirit world, the spirits vines going nuts and kidnapping people is a huge giveaway to that. You all once again did nothing and made me and my friends do all the dirty work," she shouted out.

"And you all still expect me to restore all of you back how you all were, when you did nothing to earn it in anyway? None of you are worth saving." Korra said.

Star: "Why don't you all just earn it back like Wan Shi Tong did?" She said as she pointed out the fact

Ko: "I don't need to listen to anything you say. You're the reason why this calamity happens in the first place. Not to mention utterly destroyed thousands of worlds and killed countless others," they said.

"You know what? You're completely right. I didn't think things through, I took the easy way out. I choose to trash thousands of worlds to save my own. I choose to scapegoat magic for all my problems instead of facing my issues with my MOM. There are SO many things I regret about that decision," Star said sighing and stopped to glare at Ko.

"But freeing my friend Korra of her sucky destiny? AND depowering ungrateful jerks like you? THAT I will NEVER regret it." Star said

Norbert: "You said it" he said as he and Daggett showed up.

Daggett: "So, is this the face stealing spotty spirit?" He asked.

Korra: "Yup" she said.

Norbert: "Well, our friend is immune to your powers," he said.

Ko: "Oh really?" They asked.

Stump burst out from an alley and stop in front of Ko. Who stared at the craved face of Stump which no matter what showed no emotion. Ko's whole thing was that no matter who he fought against they would always show some emotion and that's how he won as he stole their face leaving them helpless. But facing someone who has a face that can't show any emotion is something that he never had to deal with before.

Stump grabs Ko with the one of the lifters arms by his power lifter's right arm and applies crushing pressure. Ko tried wiggling free but couldn't break out of the power lift's claw. Stump use the left claw to grab onto Ko's lower body to stop his twisting body. Stump moves Ko into a position where they're face to face. Ko could only stare at Stump emotionless face, which no one had ever managed to do. In one clean motion Stump rips Ko's head off of his body. Dropping the head Stump brought up one foot up and brought it down on Ko's still aware head.

With Ko's death all the faces he has ever stolen returned to their owners. The spirits that still able to move fled for their lives. Falling from the sky Jake with Chang on top of him as they both hit the pavement.

Chang: "Got you now," she said gloated looking down at the young dragon.

Jake: "No we got you," he said causing Chang to realize that she's in the middle of a group of fighters from Mortal Kombat.

Shao Kahn struck her with his hammer sending her flying off of Jake. Before she could get up, she was dog piled by the fighters, punching and kicking her. They didn't stop till she was a bloody mess on the ground. And with her taken out all the shade demons disappeared.


Dipper and his group had tracked down where the victims had been taken to, the Barrels & Crates, Incorporated. A small factory that makes barrels and crates that has been around for years. Dipper and the others ran into Huntress Wizard, and Canyon who went with them to save the people taken.

Bursting into the factory they found what has been happening to the people that have been taken. The Summerween Trickster has been swallowing them and with each person he ate, the stronger he became. He was finishing off eating the last two people the shade demons had caught and brought to him before they all disappeared.

Dipper: "Mabel!" he shouted as she was tossed into the Trickster's mouth followed by Soos.

Wendy: "Soos!" She shouted seeing the gofer like a man being eaten.

Soos: "Tell my story!" He shouted as he gets eaten by the Trickster struggling in the Trickster's mouth trying to free himself before being swallowed alive.

Dib: "Alright Trickster put a stop to this now," he said pointing his blaster at the Trickster.

Trickster: "No, I will not stop. I'm so close to having my day known beyond this town," he said lashing out with his arms that grew in length and size.

The heroes dodged the hands that tried to grab and smash them. Dipper and the others armed with blasters fired on the Trickster but the holes they made just healed in seconds. The Trickster began growing in size and gaining more arms which he lashes out at the heroes with. Seeing how they're sitting ducks in the confine space of the factory the heroes ran outside into the open.

The Trickster growing bigger burst out of the factory and chased the heroes who lead him to the town square where most of the other heroes had gathered. There the other heroes attacked the Summerween Trickster as he grew bigger and grew more arms. Which the heroes had to fight off and destroy when one of the hands managed to grab someone, as the ones that weren't saved were tossed into the Trickster's mouth.

Tambry fired her arrows at the hand that grabbed the Huntress Wizard trying to free her. But could only watch in horror as her teacher in archery was eaten. Then she saw a hand zooming towards Wendy who had just ram into one of the hands in her deer form, rushing forward Tambry was grabbed instead of Wendy who could do nothing as she was eaten as well.

