Ch 15: Bottomless Pit

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Mystery Shack.

Outside of the shack is Mabel, Wendy, Soos, Dipper, and Twilight as they are repairing the fence around the Bottomless Pit.

Dipper: "You HAD to interfere, didn't you Mable? You couldn't just leave well enough alone. Just let people handle their own problems their own way" He said.

Mabel: "Come on! I just wanted Grunkle Stan to lie less! Was that so wrong!?" She said but everyone looked at her.

Wendy: "When it leads to Stan telling Mrs. Scotsdale she's FAT to her face, YES!" She said which Soos shivers with slight fear.

Soos: "I didn't think it possible for a man's head to be shoved up his own ass without killing him. There are some things you just can't unseen." He said with fear in his voice.

Twilight: "That was because of that necklace that gives the wearer rubber hose cartoon-like movement. Which is why Stan is only in the hospital for the pain and sore muscles, not a broken body" she said.

The reason she is here is because of Blackwood who got a robot body created by Dib's father so that Blackwood can travel plus Twilight is helping Blackwood with his stories.

Dipper: "Which is why Sunset is paying the bill for his treatment and why the truth teeth are now in the SCP hands to see if they can't figure out a way to make it into a fool proof lie test" he said.

Twilight: "Seriously Mabel, didn't you learn anything when you nearly made Stan blind because you refused to accept someone COULDN'T have a favorite color of all the stupid reasons" she said annoyed by the fact Mabel didn't learn anything.

Wendy: "HA! Asking Mabel to pay attention to ANYTHING, let alone a LESSON for 5 seconds is apparently asking too much!" She said.

Mabel: "I've been trying. I'm just not good at it yet" she said which everyone groaned in frustration.

Dipper: "Mabel we had this talk after the mailbox. You got to stop acting like the idiot character before you really mess things up. And actually, think of what you're going to do before doing things" he said.

Mabel: "I have been improving right?" She said which Dipper looks uncertain.

A sudden gust of wind causes a piece of paper to fly into Mabel's face causing her to panic losing her vision. Which caused her to run around and into the pit which Dipper grabbed onto her as she was falling, followed by all the others grabbing onto him as he was pulled down with his sister. Blackwood coming out of the shack hearing the screams saw what happened and rolled to the pit. He extended his arms to grab onto Soos but the weight of all the others hanging on pulled him down as well. Soon all of them were pulled into the pit and fell into the darkness. With the only one who saw what happened being the faceless man with the floating head, who had watched it all happen.

In the Pit.

Twilight: "We're somewhere where it looks like we're nowhere." She said flatly as she and the others fell down the pit with no signs of them stopping anytime soon.

Wendy: "You just had to panic just because of a piece of paper" she said to Mabel while Dipper just sighed as he looked over at everyone falling in the hole.

Soos: "Hey, maybe we should pass the time by telling stories" Soos said.

Blackwood: "Oh yes a great way to pass the time" he said.

Mabel: "Yeah! Story!" She said excitedly.

"Me first!" Mabel said which Everyone else shrugged since she can't do anything worse.

Mabel rubbed her hands excitedly.

"Okay, once upon a time-" Mabel tried to say when suddenly they all heard a crack.

Before the group's eyes a crack in time and space appears sucking them in.

Ghost Realm.

Clockworks eyes widen as he let out a gasp as he sat up on the bed he was laying on. He's still recovering from the beating he was given by the evil counterparts of some of the heroes. Helping him to recover is Kronika who has been staying at his place to help him out along with Father Time. Kronika with her own time powers has been helping Clockworks in his time duties.

Kronika: "What's the matter?" She said with a worried tone since Clockwork only reacts if something big happens.

Clockwork: "Somehow, something has ripped open a hole in time and space" he said which surprised the two.

Father Time: "Where?" He said.

Clockwork: "To another universe which thanks to the merge becomes difficult" he said which surprised the two again.

