Ch 2: Tourist Trap

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Dipper POV:

I was busy stacking the shelves with bunch of stuff like candy from the Candy kingdom. Both myself and Mabel are working at the shack for the summer where a bunch of attractions, both fake and real.

For example a Dollar Bill vending machine which is an autmoaton that have a upper body of a man dressed in a old-timey way which can still talk and greet customers.

There even a kinetoscope that shows a Battleship Bay of Columbia before the floating city came crashing down after the merge.

Anyway Mabel is taking care of the live attractions which people are paid to feed: One is a piranha plant, the Scampfire; a spider-like thing that is a living campfire that people buy overprice marshmallows to feed, 5 vampire fruit bats in a large walk-in bird cage, a Jackalope in its own pen and the shacks new guard dog; a orthros named Frank who is a two headed dog from Equestria. There even a striker which Stan used for bio-fuel called Blaze.

Besides the two of us there are also two other employees: Soos the handyman of the shack who can fix just about anything and Wendy who works behind the counter. Also a Mr Handy called Rusty but it was repaired and almost fixed yet it still dangerous.

Anyway Stan did show the both of us around town which I admit is awesome as a lot of places have merge. Sadly there are construction being done so we didn't get to see everything.

However places like Brighton, Peach Creak and Camp Lake bottom are fun places except for the Maw as it terrifying for anyone that ain't ghosts or non humans.

Still it was fun exploring the town despite the fact Devour can attack us but it peaceful so I doubt he would attack this town.

Stan: "Dipper! I need you to go into the forest and put up some signs!" He said giving me a hammer, some nails, and the signs.

Dipper: "Sure but are you sure it safe? After all you heard how the mayor warn everyone about Devour?" I said which Stan frown.

Stan: "... Bring Frank. However remember that if you see creatures to remind them to bring currency if they are interested in anything the shack can provide" he said which I nod then leave.

Once both myself and Frank are in the woods I begin placing the signs up but as I did I notice a girl with a raincoat walking the forest.

Dipper: "Must be the girl that Soos and Wendy told me about" I said shrugging as I won't bother her.

However I came across a pine tree that's covered in moss and mushrooms. The tree drew me in as if I needed to go to it. I didn't know how I knew, I just felt around the truck till i found the hidden compartment that's been curved into the truck. Opening the metal door, I found a machine of some kind inside and I just flip the switch on top of it. Opening another hidden compartment this time on the ground nearby. Looking down into the hole, I saw an old book with golden handprint on the cover, which had six fingers on it. I reached in and pulled the book out, blowing the dust away and began flipping through the book but felt like I was rereading something I had read before.

3rd Pov:

Canterlot Castle:

Currently Sunset is walking the hallway and begin to think why would Faust and others would imprisoned Devour if he only want change and evolution.

Even asking Clockwork didn't do sh_t as he barely remember Devour but all he can recall is that Devour used to be a dimension traveler. Which explains why it took a lot of people to imprisoned him.

Celestia: "Sunset" the pony alicorn spoke causing Sunset to stop then glare at her adopted mother with coldness in her eyes.

Sunset: "What do you want" she said coldly which Celestia flinch.

Celestia: "it about the changes you done" she said only to pale when Will Ekta walk up.

Will Ekta: "She did it because those guards are fools and barely have any training. The only reason Shinning Armor is still captain is because he see reason. So get through your skull that those that got fired won't be guards unless they retrain" he said which Sunset smile.

Sunset: "Like Will say I won't hired them unless they retrain plus the wonderbolt isn't skill into being air military. Air shows sure but they were a joke as air military" she said.

Celestia: "What about Tartarus?" She said only for Will Ekta to glare causing her to flinch.

Will Ekta: "it was a joke as all the villains there escape during the merge but thankfully the SCP is turning it into a proper prison. However just be glad that we place the old guard into a proper environment it can enjoy not when it was force to act as a guard" he said.

Sunset: "Besides you leave so many mistakes that Equestria is barely standing thankfully I made some deals so that it still a independent kingdom with Will providing the resources for the kingdom" she said.

Celestia: "despite my failure the ponies fear you" she said only for Will Ekta to tsk.

Will: "Fear is what everyone have and they must overcome that fear otherwise they will be left behind. Besides these ponies are scared of anything that involves change. Which I admit might be the reason why your grandma done what she did" he said causing Celestia to pale.

Sunset: "yeah so if you don't mind we're leaving" she said then the two leave to welcome the new guests like Korra, Melody, and Kratos.

At Camp Lake Bottom.

This camp change ever since Unity help and it more popular than it counter Sunny Smiles which became broke once it reveal that it doesn't have the funding anymore.

