Ch 14: Boss Mabel

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Currently Gravity Falls is steadily rebuilding itself from the attack of the Summerween invasion however only six people die because of a bad reaction to the spider's venom.

However while the town rebuilds itself the SCP and Unity are in a meeting to discuss the attack.

Reagan Ridley: "Ok so from what we understand Devour is planning something big and that latest attack proves that he isn't messing around" she said looking at the paper of the Gravity Falls results.

Amelia Buck: "And from what I gather from the surviving villains. It seems these villains have only recently joined Devour group" she said.

Will Ekta: "Thank you ladies. However after giving Pariah Dark his crown he immediately went to personally destroy several of the Soul Society bases" he said.

Reagan: "Ok but what about Bill and Him. From what we gather they are definitely working with Devour since Clockwork got attacked by evil versions of several heroes and the worst part is that they got Dark Danny" she said which Will sigh.

Will: "I know and thankfully we do have means to trap him again but the rest we don't know" he said.


In the Ghost Realm.

Thanks to the Shinigami and the merger, the ghost zone is increasingly unstable with non-stop fighting, this- among other things -brings instability to Dorathea's realm. There's a (big) minority of Aragon supporters who actively fight against her progressive reforms... the recent conflict has radicalized them. The only thing stopping things from getting worse is the return of the ghost king with Dorathea bending the knee to serve him. Calling upon her subjects to fight against the invading shinigami who while losing their powers in the Ghost Zone, and in their world regain their powers. Their swords can still harm ghosts, spirits and other soul-like beings and with them having billions even without their powers they have the numbers. Even if the soldiers weren't much for even the likes of the Box Ghost to beat.

Her advisors suggest marrying someone to give her more legitimacy in the eyes of the more neutral factions and possibly even radical factions. There's only one person she'd be comfortable with but she's too nervous. But she's determined to do what it takes to save her kingdom. All she needs to do is get the paperwork filled out to visit the mortal world.

After going through all the red tape that Walker had set up for any ghost that wants to visit the mortal world. Unlike how it was before the portals to the mortal world still open at random but fewer than there were before thanks to the merge happening. Now the only sure way to enter the mortal world is by the portal that is located and guarded by Walker. Which is the only stable portal into and out of the ghost zone for both sides.

With the ghost king returning to power and him causing every attack by the Shinigami to become defeated. The ghost king made a truce with the mortal world in exchange for taking ghosts, spirits, and other soul-like beings to be locked away. The ghost king would get advanced weapons and keep ghosts of his realm from causing trouble, with the ghost king giving his word as a king which while Dark is many things once he gives his word he will not break it. Confirmed by Clockwork the ghost of time. Now the Ghost Zone has allied with other afterlife worlds to combat against Soul Society.

According to Ichigo Kurosaki who before the merge was a reaper before losing his powers to defeat a rogue reaper, revealed that the Soul Society is attacking because they want to bring all the different afterlife worlds under their rule. And revealed that besides the inner section of Soul Society everything else is a giant slum out of ancient Japan. Where the souls living there have no rule of law just the ones that the gangs make for themselves. They all just stay there forgetting their mortal lives and not even being given a chance of living another life as other afterlife worlds did to the souls they have. And the reapers blindly follow orders no matter what. The only reason why they haven’t done anything in the living world is because once out of their world they lose all of their powers and become human.

Not only that their leader an old man wouldn't back down as he won't disobey any order he's been given by the ruling council that are only kept in power by him. With their king not doing anything as he has lock himself away in his own world. With the shinigami looking down on the mortals caused people to not want to side with them and instead sided with the other afterlife worlds. Seeing how bad things are in Soul Society and how backwards things are there.

And the reason why they're fighting in the first place is that the souls that usually come to Soul Society aren't anymore. Seeing how the shinigamis can't use their powers outside of Soul Society they couldn't go around collecting souls. And the souls that just make their way to them are now going to the other afterlife worlds. And the ruling council of Soul Society gave the order to invade and take over the other afterlife worlds, which the shinigamis can't use their powers in and unlike how things use to work, easily die compared to how they used to be able to survive just about any wound. They became just normal humans and once they died they were just dead.

Now with all of Ghost Zone now at war with Soul Society all the former foes of Danny Phantom are now serving the ghost king in one way or another. Skulker and Technus using their advanced technology are arming the other afterlife world's forces. Seeing how the shinigamis only fight with swords, the energy weapons the spirits are armed with give them the edge. The only reason the other afterlife forces haven't overrun Soul Society with their advanced weapons is because of the shinigamis being able to use their powers while there.