Father Time: "Really?" He said.

Clockwork: "Yes but if you find a weak point just to open a portal" he explains.

Father Time: "So what happened?" He said.

Clockwork: "Dipper and his friends got sucked into that portal" he said.

Kronika: "And where exactly did that portal lead to?" She said.

Clockwork: "A world that Blackwood is all too familiar with. Thankfully he knows how to escape. Father Time would you be so kind to go and tell both Trembley and Will what happened" he said.

Kronika: "They should still be at Canterlot" she said which Father Time nod.

Father Time: "I'll go find them" he said then he rode off on the Wheel of Progress that is pulled by giant hamsters.

Kronika: "This will be interesting to watch" she said which Clockwork nod.

SCP 093

Dipper and the others found themselves in a farm field, long abandoned, in the middle of which stands the remains of a scarecrow, fragments of which are left are rotted and torn. Nothing grows in the tilled land. A farm house is visible to the right of the field, large, two stories, a basement shelter entrance is visible at one end.

Blackwood: "This place looks familiar for some reason" he said as the rest follow him.

The others follow Blackwood to the perimeter of the farmhouse. They saw children's bicycles, a boy's and a girl's, laying against the house near the shelter doors. One of the doors to the shelter lay in the grass, torn from the entrance as evidenced by splintering wood. On the stairs lay clothes arranged in a descending order, shoes to shirt going down them, belonging to a boy.

All but Blackwood were repelled by the stench coming from the basement. Blackwood rolled down the staircase as his sensors detected something. The cellar of the farmhouse is unremarkable and typical. Several wooden shelves line the far wall containing unidentified canned substances. Broken light fixtures sway gently from support beams.

Once in the basement Blackwood found a metal hatch visible in the ground, similar to a bulkhead on a submarine with a turn handle. The handle of the hatch is old, and the paint chipped. Blackwood turned the handle and opened the hatch. Dipper and the others began coughing at the release of the old, stale air. Blackwood looked down the hatch, it is a white concrete tunnel with a long ladder leading down into it.

Wendy: "someone die down there" she said familiar with the smells because of Robbie's parents cemetery.

Soos: "Smell like it" he said as he agreed.

Twilight: "You know. I have been feeling weird" she said catching everyone's attention.

Dipper: "Feels what?" He said.

Twilight: "I don't know but I feel familiar" she said then her horn began to flicker until she magically got a small orb of light to appear which brightened up the basement which surprised everyone.

Mabel: "Twilight you got your magic is back!" She said happy.

Twilight: "It feels good to have that back but I think it's because we're in another universe" she said.

Soos: "Mind-blowing dude" he said.

Blackwood: "Twilight if you be so kind as to lower or teleport me down to the bottom" he said.

Twilight: "Oh sure but it might feel weird since I haven't used magic in a while" she said then use her magic which causes Blackwood to glow then turn into an orb of light that flies down the ladder.

It wasn't long before Blackwood reached the bottom and reform back to himself which he looked around.

The bottom of the shaft was a bunker ill-suited for long term usage. It is spacious, about half the size of the actual cellar itself, containing three bunks, one for a couple and two for single use.

Several boxes of food marked as cereal fill a waste container near the hatch bottom. On the beds are two skeletons and on the floor is a third, lying next to which is a simple six shooter revolver containing no ammunition. Three spent casings are across the floor near the gun. On the other side of this skeleton is a bound book in good condition and what Blackwood grabbed to look over later.

He looks around more of the bunker, focusing on a desk where a newspaper has been cut and is in good condition. He picked up the clipped articles. Little else of interest to be brought back up. Trash bags containing clothing, a few children's toys resembling popular 1950s era products are lined against the wall. He put the toys into his inbuilt Pip-Boy to hold them.

Blackwood: "Ok Twilight you can pull me back up" he said which Twilight did and successfully brought Blackwood back to the top.

"Here is what I found" Blackwood said showing everyone the book and articles.