Jake avoiding the hands grabbing for him used his fire breath began burning some of the arms and causing the smell of burnt sugar to fill the air. Lemon tried using her powered up energy gun on the Trickster but to her surprise all the blast did was make a large hole in his body that quickly healed. Lincoln bite down on an arm as it grabbed Ronnie and recoiled at the taste.

Lincoln: "Salt water taffy? Gross" he said spitting out the candy.

Ms. Caulfield: "What are you made out of?" She asks chopping off an arm with her shovel protecting Six and seeing that it's made up of candy.

Trickster: "You really haven't figured it out yet? Don't you recognize me? Look at my face! Look closely," he said pulling off his mask revealing that his entire body is made out of candy.

Canyon: "Wait that's loser candy," Canyon said seeing the kind of candy that she never eats.

Trickster: "That's right! Did you ever stop and think about the candy at the bottom of the bag that no one likes? Every year the children and adults of Gravity Falls throw away all of the 'REJECTED' candy into the dump. Made worse since the merge with the candy that Equestria, Candy Kingdom, and Big Apple City make that just end up being thrown away. Do you have any idea how much candy those two places make that just end up in the dump because no one like them? And they continue to make them?" He asks turning his attention to Sunset and the people from Big Apple City.

Sunset: "Hey, I'm not in charge of the candy factories," Sunset said.

Bread Pudding: "Same here," he said.

Trickster: "So, I seek revenge; revenge on the picky children and adults who cast me aside. I'm made of every tossed piece of black licorice, every discarded bar of old chocolate with like that white, powder stuff on it. You know that stuff!" He said.

Juniper: "I hate that stuff," she said out loud.

Trickster: "No one would eat me. So now, I'm going to be eating children inst-" the Trickster began to rant but stopped as he started coughing and held his chest.

Bursting out of the Trickster's chest is Soos who had eaten his way out. Screaming as he works his way to fresh air Soos tore the Trickster chest wide open. Causing candy to spill out of the Trickster and in the mass of candy are all the people that the Trickster had eaten alive. All while being watched by the heroes to their horror.

Soos: "Sup, bros?" He greeted the heroes as he was still halfway out of the Trickster's chest.

The Trickster falls to the ground vomiting jelly beans. All while Soos continues to eat the Trickster to the disgust of all who are watching.

"Dudes, you want some of this?" Soos asks offering some candy to the heroes who all shake their heads not wanting any of that. Wondering how Soos could be eating the candy.

Trickster: "Wait you actually think I taste good?" He asked.

Soos: "Uh, sure! You know," he said.

Trickster: "All I've ever wanted is for someone to say that I was... good," he said crying tears of candy corn.

"I'm so happy!" Trickster said.

Soos: "The crying makes it a little weird, but guess I'm still eating" he said as he took another bite.

While everyone was still staring at Soos eating someone alive. Pinkie Pie the pony burst out of the Trickster's chest. The remains of her chicken costume still cling to her.

"Sup, Pinkie" Soos said.

Pinkie: "I've been traumatized," she said completely terrified.

Mabel: "Me too," she said popping out of the pile of candy.

Jake: "That's donked up man!" He said turning back to his human form and holding his hands to his mouth.

Canyon: "I think I can't ever eat candy ever again," she said holding onto her lunch. A statement that many shared, as the image of Soos eating his way free and eating a candy person alive is the stuff of nightmares.

Huntress Wizard: "You said it" she said pulling herself out of the candy pile and helping Tambry up as well.

Dib: "Let's see if this works," he said taking out another ghost trap and to his surprise it sucked a ghostly form the candy. Causing the pile of candy to lose its shape and just ended up a pile.

"What you know he's a spirit possessing candy, or candy that created a spirit" Dib said.

Sunset: "Don't think about it" she said then turned to Soos.

"Stop eating that candy!" Sunset said which Soos stopped.

Soos: "Ok," he said holding something that looks like a candy heart and when he thought no one was looking took a bite out of it.


Sombra has been fighting off Scratch and the robots, he created a shield protecting himself from the robots attacks while attacking with his dark crystals that burst out of the ground. Sombra feeling himself being cut off from the borrowed magic from the Tricker and the energy fading from the dome fading. He used the last of the magic to teleport away and the dome fades away as the power feeding it was cut off.

Thus Unity, the soldiers and other reinforcements entered Gravity Falls to help with the aftermath. They also ran into the remaining giant spiders and were gunned down or captured. It would take much time to repair the damage done to the town and clean up the mess. Especially the pile of loser candy which Dipper and Mabel had to pull Soos away from, seeing how he kept eating the candy, much to the disgust of everyone else. Which would all be dumped into the recycler to make sure another Trickster wouldn't form from it.