Ghosts have been taking apart raids on Soul Society, from destroying buildings and causing chaos like Undergrowth, Vortex, Terminatra, Nightmerica, and Femalien. To just cause chaos with the souls living in the slums, like Ember and Desiree, causing the souls to riot over their living conditions. Even Pandora is releasing all the evils contained in her box in Soul Society. And Walker's prison is overflowing with shinigamis that have been captured and souls from other afterlife worlds who commited crimes. Force into work gangs to produce the materials to fuel the war machines.

Even as a ruler of her own land she still had to fill out paperwork for the pass to go to the mortal world. The entire gateway from both sides was now like an airport with spirits from many different worlds having to wait in line to be searched and give their reason for visiting the mortal world. It was the same for the living who are visiting the afterlife. Which Dorathea is now waiting in line like everyone else, right behind several skeletons from one of the Mexican afterlife’s.

In Gravity Falls.

Currently Danny is in Gravity Falls to keep watch after he returns from Camp lake bottom because of the fact that Clockwork was attacked by evil versions of the heroes.

Suddenly Dorathea flies in front of Danny surprising him since he didn't expect her.

Dorathea: "Danny there you are" she  said flying to him as he was flying back to Canterlot.

Danny: "Dorathea what are you doing here?" He ask.

Dorathea: "I'm here because I need your help" she said

Danny: "What do you need me to do?" He ask confused.

Dorathea: "Well, my brother still has people loyal to him and with all that's been happening There has been much unrest in my kingdom. And my advisers have told me the best way to ease the tension is by showing the line of the throne is going to be unbroken" she explains.

"Wait does that mean you want me to be your husband?" Danny asks looking completely lost.

Dorathea: "Yes, as a powerful ghost as my husband my brother's faction will lose all support" she said.

"I know how much that could inconvenience you. But if you give it a try I'm more than willing to give you all of the support that I'm able to give to you." Dorathea said.

Danny thinks about it. Dorathea, he had nothing against her personally. She could've manipulated or deceived him to marry him. But instead choose to be honest with him. She was even willing to debase herself and be subordinate to him if it meant keeping her kingdom and her people safe all admirable qualities.

And really what has he got tying him here? True, his expertise on ghosts was important to keep the earth safe. On the other hand wouldn't those skills and expertise be better served in the ghost zone, where the root of most of the ghost threats were?

His friends and family? Yeah, he had Dani, but she was doing well by herself. He'd mostly broken ties with everyone else in any case he'd be graduating from high school soon and he'd been already thinking of moving out of Dani's house and finding his own place, he barely spent any time there as is.

His dream of being an astronaut was sorta unsure. NASA was being militarized, and all exploration was being put on hold and focused more on espionage and defense due to how unstable the cosmos was at the moment. Exploring the ghost zone was probably the closest he'd get to his dream job at the moment, perhaps a NECROnaut? And thanks to the new and improved ghost portals, thanks to tech bought from aperture, they were portable and he could come to earth whenever there was a crisis that needed him, so he could still keep his job with Unity.

Danny: “You know this isn’t something that either of us can just decide right now” he said.

Dorathea: “I know about the attacks but please keep it in mind,” she said.

“Unless you’re still with Sam.” Dorathea said.

Danny: “No, I’m not anymore. When I lost my powers she cared more about not me having powers and she being a part of it than me. She never cared about me just me with ghost powers and without it she just stopped caring about me” he said.

Dorathea “She only cared about you as long as you had ghost powers?” she asked shocked.

Danny: “She did and now away from her and my old life. I can actually see her as I should have. She’s a snowflake who only acts as she does not because she wants to feel special and doesn’t care about others just how she wants things to be done" he said.


Currently Sunset is walking the hall with Private who is sitting on a custom made Mr Handy hover chair.

Private and his team was hired by Unity and Sunset herself to be security detail since the invasion of the Summerween proves that Devour and his villains group is more dangerous than ever before.

Thankfully there is a new robot line called Operators which came from Talos which breaks easily but repair is easy money thus Sunset bought some military versions since she saw how effective they are against foes.

Anyway Sunset is talking about spending time with her Mom and sisters especially with her eldest sisters when Celestia walks up to her.

Before Celestia could speak Lucy appeared and glared at her which Celestia paled.

Lucy: "How many times do I have to say it. Stop trying to be in Sunset life! Seriously you need to realize that what you do have consequences. For example your sister" she said which shocked Celestia.

Celestia: "She was being controlled" she tried to say but Lucy slapped her.

Lucy: "Please that is bull as we both know that you're lying to yourself and can't accept the fact that your sister was jealous of you. Plus where were you when Gravity Falls was being attacked? Staying in this castle because you think you don't need to interfere. Well guess what? Luna and Candace help, sure Candace didn't fight but at least she saved lives. So get out of our way" she said which a few seconds later Celestia move thus allowing Sunset, Private, and Lucy to go.