Wendy: "We also found this strange amber-like stuff" she said showing everyone a jar of the amber.

Twilight: "Hold on. Where is Mabel?" She said noticing that she is missing.

Mabel: "Up here" she said as she is standing on the stairs.

Wendy: "Mabel! Don't you watch horror movies that by leaving the group you could die!?" She said.

Mabel: "Sorry but I think you need to see this" she said which everyone went back upstairs to see what Mabel is talking about.

In the distance far from the farm, two massive, humanoid beings are crawling across the landscape. They are featureless, facing at an angle moving across the field of vision so the faces are only visible for a few moments. From what they could make out it is clear that they have no facial features. The arms they use to drag themselves are short at times and long at others, stretching out to varying lengths each time they move. There is no rear area to the beings, all bodily design appears to end at the torso. The two creatures take approximately ten minutes to disappear into the distance

Wendy: "What was that!?" She said completely terrified as her deer instincts told her to run.

Soos: "it's like something came out of a nightmare dude" he said.

Blackwood: "Something that I wish to never see again" he said surprising everyone.

Dipper: "You know what those are?" He said

Blackwood: "Yes and I'm afraid if we don't find an exit then we're trapped" he said as he regaled everyone with his story of his first and last visit to this place.

Twilight: "So there is a clay red disk that can open portals to this place. Is there one here as well?" She said.

Blackwood: "That's what I figured as well" he said.

Dipper: "Hey listen to this" he said as he had been reading the book and news clippings.

'Most Holy Father Announced Progress, Unclean Being Cleansed!'

'A rare public address directly from the Most Holy Father of The United Lands of the Son has declared that the Blessed Militia has driven back many of the Unclean who are skulking our lands now. New Rome, our capital, has been purged of the Unclean and citizens are encouraged to come back to their homes. Citizens who live in the surrounding countryside should not return to their farms, as the Unclean still roam the fields and plains around our glorious city and continue to grow in size.'

'The Blessed Militia has developed new weapons which have proven capable of punishing the Unclean and driving them back into the Unfertile Lands. Construction has begun of a system to permanently close the Unfertile Lands off from our Blessed Lands in each affected area once all the Unclean have been driven away. The Most Holy requests that all citizens of our United Lands bow in prayer and offer tithe to recognize the sacrifices of our Blessed Militia in these troubled times.'

'Reports have been coming in that falsely accuse the Blessed Militia of having committed sin against the citizens whose homes they are inhabiting as they travel bravely through Contaminated lands. The Most Holy would like to remind the people that blasphemy against any who wear His mark is the most grave of sin and unfounded accusations will be punished accordingly. We should work to support He and His Men however possible just as they lay down their lives for us.'

'The Sinful Rebels who-'

"It's just cut off from there" Dipper said.

Blackwood: "Things got worse from my last visit" he said.

Mabel: "So what should we do?" She said.

Blackwood: "For now we go to that city and see if we can find the Blessed Militia HQ as the Disk might be there" he said then everyone leaves.

Canterlot Hostipal.

Currently Stan is still recovering from the beating of Mrs. ScotDale after calling her fat but he can't blame himself since he deserves it yet he is glad he has the necklace otherwise he would be dead.

Suddenly the door to his room opened and immediately he paled as Will and Sunset entered the room.

Stan: "Um I'm sorry for calling your mother fat Sunset" he said which Sunset waved her hand.

Sunset: "it's alright since it wasn't your fault. But we are here to discuss something serious" she said which Will nod as he has a serious face.

Stan: "Um what about?" He said as he gulped.

Will: "Mabel needs a reality check otherwise she will be kicked out of Gravity Falls for her mistakes as she starts to be like that Starfish and Dee Dee" he said which Stan looked conflicted about.

Stan: "I'm trying but I'm not a great parent since all I do is make mistakes that cost me a lot. Plus her parents are having a vacation by going camping" he said which Will sigh.

