Ch 3: Gobblewonker

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Apple family farm Sweet Apple Acres is suffering due to the lost of earth pony magic and the family isn't changing.

Applejack (pony): "I don't care what you say! This is our family tradition!" She said glaring at her human counterpart.

Applejack (human): "Well look at your farm state! It ain't doing so well!" She said.

Before the two could argue more Discord appear with Will Ekta causing the pony version to flinch as she remembers how this human smack pony version Celestia.

Will: "Good we arrive now Discord if you don't mind" he said which Discord smile and reveal a document which he give to the pony.

A few minutes later.

Applejack (pony): "The buck! This farm is about to go bankrupt! But we pay for the last rent!" She said completely godsmack.

Will: "Barely pay and with the rate this farm is running I'm afraid you can't afford the next rent thus why I convinced Sunset to let me choose who would run the farm since clearly your old traditions is causing your land to suffer" he said causing Applejack to make a fish mouth motion.

Walking up to the group is the pony version Apple Bloom who is holding a bag.

Apple Bloom (pony): "Oh! Headmaster Will! Here the seeds you requested for" she said confusing the pony version Applejack as Apple Bloom give the bag to Will who open it.

Will: "Meet your successor who will be in charge of the farm as she see reason and logic unlike you" he said shocking the pony version Applejack while the human version just whistle.

Applejack (Human): "Impressive and I think it for the best as you are stubborn and hardheaded" she said shocking her pony counterpart.

Will: "Agree and besides the rest of your family is changing too so this is the best option" he said.

Discord: "Course you could come to my show to get some cash too" he said which the pony Applejack frown.

Applejack isn't the only pony who is suffering as the rest of the ponies are also suffering except for a few that change.

Rainbow Dash is currently leading the Shadowbolts, a new air military that was created by Sunset and Will.

Fluttershy is currently helping around the Everfree zoo with her human counterpart.

Cheerilee is currently helping the new generations of younglings once Will started to reform ponyville old school.

Rarity is currently training with her hooves to achieve her dream but it was a difficult process.

Pinkie Pie is currently working to pay off the debt to the crown due to the fact her tactics of partying is shatter.

Trixie is having a great time for performing in front of massive crowds with her stage magic which is a big hit.

Although the ponies is suffering they at least have homes. Course there are cameras in case another revolt happened which reveal to be the old guards and wonderbolts who didn't like the changes.

However despite the suffering and jobless ponies everything is peaceful in Equestria.

At Camp Lake Bottom.

Currently everything is peaceful in the camp but the staff have to put up cameras in case Devour attack.

However the campers is currently enjoying the camp since it exciting for them.

Dib: "Hey Lincoln! You better check this out!" He said which Lincoln did and look at Dib ipad which show Unity helping some yokai from Japan.

Lincoln: "At least it ain't wizards who attempt to murder muggles and non human babies to restore magic" he said.

Clyde: "Yeah but I'm glad some wizards is willing to change like Harry Potter who is now helping at Unity especially since he was about to be force into a tournament" he said.

Jake: "hey did you heard what happened to the yokai human Erma?" He ask which the boys shiver remembering how the news reveal a horror to a whole village of yokai.

Dib: "I'm glad she and the others are recovering especially since she was unaware of what happening" he said.

Entering the cabin is Nate, one of the teenage hired employee.

Nate: "Alright everyone it time to head to the lake" he said which the boys nod and head out.

At some Bio farm.

Deep under the Bio farm is Von himself who is currently searching for six with a red cat and his small army of spiders.

However at the moment he is creating a new creature from the remains of deathclaw, a dead massive lizard with a skull face, and some blood from Devour who blood is so powerful it can evolve anything.

Von: "No wonder Devour donate his blood. His blood can change the whole human and non human existence" he said.

???: "Just be glad that you ain't being force by a god" a female voice spoke causing Von to frown and look behind.

Standing behind him is the alicorn Opaline who is using her fire to help with his experiment.

Von: "You are only useful because Devour deem you worthy. Beside you lost most of your magic too" he said which Opaline growl.

At Lake Gravity Falls.

Everyone is enjoying the lake except for Six who is killing spiders with her powers when suddenly Lincoln and Ronnie arrive but before they could help all three were knock out by a sleeping dart.

Katz: "That was easy" he said and order his spiders to dragged the kids to his lair.

Nearby is Dipper, Mabel and Soos who are investigating a new creature that the old man spoke of.

However they encounter a beaver dam house where beaver brothers Daggett and Norbert lives who explain that there no new creature thus the three leave.

The brothers then enter the house which look like a normal house and sitting on a chair watching TV is Twilight herself.

It was thanks to her budget that the brothers is living a normal life plus their musk is able to create perfumes which companies buy from them.

Daggett: "hey where Stump?" He ask.

Twilight: "Say he was busy so he won't be back until tonight" she said.

Suddenly the house shake which they run outside to see a boat being chased by a Gobblewonker.

Inside Katz lair.

Currently the red cat is talking to his employer about Six.

Katz: "Alright but remember the deal we have" he said ending the call then turn around to look at the caged kids.

Before he could grab Six the wall behind him explode causing him to turn around and see Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and the Gobblewonker which turns out to be a robot made by McGucket.

Immediately following them is Steven Magnet including the officers Bulbs and Durland.

Thus a battle happened with Steven using fire while the officers use their gun to kill the spiders.

Katz: "This is not going well" he said only to be tased by Soos who is holding a taser.

Seeing their master defeated the spiders run away but in the process they free the kids.

But before six could escape Devour appear and absorb most of her powers.

Devour: "Just be glad I'm taking most of your power" he said then stop once he have enough.

Blub: "Freeze!" He said only to get knock away by a powerful blast of wind.

Devour: "What a joke" he said then grab Katz and the two vanish.

Ghost zone.

At Clockwork fortress is the ghost of time himself who frown at the fact Devour took away some of Six powers.

Time Baby: "You do know that Devour is a threat to everything" he said which Clockwork nod.

Clockwork: "Yes and I was responsible for his imprisonment alongside others" he said.

Time Baby: "Either way you must help in this time" he said then leave.

Clockwork: "I know" he said sadly.

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