Once they are far away Sunset look at Lucy with a smile.

Sunset: "Thanks but you know I could handle it" she said which Lucy giggled and rub Sunset head.

Lucy: "I know but sometimes elders need a good smack to realize that they are wrong" she said then they stop in a room where Sunset greets her family especially since they reveal that there gonna be a family reunion at the end of summer.


Currently Mr ScotDale is having a meeting with Luna who still has her dream walking magic but she needs to be in person.

Mr ScotDale: "Ever since the merge I started having these dreams about me being a samurai fighting in some future or past" he said which Luna nod.

Luna: "Alright so just lay down on the couch and I use my magic to see what is happening" she said.


Currently Sheldon is on Talos doing some research when he sees the galactic news which involves an irken called Tak spreading about a special announcement for her planet called Foodcourtia.

True she is an Irken but thankfully she isn't doing anything wrong since she isn't conquering other planets but rather ruling one which involves the planet being a rest stop for everyone.

Sheldon: "Still can't believe that most of the alien villains escaped" he said without knowing that the alien villains are already on earth.

Back to canterlot.

After waking up ScotDale is told that his dream is a temporal echo which is flashbacks of an alternative version of him in an alternative timeline.

His dreams also reveal that time was rewriting itself after that timeline was erased.


Currently on Devour island Him and Bill are completely speechless as Devour manages to bring in the Aku army.

Bill: "Why did you think it was a good idea to bring these losers?" He said which Devour chuckled.

Devour: "Unlike Aku who blew his chance I believe his army can come in handy" he said.

Him: "He got a point" he said which Bill thinks then agrees.


Currently in Tartarus there is an alien called Crypto, who is a part of a dying race called Furon, who is watching tv when he heard his door opening where he looks to see Amelia and several guards behind her.

Amelia: "Prisoner Crypto. Come with us" she said which he got up and follow her. He then looks at his roommates where he sees the Brain of Oogie Boogie in a fish tank, Oliver Foley, Professor Coldheart, and Huntor.

A few minutes later.

Crypto: "So let me get this straight. You want me to join Unity for exchange of using my weapons and mind power to be good?" He said which Will nod.

Will: "Correct plus you will be apart of a program that allows you to join the Alliance" he said which Crypto thoughts then shrugs.

Crypto: "sure" he said then Will give him paperwork which he begin signing.

Mystery Shack.

Stepping off the bus after losing on the game show, Stan looked around at the shack. He had made a bet with Mabel about who could make the most money in with their different ways of being a boss. Which is why he was on that game show to win the money he needed to win that bet. Only for him to run into of all people Eda Clawthrone his ex-wife, who is traveling around the states with her new boyfriend Raine Whispers.

Needless to say the game show ended in flames, to make a long story short.

Returning to the shack, Stan found it looking the same, just covered in golf tees. Rusty is freeing Soos who are covered in rope for some reason. Frank the two headed dog is barking as he chases the strider around, with Wendy riding on top of it trying to tame it. And Dipper is covered in pistachios jelly and being chased around by hungry lamas, Twilight and her two beaver friends Norbert and Daggett, are running and in the case of the beavers riding on the lamas.

“Long story,” Mabel said who is wearing a suit covered in peppermint pieces.

“Same here,” Stan said as he and Mabel stared at the scene before them.

“Call it a draw?” Mabel ask.

“Draw,” Stan said not caring what had happened to cause this mess. Not after he ran into Eda again.

A loud crash came from behind them and turning around the two saw Ed, Eddy, and their new friend Darryl McGee. Ed has on a suit of armor, Eddy has on a pink ballerina outfit, and Darryl has on a diaper and a bonnet. All 3 of them are inside a hot air balloon that crashed landed, with the balloon having a giant pin needle in it that caused the balloon to pop.

“Long day?” Stan asked the kids.

“Yup,” Eddy said as he sighed.

Flying through the trees came the food truck of Strawberry Shortcake, with her friends Orange Blossom, Lemon Meringue, Blueberry Muffin, Lime Chiffon, Raspberry Tart, Bread Pudding, Sour Grapes and Huckleberry Pie inside. All of them are screaming as the out of control food truck is flying around thanks to the giant flies that have surrounded and carried off the truck. Behind the truck flying after it, is Danny and Dani Phantom.

Yup a very long day,” Stan said walking into the shack and pretending he can’t see the pillar of water that Korra has created at the lake to do something or Molly who is in her wright form flying around said pillar.

It’s just been a long day and he doesn’t need anymore stuff on his plate.

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