Will: "Listen I understand you're trying but sooner or later she will need to grow up especially since she is almost 13 plus nowadays most kids will face the court" he said which Stan understands.

Stan: "I know but the truth is I'm worried that she ends up like I was" he said which Will frowned.

Will: "Why not have her visit a therapist?" He said which Stan thought then sigh.

Stan: "Do you know anyone who won't lose their cool?" He said.

SCP 093

Currently the group is walking towards the city after gathering anything useful from the farmhouse.

On the way both Soos and Wendy have looted any gold or silver items and gave them to Blackwood who stored it in his pit boy.

It wasn't long until the group arrived at the abandoned and powerless city where Wendy looted a jewelry store.

Once Wendy is done looting the group heads towards the museum since it got holy artifacts and where the Disk might be located.

Meanwhile in Poland.

Currently in an old retirement house there is an old woman called Mommy Fortuna who once runs the Midnight Carnival until she is forced to give the unicorn and Harpy Celaeno away.

Despite her new living conditions she feels like it is not enough until Him appears who offers her a chance which she asks to become an immortal demon like him.

Thus Him transforms her into a demoness which she smiles then the two vanish.

Back to SCP 093.

The group arrived at the museum which has a wall of cars that stacked on top of each other till they reached the very top of the buildings on either side of the street. And are 4 cars deep so that the monsters couldn't just push their way through.

Twilight: "This must be the people's last stand" she said.

Dipper: "Twilight can you teleport us to the top of the buildings?" He said which Twilight did.

On the roof the group sees the whole area surrounding the museum.

All the streets that lead to the museum are blocked off by stacks of cars, trucks and what else the people who put them up could find. The museum is surrounded by a fence that is electrified thanks to the cables from solar panels and a windmill powering it and the building. There is also a garden growing around the museum and what looks like several rain catching barrels.

Soos: "Looks like people are still alive here. Why does this remind me of that movie with survivors in a mall" he said.

Wendy: "You think they're friendly?" She ask.

Blackwood: "Hope so, it would be nice to know what happened here" he said.

Mabel: "Hey a Pegasus!" She said pointing to the sky where everyone looks to see an actual pony.

Then that same Pegasus fly down which reveals to be an male armored Pegasus who is surprised to see them.

Twilight: "You're Flash Magnus!" She said which Mabel looked confused.

Mabel: "Who?" She said which Dipper sighed at his sister clueless of pony history.

Twilight: "He is a member of the Pillars of Old Equestria" she said which only confused Mabel more.

Mabel: "What?" She said which Twilight slams her hoves to her forehead only to wince at the pain.

Twilight: "The pillars are the old heroes who used to protect Equestria. Their leader is Star Swirl the Bearded a wizard from the dawn of Equestria's history, who knew Celestia and Luna over a thousand years ago. He was a mentor to them, as well as Clover the Clever, and created more than 200 spells. Regarded as the most powerful and magically gifted unicorn in history, he has a wing in the Canterlot castle archives named for him" she said.

"Rock hoof is an earth pony from a seaside village that dreamed of nothing more than joining the warriors of the Mighty Helm that protected it, but he was too scrawny and weak. When a volcanic eruption threatened the village, Rock hoof's will protect it so strongly that he spontaneously grew into a mighty stallion, and rapidly dug a trench to divert the lava flow and save his people.”

Mistmane a famous unicorn sorceress, Mistmane was the most beautiful pony in her homeland. While she was away to study magic, her friend Sable Spirit botched a spell to make herself beautiful and made herself ugly, and in jealousy ruined the village to take away its beauty. Upon her return, Mistmane performed a powerful spell that restored both Sable and the village to their former glory, but did so at the cost of her looks.

Flash Magnus a pegasus soldier from the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. After a pair of dragons captured his companions and his allies were too afraid to attempt rescue, Flash Magnus distracted the dragons with nothing but a magical shield to defend him. His comrades were rescued and Flash Magnus became honored for his bravery, keeping the shield as proof of his valor.