And because of Unity the camp got bigger and is able to afford more helpers:
David and Gwen from Campbell.
Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce from Camp Everfree.
Mr. Slinkman from Camp Kidney.
Huntress Wizard.
Nefertina, Ja-kal, Armon, and Rath.
Maxine Caulfield.

Anyway it wasn't long until the campers arrive but out of nowhere Mabel and Dipper arrived confusing everyone until a giant gnome, which is a bunch of gnomes, appear.

Thus a battle begin with the staff protecting many campers while some campers like Jake fight the giant.

But despite the teamwork the giant gnome prove to be a difficult foe for everyone but then a pillar of water caught everyone attention.

It reveal that Korra arrived and successfully beat the gnome then Will and the staff of Unity appear then begin to gather all the gnomes.

Star: "Seems like the bad guy is beaten" she said happy.

Mabel: "that not the bad guy" she said catching everyone attention.

Jake: "What?" He ask confused.

Jeff: "It true! We were only following orders!" He said confusing everyone until a scream caught everyone attention which they look only to gasp as Korra is screaming in pain and it reveal that Devour is absorbing a white spirit from her.

Will: "Devour!" He said then Kratos was about to attack when a massive robot bird and a alien ship appear.

Dib: "Zim!" He said completely godsmack at the fact his enemy return.

Devour: "Excellent timing Songbird and Zim. Oh and don't worry Korra this will end soon" he said then rip out a familiar spirit Ravva who scream as darkness came out of her body.

Korra: "why would you need vaatu?" She ask glaring at Devour who let go of Raava.

Devour: "Can't spoil the fun. Now Zim!" He said then Zim blast the camp causing fire to spread which everyone try to stop and was successful but the villains got away.

Suddenly Dani, Danny, and XJ6 arrived only to be godsmack at what happened.

Will: "Although we lost we did gain some knowledge on Devour" he said which everyone nod but then he glare at Jeff who gulp.

A few hours later, at Tartarus.

It wasn't long until Jeff arrived in handcuffs and enter a cell to serve his time however he ain't alone as several others are in similar cells.


Dee dee, ex sister of Dexter, nearly blow up a fusion generator if it wasn't for the fact Lucifer appear and successfully beat her up.

Patrick star, banish from the sea, because he is dumb and nearly destroyed Atlantis if it wasn't for the fact King Triton banishing him right before anymore damage could be done.

Tucker Foley, ex friend of Danny, nearly bankrupt a whole city with useless junk that no one needed.

Dog, ex brother of Cat, cause property damage and became broke once he no longer connect to Cat.

Jordan, once owner of Sunny Smiles, went bankrupt and attempt to destroy camp lake bottom.

Ron Weasley, trying to force himself onto Hermione because he thought it could restore magic with a virgin ritual.

Ozpin, for manipulate children into a war.

Issei, for trying to enforce himself onto other ladies.

And so many more.

However currently Will Ekta and Danny phantom is talking to Dr Amelia Buck about Devour.

Amelia: "So far from what we understand Devour powers isn't magic but pure energy which explains how he is powerful to split Korra and Raava" she said.

Danny: "Plus the fact Clockwork is unavailable to see Devour throughout time is because he is immune to time itself" he said.

Will: "this prove that Devour is a serious threat" he said which Amelia agree.

Amelia: "So what should we do? After all your the only hero possibly capable of beating him" she said which Will sigh.

Will: "For now anyone encountering Devour will retreat and called for backups as clearly he won't be working alone" he said which the two agree.

Meanwhile At Devour island.

Currently Devour is smiling as he look at a tube which contains Vaatu.

Standing beside him is Dr. Von Reichter who is smiling sinisterly.

Devour: "Any progress on your farm at gravity falls?" He said which Von nod.

Von: "It going smoothly and thanks to Salem, AFO, Rizevim and Orochimaru everything is going to plan. However I'm still concerned about the others like Killbane who is only interested in money" he said which Devour just laugh.

Devour: "Just be glad we're rich otherwise he will turn on us. Now what about that wizard Grindelwald?" He said which Von rolled his eye and show him a chart.

Von: "He's powerless but just as you thought there are some magic in him yet it barely enough for what you got in store" he said which Devour just chuckle.

Devour: "He's useful for now but thankfully I managed to recruit some of those wizards from Azkaban" he said smiling sinisterly.

Von: "True and the fact you recruit others is impressive especially since you got some villains from Equestria" he said which Devour tsk.

Devour: "They are barely powerful but just enough to send as pawns" he said which Von shrugged.

Von: "Agree. So what now?" He ask which Devour just smirk behind his mask.

Devour: "Now it time to get some hunger" he said holding a photo of Six.

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