Ghost Realm

Fright Knight had no idea how long he was trapped in the ghost trap but was glad once he was freed from the small prison. He looked around and saw that he was once again in the Ghost Zone and he was back in the castle. A deep pit of cold fear filled him as he realized what that meant.

Pariah Dark: "Where have you been?" He asks his servant getting his attention onto the king of the Ghost Zone.

Fright Knight: "I was on Earth getting revenge on the ghost boy," Fright Knight said as he quickly got on his knees and bowed to his master.

Pariah: "I have bigger things to deal with than dealing with that ghost child. We are at war with the shinigami of Soul Society. They dared to come to my Ghost Zone and claim it for the so-called Soul King. Now you shall once again lead my armies in conquering a new realm to add to my own" he said.

Fright King: "Yes, my king" he said.

Pariah: "Good, now meet your fellow generals" he said waving to the ones behind Fright Knight as he walked to his throne and sat down.

Turning around Fright Knight saw both Undergrowth and Vortex who have become generals in the ghost king's army. There are several figures who he only heard about. As well as 3 leaders of other dead realms.

Then there's Hisako a vengeful spirit hailing from the videogame Killer Instinct. From what he has heard she came from a world with a mega company or something that basically rules the world. But that's just the lore of the game she's in and is more like an actor playing the part.

Spinal the undead skeleton pirate also comes from the same game as Hisako. Both going to the Ghost Zone to live with other ghosts and undead. Once they showed they still had their powers from their game but no longer bond by the game rules, they were made generals in the ghost army.

Davy Jones the undead sea captain of the Flying Dutchman. In the living world he is bound to the sea unable to walk on dry land but for every ten years. In the Ghost Zone however he's able to go wherever he wants and his ship is able to fly. He also has Youngblood with him as his cabin boy.

The current ruler of Hueco Mundo where the hollows and arrancar reside. Ruling from the capital of Las Noches, Tier Harribel had bent the knee to Pariah in exchange for freeing her fellow hollows of their hunger for souls. By ripping off all of their masks, turning them all into arrancars.

Then there's La Muerte and her husband Xibalba the rules of Land of Remembered and Land of the Forgotten. Both of them have allied with Pariah Dark after the shinigami invaded their realms.

And finally Scratch the chairman of the Ghost World and the one who brought the ghost trap

Pariah: "Oh yes there is another thing" he said.

Fright Knight: "Yes master?" He asked.

Pariah: "WHERE'S MY CROWN!" He roared at Fright Knight reminding him of him losing the Crown of Fire which added to the ghost king's power.

"Fright Knight: Vlad Masters has it. But after the merge happen and the earth was saved from the space rock, he just disappeared into space" he explains.

Xibalba: "The mortals must have taken it," he spoke up.

Pariah: "What?" He asked turning his attention to the undead ruler.

La Muerte: "Seeing how Masters tried to blackmail the world so that he could become its ruler after he caused the blowing up of the space rock to fail. The government quickly seized all of his belongings and assets. So the crown of fire should be held in a vault of something," she said.

"Well then it's time that I pay the living world a visit again" Pariah said.

However at Devour isle.

Currently Devour is looking at the countless Fear energy canisters that he and his forces gather however a portal opens which reveals to be Chara who has an old oil lantern which Devour throws a fire stick into the lantern thus allowing the Beast to return.

Then another portal opens and this time it is a group of evil counterparts of several heroes but they are carrying a thermos that hold Dark Danny.

Powerpunk Girls:
Berserk is the opposite of Blossom
Brat is the opposite of Bubbles
Brute is the opposite of Buttercup

Raggy Ann likes the skin of an Exo-Skin, a synthetic skin of Jenny.

Evil duplicate of Juniper Lee.

Yang Jake

Once the two portals closed did Devour free Dark Danny who looked around confused until he saw Devour.

Dark Danny: "So what do you want. Seeing as you free me" he said.

Devour: "Joined my side and you can kill any who dare to oppose you especially revenge against Clockwork and Danny for wrongly imprisoning you" he said.

Dark Danny: "Mm alright but I don't do teamwork" he said which Devour shrugs.

Devour: "So long as you don't kill anyone on our side I don't care after all" he said grabbing a canister and absorbed it which his eyes glow purple.

"We will strike like a snake" Devour said smiling.

An: almost 9500 words. Hope you all enjoy this.

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