Somnambula the namesake of a village in Southern Equestria, Somnambula was a Pegasus who gave hope to her people in times when a Sphinx terrorized the land. When the prince of her village tried to stand up to the Sphinx and was abducted, Somnambula rescued him by walking across a narrow bridge blindfolded, relying on his voice to guide her. The furious Sphinx flew away and Somnambula became honored by her people as a hero.

Mage Meadowbrook known to most as a world-renowned earth pony sorceress who possessed eight mystical items, Mage Meadowbrook moonlighted as an elusive masked healer called the "Mystical Mask", traveling Equestria to heal the rarest and most terrible of diseases" Twilight said.

Mabel: "Oh still don't get it" she said which Twilight burst into flames.

An: I couldn't resist.

Then Twilight took some deep breaths before glaring at Mabel.

Flash: "Anyway I'm gonna show you to the others" he said then guide everyone to the museum.

Inside the museum Blackwood is surprised to see Succubus, Ms Sweetie and SCP-1765-3.

They explained that they were brought here by a portal and they arrived at this museum which the ponies found.

Twilight: "The spell that sealed all of you away when the merge happened must have sent you here instead back in Equestria" she said comparing notes with Star Swirl.

Star Swirl: "We have been surviving as best as we could our magic has been keeping the monsters at bay. We had believed that we landed in a future world of Equestria where a new race had taken over or at least in a country where there are only humans. But it is disheartening to learn what happened to our world and magic being gone" he

Mistmane: "I'd rather be magicless than having to deal with the monsters of this world" she said.

Blackwood: "You have any idea what happened here?" He said having told his tale of his last visit to this world.

Meadowbrook: "Nope, all we know is that those monsters that have been crawling around will absorb you when they catch you," she said.

Wendy: "How do you know that?" She ask.

Somnambula: "The pony of shadows was absorbed by one of them. The monster that did it has become bigger and colored black as the result. The normal monsters seem to follow it around" she said.

Dipper: "Speaking of which why haven't we seen any of the monsters while we were coming here?" He ask.

Rock hoof: "They're all around one what I think is a big military compound deeper in the city. There are a bunch of humans who suddenly showed up a couple of months ago" he said.

Dipper: "What do they look like?" He ask.

Flash Magnus : "They're all wearing black robes and at first were all armed with just swords before they started using the weapons called guns. They're led by a man with a strange black and white face named Mayuri Kurotsuchi," he said.

Dipper: "What are those Japanese reapers doing here?" He asks out loud.

"But it does mean they have a way out of this world." Dipper said.

Flash Magnus: "That's what I figure but I can't get close to the building without being shot at. Somnambula took months to heal after she was shot with those weapons of theirs" he said.

Somnambula: "All we can figure out is that they're trying to control the monsters. We saw them using strange machines and even capturing the monsters," she said.

Soos: "I did hear that the ghost and reaper war is heating up. They must be here trying to control the monsters" he said.

Twilight: "If the monsters can absorb the pony of shadows then they would be able to do the same with the ghosts" she said.

Wendy: "When we get back we should tell Will about it" she  said.

Soos: "Why don't you just make a magic mirror like you did before that we can just step through?" He asked Star Swirl.

Star Swirl: "I could but the materials that I need are all only found in Equestria" he said.

Blackwood: "Is this the building that the reapers are holding up in?" He said having taken a map from the police station and mark where the holy order, he didn't bother to remember the name of, HQ. He placed it on a table where the ponies could all look it over.

Somnambula: "No it isn't," she said having seen the city from above long enough to make out where the building is located.

Dipper: "Good the disk should be there" he said.

Flash Magnus: "One problem that's close to the compound and a number of those monsters are there," he said.

Dipper: "Ok so we get in and out of there before anyone sees us" he said.

Wendy: "But how do we get back to our universe?" She ask.

Twilight: "We can make a mirror to be like the magic mirror Star Swirl made" she said.

Star Swirl: "I just said I would need things only found in our world" he said.

Twilight: "Or close enough where it links to the mirror you already built so that once we have the disk it can link us to the mirror in Canterlot" she said.

Star Swirl: "Yes, that could work" he said.

Blackwood: "So how do we get to the building?" He ask.

Flash Magnus: "With the number of those monsters wandering around that part of the city. The safe way is by flying" he said.

Mabel: "Which means me and Dipper are the only ones who can go" she said her eyes sparkling.

Somnambula: "You and your brother are the only ones we can carry," she said looking at the two, lightest and smallest of the humans.

Dipper: "Ok so we just need a plan once we get there" he said.

Mabel: "I have a plan" she said.

Dipper: "Mabel just followed my lead and we should get home in no time" he said.

Wendy: "He is the smart one," she said.

Twilight: "And remember what happened when you were in charge of the shack" she adds.

Mabel: "Right" Mabel huffed wanting to do more but people just keep on pointing out that her plans never work out while Dipper's work most of the time.

Dipper: “Mabel remember that all you need to do is stay with me and don’t do anything dumb that could draw the attention of those monsters” he said.

Mabel: “Don’t worry, I won’t be doing anything dumb” she said.

An: This is a jinx moment.

Gravity Falls.

Currently at the Gravity Falls and Davenport's Outlet Mall, or GFDOM, thanks to no one being able to come up with a better name for the new combined mall. Molly is hanging out with her friends Andrea, Libby, Kat, Sheela, Tammy Myers, and Dani Phantom, at the food court, at the new burger restaurant that has replaced Flavor Burger. The Flavor Burger restaurant owner was found guilty of false advertising by claiming that her burgers are made with Brighton turnips while actually using parsnips, which is considered an unforgivable crime and betrayal in Brighton. Now Flavor Burger has moved into a food truck and is serving the non meat burgers around the casinos for people who don’t care if the burgers are made from parsnips.

The new restaurant is The Egg Barrel, it serves egg burgers. Either sunny side up or scrambled on a bun, with the customer being able to add to the scrambled orders like adding cheese, onions, mushrooms, and other ingredients mixed with the scrambled eggs.

Molly: "These ain't so bad" she said as she and her friends ate their order.

Andrea: "Well I hope so" she said as she was waiting for her order which didn't take long as her operator brought her order.

Libby: "So what can that robot do" she ask.

Andrea: "Can do small stuff like grabbing light things for me, help me keep track of things, hard to reach places, has GPS, can write down what I say when texting, has wifi, even has a taser" she said remembering the stuff that manuel has mentioned.

Tammy: "Why not buy a Mr Handy?" She said.

Dani: "A Mr Handy cost the same as a car" she said.

Andrea: "My operator cost about the same as a new washing machine" she said.

Sheela: "Aren’t there some add ons you can buy?" She said.

Andrea: “Yes or you can just buy one that you need, they have all kinds of operators for sale. The standard one that I got, or the ones that already has the attachments you can buy for the standard one. I just got the one that has the taser attachment. Like that one" she said pointing at a different operator fixing a broken light while the utility worker watched.

Kat: "It be nice to have a repair robot around" she said.

Dani: "Me and Danny already have a Mr. Handy that keeps our place clean. It’s a perk of being heroes of Unity" she said.

Molly: “I would love to have my own robot buddy" she said.

Libby: "Except you have a ghost buddy" she said which Molly nervously chuckle.

SCP 093.

Wendy: "Ok how did Mabel do this?" She asks as she and the others barricade the main entrance of the museum as something bangs on the wooden doors from the outside.

Dipper: "She heard a beeping in a room and decided to leave the group. When we noticed she was gone we found her playing with a keyboard that made some techno sounding music. Which opened up all the canisters of holy tears that were also in the room. It caused the monsters who were just wandering around outside to start to swarm the building" he explains.

Mabel: "But it did open the door that led to the disk" she said.

Flash Magnus: "But you went and taunted the monsters as we were flying away" he said.

Somnambula: "Causing the black one to come after us" she said.

Rock hoof"So how did it get past the wall?" He ask.

Dipper: "It climbed over the wall" he said.

Meadow brook: "They never did that before" she said.

Flash Magnus: "Well, the black one didn't know where we were till now" he said as he and Somnambula always avoided the black one, that seemed to be smarter than the rest.

The pounding on the door stopped as a loud boom sound was heard outside.

Twilight: "Let us in!" She said.

Pushing the displays and benches away from the door, Wendy opened the doors and she was greeted by a sight that caused her to jump back. The others quickly saw the pile of dead bodies outside, with Blackwood, Twilight, Star Swirl and Mistmane standing outside. Blackwood had taken the time to make the same weapon he used the last time he was here. Using what he found on the way from the fallen defenders of this world. Combine with the unicorn's magic caused the monster to break apart and all the humans who had been absorbed into it were freed. But were all long dead due to years of being inside of the monster, except for a freaked out Stygian who is curled up in a traumatized fetal position shivering.

Star swirl: "Come hurry inside the other monsters are trying to break through the wall" he said looking behind him as the wall of cars shake from the monsters pressing themselves against it. Who wasn't smart enough to climb over it like the black one did.

Rock Hoof: "Stygian?" He said seeing his old unicorn friend.

Twilight: "He has been free from the darkness" she said as she lifts him into the air with her magic.

"Come on let's go home" Twilight said.

After barricading the main doors again, that is the only entrance that's big enough for the monsters to get inside. They all gathered around the new magic mirror which is a large one placed on the wall. Blackwood placed the disk on the mirror and stuck his robot arm into it, with it sinking into it like the surface of a pool of water.

Soos: "So how do we know it's safe?" He said.

Wendy: "Mabel wants to test it out" she said which Mabel looked confused.

Mabel: "What?" She said before she was lifted into the air by Twilight and flung into the mirror.

Dipper: "Twilight!" He said surprised she would do that.

Twilight: "What?" She said with an innocent look.

Then both Will and Sunset heads come out of the mirror after seeing a robot hand then Mabel flying out of the same mirror that Sunset used to enter the human world before the merge.

Will: "So care to explain what happened" he said.

Twilight: "Stuck in a different universe where we can use magic but it's full of monsters" she said which Will frown while Sunset look surprised.

Then they pull their heads back in but a few minutes later they both enter with Sunset holding the crown element of magic.

Both Will and Sunset then summon a fire ball of magic which they smile then Sunset puts on the crown causing her to transform.

She gained red wings while getting a few inches taller and gain a buffer built then she had before. Making her look more like her amazon older sisters then she looked before, she's still small but she looks to be on her way of being just like her older sisters. A red star shape tattoo appeared on her forehead and a horn made out of red energy appeared on it.

Before anyone could speak the museum doors blast open then to everyone surprised they see Devour.

Without hesitation Will dash and swing his keyblade at Devour who block it yet there is a blast of magic sent all throughout the world completely destroying the Unclean.

Devour: "Good you got your magic. It would be boring if you didn't but then again I did regain my dimensional traveling again" he said easily opening a portal from his other hand.

Will: "Whatever you're planning you and your allies will fail" he said which Devour chuckled.

Devour: "Perhaps but I know I succeeded unlike the villains that work for or served me" he said then he leaves through the portal that closes.

Once Devour is gone Will look at everyone to see that they're fine.

Will: "Ok let leave" he said which everyone agrees.


After emptying out the museum of its artifacts and contacting SCP about the Shinigami doing something in that world. The magic mirror was taken by Danny who took it to the SCP base where either they will handle it or the ghosts will, or it will be a joint operation. Sunset for her part after stepping back out of the mirror was delighted to find she still has her wings and is able to use magic thanks to her drawing magic from the tree of harmony. Being borrowed magic and allowing her to be one of the few magic users who can still use spell casting magic. Which made her wonder about the other necklaces of the elements being able to do the same. But with the mirror being in the hands of the SCP that could wait. Her family seeing her new form thought her new form and powers was neat. Even if Sunrise didn't like that Sunset is now taller than her.

In the Throne room Sunset had Stygian exonerated for his past crimes. Dipper and the others had already headed for home. After hearing his side of the story Sunset had laughingly compared the pillars to the human Mane 6. Because they were so quick to jump to conclusions and kick Stygian out of their group without explaining himself, much like the mane human 6 broke apart over some measly texts.

Sunset: "Congratulations ESTEEMED Pillars of Equestria, you have the same tenacity and problem-solving skills as a bunch of high school girls. I'm curious, did you even let him explain himself? Or did you just kick him out then and there?" She said with Will beside her.

Star swirls: "the later" he said as he and the pillars are blushing at the mistake they made however Stygian just sighs.

Stygian: "truth be told I should had told them what I'm planning" he said which Will smile seeing that even old timers can see their mistakes.

Sunset continues to tease them by making comparisons between their situation and the situation that broke the main human 6 apart. Forgetting that human Rarity is sewing her clothes currently in the room.

Rarity: "What!?" She said which Sunset sigh forgot about her however after a few minutes Rarity took it very well which she explained that after seeing everything she completely understood.

Sunset: "Anyway, seeing how much things have changed over the years and thanks to the merge. I like to hire you all to work for me at one of the theme parks or casinos" she said surprising the pillars.

Rock Hoof: "Wait, you want us to be entertainers?" He said.

Sunset: "Having legends of the past here can help bring in people and money" she said which confused the pillars.

Mistmane: "What about the treasures?" She said which Will sigh.

Will: "Equestria is literally in millions of debt plus Sunset making deals and getting loans to modernize Equestria and fix many issues that Celestia refused to deal with. Even with the sale of the artifacts, she still has a lot to pay off" he said which the Pillars understand.

Sunset: "But you all can do as you like but know I have some jobs for you" she said and was about to leave when Celestia and Luna entered the room as they heard their old mentor and the pillars return.

However Celestia and Luna noticed that Sunset has become an alicorn human hybrid.

Celestia: "Sunset?" She said with a worried tone.

Sunset: "I finally became an alicorn thanks to the crown of magic. Plus I can now use magic again" she said.

Celestia: "Sunset it's corrupted. You're full of rage" she said.

Will: "Not really otherwise she would become a demon like Succubus but thanks to her adopted family and Lucy they managed to make her feel happy. Besides you cause this Celestia like how your sister turned into Nightmare Moon all because of her jealousy of you" he said.

Celestia: "But she will mistreat ponies" she said.

Sunset: "As if I wasn't already doing that already. The ponies that you only care about and not any of the other races, are a bunch of sissies who can't handle not being in control of things and that I don't just give them what they want or me not treating them better than everyone else. They already see me as a tyrant because I don't baby them like you did and look down on them, belittle them any chance I get. So what will be different" she said.

Luna: "They got a point" she said.

Celestia: "But this power will led you to a dark path" she said.

Sunset: "By our old world's standards you mean" she said then flies off.

Will: "Now then if you excuse me I just go see Stan" he said.

Meanwhile at the mystery Shack.

Currently everyone is relaxing after Unity pays them for the loot they got from the other universe plus they did a lot except for Mabel who is buying three jars of glitter while Soos returns to his home.

Dipper: "With this money we can retire if we plan ahead" he said which Wendy and Twilight agree.

Twilight: "Although Mabel will spend it all" she said which Dipper sighed.

Dipper: "Sooner than later she's gonna regret it" he said.

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